void OnGUI() { //credit to SilverTabby on answers.unity3d.com for this //method of scaling GUI things float rx = Screen.width / native_width; float ry = Screen.height / native_height; GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(rx, ry, 1)); for (int i = 0; i < UI_Elements.Length; i++) { UI_Element cur = UI_Elements[i]; GUISkin temp = GUI.skin; if (cur.skin != null) { GUI.skin = cur.skin; } if (cur.isJustText) { GUI.Label(new Rect(cur.left, cur.top, cur.width, cur.height), cur.name); } else if (cur.isNavigationButton) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(cur.left, cur.top, cur.width, cur.height), cur.name)) { if (cur.isNavigationButton) { Application.LoadLevel(cur.scene_name); } } } else { string val = player.getAttributeByName(cur.search_name); // TODO fix the above // string val = null; if (val != null) { cur.value = val; if (cur.isHUDImageDisplay) { GUI.Label(new Rect(cur.left, cur.top, cur.width, cur.height), cur.name + ":"); int parseHelper = 0; int.TryParse(cur.value, out parseHelper); for (int j = 0; j < parseHelper; j++) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(cur.imageWidth * j + cur.left + cur.width, cur.top, cur.imageWidth, cur.imageHeight), cur.image); } } else { val = cur.name + ": " + val; GUI.Label(new Rect(cur.left, cur.top, cur.width, cur.height), val); } } } GUI.skin = temp; } }
public void SetParentIfNotAlreadySet(UI_Element parent) { if (this.parent == null) { this.parent = parent; } }
public void RemoveLib(object sender) { UI_Element lib = sender as UI_Element; CompLibrary.AllUsedLibraries.RemoveAll(x => x.name == lib.parent.ID_Name); Reload_UI(); }
public void DeleteLib(object sender) { UI_Element lib = sender as UI_Element; CompLibrary.LibraryWindow_LoadedLibraries.RemoveAll(x => x.name == lib.parent.ID_Name); Reload_UI(); }
public void MoveToLayer(int index) { //Check if there is a layer selected. if (selectedLayer.layerName != "") { //Disable the current layer's element holder object. selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(false); selectedLayer.layerObject.SetActive(false); } //Loop through the layer array. for (int i = 0; i < layers.Length; i++) { //Check if the layer index is matching. if (layers[i].layerIndex == index) { //Update the selected layer and its corresponding elements. selectedLayer = layers[i]; selectedLayer.layerObject.SetActive(true); selectedElement = layers[i].firstElement; selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(true); break; } } //Reset the hold timer. executionInputHoldTimer = 0f; }
public Pos(int XY, ORIGIN dest_origin = default(ORIGIN), ORIGIN src_origin = default(ORIGIN), UI_Element parent = null) { X_abs = Y_abs = X = Y = XY; this.dest_origin = dest_origin; this.src_origin = src_origin; this.parent = parent; ego = null; }
public Pos(int X, int Y, ORIGIN dest_origin = default(ORIGIN), ORIGIN src_origin = default(ORIGIN), UI_Element parent = null) { this.X_abs = this.X = X; this.Y_abs = this.Y = Y; this.dest_origin = dest_origin; this.src_origin = src_origin; this.parent = parent; ego = null; }
private void Awake() { isActive = enabledObjects[0].activeInHierarchy; UI_Element[] childs = new UI_Element[transform.childCount]; for (int i = 0; i < childs.Length; i++) { childs[i] = transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent <UI_Element>(); } subElements = childs; }
public void ReceivePushNotification(RaycastHit hit, bool isHit) { if (isHit == true) { isLookingAt = true; //print("UI_Manager is looking at " + hit.transform.name); elementLookingAt = hit.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <UI_Element>(); } else { isLookingAt = false; } }
public static void SetActivePanel(UI_Element element) { foreach (var panel in Instance.Panels.Values) { if (panel) { panel.SetActive(false); } } if (Instance.Panels[element]) { Instance.Panels[element].SetActive(true); } }
private void Start() // Adds { UI_Element interact = new UI_Element(UI_element_names.Interact, interactElement); UI_Element putDown = new UI_Element(UI_element_names.PutDown, putDownElement); UI_Element lightFire = new UI_Element(UI_element_names.LightFire, lightFireElement); UI_Element pickUp = new UI_Element(UI_element_names.PickUp, pickUpElement); UI_Element place = new UI_Element(UI_element_names.Place, placeElement); elements.Add(interact); elements.Add(putDown); elements.Add(lightFire); elements.Add(pickUp); elements.Add(place); StartCoroutine(DelayDeactivate()); }
private void SetSelectedElement(bool upMovement) { AudioManager.Instance.PlayUISound(selectSound, selectVolume); //Check if there is a selected element that we can start from. if (selectedElement != null) { //Get the next UI element based on the given direction. UI_Element nextElement = upMovement ? selectedElement.elementAbove : selectedElement.elementBelow; //Check if there is a new element. if (nextElement != null) { //Disable the currently selected element's outline object, update the selected element and enable it's outline object in this exact order. selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(false); selectedElement = nextElement; selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(true); } //Reset the hold timer. executionInputHoldTimer = 0f; } //Selected element not specified. else { //Selected layer not specified. Returning to base layer. if (selectedLayer == null) { MoveToLayer(0); } //Update the selected element and it's outline object. selectedElement = selectedLayer.firstElement; selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(true); //Reset the hold timer. executionInputHoldTimer = 0f; } }
public void SetSelectedElement(UI_Element newElement) { //Disable the currently selected element's outline object. if (selectedElement != null) { if (selectedElement != newElement) { AudioManager.Instance.PlayUISound(selectSound, selectVolume); } selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(false); } else { AudioManager.Instance.PlayUISound(selectSound, selectVolume); } //Update the selected element and it's outline object. selectedElement = newElement; selectedElement.outlineObject.SetActive(true); //Reset the hold timer. executionInputHoldTimer = 0f; }
private void Awake() { _uiElement = GetComponent <UI_Element>(); _uiElement.turnOn += TurnOn; _uiElement.turnOff += TurnOff; }