public void CanSerializeCustomCbcType() { var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ValueType)); var value = new ValueType() { Value = "SomeValue" }; // Create a temporary XmlDocument var doc = new XmlDocument(); // Create an XmlWriter which writes elements to this document using (var writer = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild()) { // Serialize our custom type to this XmlWriter xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, value); } // Get the root XmlElement of our custom document and use it as our ExtensionContent var ext = new UBLExtensionType() { ExtensionContent = doc.DocumentElement }; var invoice = new InvoiceType() { ID = "id", UBLExtensions = new List <UBLExtensionType>() { ext } }; var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb)) { UblDocument.Save(invoice, sw); } var expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?> <Invoice xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:cac=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"" xmlns:cbc=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"" xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2""> <UBLExtensions xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2""> <UBLExtension xmlns:sig=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonSignatureComponents-2"" xmlns:sbc=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:SignatureBasicComponents-2""> <ExtensionContent> <Value xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"">SomeValue</Value> </ExtensionContent> </UBLExtension> </UBLExtensions> <cbc:ID>id</cbc:ID> </Invoice>"; UblXmlComparer.IsCopyEqual(XDocument.Parse(expected), XDocument.Parse(sb.ToString()), _output).Should().BeTrue(); }
public UBLExtensionType[] getUBLExtensions() { UBLExtensionType HUBLET = new UBLExtensionType(); UBLExtensionType[] MUBLET = { null, null, null }; string EXT1 = ""; HUBLET.ExtensionContent = EXT1; MUBLET[0] = HUBLET; return(MUBLET); }
public void CanSerializeSEeF_V1() { var xmlSerializer = UblSharp.SEeF.XmlSerializerFactory.Default.GetSerializer(SEeFVersion.V1); var seef = new UblSharp.SEeF.V1.SEEFExtensionWrapperType() { UtilityConsumptionPoint = { new UblSharp.SEeF.V1.ConsumptionPointType() { ID = "ConsumptionPointType_ID" } } }; // Create a temporary XmlDocument var doc = new XmlDocument(); // Create an XmlWriter which writes elements to this document using (var writer = doc.CreateNavigator().AppendChild()) { // Serialize our custom type to this XmlWriter xmlSerializer.Serialize(writer, seef); } // Get the root XmlElement of our custom document and use it as our ExtensionContent var ext = new UBLExtensionType() { ExtensionContent = doc.DocumentElement }; var invoice = new InvoiceType() { ID = "id", UBLExtensions = new List <UBLExtensionType>() { ext } }; var sb = new StringBuilder(); using (var sw = new StringWriter(sb)) { UblDocument.Save(invoice, sw); } var expected = @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?> <Invoice xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:cac=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"" xmlns:cbc=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"" xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2""> <UBLExtensions xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2""> <UBLExtension xmlns:sig=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonSignatureComponents-2"" xmlns:sbc=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:SignatureBasicComponents-2""> <ExtensionContent> <SEEFExtensionWrapper xmlns=""""> <UtilityConsumptionPoint> <ID xmlns=""urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"">ConsumptionPointType_ID</ID> </UtilityConsumptionPoint> </SEEFExtensionWrapper> </ExtensionContent> </UBLExtension> </UBLExtensions> <cbc:ID>id</cbc:ID> </Invoice>"; UblXmlComparer.IsCopyEqual(XDocument.Parse(expected), XDocument.Parse(sb.ToString()), _output).Should().BeTrue(); }
void LlenarCabecera(En_ComprobanteElectronico Comprobante, ref DebitNoteType debitNote) { UBLExtensionType uBLExtensionType = new UBLExtensionType() { // Se crea un tag temporal llamado "Borrar", esto porque no he conseguido crear el tag // ext:ExtensionContent con un valor vacío ExtensionContent = new XmlDocument().CreateElement("Borrar") }; UBLExtensionType[] ublExtensions = { uBLExtensionType }; debitNote.UBLExtensions = ublExtensions; //Serie y Numero debitNote.ID = new IDType { Value = Comprobante.SerieNumero.Trim() }; debitNote.UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType { Value = "2.1" }; debitNote.IssueDate = new IssueDateType { Value = Comprobante.FechaEmision }; debitNote.IssueTime = new IssueTimeType { Value = Comprobante.HoraEmision }; debitNote.DocumentCurrencyCode = new DocumentCurrencyCodeType { listAgencyName = "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe", listID = "ISO 4217 Alpha", listName = "Currency", Value = Comprobante.Moneda.Trim() }; List <NoteType> oListaNota = new List <NoteType>(); foreach (En_Leyenda oNote in Comprobante.Leyenda) { NoteType oNota = new NoteType { Value = oNote.Valor, languageLocaleID = oNote.Codigo }; oListaNota.Add(oNota); } ; debitNote.Note = oListaNota.ToArray(); debitNote.CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType { Value = "2.0" }; List <DocumentReferenceType> oListadocumento = new List <DocumentReferenceType>(); foreach (En_DocumentoReferencia oreferen in Comprobante.DocumentoReferenciaDespacho) { DocumentReferenceType odocumento = new DocumentReferenceType { ID = new IDType { Value = oreferen.SerieNumero.Trim() }, IssueDate = new IssueDateType { Value = oreferen.Fecha.Trim() }, DocumentTypeCode = new DocumentTypeCodeType { Value = oreferen.TipoDocumento.Trim(), listAgencyName = "PE:SUNAT", listName = "SUNAT:Identificador de guía relacionada", listURI = "urn:pe:gob:sunat:cpe:see:gem:catalogos:catalogo12" } }; oListadocumento.Add(odocumento); } ; debitNote.DespatchDocumentReference = oListadocumento.ToArray(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { InvoiceType invoiceType = new InvoiceType(); XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement firma = xmlDocument.CreateElement("ext:firma", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2"); UBLExtensionType[] uBLExtensionTypes = new UBLExtensionType[] { new UBLExtensionType { ExtensionContent = firma } }; UBLVersionIDType uBLVersionIDType = new UBLVersionIDType(); uBLVersionIDType.Value = "2.1"; CustomizationIDType customizationIDType = new CustomizationIDType(); customizationIDType.Value = "2.0"; ProfileIDType profileIDType = new ProfileIDType(); profileIDType.schemeName = "SUNAT:Identificador de Tipo de Operación"; profileIDType.schemeAgencyName = "PE:SUNAT"; profileIDType.schemeURI = "urn:pe:gob:sunat:cpe:see:gem:catalogos:catalogo17"; profileIDType.Value = "0101"; InvoiceLineType[] invoiceLineTypes = new InvoiceLineType[] { new InvoiceLineType { ID = new IDType { Value = "1" } }, new InvoiceLineType { ID = new IDType { Value = "2" } } }; invoiceType.UBLVersionID = uBLVersionIDType; invoiceType.UBLExtensions = uBLExtensionTypes; invoiceType.CustomizationID = customizationIDType; invoiceType.ProfileID = profileIDType; invoiceType.InvoiceLine = invoiceLineTypes; XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(InvoiceType)); XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlSerializerNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces(); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ccts", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ds", ""); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ext", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("qdt", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualifiedDatatypes-2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("udt", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:specification:UnqualifiedDataTypesSchemaModule:2"); xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("xsi", ""); var oStringWriter = new StringWriter(); xmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter.Create(oStringWriter), invoiceType, xmlSerializerNamespaces); string stringXML = oStringWriter.ToString(); System.IO.File.WriteAllText("XML_Sunat.xml", stringXML); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SignatureType[] signatureCac = new SignatureType[] { new SignatureType() { ID = new IDType { Value = "LlamaSign" }, SignatoryParty = new PartyType { PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] { new PartyIdentificationType { ID = new IDType { schemeID = "20600695771", Value = "20600695771" } } }, PartyName = new PartyNameType[] { new PartyNameType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "LLAMA.PE SA" } } } }, DigitalSignatureAttachment = new AttachmentType { ExternalReference = new ExternalReferenceType { URI = new URIType { Value = "#LlamaSign" } } } } }; SupplierPartyType accountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType() { Party = new PartyType { PartyLegalEntity = new PartyLegalEntityType[] { new PartyLegalEntityType { RegistrationName = new RegistrationNameType { Value = "LLAMA.PE SA" }, } }, PartyName = new PartyNameType[] { new PartyNameType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "LLAMA.PE SA" } } }, PostalAddress = new AddressType { ID = new IDType { Value = "0001" }, District = new DistrictType { Value = "a" }, CityName = new CityNameType { Value = "a" }, StreetName = new StreetNameType { Value = "" }, CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType { Value = "" }, Country = new CountryType { IdentificationCode = new IdentificationCodeType { Value = "aaa" } }, CountrySubentity = new CountrySubentityType { Value = "" }, } }, AdditionalAccountID = new AdditionalAccountIDType[] { new AdditionalAccountIDType { Value = "20553510661" } }, CustomerAssignedAccountID = new CustomerAssignedAccountIDType { Value = "20553510661" } }; CustomerPartyType accountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType() { Party = new PartyType { PartyLegalEntity = new PartyLegalEntityType[] { new PartyLegalEntityType { RegistrationName = new RegistrationNameType { Value = "TU CLIENTE SAC", } } }, PartyName = new PartyNameType[] { new PartyNameType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "LLAMA.PE S.A." } } }, PostalAddress = new AddressType { ID = new IDType { Value = "0001" }, District = new DistrictType { Value = "a" }, CityName = new CityNameType { Value = "a" }, StreetName = new StreetNameType { Value = "" }, CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType { Value = "" }, Country = new CountryType { IdentificationCode = new IdentificationCodeType { Value = "aaa" } }, CountrySubentity = new CountrySubentityType { Value = "" }, } }, AdditionalAccountID = new AdditionalAccountIDType[] { new AdditionalAccountIDType { Value = "20000000001" } }, CustomerAssignedAccountID = new CustomerAssignedAccountIDType { Value = "20000000001" } }; //AccountingCustomerParty List <TaxTotalType> taxTotal = new List <TaxTotalType>() { new TaxTotalType() { TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "PEN", Value = Convert.ToDecimal(7891.2) }, TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[] { new TaxSubtotalType { TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType { currencyID = "PEN", Value = Convert.ToDecimal(7891.2) }, TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType { Value = Convert.ToDecimal(43840.00) }, TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType { ID = new IDType { Value = "S" }, TierRange = new TierRangeType { Value = "s" }, TaxExemptionReasonCode = new TaxExemptionReasonCodeType { Value = "" }, TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType { ID = new IDType { Value = "1000" }, Name = new NameType1 { Value = "IGV" }, TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType { Value = "VAT" } } }, Percent = new PercentType1 { Value = 18 } } }, } }; MonetaryTotalType legalMonetaryTotal = new MonetaryTotalType() { PayableAmount = new PayableAmountType { currencyID = "PEN", Value = 15485 }, AllowanceTotalAmount = new AllowanceTotalAmountType { currencyID = "PEN", Value = 15424 }, ChargeTotalAmount = new ChargeTotalAmountType { currencyID = "PEN", Value = 5555 } }; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("AdditionalInformation", "urn:sunat:names:specification:ubl:peru:schema:xsd:SunatAggregateComponents-1"); UBLExtensionType[] uBLExtensions = new UBLExtensionType[] { new UBLExtensionType { ExtensionContent = xmlElement }, new UBLExtensionType() { ExtensionContent = xmlElement }, //Extension1 = new UBLExtension { ExtensionContent = new ExtensionContent { AdditionalInformation = new AdditionalInformation { AdditionalMonetaryTotals = new List<AdditionalMonetaryTotal>(), SunatTransaction = new SunatTransaction(), AdditionalProperties = new List<AdditionalProperty>() } } }, //Extension2 = new UBLExtension { ExtensionContent = new ExtensionContent { AdditionalInformation = new AdditionalInformation { AdditionalMonetaryTotals = new List<AdditionalMonetaryTotal>(), SunatTransaction = new SunatTransaction(), AdditionalProperties = new List<AdditionalProperty>() } } }, }; Invoice invoice = new Invoice() { UBLExtensions = uBLExtensions, UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType { Value = "2.1" }, ID = new IDType { Value = "F001-1" }, CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType { Value = "2.0" }, IssueDate = new IssueDateType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-14 15:42:20") }, IssueTime = new IssueTimeType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-14 15:42:20"), }, DueDate = new DueDateType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-15 15:42:20"), }, InvoiceTypeCode = new InvoiceTypeCodeType { Value = "01" }, Note = new List <NoteType> { new NoteType { Value = "SETENTA Y UN MIL TRESCIENTOS CINCUENTICUATRO Y 99/100" } }.ToArray(), DocumentCurrencyCode = new DocumentCurrencyCodeType { Value = "PEN" }, LineCountNumeric = new LineCountNumericType { Value = 1 }, Signature = signatureCac, AccountingSupplierParty = accountingSupplierParty, AccountingCustomerParty = accountingCustomerParty, TaxTotal = taxTotal.ToArray(), LegalMonetaryTotal = legalMonetaryTotal, ProfileID = new ProfileIDType { Value = "0101" }, OrderReference = new OrderReferenceType { ID = new IDType { Value = "" } } }; //XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Invoice)); //FileStream fStream = File.Open(@"D:\XML.xml", FileMode.Create); //XmlWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(fStream, Encoding.Unicode); //serializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, invoice); //fStream.Close(); XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Invoice)); using (Stream stream = new FileStream(@"D:\XML.xml", FileMode.Create)) using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.Unicode)) { xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, invoice); } }
private List <String> GeneraDocumentoXML(DocumentoElectronicoModel Doc) { //string[] Cabecera = Doc.Trama.EN.Split('|'); XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement xmlElement = xmlDoc.CreateElement("AdditionalInformation", "urn:sunat:names:specification:ubl:peru:schema:xsd:SunatAggregateComponents-1"); UBLExtensionType[] uBLExtensions = new UBLExtensionType[] { new UBLExtensionType { ExtensionContent = xmlElement }, new UBLExtensionType() { ExtensionContent = xmlElement }, }; Invoice Factura_Boleta = new Invoice(); { Factura_Boleta.UBLExtensions = uBLExtensions; Factura_Boleta.UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType { Value = "2.1" }; Factura_Boleta.ID = new IDType { Value = "F001-1" }; Factura_Boleta.CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType { Value = "2.0" }; Factura_Boleta.IssueDate = new IssueDateType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-14 15:42:20") }; Factura_Boleta.IssueTime = new IssueTimeType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-14 15:42:20"), }; Factura_Boleta.DueDate = new DueDateType { Value = Convert.ToDateTime("2017-05-15 15:42:20"), }; Factura_Boleta.InvoiceTypeCode = new InvoiceTypeCodeType { Value = "01" }; Factura_Boleta.Note = new List <NoteType> { new NoteType { Value = "SETENTA Y UN MIL TRESCIENTOS CINCUENTICUATRO Y 99/100" } }.ToArray(); Factura_Boleta.DocumentCurrencyCode = new DocumentCurrencyCodeType { Value = "PEN" }; Factura_Boleta.LineCountNumeric = new LineCountNumericType { Value = 1 }; Factura_Boleta.ProfileID = new ProfileIDType { Value = "0101" }; Factura_Boleta.OrderReference = new OrderReferenceType { ID = new IDType() { Value = "XXXXX" } }; Factura_Boleta.Signature = SignatureTypes(Doc.Trama); Factura_Boleta.AccountingSupplierParty = SupplierPartyType(Doc.Trama); Factura_Boleta.AccountingCustomerParty = CustomerPartyType(Doc.Trama); Factura_Boleta.AllowanceCharge = AllowanceChargeTypes(); Factura_Boleta.TaxTotal = TaxTotalType(Doc.Trama); Factura_Boleta.LegalMonetaryTotal = MonetaryTotal(Doc.Trama); Factura_Boleta.InvoiceLine = InvoiceLine(Doc.Trama.ITEM); } XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Invoice)); using (Stream stream = new FileStream(@"D:\" + Doc.Ruc + "-" + Doc.Local + "-" + Doc.TipoDocumento + "-" + Doc.NumDocumento + ".xml", FileMode.Create)) using (XmlWriter xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter(stream, Encoding.Unicode)) { xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, Factura_Boleta); } return(new List <string>()); }