Esempio n. 1
        public string[] Disassemble(int LineCount = 1, bool PrintLines = false)
            int           ret       = 2; // word
            List <string> tmpResult = new List <string>();

            while (tmpResult.Count < LineCount)
                string result = $"{ this.Index.ToString("X8")} ";

                // TODO: FIX THIS MESS WTF?
                int grabSize = 6;
                if ((this.Index + grabSize) - this.Buffer.Length > 0)
                    grabSize = (this.Index + grabSize) - this.Buffer.Length;
                byte[] buf = new byte[grabSize]; // FIX End of array error?

                // fill temp buff
                for (int b = 0; b < buf.Length; b++)
                    buf[b] = this.Buffer[this.Index + b];

                U8Cmd cmd = new U8Cmd();
                ret = U8Decoder.DecodeOpcode(buf, ref cmd);
                if (ret == -1)
                    result += "err";
                    if (PrintLines)

                this.Index += ret;

                string bytestr = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < ret; j += 2)
                    bytestr += BitConverter.ToUInt16(buf, j).ToString("X4") + " ";
                result += bytestr.PadRight(15) + cmd.Instruction.PadRight(10) + cmd.Operands;

                _CacheDisassembly(this.Index, result);

                if (PrintLines)

Esempio n. 2
        private void AddHandler(U8Cmd cmd)
            //  This instruction adds the sign-extended signed8 to the contetnts of the stack 
            //  poionter and stores the result in the stack pointer.

            //  bit 7 in signed8 is interpreted as the sign bit, so signed8 is an integer
            //  quantity between -128 and +127.
            if(U8Decoder.isNegative7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2) == 1)
                StackPtr -= U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2);
                StackPtr += U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2);
Esempio n. 3
        private void AddSpO(U8Cmd cmd)
            // This inst adds the sign-extended signed8 to the contents of the stack pointer
            // and stores the result in the stack pointer
            if (U8Decoder.isNegative7Bit((byte)cmd.Op1) == 1)
                this.Registers.SP -= U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op1); // TODO: verify, may need Op2!!!
                this.Registers.SP += U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op1);

            this.Registers.PC += 2;
Esempio n. 4
        private void AddERegO(U8Cmd cmd)
            // This inst adds the sign-extended immediate vlaue to the contents of the specified
            // word-sized register and stores the result in the register.
            var sum = 0;

            if (U8Decoder.isNegative7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2) == 1)
                sum = this.Registers.GetERegisterByIndex((byte)cmd.Op1) - U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2);
                sum = this.Registers.GetERegisterByIndex((byte)cmd.Op1) + U8Decoder.ABS7Bit((byte)cmd.Op2);
            this.Registers.SetERegisterByIndex((byte)cmd.Op1, (ushort)sum);
            this.Registers.PC += 2;

            // TODO: this.Registers.PSW.C
            this.Registers.PSW.Z = sum == 0;
            // TODO: this.Registers.PSW.S = TRACK TOP BIT OF RESULT
            this.Registers.PSW.OV = sum > ushort.MaxValue;
            // TODO: this.Registers.PSW.HC = idk ;/
Esempio n. 5
        // disassembles with block propertys
        private int GetBlock(int Address, ref U8Cmd Cmd, ref U8CodeBlock newBlock, ref bool isEndOfBlock)
            // ALL Conditional relative branch instructions:
            int ret = -1;

            byte[] buf = new byte[6];

            if (Address + 6 > this.Memory.Length)
                isEndOfBlock = true; // wont come back again
                return(-1);          // Cia Adios

            // fill temp buff
            for (int b = 0; b < buf.Length; b++)
                buf[b] = this.Memory[Address + b];

            // get opcode
            //u8_cmd opcode = new u8_cmd();
            ret         = U8Decoder.DecodeOpcode(buf, ref Cmd);
            Cmd.Address = Address;// dafuq???

            // check branches
            switch ((U8_OP)Cmd.Type)
            case U8_OP.BGE_RAD:     // conditional branch
            case U8_OP.BLT_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BGT_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BLE_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BGES_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BLTS_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BGTS_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BLES_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BNE_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BEQ_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BNV_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BOV_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BPS_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BNS_RAD:
            case U8_OP.BAL_RAD:
                // if cond ? radr : PC+=2
                // if op1 < 0 then negative else positive;
                // conditions? dont care actually ;D
                newBlock.JumpsToBlock = Cmd.Address + Cmd.Op1; // takes jump
                newBlock.NextBlock    = Cmd.Address + 2;       // continue
                isEndOfBlock          = true;

            case U8_OP.B_AD:                                             // branch
                // PC = cadr[15:0] (op1) + second word
                newBlock.NextBlock    = (Cmd.Op1 * 0x10000) + Cmd.sWord; // takes jump
                newBlock.JumpsToBlock = -1;                              // newBlock.JumpsToBlock; // dont set so we know its forced?
                isEndOfBlock          = true;

            //// NOTE: Just ignore them?
            //case U8Decoder.U8_BL_AD: // caller address
            //    newBlock.NextBlock = Cmd.Address + 4; // len 2
            //    newBlock.JumpsToBlock = -1;
            //    isEndOfBlock = true;
            //    break;
            //case U8Decoder.U8_BL_ER: // caller register ER
            //    newBlock.NextBlock = Cmd.Address + 2; ; // len 1
            //    newBlock.JumpsToBlock = -1;
            //    isEndOfBlock = true;
            //    break;

            case U8_OP.B_ER:
                // this jumps to ER? whats in ER?
                newBlock.NextBlock = Cmd.Address += 2;     // continue
                isEndOfBlock       = true;

            case U8_OP.RT:           // return from subroutine?
                isEndOfBlock = true; //  there is no next ;D

