Esempio n. 1
 public void DeleteNewlyAddedNodeSetsFromCache(UANodeSetImportResult results)
     if (results?.Models?.Count > 0)
         foreach (var tMod in results.Models)
             if (tMod.NewInThisImport)
                 //TODO: @Sean: If a nodeset is deleted from the cache table, some tables with references to the cache table might be broken.
                 _dalNodeSetFile.Delete((tMod.NameVersion.CCacheId as NodeSetFileModel)?.ID ?? 0, _userToken); //Must force delete as Author ID is not in the results
 /// <summary>
 /// Looks for a standard NodeSet in the NodeSet Lookup Table and sets the UAStandardNodeSetID
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="importResult"></param>
 /// <param name="standardNodeSets"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static UANodeSetImportResult VerifyNodeSetStandard(UANodeSetImportResult importResult, List <StandardNodeSetModel> standardNodeSets)
     if (importResult?.Models?.Any() != true || standardNodeSets?.Any() != true)
         if (importResult != null)
             importResult.ErrorMessage = $"Cannot validate models. Either no models in ResultSet or no Standard Models supplied.";
     importResult.ErrorMessage = "";
     foreach (var tMod in importResult.Models)
         var t = standardNodeSets.Where(s => s.Namespace == tMod.NameVersion.ModelUri).OrderByDescending(s => s.PublishDate).FirstOrDefault();
         tMod.NameVersion.UAStandardModelID = t?.ID;
Esempio n. 3
        public UANodeSetImportResult FlushCache()
            UANodeSetImportResult ret = new UANodeSetImportResult();

                //TODO: @Sean: If a nodeset is deleted from the cache table, some tables with references to the cache table might be broken.
                var t = _dalNodeSetFile.GetAll(_userToken);
                foreach (var rec in t)
                    _dalNodeSetFile.Delete(rec.ID.Value, _userToken);
            catch (Exception e)
                ret.ErrorMessage = $"Flushing Cache failed: {e}";
Esempio n. 4
        public ModelValue GetNodeSetByID(string id)
            var tns = _dalNodeSetFile.GetById(int.Parse(id), _userToken);

            if (tns != null)
                var tmav = new ModelNameAndVersion
                    ModelUri        = tns.FileName,
                    ModelVersion    = tns.Version,
                    PublicationDate = tns.PublicationDate,
                    CCacheId        = tns.ID
                UANodeSetImportResult res = new UANodeSetImportResult();
                AddNodeSet(res, tns.FileCache, _userToken);
                if (res?.Models?.Count > 0)
Esempio n. 5
        public bool GetNodeSet(UANodeSetImportResult results, ModelNameAndVersion nameVersion, object AuthorID)
            var authorToken          = AuthorID as UserToken;
            NodeSetFileModel myModel = GetProfileModel(nameVersion, authorToken);

            if (myModel != null)
                // workaround for bug
                var fileCachepatched = myModel.FileCache.Replace("<Value/>", "<Value xsi:nil='true' />");
                using (var nodeSetStream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileCachepatched)))
                    //nodeSetStream.Position = 0;
                    UANodeSet nodeSet = UANodeSet.Read(nodeSetStream);
                    foreach (var ns in nodeSet.Models)
                        results.AddModelAndDependencies(nodeSet, ns, null, false);
                        foreach (var model in results.Models)
                            if (model.NameVersion.CCacheId == null)
                                if (model.NameVersion.ModelUri == nameVersion.ModelUri && model.NameVersion.PublicationDate == nameVersion.PublicationDate)
                                    model.NameVersion.CCacheId = myModel;
                                    GetProfileModel(model.NameVersion, authorToken);
Esempio n. 6
        public bool AddNodeSet(UANodeSetImportResult results, string nodeSetXml, object authorId)
            bool WasNewSet = false;

            #region Comment Processing
            var doc      = XElement.Load(new StringReader(nodeSetXml));
            var comments = doc.DescendantNodes().OfType <XComment>();
            foreach (XComment comment in comments)
                //inline XML Commments are not showing here...only real XML comments (not file comments with /**/)
                //Unfortunately all OPC UA License Comments are not using XML Comments but file-comments and therefore cannot be "preserved"

            UANodeSet nodeSet;
            // workaround for bug
            var nodeSetXmlPatched = nodeSetXml.Replace("<Value/>", "<Value xsi:nil='true' />");
            using (var nodesetBytes = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(nodeSetXmlPatched)))
                nodeSet = UANodeSet.Read(nodesetBytes);

            if (nodeSet.Models?.Any() != true)
                nodeSet.Models = new ModelTableEntry[] {
                    new ModelTableEntry {
                        ModelUri      = nodeSet.NamespaceUris?.FirstOrDefault(),
                        RequiredModel = new ModelTableEntry[] { new ModelTableEntry {
                                                                    ModelUri = ""
                                                                } },

            UANodeSet tOldNodeSet = null;
            foreach (var ns in nodeSet.Models)
                UserToken userToken       = authorId as UserToken;
                var       authorToken     = userToken;
                bool      isGlobalNodeSet = CESMII.ProfileDesigner.OpcUa.OpcUaImporter._coreNodeSetUris.Contains(ns.ModelUri);
                if (isGlobalNodeSet)
                    userToken   = UserToken.GetGlobalUser(userToken); // Write as a global node set shared acess user
                    authorToken = null;
                NodeSetFileModel myModel = GetProfileModel(
                    new ModelNameAndVersion
                    ModelUri        = ns.ModelUri,
                    ModelVersion    = ns.Version,
                    PublicationDate = ns.PublicationDate,
                if (myModel == null)
                    myModel = results.Models.FirstOrDefault(m => m.NameVersion.IsNewerOrSame(new ModelNameAndVersion
                        ModelUri        = ns.ModelUri,
                        ModelVersion    = ns.Version,
                        PublicationDate = ns.PublicationDate,
                                                                                             ))?.NameVersion?.CCacheId as NodeSetFileModel;
                bool CacheNewerVersion = true;
                if (myModel != null)
                    CacheNewerVersion = false;
                    // workaround for bug
                    var fileCachepatched = myModel.FileCache.Replace("<Value/>", "<Value xsi:nil='true' />");
                    using (var nodeSetStream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fileCachepatched)))
                        if (tOldNodeSet == null)
                            tOldNodeSet = UANodeSet.Read(nodeSetStream);
                        var tns = tOldNodeSet.Models.Where(s => s.ModelUri == ns.ModelUri).OrderByDescending(s => s.PublicationDate).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (tns == null || ns.PublicationDate > tns.PublicationDate)
                            CacheNewerVersion = true; //Cache the new NodeSet if the old (file) did not contain the model or if the version of the new model is greater
                int? cacheId     = myModel != null ? myModel.ID : 0;
                bool newInImport = false;
                if (CacheNewerVersion) //Cache only newer version
                    if (myModel == null)
                        myModel = new NodeSetFileModel
                            ID              = cacheId,
                            FileName        = ns.ModelUri,
                            Version         = ns.Version,
                            PublicationDate = ns.PublicationDate,
                            // TODO clean up the dependency
                            AuthorId  = authorToken?.UserId,
                            FileCache = nodeSetXml
                        // Defer Upsert until later to make it part of a transaction
                        // _dalNodeSetFile.Upsert(myModel, userToken, false);
                        newInImport = true;
                    // Defer the updates to the import transaction
                    //var resIns = _dalNodeSetFile.Upsert(nsModel, (AuthorID == null) ? 0 : (int)AuthorID, true).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                    //cacheId = resIns.Item1;
                    //newInImport = resIns.Item2;
                    WasNewSet = true;
                var tModel = results.AddModelAndDependencies(nodeSet, ns, null, WasNewSet);
                if (tModel?.NameVersion != null && myModel != null)
                    tModel.NameVersion.CCacheId = myModel;
                    tModel.NewInThisImport      = newInImport;
                foreach (var model in results.Models)
                    if (model.NameVersion.CCacheId == null)
                        GetProfileModel(model.NameVersion, userToken);