public ValueTypeFieldValueLocation(DmdType type, ValueLocation containingLocation, StructMirror structMirror, FieldInfoMirror field) { Type = type ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); this.containingLocation = containingLocation ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(containingLocation)); this.field = field ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(field)); structType = structMirror.Type; Debug.Assert(!field.IsStatic); Debug.Assert(field.DeclaringType == structType); Debug.Assert(containingLocation.Load() is StructMirror); valueIndex = GetValueIndex(field); if ((uint)valueIndex >= (uint)structMirror.Fields.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
private void RegisterType(TypeMirror typeMirror) { if (!_types.ContainsKey(typeMirror.FullName)) { _types.Add(typeMirror.FullName, new TypeSummary { TypeMirror = typeMirror, }); string typeName = typeMirror.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeMirror.Namespace)) { typeName = typeMirror.Namespace + "." + typeMirror.Name; } logger.Trace("Loaded and registered Type: " + typeName); } }
public PropertyValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfoMirror property, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, MethodMirror getter, Value[] indexerArgs) : base(ctx) { this.declaringType = declaringType; this.indexerArgs = indexerArgs; = property; this.getter = getter; this.obj = obj; var objectMirror = obj as ObjectMirror; if (objectMirror != null) { EnsureContextHasDomain(objectMirror.Domain); } flags = GetFlags(property, getter); }
T BuildAttribute <T> (CustomAttributeDataMirror attr) { List <object> args = new List <object> (); foreach (CustomAttributeTypedArgumentMirror arg in attr.ConstructorArguments) { object val = arg.Value; if (val is TypeMirror) { // The debugger attributes that take a type as parameter of the constructor have // a corresponding constructor overload that takes a type name. We'll use that // constructor because we can't load target types in the debugger process. // So what we do here is convert the Type to a String. TypeMirror tm = (TypeMirror)val; val = tm.FullName + ", " + tm.Assembly.ManifestModule.Name; } else if (val is EnumMirror) { EnumMirror em = (EnumMirror)val; val = em.Value; } args.Add(val); } Type type = typeof(T); object at = Activator.CreateInstance(type, args.ToArray()); foreach (CustomAttributeNamedArgumentMirror arg in attr.NamedArguments) { object val = arg.TypedValue.Value; string postFix = ""; if (arg.TypedValue.ArgumentType == typeof(Type)) { postFix = "TypeName"; } if (arg.Field != null) { type.GetField(arg.Field.Name + postFix).SetValue(at, val); } else if (arg.Property != null) { type.GetProperty(arg.Property.Name + postFix).SetValue(at, val, null); } } return((T)at); }
protected Value InvokeStaticMethod([NotNull] TypeMirror type, string methodName, params Value[] parameters) { var result = Adaptor.Invocator.InvokeStaticMethod(Context, type, methodName, parameters); if (result == null) { var args = new string[2 + parameters.Length]; args[0] = type.FullName; args[1] = methodName; Array.Copy(parameters, 0, args, 2, parameters.Length); // ReSharper disable FormatStringProblem myLogger.Warn("InvokeStaticMethod returned null for {0}.{1}({2})", args); // ReSharper restore FormatStringProblem return(null); } return(result.Result); }
public PropertyValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, PropertyInfoMirror property, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, MethodMirror getter, Value[] indexerArgs) : base(ctx) { = property; this.obj = obj; this.declaringType = declaringType; this.indexerArgs = indexerArgs; flags = ObjectValueFlags.Property; if (property.GetSetMethod(true) == null) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly; } if (getter.IsStatic) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Global; } if (getter.IsPublic) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Public; } else if (getter.IsPrivate) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Private; } else if (getter.IsFamily) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Protected; } else if (getter.IsFamilyAndAssembly) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Internal; } else if (getter.IsFamilyOrAssembly) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.InternalProtected; } if (property.DeclaringType.IsValueType) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly; // Setting property values on structs is not supported by sdb } }
void InitializeBreakpoints(TypeMirror monoType) { debuggerThread.VerifyAccess(); Debug.Assert(monoType != null); if (monoType == null) { return; } var module = TryGetModuleCore_NoCreate(monoType.Module); if (module == null) { return; } var state = module.GetOrCreateData <TypeLoadBreakpointState>(); state.OnTypeLoaded(monoType); }
private string GetComponentName([CanBeNull] TypeMirror objectNamesType, Value componentValue) { if (objectNamesType != null) { try { var result = InvokeStaticMethod(objectNamesType, "GetInspectorTitle", componentValue); if (result is StringMirror stringMirror) { return(stringMirror.Value); } } catch (Exception e) { ourLogger.Error(e, "Unable to fetch object names for {0}", componentValue); } } return(componentValue.Type.Name); }
protected override ValueReference GetMember(EvaluationContext ctx, object t, object co, string name) { TypeMirror type = (TypeMirror)t; while (type != null) { FieldInfoMirror field = type.GetField(name); if (field != null) { return(new FieldValueReference(ctx, field, co, type)); } PropertyInfoMirror prop = type.GetProperty(name); if (prop != null) { return(new PropertyValueReference(ctx, prop, co, type, null)); } type = type.BaseType; } return(null); }
MethodMirror GetMethodCore(DmdMethodBase method, MonoTypeLoader monoTypeLoader) { MethodMirror monoMethod; var mi = method as DmdMethodInfo; if ((object)mi != null && mi.IsConstructedGenericMethod) { if (toMonoMethod.TryGetValue(method, out monoMethod)) { return(monoMethod); } if (!engine.MonoVirtualMachine.Version.AtLeast(2, 24)) { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } monoMethod = TryGetMethodCore2(mi.GetGenericMethodDefinition(), monoTypeLoader); if (monoMethod != null) { var genArgs = mi.GetGenericArguments(); var monoGenArgs = new TypeMirror[genArgs.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < monoGenArgs.Length; i++) { monoGenArgs[i] = MonoDebugTypeCreator.GetType(engine, genArgs[i], monoTypeLoader); } monoMethod = monoMethod.MakeGenericMethod(monoGenArgs); toMonoMethod[method] = monoMethod; return(monoMethod); } } else { monoMethod = TryGetMethodCore2(method, monoTypeLoader); if (monoMethod != null) { return(monoMethod); } } throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
MethodMirror?GetCreateInstance(TypeMirror arrayType) { foreach (var method in arrayType.GetMethods()) { if (method.Name != nameof(Array.CreateInstance)) { continue; } var ps = method.GetParameters(); if (ps.Length != 2) { continue; } if (ps[0].ParameterType.FullName != "System.Type" || ps[1].ParameterType.FullName != "System.Int32") { continue; } return(method); } return(null); }
private static List <KeyValuePair <string, Mirror> > GetChildren(TypeMirror type, Guid filterGuid) { var children = new List <KeyValuePair <string, Mirror> >(); do { if (filterGuid != EnumOnlyPropertiesFilter) { children.AddRange(type.GetFields().Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, Mirror>(x.Name, x))); } if (filterGuid != EnumOnlyFieldsFilter) { children.AddRange(type.GetProperties().Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, Mirror>(x.Name, x))); } type = type.BaseType; } while (type != null); children = children.Where(x => x.Key != null && x.Key.Length > 0 && x.Key[0] != '<').OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToList(); return(children); }
public Value RuntimeInvoke(MethodMirror method, object target, Value[] values) { if (values != null) { // Some arguments may need to be boxed ParameterInfoMirror[] mparams = method.GetParameters(); if (mparams.Length != values.Length) { throw new EvaluatorException("Invalid number of arguments when calling: " + method.Name); } for (int n = 0; n < mparams.Length; n++) { TypeMirror tm = mparams [n].ParameterType; if (tm.IsValueType || tm.IsPrimitive) { continue; } object type = Adapter.GetValueType(this, values [n]); TypeMirror argTypeMirror = type as TypeMirror; Type argType = type as Type; if ((argTypeMirror != null && (argTypeMirror.IsValueType || argTypeMirror.IsPrimitive)) || (argType != null && (argType.IsValueType || argType.IsPrimitive))) { // A value type being assigned to a parameter which is not a value type. The value has to be boxed. try { values [n] = Thread.Domain.CreateBoxedValue(values [n]); } catch (NotSupportedException) { // This runtime doesn't support creating boxed values throw new EvaluatorException("This runtime does not support creating boxed values."); } } } } MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(this, method, target, values); Adapter.AsyncExecute(mc, Options.EvaluationTimeout); return(mc.ReturnValue); }
Location GetLocFromType(TypeMirror type, string file, int line) { Location target_loc = null; foreach (MethodMirror m in type.GetMethods()) { foreach (Location l in m.Locations) { if (System.IO.Path.GetFileName(l.SourceFile) == file && l.LineNumber == line) { target_loc = l; break; } } if (target_loc != null) { break; } } return(target_loc); }
TypeMirror TryResolveType(TypeMirror monoType, DmdType realType) { var fullName = realType.FullName; if (fullName == null && realType.IsGenericType) { fullName = realType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().FullName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fullName)) { return(null); } // This fails if fullName is a generic instantiated type and at least one generic argument // is a type in another assembly, eg. List<MyType>. var result = monoType.Module.Assembly.GetType(fullName); if (result != null) { return(result); } return(monoTypeLoader?.Load(monoType.Assembly, fullName)); }
private Stream <CompilationMessage> ValidateInjectedTypes(VariableElement field) { TypeMirror fieldType = field.asType(); if (InjectsAllowedType(fieldType)) { return(Stream.empty()); } if (InjectsRestrictedType(fieldType)) { if (_ignoresWarnings) { return(Stream.empty()); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: return(Stream.of(new ContextFieldWarning(field, "@%s usage warning: found unsupported restricted type <%s> on %s.\n" + "The procedure will not load unless declared via the configuration option ''.\n" + "You can ignore this warning by passing the option -A%s to the Java compiler", typeof(Context).FullName, fieldType.ToString(), FieldFullName(field), IGNORE_CONTEXT_WARNINGS_OPTION))); } //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getName method: return(Stream.of(new ContextFieldError(field, "@%s usage error: found unknown type <%s> on field %s, expected one of: %s", typeof(Context).FullName, fieldType.ToString(), FieldFullName(field), JoinTypes(_supportedTypes)))); }
public override object CreateValue(EvaluationContext ctx, object type, params object[] args) { ctx.AssertTargetInvokeAllowed(); SoftEvaluationContext cx = (SoftEvaluationContext)ctx; TypeMirror t = (TypeMirror)type; TypeMirror[] types = new TypeMirror [args.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < args.Length; n++) { types [n] = ToTypeMirror(ctx, GetValueType(ctx, args [n])); } Value[] values = new Value[args.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < args.Length; n++) { values[n] = (Value)args [n]; } MethodMirror ctor = OverloadResolve(cx, ".ctor", t, types, true, true, true); return(t.NewInstance(cx.Thread, ctor, values)); }
private Stream <CompilationMessage> ValidateReturnType(ExecutableElement method) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The .NET Type.FullName property will not always yield results identical to the Java Class.getCanonicalName method: string streamClassName = typeof(Stream).FullName; TypeMirror streamType = _typeUtils.erasure(_elementUtils.getTypeElement(streamClassName).asType()); TypeMirror returnType = method.ReturnType; TypeMirror erasedReturnType = _typeUtils.erasure(returnType); TypeMirror voidType = _typeUtils.getNoType(TypeKind.VOID); if (_typeUtils.isSameType(returnType, voidType)) { return(Stream.empty()); } if (!_typeUtils.isSubtype(erasedReturnType, streamType)) { return(Stream.of(new ReturnTypeError(method, "Return type of %s#%s must be %s", method.EnclosingElement.SimpleName, method.SimpleName, streamClassName))); } return(_recordVisitor.visit(returnType)); }
static FieldInfoMirror[] GetFields(TypeMirror monoType, int length) { var fields = new FieldInfoMirror[length]; int w = 0; foreach (var f in monoType.GetFields()) { if (f.IsStatic || f.IsLiteral) { continue; } if (w >= fields.Length) { return(null); } fields[w++] = f; } if (w != length) { return(null); } return(fields); }
public FieldValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, FieldInfoMirror field, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, string vname, ObjectValueFlags vflags) : base(ctx) { this.field = field; this.obj = obj; this.declaringType = declaringType; this.vname = vname; flags = vflags; if (field.IsStatic) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Global; this.obj = null; } if (field.IsPublic) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Public; } else if (field.IsPrivate) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Private; } else if (field.IsFamily) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Protected; } else if (field.IsFamilyAndAssembly) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.Internal; } else if (field.IsFamilyOrAssembly) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.InternalProtected; } if (obj is PrimitiveValue) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly; } }
public override object ForceLoadType(EvaluationContext gctx, string typeName) { // Shortcut to avoid a target invoke in case the type is already loaded object t = GetType(gctx, typeName); if (t != null) { return(t); } SoftEvaluationContext ctx = (SoftEvaluationContext)gctx; if (!ctx.Options.AllowTargetInvoke) { return(null); } TypeMirror tm = (TypeMirror)ctx.Thread.Type.GetTypeObject().Type; TypeMirror stype = ctx.Session.GetType("System.String"); if (stype == null) { // If the string type is not loaded, we need to get it in another way StringMirror ss = ctx.Thread.Domain.CreateString(""); stype = ss.Type; } TypeMirror[] ats = new TypeMirror[] { stype }; MethodMirror met = OverloadResolve(ctx, "GetType", tm, ats, false, true, true); try { tm.InvokeMethod(ctx.Thread, met, new Value[] { (Value)CreateValue(ctx, typeName) }); } catch { return(null); } finally { ctx.Session.StackVersion++; } return(GetType(ctx, typeName)); }
string GetInfo() { try { TypeMirror type = null; if (obj is ObjectMirror) { type = ((ObjectMirror)obj).Type; } else if (obj is TypeMirror) { type = (TypeMirror)obj; } else if (obj is StructMirror) { type = ((StructMirror)obj).Type; } return(string.Format("method {0} on object {1}", function == null? "[null]" : function.FullName, type == null? "[null]" : type.FullName)); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("Error getting info for SDB MethodCall", ex); return(""); } }
public override object RuntimeInvoke(EvaluationContext gctx, object targetType, object target, string methodName, object[] argTypes, object[] argValues) { SoftEvaluationContext ctx = (SoftEvaluationContext)gctx; ctx.AssertTargetInvokeAllowed(); TypeMirror type = target != null ? ((ObjectMirror)target).Type : (TypeMirror)targetType; TypeMirror[] types = new TypeMirror [argTypes.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < argTypes.Length; n++) { types [n] = ToTypeMirror(ctx, argTypes [n]); } Value[] values = new Value[argValues.Length]; for (int n = 0; n < argValues.Length; n++) { values[n] = (Value)argValues [n]; } MethodMirror method = OverloadResolve(ctx, methodName, type, types, target != null, target == null, true); return(ctx.RuntimeInvoke(method, target ?? targetType, values)); }
public bool TryGetType(DmdType type, out TypeMirror monoType) => toMonoType.TryGetValue(type, out monoType);
public FieldValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, FieldInfoMirror field, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType) : this(ctx, field, obj, declaringType, null, ObjectValueFlags.Field) { }
private bool?Validate(TypeMirror typeMirror) { return(_allowedTypesValidator.test(typeMirror)); }
static bool IsValueTypeOrPrimitive(TypeMirror type) { return(type != null && (type.IsValueType || type.IsPrimitive)); }
public FieldValueReference(EvaluationContext ctx, FieldInfoMirror field, object obj, TypeMirror declaringType, string vname, ObjectValueFlags vflags, FieldReferenceBatch batch = null) : base(ctx) { this.field = field; this.obj = obj; this.declaringType = declaringType; this.vname = vname; this.batch = batch; flags = vflags; if (field.IsStatic) { this.obj = null; } var objectMirror = obj as ObjectMirror; if (objectMirror != null) { EnsureContextHasDomain(objectMirror.Domain); } flags |= GetFlags(field); if (obj is PrimitiveValue) { flags |= ObjectValueFlags.ReadOnly; } }
public bool TryGetType(TypeMirror monoType, out DmdType type) => toReflectionType.TryGetValue(monoType, out type);
public void Add(TypeMirror monoType, DmdType reflectionType) { toReflectionType[monoType] = reflectionType; toMonoType[reflectionType] = monoType; }