public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews ()
			base.ViewDidLayoutSubviews ();
			// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

			CGRect bounds = new CGRect(){
					Size = this.View.Bounds.Size

			CGRect contentRect =  new UIEdgeInsets(){
				Top= this.TopLayoutGuide.Length,
				Bottom = this.BottomLayoutGuide.Length

			float pad = 20.0f;

			this.textField.Frame = contentRect.Inset( pad, pad);
        public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()
            // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

            CGRect bounds = new CGRect()
                Size = this.View.Bounds.Size

            CGRect contentRect = new UIEdgeInsets()
                Top    = this.TopLayoutGuide.Length,
                Bottom = this.BottomLayoutGuide.Length

            float pad = 20.0f;

            this.textField.Frame = contentRect.Inset(pad, pad);