/// <summary>
        /// Calculates the Y coordinates of the texts to be displayed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="textsToDisplay">The list of texts to be displayed.</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated Y coordinates.</returns>
        private List <int> CalculateTextCoordsY(List <UIString> textsToDisplay)
            if (textsToDisplay.Count == 0)
                return(new List <int>());

            int totalHeightOfTexts = textsToDisplay.Count - 1;

            foreach (UIString text in textsToDisplay)
                totalHeightOfTexts += text.Font.MinimumLineHeight;

            List <int> coordsY = new List <int> {
                this.middle.Y - totalHeightOfTexts / 2 + textsToDisplay[0].Font.CharTopMaximum

            for (int i = 1; i < textsToDisplay.Count; i++)
                int      previousCoordY = coordsY[i - 1];
                UIString previousText   = textsToDisplay[i - 1];
                UIString currentText    = textsToDisplay[i];
                coordsY.Add(previousCoordY + previousText.Font.CharBottomMaximum + currentText.Font.CharTopMaximum + 1);
Esempio n. 2
    private void FormatText(bool newText)
        if (uiFont != null)
            float wrapDimension = (internalSize.x / textScale);
            if (Mathf.Abs(wrapDimension - lastWrapDimension) > 1 || newText)
//				if(! newText){
//					Debug.Log(wrapDimension + " : " + lastWrapDimension);
//				}
                if (textLayout == UITextLayout.Dynamic)
                    formattedText = text;
                else if (textLayout == UITextLayout.StaticWrap || textLayout == UITextLayout.DynamicWrap)
                    formattedText = UIString.WrapString(text, uiFont, wrapDimension, (int)PixelScaleConstant * fontSize);

                    //				Debug.Log(formattedText[formattedText.Length-1]);
                lastWrapDimension = wrapDimension;
                textMesh.text     = formattedText;
Esempio n. 3
 public UIQuote(string sp, params string [] t)
     Speaker = sp;
     Quote   = new UIString[t.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < t.Length; i++)
         Quote[i] = new UIString(t[i]);
        /// <see cref="IUIRenderContext.RenderString"/>
        public void RenderString(UIString str, RCIntVector position, RCIntVector textboxSize, UIStringAlignment alignment)
            if (this.isClosed)
                throw new UIException("Render context unavailable!");

            throw new NotImplementedException(); // TODO: implement this method
    /// <summary>
    /// Function to get the string in the correct language
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="key">The type of string to get</param>
    /// <returns>The string in the correct current language set</returns>
    public static string GetString(UIString key)
        // Error Check
        if (!dictionary[(int)Language].ContainsKey(key) || dictionary[(int)Language][key] == "")
            return("NO STRING");

Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// A operational game object entity, that can move, jump and be pronounced dead or alive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="game">Current game instance.</param>
 public Entity(Game game) : base(game)
     //Initial values
     IsStatic         = false;
     Width            = 64;
     Height           = 64;
     IsInteractive    = true;
     SpriteTitle      = new UIString(game, game.Content.Load <SpriteFont>("UI/Fonts/DebugFont"));
     SpriteTitle.Text = string.Empty;
        /// <see cref="UIObject.Render_i"/>
        protected sealed override void Render_i(IUIRenderContext renderContext)
            List <UIString> textsToDisplay = this.GetDisplayedTexts();
            List <int>      textCoordsY    = this.CalculateTextCoordsY(textsToDisplay);

            for (int i = 0; i < textsToDisplay.Count; i++)
                UIString textToDisplay = textsToDisplay[i];
                renderContext.RenderString(textToDisplay, new RCIntVector(this.middle.X - textToDisplay.Width / 2, textCoordsY[i]));
Esempio n. 8
        /// <see cref="RCTextInformationDisplay.GetDisplayedTexts"/>
        protected override List <UIString> GetDisplayedTexts()
            /// Check if there is 1 object is selected.
            if (this.selectionDetailsView.SelectionCount != 1)
                return(new List <UIString>());
            int mapObjectID = this.selectionDetailsView.GetObjectID(0);


            /// Fill the list of displayed text with the armor informations of the selected object.
            Tuple <int, int> armorInfo = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetArmorInfo(mapObjectID);

            if (armorInfo != null)
                int originalArmor = armorInfo.Item1;
                int armorUpgrade  = armorInfo.Item2;

                string armorInfoStr = armorUpgrade != 0
                    ? string.Format("{0}+{1}", originalArmor, armorUpgrade)
                    : string.Format("{0}", originalArmor);
                this.armorText[0] = armorInfoStr;

            /// Fill the list of displayed text with the weapon informations of the selected object.
            List <Tuple <string, int, int> > weaponInfoList = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetWeaponInfo(mapObjectID);

            foreach (Tuple <string, int, int> weaponInfo in weaponInfoList)
                string weaponName     = weaponInfo.Item1;
                int    originalDamage = weaponInfo.Item2;
                int    damageUpgrade  = weaponInfo.Item3;

                string weaponInfoStr = damageUpgrade != 0
                    ? string.Format("{0}+{1}", originalDamage, damageUpgrade)
                    : string.Format("{0}", originalDamage);

                UIString weaponText = this.weaponTexts[weaponName];
                weaponText[0] = weaponInfoStr;

Esempio n. 9
        /// <see cref="UIObject.Render_i"/>
        protected override void Render_i(IUIRenderContext renderContext)
            if (this.ConnectionStatus != ConnectionStatusEnum.Online)

            renderContext.RenderString(this.mineralsText, MINERAL_TEXT_POS, MINERAL_VESPENE_TEXT_MAXWIDTH);
            renderContext.RenderString(this.vespeneGasText, VESPENE_TEXT_POS, MINERAL_VESPENE_TEXT_MAXWIDTH);

            UIString usedSupplyToRender = this.playerView.UsedSupply > this.playerView.TotalSupply ? this.criticalUsedSupplyText : this.normalUsedSupplyText;

            renderContext.RenderString(usedSupplyToRender, SUPPLY_TEXT_POS, SUPPLY_TEXT_MAXWIDTH);
                                       SUPPLY_TEXT_POS + new RCIntVector(usedSupplyToRender.Width + 1, 0),
                                       SUPPLY_TEXT_MAXWIDTH - usedSupplyToRender.Width - 1);
Esempio n. 10
        public void EntityTypeNameTextWidthTest()
            string entityTypeNamesPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(INPUT_DIR, ENTITY_TYPE_NAMES_FILE);

            string[] entityTypeNames      = File.ReadAllLines(entityTypeNamesPath);
            string[] entityTypeNameWidths = new string[entityTypeNames.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < entityTypeNames.Length; i++)
                UIString typeNameString = new UIString(entityTypeNames[i], UIResourceManager.GetResource <UIFont>("RC.App.Fonts.Font5"), new RCIntVector(1, 1), RCColor.White);

                //UISprite typeNameSprite = UIRoot.Instance.GraphicsPlatform.SpriteManager.CreateSprite(RCColor.Black, new RCIntVector(typeNameString.Width, typeNameString.Font.MinimumLineHeight));
                //IUIRenderContext typeNameSpriteContext = UIRoot.Instance.GraphicsPlatform.SpriteManager.CreateRenderContext(typeNameSprite);

                entityTypeNameWidths[i] = string.Format("{0} - Width: {1}, Height: {2}", entityTypeNames[i], typeNameString.Width, typeNameString.Font.MinimumLineHeight);
            string outputPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(OUTPUT_DIR, ENTITY_TYPE_NAME_WIDTHS_OUT_FILE);

            File.WriteAllLines(outputPath, entityTypeNameWidths);
 /// <summary>
 /// Function to add a key-string value to the dictionary
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The key to add this at</param>
 /// <param name="englishString">The English version of the string</param>
 /// <param name="japaneseString">The Japanese version of the string</param>
 private static void addToDictionary(UIString key, string englishString, string japaneseString = "")
     dictionary[(int)Language.English].Add(key, englishString);
     dictionary[(int)Language.日本語].Add(key, japaneseString);
Esempio n. 12
        /// <see cref="UIObject.Render_i"/>
        protected sealed override void Render_i(IUIRenderContext renderContext)

            /// Check if we are online and in single selection mode.
            if (this.ConnectionStatus != ConnectionStatusEnum.Online)
            if (this.selectionDetailsView.SelectionCount != 1)

            /// Retrieve the ID and the HP condition of the object.
            int mapObjectID = this.selectionDetailsView.GetObjectID(0);
            MapObjectConditionEnum hpCondition = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetHPCondition(mapObjectID);

            if (!this.hpIndicatorSprites.ContainsKey(hpCondition))

            /// Render the big icon of the selected object.
            SpriteRenderInfo hpSprite = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetBigHPIcon(mapObjectID);

                                       RCDetailsPanel.ICON_POS + hpSprite.DisplayCoords,

            /// Render the typename of the selected object.
            UIString    typeTextToRender  = this.objectTypeTexts[this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetObjectTypeID(mapObjectID)];
            RCIntVector typeNameStringPos = TYPENAME_STRING_MIDDLE_POS - new RCIntVector(typeTextToRender.Width / 2, 0);

            renderContext.RenderString(typeTextToRender, typeNameStringPos);

            /// Render the HP of the selected object.
            int currentHP = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetCurrentHP(mapObjectID);

            if (currentHP != -1)
                int      maxHP          = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetMaxHP(mapObjectID);
                UIString hpTextToRender = this.hpTexts[hpCondition];
                hpTextToRender[0] = currentHP;
                hpTextToRender[1] = maxHP;

                RCIntVector hpStringPos = HP_STRING_MIDDLE_POS - new RCIntVector(hpTextToRender.Width / 2, 0);
                renderContext.RenderString(hpTextToRender, hpStringPos);

            /// Render the energy of the selected object.
            int currentEnergy = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetCurrentEnergy(mapObjectID);

            if (currentEnergy != -1)
                int maxEnergy = this.mapObjectDetailsView.GetMaxEnergy(mapObjectID);
                this.energyText[0] = currentEnergy;
                this.energyText[1] = maxEnergy;

                RCIntVector energyStringPos = ENERGY_STRING_MIDDLE_POS - new RCIntVector(this.energyText.Width / 2, 0);
                renderContext.RenderString(this.energyText, energyStringPos);
Esempio n. 13
    public IEnumerator QuoteRoutine(UIQuote q)
        int   quote_num = 0;
        float rate      = 1.5F;
        float rate_inc  = 0.03F;

        GameManager.IgnoreInput = true;
        QuoteObjects.Img[0].DOColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.8F), 0.35F);
        QuoteObjects.Img[0].raycastTarget = true;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1F));

        UIObj qobj = Quote("", q.Speaker);

        while (quote_num < q.Quote.Length)
            while (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                yield return(null);

            rate = 1.0F;
            UIString target = q.Quote[quote_num];

            /*for (float i = 0; i < (target.Value.Length+1); i = i + rate)
             * {
             * if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
             * {
             *      break;
             * }
             * qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].text = target.Value.Substring(0, (int)i);
             * //qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].color = target.Colour;
             * qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].fontSize = target.Size;
             * rate += rate_inc;
             * yield return null;
             * }*/

            qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].text     = target.Value;
            qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].color    = Color.white;
            qobj["textbox"].Txt[0].fontSize = 60;
            while (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                yield return(null);
            while (!Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                yield return(null);

            yield return(null);

        QuoteObjects.Img[0].DOColor(new Color(1, 1, 1, 0), 0.35F);
        //QuoteMat.DOFloat(0, "_Size", 0.25F);
        QuoteObjects.Img[0].raycastTarget = false;
        GameManager.IgnoreInput           = false;

        yield return(null);
Esempio n. 14
 /// <see cref="UIRenderLoopBase.RenderString_i"/>
 protected override void RenderString_i(UIString str, RCIntVector position, RCIntVector textboxSize, UIStringAlignment alignment)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 15
 /// <see cref="UIRenderLoopBase.RenderString_i"/>
 protected override void RenderString_i(UIString str, RCIntVector position, int width)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Esempio n. 16
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(UIString != null ? UIString.GetHashCode() : 0);