public IEnumerable <UPC> Lista_tallas_upc(int?idEstilo) { Conexion con = new Conexion(); List <UPC> Lista = new List <UPC>(); try { SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(); SqlDataReader leer = null; //string listaStag=""; com.Connection = con.AbrirConexion(); com.CommandText = "select S.TALLA, UPC from UPC U " + "INNER JOIN CAT_ITEM_SIZE S ON U.IdTalla=S.ID " + "where IdEstilo='" + idEstilo + "' ORDER by cast(ORDEN AS int) ASC "; leer = com.ExecuteReader(); while (leer.Read()) { UPC catTalla = new UPC() { Talla = leer["TALLA"].ToString(), UPC1 = Convert.ToInt64(leer["UPC"]) }; Lista.Add(catTalla); } leer.Close(); } finally { con.CerrarConexion(); con.Dispose(); } return(Lista); }
public void TableExecutor() { UPC upc = new UPC(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); DataTable uploadUpc = CreateTable(); int bulkSize = 0; try { using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file)) { ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; int rowCount = worksheet.Dimension.Rows; int ColCount = worksheet.Dimension.Columns; for (int row = 1; row <= rowCount; row++) { if (row != 1) { upc.ItemID = Convert.ToInt32(worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value?.ToString()); upc.Upc = Convert.ToInt64(worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value?.ToString()); if (upc.Upc == 0) { upc.Upc = -1; } DataRow insideRow = uploadUpc.NewRow(); insideRow["Item"] = upc.ItemID; insideRow["Upc"] = upc.Upc; uploadUpc.Rows.Add(insideRow); uploadUpc.AcceptChanges(); bulkSize++; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw (ex); } upload(uploadUpc, bulkSize, "dbo.UPC"); }
public double Sumuj(Zamowienie zamowienie) { IKosztyWysylki kurier = null; switch (zamowienie.RodzajTransportu) { case Przewoznik.DHL: kurier = new DHL(); break; case Przewoznik.GLS: kurier = new GLS(); break; case Przewoznik.UPC: kurier = new UPC(); break; } return(kurier.obliczKosztPrzesylki(zamowienie)); }
public JsonResult Obtener_Lista_Tallas_UPC(List <string> ListTalla, int IdEstilo, int IdSummary) { UPC upcTalla = new UPC(); List <string> tallas = ListTalla[0].Split('*').ToList(); List <string> upc = ListTalla[1].Split('*').ToList(); int i = 0; foreach (var item in tallas) { i++; } i -= 1; for (int v = 0; v < i; v++) { upcTalla.Talla = tallas[v]; string cantidadT = upc[v]; if (cantidadT == "") { cantidadT = "0"; } long number = long.Parse(cantidadT); upcTalla.UPC1 = number; upcTalla.IdEstilo = IdEstilo; upcTalla.IdSummary = IdSummary; objTalla.RegistroTallasUPC(upcTalla); } return(Json("0", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void saveExcel() { FileInfo file = new FileInfo(path); try { using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file)) { ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1]; // delete everything from the spreadsheet worksheet.DeleteRow(2, worksheet.Dimension.Rows); string itemID; string title = ""; int row = 2; int execption = 0; setTitleDic(); try { foreach (var item in shopifyProfile .OrderBy(x => x.Value.handle) .OrderBy(x => x.Value.option1Value)) { if (shopifyUser.ContainsKey(item.Value.sku + "_" + profile.ProfileUser)) { execption++; itemID = item.Value.sku; Fragrancex fra = new Fragrancex(); fragrancex.TryGetValue(Convert.ToInt32(itemID), out fra); string description = string.Empty; double price = 0.0; if (fra != null) { description = fra.Description; price = fra.WholePriceUSD; } // Set Handle worksheet.Cells[row, 1].Value = item.Value.handle; // Logic for the title title = BuildTitle(dicTitle, item.Value.handle, item.Value.collection); worksheet.Cells[row, 2].Value = title; //Logic for the HTML Body worksheet.Cells[row, 3].Value = BuildHTML(title, row, profile.html, item.Value.image , description); // Set Vendor worksheet.Cells[row, 4].Value = item.Value.vendor; // Set Type worksheet.Cells[row, 5].Value = item.Value.type; // Set Publish worksheet.Cells[row, 6].Value = "TRUE"; // Option1 Name worksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value = "Size"; // Option1 Value worksheet.Cells[row, 8].Value = item.Value.option1Value; // Set SKU worksheet.Cells[row, 13].Value = item.Value.sku; // Set Variant worksheet.Cells[row, 14].Value = 400; // Set Variant Inventory Tracker worksheet.Cells[row, 15].Value = "shopify"; // Set Variant Inventory Policy worksheet.Cells[row, 17].Value = "deny"; // Set Variant Fulfillment Service worksheet.Cells[row, 18].Value = "manual"; // Set Variant Compare At Price //if (item.Value.comparePrice != 0) //{ // worksheet.Cells[row, 20].Value = item.Value.comparePrice; //} // Set Variant Requires Shipping worksheet.Cells[row, 21].Value = "TRUE"; // Set Variant Taxable worksheet.Cells[row, 22].Value = "FALSE"; // UPC creator UPC upcs = new UPC(); upc.TryGetValue(Convert.ToInt32(itemID), out upcs); if (upcs != null) { worksheet.Cells[row, 23].Value = upcs.Upc; } // Set Image worksheet.Cells[row, 24].Value = fixPictureHTML(item.Value.image); // Set Tags worksheet.Cells[row, 26].Value = item.Value.tags; // Set Collection worksheet.Cells[row, 27].Value = item.Value.collection; // Prices if (price != 0.0) { // Set Price worksheet.Cells[row, 19].Value = getSellingPrice(price); // Set Variant Inventory Qty worksheet.Cells[row, 16].Value = profile.items; } else { // Set Price worksheet.Cells[row, 19].Value = 100.0; // Set Variant Inventory Qty worksheet.Cells[row, 16].Value = 0; } worksheet.Cells[row, 28].Value = price; row++; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } package.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { lBuscarMejorOpcion buscarMejorOpcion = new BuscarMejorOpcion(); lAsignarDatosEnvio lasignarDatosEnvio = new AsignarDatosEnvio(); Context context = new Context(); lConvertirTipoDato convertirTipoDato = new CovertirTipoDatoService(); double dTiempoTraslado = 0; decimal TiempoTraslado = 0; decimal dCostoEnvio = 0; string cExpresion1 = ""; string cExpresion2 = ""; string cExpresion3 = ""; string cExpresion4 = ""; string cExpresion5 = ""; DateTime dtFechaEntrega = new DateTime(); DateTime dtHoy = DateTime.Now; lLeerArchivoTexto Lector = new LeerArchivoTexto(); lEmpresas empresa = null; lEnvios transporte = null; lEnvios aereo = new Avion() { dVelocidadEntrega = 600, dCostoEnvio = 10, cNombre = "Avion" }; lEnvios tren = new Tren() { dVelocidadEntrega = 80, dCostoEnvio = 5, cNombre = "Tren" }; lEnvios barco = new Barco() { dVelocidadEntrega = 46, dCostoEnvio = 1, cNombre = "Barco" }; lEnvios bici = new Bici() { dVelocidadEntrega = 1, dCostoEnvio = 3, cNombre = "Bici" }; lEmpresas fedex = new Estafeta(new List <lEnvios>() { barco }, 50, "Fedex"); lEmpresas dhl = new DHL(new List <lEnvios>() { aereo, barco }, 40, "DHL"); lEmpresas estafeta = new Estafeta(new List <lEnvios>() { tren }, 20, "Estafeta"); lEmpresas upc = new UPC(new List <lEnvios>() { bici }, 50, "UPC"); List <lEmpresas> lstEmpresas = new List <lEmpresas>() { fedex, dhl, estafeta, upc }; List <lEnvios> lstTransportes = new List <lEnvios>() { aereo, tren, barco, bici }; List <string> lines = Lector.LeerArchivo("Pedidos.txt"); foreach (string line in lines) { string[] cInformacion = line.Split(','); lasignarDatosEnvio.AsignarEmpresa(cInformacion[3], ref empresa, lstEmpresas); lasignarDatosEnvio.AsignarTransporte(cInformacion[4], ref transporte, lstTransportes); if (empresa != null) { Pedido initialState = new DesactivarState(); State.State entPedido = new State.State(initialState, cInformacion[0], cInformacion[1], convertirTipoDato.ConvertirStringADecimal(cInformacion[2]), empresa, transporte, Convert.ToDateTime(cInformacion[5])); initialState.setContext(entPedido); TiempoTraslado = empresa.TiempoTraslado(entPedido); if (TiempoTraslado > 0) { dTiempoTraslado = convertirTipoDato.ConvertirDecimalADouble(TiempoTraslado); dtFechaEntrega = empresa.FechaEntrega(dTiempoTraslado, entPedido); dCostoEnvio = empresa.CostoEnvio(entPedido); Console.WriteLine(buscarMejorOpcion.ObtenerMejorOpcion(lstEmpresas, empresa, entPedido, dCostoEnvio)); Expresion1 expresion1 = new Expresion1(); context.setStrategy(expresion1); cExpresion1 = context.ValidarFechaEntrega(dtFechaEntrega, dtHoy, entPedido); Expresion2 expresion2 = new Expresion2(); context.setStrategy(expresion2); cExpresion2 = context.ValidarFechaEntrega(dtFechaEntrega, dtHoy, entPedido); Expresion3 expresion3 = new Expresion3(); context.setStrategy(expresion3); cExpresion3 = context.ValidarFechaEntrega(dtFechaEntrega, dtHoy, entPedido); Expresion4 expresion4 = new Expresion4(); context.setStrategy(expresion4); cExpresion4 = context.ValidarFechaEntrega(dtFechaEntrega, dtHoy, entPedido); Expresion5 expresion5 = new Expresion5(); context.setStrategy(expresion5); cExpresion5 = context.ValidarFechaEntrega(dtFechaEntrega, dtHoy, entPedido); if (entPedido.state.ToString() == "State.ActivarState") { System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } else { System.Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; } Console.WriteLine($"Tu paquete {cExpresion1} de {entPedido.cOrigen} y {cExpresion2} a {entPedido.cDestino} {cExpresion3} {cExpresion5} y {cExpresion4} un costo de {dCostoEnvio} (Cualquier reclamación con {cInformacion[3]})."); } } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadLine(); }