public override void OnInitialize() { _UIView = new UIElement(); _UIView.SetPadding(0f); _UIView.Width.Set(vwidth - 3f * vpadding, 0f); _UIView.Height.Set(vheight + 75f, 0f); _UIView.Left.Set(Main.screenWidth / 2f - _UIView.Width.Pixels / 2f, 0f); _UIView.Top.Set(Main.screenHeight / 2f - _UIView.Height.Pixels / 2f, 0f); //uncomment this to see the UIView //var testPanel = new UIPanel(); //testPanel.CopyStyle(_UIView); //testPanel.Left.Set(0f, 0f); //testPanel.Top.Set(0f, 0f); //testPanel.BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow; //_UIView.Append(testPanel); base.Append(_UIView); shopPanel = new UIPanel(); shopPanel.BackgroundColor = baseUIPanelBGColor; shopPanel.SetPadding(vpadding); shopPanel.Width.Set(_UIView.Width.Pixels, 0f); shopPanel.Height.Set(_UIView.Height.Pixels, 0f); //shopPanel.Left.Set(3f * vpadding + sortPanelWidth, 0f); //shopPanel.Top.Set((_UIView.Height.Pixels - vheight) / 4f, 0f); shopPanel.OnMouseDown += ShopPanel_OnMouseDown; shopPanel.OnMouseUp += ShopPanel_OnMouseUp; _UIView.Append(shopPanel); leftTitle = new UIText("SHOP/CRAFT", 0.95f, true); leftTitle.Top.Set(vpadding, 0f); shopPanel.Append(leftTitle); rightTitle = new UIText("COLLECTED", 0.95f, true); rightTitle.Top.Set(vpadding, 0f); rightTitle.Left.Set(vwidth / 2f - 58f + vpadding * 4f, 0f); shopPanel.Append(rightTitle); leftSortPanel = new UISortPanel(); leftSortPanel.Left.Set(vwidth / 2f - 50f - vpadding * 3f, 0f); shopPanel.Append(leftSortPanel); leftSortButton = new UISortButton(); leftSortButton.Initialize(); leftSortButton._button.OnClick += (s, e) => { SortingMode.ApplySort(ref leftPanel, (SortingMode.ShopSortingMode)SortingMode.GetNewSort(typeof(SortingMode.ShopSortingMode))); }; leftSortButton.OnDrawSelf += (s, e) => { if (s.IsMouseHovering || s._button.IsMouseHovering) { Main.hoverItemName = $"Current sorting mode: {SortingMode.GetSortingModeTooltip(SortingMode.CurrentShopSortMode)}\n" + $"Traverse through sorting modes by pressing this button\n" + $"You can also apply sorting modes by pressing elements in the UI!"; } }; leftSortPanel.AddButton(leftSortButton); leftSortPanel.AppendButtons(); rightSortPanel = new UISortPanel(); rightSortPanel.Left.Set(vwidth - 50f - vpadding * 5f, 0f); shopPanel.Append(rightSortPanel); rightSortButton = new UISortButton(); rightSortButton.Initialize(); rightSortButton._button.OnClick += (s, e) => { SortingMode.ApplySort(ref rightPanel, (SortingMode.CollectibleSortingMode)SortingMode.GetNewSort(typeof(SortingMode.CollectibleSortingMode))); }; rightSortButton.OnDrawSelf += (s, e) => { if (s.IsMouseHovering || s._button.IsMouseHovering) { Main.hoverItemName = $"Current sorting mode: {SortingMode.GetSortingModeTooltip(SortingMode.CurrentCollectibleSortMode)}\n" + $"Traverse through sorting modes by pressing this button\n" + $"You can also apply sorting modes by pressing elements in the UI!"; } }; rightSortPanel.AddButton(rightSortButton); rightSortPanel.AppendButtons(); UIPanel leftPanelBG = new UIPanel(); leftPanelBG.OverflowHidden = true; leftPanelBG.BackgroundColor = sectionUIPanelBGColor; leftPanelBG.SetPadding(0); leftPanelBG.Width.Set(vwidth / 2f - 40f + vpadding, 0f); leftPanelBG.Height.Set(vheight, 0f); leftPanelBG.Top.Set(55f, 0f); shopPanel.Append(leftPanelBG); leftPanel = new UIList(); leftPanel.OverflowHidden = true; leftPanel.SetPadding(vpadding); leftPanel.Width.Set(vwidth / 2f, 0f); leftPanel.Height.Set(vheight + (_UIView.Height.Pixels - vheight) / 2f, 0f); leftPanelBG.Append(leftPanel); // append leftPanel to shopPanel leftScrollbar = new UIScrollbar(); leftScrollbar.Height.Set(vheight - 4f * vpadding, 0f); leftScrollbar.Width.Set(22f, 0f); leftScrollbar.Left.Set(vwidth / 2f - 80f + vpadding, 0f); leftScrollbar.Top.Set(vpadding, 0f); leftPanel.Append(leftScrollbar); leftPanel.SetScrollbar(leftScrollbar); UIPanel rightPanelBG = new UIPanel(); rightPanelBG.CopyStyle(leftPanelBG); rightPanelBG.Left.Set(vwidth / 2f - 58f + vpadding * 4f, 0f); shopPanel.Append(rightPanelBG); rightPanel = new UIList(); rightPanel.CopyStyle(leftPanel); //rightPanel.Width.Set(vwidth/2f + vpadding + leftScrollbar.Width.Pixels, 0f); //rightPanel.Left.Set(vwidth/2f - 58f + vpadding * 3f, 0f); rightPanelBG.Append(rightPanel); // append rightPanel to shopPanel rightScrollbar = new UIScrollbar(); rightScrollbar.CopyStyle(leftScrollbar); rightScrollbar.Left.Set(vwidth / 2f - 80f + vpadding, 0f); rightPanel.Append(rightScrollbar); rightPanel.SetScrollbar(rightScrollbar); // Temp fill of collectibles TEMPCollectibles = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); var tmpC = new Tuple <int, int>[] { new Tuple <int, int>(ItemID.Bone, 1000), new Tuple <int, int>(ItemID.DemoniteOre, 1500), }; for (int i = 0; i < tmpC.Length; i++) { TEMPCollectibles.Add(tmpC[i]); } for (int i = ItemID.Sapphire; i < ItemID.Diamond + 1; i++) { TEMPCollectibles.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, 50)); } for (int i = ItemID.LivingCursedFireBlock; i < ItemID.LivingUltrabrightFireBlock + 1; i++) { TEMPCollectibles.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(i, 30)); } collectibleUIPanels = new List <CollectibleUIPanel>(); for (int i = 0; i < TEMPCollectibles.Count; i++) { CollectibleUIPanel collectibleUIPanel = new CollectibleUIPanel(); collectibleUIPanel.Initialize(); collectibleUIPanel.SetItem(TEMPCollectibles[i].Item1, TEMPCollectibles[i].Item2); collectibleUIPanels.Add(collectibleUIPanel); rightPanel.Add(collectibleUIPanel); } SortingMode.ApplySort(ref rightPanel, SortingMode.CollectibleSortingMode.UnitDesc); //var tmp = new ShopSortButton(); //rightSortPanel.AddButton(tmp); //rightSortPanel.AppendButtons(); shopUIPanels = new List <ShopUIPanel>(); // Leftpanel filler for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ShopUIPanel shopUIPanel = new ShopUIPanel(); shopUIPanel.Initialize(); shopUIPanel.SetResult(ItemID.SoulofFlight + Main.rand.Next(50), Main.rand.Next(50)); for (int j = 0; j < shopUIPanel.materialPanels.Length; j++) { var currentPanel = shopUIPanel.materialPanels[j]; currentPanel.item.SetDefaults(collectibleUIPanels[Main.rand.Next(collectibleUIPanels.Count - 1)].itemPanel.item.type); currentPanel.item.stack = Main.rand.Next(6); } for (int j = 0; j < shopUIPanel.currencyPanels.Length; j++) { var currentPanel = shopUIPanel.currencyPanels[j]; currentPanel.item.stack = Main.rand.Next(20 * (j + 1)); } shopUIPanel.Top.Set((shopUIPanel.Height.Pixels + vpadding / 2f) * i, 0f); shopUIPanels.Add(shopUIPanel); leftPanel.Add(shopUIPanels[shopUIPanels.Count - 1]); // Do not append, Add for the scrollbar } SortingMode.ApplySort(ref leftPanel, SortingMode.ShopSortingMode.Normal); }