Esempio n. 1
        public TypeSymbol GetAssignedType(ITypeManager typeManager, ArraySyntax?allowedSyntax)
            var assignedType = this.GetDeclaredType();

            // TODO: remove SyntaxHelper.TryGetAllowedSyntax when we drop parameter modifiers support.
            if (allowedSyntax is not null && !allowedSyntax.Items.Any())

            var allowedItemTypes = allowedSyntax?.Items.Select(typeManager.GetTypeInfo);

            if (ReferenceEquals(assignedType, LanguageConstants.String))
                if (allowedItemTypes?.All(itemType => itemType is StringLiteralType) == true)
                    assignedType = UnionType.Create(allowedItemTypes);
                    // In order to support assignment for a generic string to enum-typed properties (which generally is forbidden),
                    // we need to relax the validation for string parameters without 'allowed' values specified.
                    assignedType = LanguageConstants.LooseString;

            if (ReferenceEquals(assignedType, LanguageConstants.Array) &&
                allowedItemTypes?.All(itemType => itemType is StringLiteralType) == true)
                assignedType = new TypedArrayType(UnionType.Create(allowedItemTypes), TypeSymbolValidationFlags.Default);

Esempio n. 2
        //     INITIALIZATION

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new typed array instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prototype"> The next object in the prototype chain. </param>
        /// <param name="type"> Defines the element type and behaviour of the typed array. </param>
        /// <param name="buffer"> An existing ArrayBuffer to use as the storage for the new
        /// TypedArray object. </param>
        /// <param name="byteOffset"> The offset, in bytes, to the first byte in the specified
        /// buffer for the new view to reference. If not specified, the TypedArray will start
        /// with the first byte. </param>
        /// <param name="length"> The length (in elements) of the typed array. </param>
        internal TypedArrayInstance(ObjectInstance prototype, TypedArrayType type, ArrayBufferInstance buffer, int byteOffset, int length)
            : base(prototype)
            this.type       = type;
            this.buffer     = buffer;
            this.byteOffset = byteOffset;
            this.length     = length;
        //     INITIALIZATION
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new typed array constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prototype"> The next object in the prototype chain. </param>
        /// <param name="type"> Defines the element type and behaviour of the typed array. </param>
        internal TypedArrayConstructor(ObjectInstance prototype, TypedArrayType type)
            : base(prototype, __STUB__Construct, __STUB__Call)
            this.type = type;

            // Initialize the constructor properties.
            var properties = GetDeclarativeProperties(Engine);
            InitializeConstructorProperties(properties, type.ToString(), 3, TypedArrayInstance.CreatePrototype(Engine, this));
            properties.Add(new PropertyNameAndValue("BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", BytesPerElement, PropertyAttributes.Sealed));
Esempio n. 4
        public static IEnumerable <TypeProperty> CreateResourceProperties(ResourceTypeReference resourceTypeReference)
             * The following properties are intentionally excluded from this model:
             * - SystemData - this is a read-only property that doesn't belong on PUTs
             * - id - that is not allowed in templates
             * - type - included in resource type on resource declarations
             * - apiVersion - included in resource type on resource declarations

            yield return(new TypeProperty("id", String, TypePropertyFlags.ReadOnly | TypePropertyFlags.SkipInlining));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("name", String, TypePropertyFlags.Required | TypePropertyFlags.SkipInlining));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("type", new StringLiteralType(resourceTypeReference.FullyQualifiedType), TypePropertyFlags.ReadOnly | TypePropertyFlags.SkipInlining));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("apiVersion", new StringLiteralType(resourceTypeReference.ApiVersion), TypePropertyFlags.ReadOnly | TypePropertyFlags.SkipInlining));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("sku", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("kind", String));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("managedBy", String));

            var stringArray = new TypedArrayType(String);

            yield return(new TypeProperty("managedByExtended", stringArray));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("location", String));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("extendedLocation", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("zones", stringArray));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("plan", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("eTag", String));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("tags", Tags));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("scale", Object));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("identity", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("properties", Object));

            var resourceRefArray = new TypedArrayType(ResourceRef);

            yield return(new TypeProperty("dependsOn", resourceRefArray, TypePropertyFlags.WriteOnly));
Esempio n. 5
        //     INITIALIZATION

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new typed array constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="prototype"> The next object in the prototype chain. </param>
        /// <param name="type"> Defines the element type and behaviour of the typed array. </param>
        internal TypedArrayConstructor(ObjectInstance prototype, TypedArrayType type)
            : base(prototype, __STUB__Construct, __STUB__Call)
            this.type = type;

            // Initialize the constructor properties.
            var properties = GetDeclarativeProperties(Engine);

            InitializeConstructorProperties(properties, type.ToString(), 3, TypedArrayInstance.CreatePrototype(Engine, this));
            properties.Add(new PropertyNameAndValue("BYTES_PER_ELEMENT", BytesPerElement, PropertyAttributes.Sealed));
Esempio n. 6
        public static IEnumerable <TypeProperty> CreateResourceProperties(ResourceTypeReference resourceTypeReference)
             * The following properties are intentionally excluded from this model:
             * - SystemData - this is a read-only property that doesn't belong on PUTs
             * - id - that is not allowed in templates
             * - type - included in resource type on resource declarations
             * - apiVersion - included in resource type on resource declarations

            foreach (var prop in GetCommonResourceProperties(resourceTypeReference))
                yield return(prop);

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("sku", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("kind", String));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("managedBy", String));

            var stringArray = new TypedArrayType(String, TypeSymbolValidationFlags.Default);

            yield return(new TypeProperty("managedByExtended", stringArray));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("location", String));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("extendedLocation", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("zones", stringArray));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("plan", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("eTag", String));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("tags", Tags));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("scale", Object));

            // TODO: Model type fully
            yield return(new TypeProperty("identity", Object));

            yield return(new TypeProperty("properties", Object));

            var resourceRefArray = new TypedArrayType(ResourceRef, TypeSymbolValidationFlags.Default);

            yield return(new TypeProperty("dependsOn", resourceRefArray, TypePropertyFlags.WriteOnly));