public bool OnReceiveSeasonPassStepAck(ERandomwarsSeasonErrorCode errorCode, int rewardId, ItemBaseInfo useItemInfo, ItemBaseInfo rewardInfo, QuestData[] arrayQuestData) { UI_Main.Get().obj_IndicatorPopup.SetActive(false); UI_Popup.AllClose(); if (errorCode == ERandomwarsSeasonErrorCode.Success) { switch (useItemInfo.ItemId) { case 1: UserInfoManager.Get().GetUserInfo().gold += useItemInfo.Value; break; case 2: UserInfoManager.Get().GetUserInfo().diamond += useItemInfo.Value; break; } UserInfoManager.Get().GetUserInfo().seasonPassRewardStep = rewardId; UserInfoManager.Get().GetUserInfo().seasonTrophy += rewardInfo.Value; UI_Main.Get().RefreshUserInfoUI(); UI_Popup_Quest.QuestUpdate(arrayQuestData); SendMessageUpwards("RefreshSeasonInfo", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); transform.parent.BroadcastMessage("SetButton"); } else { UI_ErrorMessage.Get().ShowMessage("재화가 부족합니다."); } return(true); }
void Start() { // there can be only one (0_0) CurrentInstance = this; originalTextColor = ToWriteTo.color; cleanUp(); }
public void CloseUI() { UI_Popup LastPopUp = Managers.UI.PeekUI(); if (LastPopUp != null) { string temp = LastPopUp.PopUpName(); if (LastPopUp.ClosePopupUI()) { if (temp == "Inven") { _Inven = null; } else if (temp == "Equip") { _Equip = null; } else if (temp == "SkillTree") { _SkillTree = null; } } } }
/// <summary> Prepares dictionary of child popups </summary> void InitChildPopups() { UI_Popup[] childPopups = GetComponentsInChildren <UI_Popup>(true); for (int i = 0; i < childPopups.Length; ++i) { UI_Popup popup = childPopups[i]; popup.parentManager = this; popups.Add(popup.popupType, popup); popup.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public void ClosePopupUI() { if (_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } UI_Popup popup = _popupStack.Pop(); Managers.Resource.Destroy(popup.gameObject); popup = null; }
/// <summary> Populates the next popup and starts it animating in </summary> void ShowNextPopup() { currentPopupInfo = queuedPopups.Dequeue(); currentPopup = popups[currentPopupInfo._popupType]; currentPopup.StartShowing(currentPopupInfo); gameObject.SetActive(true); // Set state animSpeed = currentPopup.ShowAnimSpeed; animProgress = 0f; state = States.PoppingUp; }
//특정한 팝업을 닫는 매서드 public void ClosePopupUI(UI_Popup popup) { if (_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } if (_popupStack.Peek() != popup) //원하는 팝업이 아닌 녀석이 닫히게 되는 경우를 방지 { Debug.Log("Close Popup Failed"); return; } ClosePopupUI(); }
/// <summary> Called once per frame </summary> void Update() { switch (state) { case States.Idle: gameObject.SetActive(false); break; case States.PoppingUp: animProgress += animSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (animProgress > 1f) { animProgress = 1f; state = States.PopupShown; } currentPopup.UpdateShowAnim(animProgress); break; case States.PopupShown: break; case States.Dismissing: animProgress += animSpeed * Time.deltaTime; if (animProgress < 1f) { currentPopup.UpdateHideAnim(animProgress); } else { if (dismissCallback != null) { dismissCallback(); } currentPopup.gameObject.SetActive(false); currentPopup = null; if (queuedPopups.Count > 0) { ShowNextPopup(); } else { state = States.Idle; } } break; default: throw new UnityException("Unhandled state " + state); } }
public void ClosePopupUI() { if (m_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } UI_Popup popup = m_popupStack.Pop(); Debug.Log(; GameObject.Destroy(popup.gameObject); popup = null; m_order--; }
public void DisactivatePopupUI() { if (m_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } UI_Popup popup = m_popupStack.Pop(); Debug.Log(; popup.gameObject.SetActive(false); popup = null; m_order--; }
public void ClosePopupUI(UI_Popup popup) { if (_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } if (_popupStack.Peek() != popup) { Debug.Log("Close Popup Failed!"); return; } ClosePopupUI(); }
public void ClosePopupUI() { //팝업이 하나도 노출되어 있지 않으면 실행 if (_popupStack.Count == 0) { return; } UI_Popup popup = _popupStack.Pop(); Managers.Resource.Destory(popup.gameObject); popup = null; }
//팝업이 다른 방법으로 닫혔을때. public bool ClosePopupUI(UI_Popup popup) { if (_popupStack.Count == 0) { return(false); } //가장 위에있는게 닫아주고 싶은 팝업이 아니라면. if (_popupStack.Peek() != popup) { Debug.Log("Close Popup Fail!"); return(false); } ClosePopupUI(); return(true); }
public void OnClick() { GameObject go = UI_Tools.Instance.ShowUI(eUIType.PF_UI_POPUP); UI_Popup popup = go.GetComponent <UI_Popup>(); popup.Set( () => { Debug.Log(INFO.NAME + " 입장"); GameManager.Instance.SelectStage = int.Parse(INFO.KEY); // 여기에 맵 지웠다 다시 만드는 함수 실행. GameManager.Instance.ResetMap(); UI_Tools.Instance.HideUI(eUIType.PF_UI_POPUP); UI_Tools.Instance.HideUI(eUIType.PF_UI_STAGE); }, () => { UI_Tools.Instance.HideUI(eUIType.PF_UI_POPUP); }, "단계 선택", INFO.NAME + "에 입장 하시겠습니까?"); }
public void ClosePopUp() { if (m_StackUI.Count == 0) { return; } UI_Popup popUp = m_StackUI.Pop(); ResourceManager.Instance.DestroyObject(popUp.gameObject); if (m_StackUI.Count == 0) { m_currentLayerOrder = 0; } else { UI_Popup peekUI = m_StackUI.Peek(); Canvas canvas = Common.GetOrAddComponent <Canvas>(peekUI.gameObject); m_currentLayerOrder = canvas.sortingOrder; } }
private void Start() { popup = UI_Popup.Instance; }
void Start() { // there can be only one (0_0) CurrentInstance = this; }