public PlanEntry(IUnityContainer container, UIState state, long id) : this() { this.container = new PlanContainer(container, state, id); binding = new BindingSource(); binding.AddingNew += Binding_AddingNew; }
void Update() { if(Input.GetButtonDown("Start")) { // Start will open the menu if in game, or will close any other menu screen and return to game. switch((int)state) { case 0: // Game state = UIState.MENU; GameManager.inst.player.GetComponent<Player>().controlsEnabled = false; break; default: state = UIState.GAME; GameManager.inst.player.GetComponent<Player>().controlsEnabled = true; break; } UpdateUIState(); } goldText.text = "" +; healthText.text = GameManager.inst.stats.hpCur + "/" + GameManager.inst.stats.hpMax; // Will need to move these into a function call when required, rather than every update. imgWep1.sprite = GameManager.inst.activeItems.wepSlot1.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; if(GameManager.inst.activeItems.wepSlot2) imgWep2.sprite = GameManager.inst.activeItems.wepSlot2.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite; }
public GameUIManager() { int max = System.Enum.GetNames (typeof(MainUIState)).Length; m_UIStates = new UIState[max]; for (int i = 0; i <max; i++) { m_UIStates [i] = new UIState(); } Debug.Log("Count of m_uistates" + m_UIStates.Length); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { Shop.gameObject.SetActive(true); Closet.gameObject.SetActive(false); Bag.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_currentState = Shop; m_currentState.OnEnter(); m_nextState = m_currentState; }
void Awake() { if (s_instance == null) { s_instance = this; } else { Debug.LogError("Bad singleton with UIState"); } }
private void SetState(UIState state) { if (state == UIState.Menu) { m_PrevState = m_CurrentState; } m_CurrentState = state; if (m_CurrentState != UIState.Menu) { AllControls.Where(c => c.UIState != m_CurrentState).ToList().ForEach(c => c.Hide()); } switch (m_CurrentState) { case UIState.StartScreen: StartScreen.Show(); break; case UIState.Introduction: Introduction.Show(); break; case UIState.Tasks: Tasks.Show(MainManager.Instance.PersonInfo, MainManager.Instance.CurrentBuildingInfo.URL); break; case UIState.AR: AR.Show(); VuforiaBehaviour.Instance.enabled = true; break; case UIState.Test: Test.Show(MainManager.Instance.CurrentBuildingInfo); break; case UIState.RightAnswer: RightAnswer.Show(MainManager.Instance.PrevBuildingInfo.RightAnswerMessage, MainManager.Instance.CurrentBuildingInfo.URL); break; case UIState.WrongAnswer: WrongAnswer.Show(); break; case UIState.EndScreen: EndScreen.Show(MainManager.Instance.PersonInfo.EndMessage); break; case UIState.Menu: Menu.Show(MainManager.Instance.Helper); break; } }
private void ApplyState(UIState newState) { for (int i = 0; i < newState.disabled.Length; i++) { newState.disabled[i].SetActive(false); } for (int i = 0; i < newState.enabled.Length; i++) { newState.enabled[i].SetActive(true); } }
public void ConstructMap() { if (uiState == UIState.SubmitNewMap) { uiState = UIState.Default; } else { uiState = UIState.SubmitNewMap; } ChangeState(uiState); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void RevertState() { if (stateStack.Count > 0) { UIState state = stateStack.Peek(); UpdateUIState(state); } else { UpdateUIState(UIState.None); } }
public void DeleteData() { if (uiState == UIState.DeleteData) { uiState = UIState.Default; } else { uiState = UIState.DeleteData; } ChangeState(uiState); }
public void EndGame() { uiState = UIState.END; int currentScore = GetComponent <Score>().score; if (currentScore > highScore) { highScore = currentScore; } allowGameplayInputs = false; StartCoroutine(SlowMotion()); }
public override void ProcessState(UIState state) { bFinish = false; isIdle = false; level = (int)state.value0; SoundPlayer.GetInstance().PlaySoundType("level_up_" + mLocalPetInfoAgent.getCurrentPet()); levelUpBlur.SetActive(true); levelUpAni.AnimationState.ClearTracks(); levelUpAni.AnimationState.SetAnimation(1, "lv_enter", false); }
public void SwitchMode() { if (uiState == UIState.Workspace) { uiState = UIState.Visualize; } else { uiState = UIState.Workspace; } ChangeState(uiState); }
public void Options() { if (uiState == UIState.Options) { uiState = UIState.Default; } else { uiState = UIState.Options; } ChangeState(uiState); }
private IUIScreen GetScreenForState(UIState uiState) { for (int i = 0; i < this.UIScreens.Length; i++) { if (this.UIScreens[i].StateId == uiState) { return(this.UIScreens[i]); } } throw new System.NotImplementedException("UIScreen for state " + uiState.ToString() + "not found!"); }
public void ToggleSettingsPanel() { if (m_State == UIState.Settings) { m_State = UIState.Navigation; } else { m_State = UIState.Settings; } ChangeState(m_State); }
public void AlignMapsPrompt() { if (uiState == UIState.AlignMaps) { uiState = UIState.Default; } else { uiState = UIState.AlignMaps; } ChangeState(uiState); }
public void Options() { state = UIState.OptionMenu; if (mainMenu != null) { mainMenu.SetActive(false); } if (optionMenu != null) { optionMenu.SetActive(true); } }
//取消事件 private void barButtonItem5_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { LoadBillMainList(); LoadBPriceMain(); gridControlPopupMaterial.Visible = false; gridControlPopupMatSeq.Visible = false; gridColumnStockNum.OptionsColumn.AllowEdit = false; gridColumnStockNum.OptionsColumn.AllowFocus = false; gridColumnMaterialNewRetailPrice.Visible = false; this._UIState_BillPriceMain = UIState.Default; ShowUIState(); }
public override void Hide(UIState ui) { base.Hide(ui); /*UIElement elem; * if( !ReflectionHelpers.Get( ui, "_rootElement", out elem ) && elem == null ) { * LogHelpers.Alert( "_rootElement not found for " + ui.GetType().Name ); * } else { * elem.Left.Pixels -= UITagMenuButton.ButtonWidth; * elem.Recalculate(); * }*/ }
public void PauseGame() { isPaused = true; allowGameplayInputs = false; previousTimeScale = Time.timeScale; Time.timeScale = 0f; previousFixedDeltaTime = Time.fixedDeltaTime; Time.fixedDeltaTime = 0f; uiState = UIState.PAUSE; }
public override void Show(UIState ui) { base.Show(ui); Timers.SetTimer("ModHelpersUpdatesLoaderPause", 5, () => { Promises.AddValidatedPromise <ModInfoListPromiseArguments>(GetModInfo.ModInfoListPromiseValidator, (args) => { this.DisplayModListVersions(ui, args.ModInfo); return(false); }); return(false); }); }
//////////////// public override void Show(UIState ui) { if (this.OccludesLogo) { Main.instance.LoadProjectile(ProjectileID.ShadowBeamHostile); Main.logoTexture = Main.projectileTexture[ProjectileID.ShadowBeamHostile]; Main.logo2Texture = Main.projectileTexture[ProjectileID.ShadowBeamHostile]; } this.MyUI = ui; }
void exitSupplyBox() { isSupply = false; state = UIState.NONE; exitUI(); SupplyBoxUI.GetComponent <SupplyBoxController>().ClosedBox(); SupplyBoxUI.SetActive(false); }
public void Tools() { if (uiState == UIState.Tools) { uiState = UIState.Default; } else { uiState = UIState.Tools; } ChangeState(uiState); }
public PlanContainer(IUnityContainer container, UIState state, Plan plan) : this(container, state) { if (state == UIState.New) { Entity = new Plan(); } else { this.Entity = plan; } }
public void HandleOnWNDHide(string wnd_base_id) { Debug.LogWarning("camera move " + wnd_base_id); //当前是通过场景交互打开的UI,退出时播放相机拉远动画 if (isFacing2Obj) { HandleOnExitUI(); return; } //当前是通过非场景交互方式打开的UI,则不需要播放动画 _uiState = UIState.Free; }
public PlanContainer(IUnityContainer container, UIState state, long id) : this(container, state) { if (state == UIState.New) { Entity = new Plan(); } else { QueryPlanById(id); } }
public void LoadGame() { state = UIState.LoadMenu; if (mainMenu != null) { mainMenu.SetActive(false); } if (loadMenu != null) { loadMenu.SetActive(true); } }
private void DuplicateMissionComplete(UIState state) { this.uiDuplicateMission.uiPropsItems.ForEach(t => t.SetStatus(false)); this.uiDuplicateMission.uiPropsItems[0].SetStatus(true); this.uiDuplicateMission.uiPropsItems[0].SetContent(this.uiDuplicateMission.CoinIcon, (int)state.value2); this.uiDuplicateMission.uiPropsItems[1].SetStatus(true); this.uiDuplicateMission.uiPropsItems[1].SetContent(this.uiDuplicateMission.ExpIcon, (int)state.value1); this.gameObject.SetActive(true); this.uiDuplicateMission.SetPosition(320.0f, 0.0f); SoundPlayer.GetInstance().PlaySoundType("mission_complete_init"); }
public void ToggleEditMode() { if (m_State == UIState.EditMode) { m_State = UIState.Navigation; } else { m_State = UIState.EditMode; } ChangeState(m_State); }
void OnState() { if (state == UIState.CREATE) { int buildingWidth = 5; int buildingHeight = 5; Vector2Int mouseCoord = World.nodeCoordFromWorldPos((Vector2)Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition) - new Vector2((buildingWidth - 1) / 2f * 1.044f, 0)); PlaceableReturn placeableReturn = Placeable(mouseCoord.x, mouseCoord.y, buildingWidth, buildingHeight); RemoveMarkers(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && placeableReturn.placeable) { Building building = new Building(Tower); List <BuildingNode> newNodes = new List <BuildingNode>(); foreach (PlanetNode n in placeableReturn.placeableNodes) { BuildingNode newNode = new BuildingNode(n.Q, n.R, n.worldPos, building); newNodes.Add(newNode); World.nodes[new Vector2Int(n.Q, n.R)] = newNode; World.planetNodes.TryRemove(new Vector2Int(n.Q, n.R), out _); } building.buildingNodes = newNodes; HashSet <PlanetNode> workerNodes = new HashSet <PlanetNode>(); foreach (PlanetNode n in placeableReturn.placeableNodes) { foreach (PlanetNode neighbour in n.getNeighbours()) { if (!workerNodes.Contains(neighbour)) { workerNodes.Add(neighbour); } } } building.workerNodes = workerNodes; InstantiateJob j = new InstantiateJob(building); JobManager.instance.QueueJob(j); _workerNodes = workerNodes; ExitState(UIState.CREATE); state = UIState.IDLE; EnterState(state); } else { SetMarkers(placeableReturn); } } }
//开始游戏/重新布置 public void AgainBtnOnClick() { if (again_t.text == "开始游戏~")//开始游戏 { CurrentState =; //重置所有小兵状态 foreach (var item in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue")) { if (item.GetComponent <Pawn1>() != null) { item.GetComponent <Pawn1>().ChangeIdle(); } else if (item.GetComponent <Pawn2>() != null) { item.GetComponent <Pawn2>().ChangeIdle(); } } //重置所有小兵状态 foreach (var item in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red")) { if (item.GetComponent <Pawn1>() != null) { item.GetComponent <Pawn1>().ChangeIdle(); } else if (item.GetComponent <Pawn2>() != null) { item.GetComponent <Pawn2>().ChangeIdle(); } } } else//重新布置 { CurrentState =; again_t.text = "开始游戏~"; againBtn.gameObject.SetActive(false); //蓝方胜清除在场所有蓝方小兵,反之... if (win) { foreach (var item in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blue")) { Destroy(item); } } else { foreach (var item in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Red")) { Destroy(item); } } } }
public void Show3D() { NavigateImage.sprite = NavigateTo3D; if (!UIView3D.gameObject.activeSelf) { UIView3D.gameObject.SetActive(true); } UIView2D.gameObject.SetActive(false); State = UIState.VIEW_3D; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update () { if( m_currentState != m_nextState ) { m_currentState.OnExit(); m_currentState.gameObject.SetActive(false); m_nextState.OnEnter(); m_nextState.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_currentState = m_nextState; } m_currentState.OnUpdate(); }
public override void Unload() { // UI UI = deadUI = null; UserInterface = deadUserInterface = null; // Other static Fields Camera.Target = null; Camera.Locked = false; // Hotkeys nextPlayer = prevPlayer = null; }
public void LevelDone(float timeInSeconds) { System.TimeSpan ts = new System.TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Mathf.RoundToInt(timeInSeconds * 1000f)); string s = "" + ts.Seconds + "." + ts.Milliseconds; if (ts.Minutes > 0) { s = s.Insert(0, ts.Minutes + ":"); } timeLabel.text = s; animator.SetTrigger("game_over"); uiState = UIState.GameOver; }
public UIState PopState() { if (uiStateStack.Count == 0) { return(null); } UIState uiState = uiStateStack.Pop(); uiState.Exit(); uiStateStack.Peek().Enter(); return(uiState); }
private void changeState(UIState state) { if (m_currentState == UIState.MAINMENU && state == UIState.OPTIONS) { m_currAnimState = AnimState.MAINMENU_TO_OPTIONS; m_currentState = UIState.OPTIONS; } else if ( m_currentState == UIState.OPTIONS && state == UIState.MAINMENU ) { m_currAnimState = AnimState.OPTIONS_TO_MAINMENU; m_currentState = UIState.MAINMENU; } }
void OnGUI() { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 20), "Create State")) { UIState newState = new UIState(); if (m_UIStates.Count == 0) { newState.IsRoot = true; } newState.StateName = string.Format ("State {0}", m_UIStates.Count); newState.Window = this; m_UIStates.Add(newState); } BeginWindows(); for (int i = 0; i < m_UIStates.Count; i++) { m_UIStates[i].StateRect = GUI.Window(i, m_UIStates[i].StateRect, m_UIStates[i].DrawState, m_UIStates[i].StateName); } EndWindows(); }
private void ChangeState(UIState state) { Debug.Log("C#: change state: " + state); switch (state) { case UIState.Placement: mainUIView.enabled = true; eventUIView.enabled = false; userUIView.enabled = false; break; case UIState.Event: mainUIView.enabled = false; eventUIView.enabled = true; userUIView.enabled = false; break; case UIState.User: mainUIView.enabled = false; eventUIView.enabled = false; userUIView.enabled = true; break; } uiState = state; }
private void ChangeUIState(UIState state) { userInterfaceState = state; switch (state) { case UIState.AddState: taskTitleTextBox.Text = "";//Clear boxes descriptionTextBox.Text = ""; dateField.Text = ""; priorityDropBox.Text = ""; addTaskButton.IsEnabled = true; changeTaskButton.IsEnabled = false; break; case UIState.EditState: taskTitleTextBox.Text = "";//Clear boxes descriptionTextBox.Text = ""; dateField.Text = ""; priorityDropBox.Text = ""; addTaskButton.IsEnabled = false; changeTaskButton.IsEnabled = true; break; } }
public void ButtonClicked(string buttonState) { //clearUI(); switch (buttonState) { case "Movement": History.Push(currentState); currentState = UIState.Movement; break; case "Attack": History.Push(currentState); currentState = UIState.Attacking; break; case "Standby": // Standby button is pressed // The selected character can no longer act during the turn // The next character is then selected selectedCharacter.canAct = false; FindNextCharacter(); break; case "Back": CleanMap(); currentState = (UIState)History.Pop(); break; case "Hold": CleanMap(); currentState = UIState.Default; UIUpdate(); break; default: currentState = UIState.Default; break; } UIUpdate(); }
private void clickManualControl(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.ManualSwitch) { _uiState = UIState.ManualSwitch; _buttonManualControl.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.ManualSwitch); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonManualControl.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
private void clickCrosswalk(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.Crosswalk) { _uiState = UIState.Crosswalk; _buttonCrosswalk.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.Crosswalk); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonCrosswalk.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
private void clickChangeLanes(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.LaneChange) { _uiState = UIState.LaneChange; if (!LoadingExtension.PathfinderIncompatibility) { _buttonLaneChange.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; } TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.LaneChange); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; if (!LoadingExtension.PathfinderIncompatibility) { _buttonLaneChange.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; } TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
private void clickAddPrioritySigns(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.AddStopSign) { _uiState = UIState.AddStopSign; _buttonPrioritySigns.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.AddPrioritySigns); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonPrioritySigns.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
protected virtual void ClickLaneRestrictions(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.LaneRestrictions) { _uiState = UIState.LaneRestrictions; _buttonLaneRestrictions.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.LaneRestrictions); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonLaneRestrictions.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
protected void SetUIState(UIState value) { if (_TheUIState != value) { _TheUIState = value; if (UIStateChanged != null) UIStateChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); } }
private void bufferView_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (m_Core.LogLoaded && MeshView) { m_ContextUIState = GetUIState(sender); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && m_ContextUIState.m_Input != null && m_ContextUIState.m_Input.BufferFormats != null) { selectColumnAsPositionToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; selectAlphaAsSecondaryToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; m_ContextColumn = 0; int colidx = 2; // skip VTX and IDX columns for (int el = 0; el < m_ContextUIState.m_Input.BufferFormats.Length; el++) { for (int i = 0; i < m_ContextUIState.m_Input.BufferFormats[el].format.compCount; i++) { if (colidx == e.ColumnIndex) { m_ContextColumn = el; selectAlphaAsSecondaryToolStripMenuItem.Visible = (m_ContextUIState.m_Input.BufferFormats[el].format.compCount >= 4); } colidx++; } } columnContextMenu.Show(Cursor.Position); } } }
private void UI_CacheRow(UIState state, int rowIdx) { if (state.m_Rows[rowIdx] != null || SuppressCaching) return; var data = state.m_Data; Input input = state.m_Input; uint instance = m_MeshDisplay.curInstance; if (data.Buffers == null) return; { byte[][] d = data.Buffers; var bufferFormats = input.BufferFormats; var generics = input.GenericValues; uint rowlen = 0; foreach(var el in bufferFormats) rowlen += el.format.compCount; { if (rowIdx >= data.IndexCount) { return; } uint dataIndex = (uint)rowIdx; bool outOfBoundsIdx = false; if (data.DataIndices != null) { if (rowIdx >= data.DataIndices.Length) { dataIndex = 0; outOfBoundsIdx = true; } else { dataIndex = data.DataIndices[rowIdx]; } } else if (input.Drawcall != null && (input.Drawcall.flags & DrawcallFlags.UseIBuffer) != 0 && (state == m_VSIn || state == m_VSOut)) { // no index buffer, but indexed drawcall dataIndex = 0; outOfBoundsIdx = true; } uint displayIndex = dataIndex; if (data.Indices != null && rowIdx < data.Indices.Length) displayIndex = data.Indices[rowIdx]; object[] rowdata = null; int x = 0; if (MeshView) { rowdata = new object[2 + rowlen]; rowdata[0] = rowIdx; if (outOfBoundsIdx) rowdata[1] = "-"; else rowdata[1] = displayIndex; bool strip = state.m_Data.Topology == PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip || state.m_Data.Topology == PrimitiveTopology.LineStrip_Adj || state.m_Data.Topology == PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip || state.m_Data.Topology == PrimitiveTopology.TriangleStrip_Adj; if (state.m_Input.Drawcall.indexByteWidth == 2 && dataIndex == state.m_Input.IndexRestartValue && state.m_Input.IndexRestart && strip) rowdata[1] = "-1"; if (state.m_Input.Drawcall.indexByteWidth == 4 && dataIndex == state.m_Input.IndexRestartValue && state.m_Input.IndexRestart && strip) rowdata[1] = "-1"; x = 2; } else { rowdata = new object[1 + rowlen]; rowdata[0] = rowIdx; x = 1; } for (int el = 0; el < bufferFormats.Length; el++) { int xstart = x; if (generics != null && generics[el] != null) { for (int g = 0; g < generics[el].Length; g++) rowdata[x++] = generics[el][g]; continue; } try { byte[] bytedata = d[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; Stream strm = state.m_Stream[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; BinaryReader read = state.m_Reader[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; uint instIdx = 0; // for instancing, need to handle instance rate being 0 (every instance takes index 0 in that case) if (bufferFormats[el].perinstance) instIdx = bufferFormats[el].instancerate > 0 ? (instance / (uint)bufferFormats[el].instancerate) : 0; else instIdx = dataIndex; uint stride = input.Strides[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; if (data.PostVS.stride != 0) stride = data.PostVS.stride; uint offs = stride * instIdx + bufferFormats[el].offset; if (bytedata == null) { strm.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else if (offs >= bytedata.Length) { for (int i = 0; i < bufferFormats[el].format.compCount; i++, x++) { rowdata[x] = "-"; } continue; } else { strm.Seek(offs, SeekOrigin.Begin); } object[] elements = bufferFormats[el].GetObjects(read); if (bufferFormats[el].matrixdim == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++) rowdata[x + i] = ElementString(bufferFormats[el], elements[i]); x += elements.Length; } else { int cols = (int)bufferFormats[el].format.compCount; int rows = (int)bufferFormats[el].matrixdim; for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { string[] colarr = new string[rows]; for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++) { if (!bufferFormats[el].rowmajor) colarr[row] = ElementString(bufferFormats[el], elements[col * rows + row]); else colarr[row] = ElementString(bufferFormats[el], elements[row * cols + col]); } rowdata[x++] = colarr; } } } catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException) { for (int i = 0; i < bufferFormats[el].format.compCount; i++) { rowdata[xstart + i] = "-"; } x = (int)(xstart + bufferFormats[el].format.compCount); } } if (rowdata != null) { state.m_Rows[rowIdx] = rowdata; } } } }
public MachineEntry(IUnityContainer container, UIState state, Machine entry) : this() { this.container = new MasterEntryContainer<Machine>(container, state, entry); }
private void bufferView_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && m_Core.LogLoaded) { openFormat.Visible = !MeshView; debugVertex.Visible = MeshView && m_Core.LogLoaded && sender == vsInBufferView && vsInBufferView.SelectedRows.Count == 1; setInstanceToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = (m_Core.CurDrawcall != null && m_Core.CurDrawcall.numInstances > 1); m_ContextUIState = GetUIState(sender); rightclickMenu.Show(((DataGridView)sender).PointToScreen(e.Location)); } }
private void UI_FillRawData(UIState state, int horizScroll) { var data = state.m_Data; Input input = state.m_Input; uint instance = m_MeshDisplay.curInstance; Thread th = Helpers.NewThread(new ThreadStart(() => { byte[][] d = data.Buffers; Stream rawStream = new MemoryStream(state.m_RawData); BinaryWriter rawWriter = new BinaryWriter(rawStream); uint rownum = 0; bool finished = false; var bufferFormats = input.BufferFormats; var generics = input.GenericValues; Vec3f[] minBounds = new Vec3f[bufferFormats.Length]; Vec3f[] maxBounds = new Vec3f[bufferFormats.Length]; for (int el = 0; el < bufferFormats.Length; el++) { minBounds[el] = new Vec3f(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); maxBounds[el] = new Vec3f(-float.MaxValue, -float.MaxValue, -float.MaxValue); if (bufferFormats[el].format.compCount == 1) minBounds[el].y = maxBounds[el].y = minBounds[el].z = maxBounds[el].z = 0.0f; if (bufferFormats[el].format.compCount == 2) minBounds[el].z = maxBounds[el].z = 0.0f; } while (!finished) { if (rownum >= data.IndexCount) { finished = true; break; } uint index = rownum; if (data.Indices != null) { if (rownum >= data.Indices.Length) { index = 0; } else { index = data.Indices[rownum]; } } else if ((input.Drawcall.flags & DrawcallFlags.UseIBuffer) != 0 && state == m_VSIn) { // no index buffer, but indexed drawcall index = 0; } int elemsWithData = 0; for (int el = 0; el < bufferFormats.Length; el++) { if (generics != null && generics[el] != null) { for(int g=0; g < generics[el].Length; g++) { if (generics[el][g] is uint) rawWriter.Write((uint)generics[el][g]); else if (generics[el][g] is int) rawWriter.Write((int)generics[el][g]); else if (generics[el][g] is float) rawWriter.Write((float)generics[el][g]); } continue; } try { byte[] bytedata = d[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; Stream strm = state.m_Stream[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; BinaryReader read = state.m_Reader[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; uint instIdx = 0; // for instancing, need to handle instance rate being 0 (every instance takes index 0 in that case) if (bufferFormats[el].perinstance) instIdx = bufferFormats[el].instancerate > 0 ? (instance / (uint)bufferFormats[el].instancerate) : 0; else instIdx = index; uint stride = input.Strides[bufferFormats[el].buffer]; if (data.PostVS.stride != 0) stride = data.PostVS.stride; uint offs = stride * instIdx + bufferFormats[el].offset; bool outofBounds = false; if (bytedata == null) { strm.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else if (offs >= bytedata.Length) { outofBounds = true; strm = null; read = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(m_Zeroes)); } else { strm.Seek(offs, SeekOrigin.Begin); } string elname = bufferFormats[el].name.ToUpperInvariant(); var fmt = bufferFormats[el].format; int byteWidth = (int)fmt.compByteWidth; int bytesToRead = (int)(fmt.compByteWidth * fmt.compCount); byte[] bytes = read.ReadBytes(bytesToRead); rawWriter.Write(bytes); if (bytes.Length != bytesToRead) continue; // update min/max for this element { for (int i = 0; i < fmt.compCount; i++) { float val = 0; if (fmt.compType == FormatComponentType.Float) { if (byteWidth == 4) val = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, i * byteWidth); else if (byteWidth == 2) val = fmt.ConvertFromHalf(BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, i * byteWidth)); } else { if (byteWidth == 4) val = (float)BitConverter.ToUInt32(bytes, i * byteWidth); else if (byteWidth == 2) val = (float)BitConverter.ToUInt16(bytes, i * byteWidth); else if (byteWidth == 1) val = (float)bytes[i * byteWidth]; } if (outofBounds) continue; if (i == 0) { minBounds[el].x = Math.Min(minBounds[el].x, val); maxBounds[el].x = Math.Max(maxBounds[el].x, val); } else if (i == 1) { minBounds[el].y = Math.Min(minBounds[el].y, val); maxBounds[el].y = Math.Max(maxBounds[el].y, val); } else if (i == 2) { minBounds[el].z = Math.Min(minBounds[el].z, val); maxBounds[el].z = Math.Max(maxBounds[el].z, val); } } } elemsWithData++; } catch (System.IO.EndOfStreamException) { // don't increment elemsWithData } } finished = (elemsWithData == 0); rownum++; } this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => { state.m_MinBounds = minBounds; state.m_MaxBounds = maxBounds; UI_UpdateBoundingBox(); UI_ShowRows(state, horizScroll); })); })); th.Start(); state.m_DataParseThread = th; }
private void UI_ShowRows(UIState state, int horizScroll) { var bufView = state.m_GridView; if (bufView.IsDisposed) return; SuppressCaching = true; for (int i = 0; i < bufView.Columns.Count; i++) { if (bufView.Columns[i].AutoSizeMode == DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.AllCells) { bufView.Columns[i].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None; } } bufView.RowCount = 0; if(!MeshView) byteOffset.Enabled = true; if (state.m_Rows != null) { bufView.RowCount = Math.Min(state.m_Rows.Length, MaxRowCount); if (state.m_Rows.Length > MaxRowCount) largeBufferWarning.Visible = true; ScrollToRow(bufView, RowOffset); SuppressCaching = false; bufView.HorizontalScrollingOffset = horizScroll; } if (vsInBufferView.Focused && m_Core.LogLoaded) { debugVertex.Enabled = debugVertexToolItem.Enabled = true; } }
private void bufferView_MouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e) { if (m_Core.LogLoaded && e.RowIndex >= 0) { m_ContextUIState = GetUIState(sender); if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { openFormat.Visible = !MeshView; debugVertex.Visible = MeshView && m_Core.LogLoaded && sender == vsInBufferView && vsInBufferView.SelectedRows.Count == 1; setInstanceToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = (m_Core.CurDrawcall != null && m_Core.CurDrawcall.numInstances > 1); rightclickMenu.Show(Cursor.Position); } } }
private void clickSwitchTraffic(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.SwitchTrafficLight) { _uiState = UIState.SwitchTrafficLight; _buttonSwitchTraffic.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.SwitchTrafficLight); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonSwitchTraffic.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
public BufferViewer(Core core, bool meshview) { InitializeComponent(); Icon = global::renderdocui.Properties.Resources.icon; UI_SetupDocks(meshview); m_Zeroes = new byte[512]; for (int i = 0; i < 512; i++) m_Zeroes[i] = 0; m_VSIn.m_GridView = vsInBufferView; m_VSOut.m_GridView = vsOutBufferView; m_GSOut.m_GridView = gsOutBufferView; largeBufferWarning.Visible = false; byteOffset.Enabled = false; rowOffset.Font = byteOffset.Font = instanceIdxToolitem.Font = camSpeed.Font = fovGuess.Font = aspectGuess.Font = nearGuess.Font = farGuess.Font = core.Config.PreferredFont; m_ContextUIState = m_VSIn; DockHandler.GetPersistStringCallback = PersistString; exportToToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = exportToolItem.Enabled = false; m_Core = core; this.DoubleBuffered = true; SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, true); RenderHandle = render.Handle; render.Painting = true; render.MouseWheel += render_MouseWheel; render.MouseWheelHandler = render_MouseWheel; (render as Control).KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(BufferViewer_KeyDown); (render as Control).KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(BufferViewer_KeyUp); ResetConfig(); MeshView = meshview; if (!MeshView) { debugVertexToolItem.Visible = debugSep.Visible = false; instLabel.Visible = instSep.Visible = instanceIdxToolitem.Visible = false; syncViewsToolItem.Visible = false; highlightVerts.Visible = false; byteOffset.Text = "0"; Text = "Buffer Contents"; } else { byteOffset.Visible = false; byteOffsLab.Visible = false; byteOffset.Text = "0"; Text = "Mesh Output"; } m_Core.AddLogViewer(this); }
private void clickTimedAdd(UIComponent component, UIMouseEventParameter eventParam) { if (_uiState != UIState.TimedControlNodes) { _uiState = UIState.TimedControlNodes; _buttonTimedMain.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenuFocused"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.TimedLightsSelectNode); } else { _uiState = UIState.None; _buttonTimedMain.focusedBgSprite = "ButtonMenu"; TrafficLightTool.SetToolMode(ToolMode.None); } }
private void UpdateHighlightVerts(UIState ui) { if (ui == null || ui.m_RawData == null) return; if (ui.m_GridView.SelectedRows.Count == 0) return; if (!MeshView) return; if(highlightVerts.Checked) m_MeshDisplay.highlightVert = (uint)ui.m_GridView.SelectedRows[0].Index; else m_MeshDisplay.highlightVert = ~0U; render.Invalidate(); }