public void DisplaySizeInfo(Graphics2D graphics2D, Vector2 widthDisplayCenter, double size)
            string displayString = formatString.FormatWith(size);

            if (measureDisplayImage == null || measureDisplayedString != displayString)
                measureDisplayedString = displayString;
                TypeFacePrinter printer           = new TypeFacePrinter(measureDisplayedString, 16);
                TypeFacePrinter unitPrinter       = new TypeFacePrinter(unitsString, 10);
                Double          unitPrinterOffset = 1;

                BorderDouble margin = new BorderDouble(5);
                printer.Origin = new Vector2(margin.Left, margin.Bottom);
                RectangleDouble bounds = printer.LocalBounds;

                unitPrinter.Origin = new Vector2(bounds.Right + unitPrinterOffset, margin.Bottom);
                RectangleDouble unitPrinterBounds = unitPrinter.LocalBounds;

                measureDisplayImage = new ImageBuffer((int)(bounds.Width + margin.Width + unitPrinterBounds.Width + unitPrinterOffset), (int)(bounds.Height + margin.Height));
                // make sure the texture has mipmaps (so it can reduce well)
                ImageGlPlugin glPlugin      = ImageGlPlugin.GetImageGlPlugin(measureDisplayImage, true);
                Graphics2D    widthGraphics = measureDisplayImage.NewGraphics2D();
                widthGraphics.Clear(new RGBA_Bytes(RGBA_Bytes.White, 128));
                printer.Render(widthGraphics, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
                unitPrinter.Render(widthGraphics, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

            widthDisplayCenter -= new Vector2(measureDisplayImage.Width / 2, measureDisplayImage.Height / 2);
            graphics2D.Render(measureDisplayImage, widthDisplayCenter);
        private void View3DWidget_AfterDraw(object sender, DrawEventArgs e)
            if (view3DWidget?.HasBeenClosed == false && this.TrackingObject != null)
                // Account for loading items in InsertionGroups - inherit parent transform
                var offset = TrackingObject.Parent?.Matrix ?? Matrix4X4.Identity;

                AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds = TrackingObject.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(offset);

                Vector3 renderPosition    = bounds.GetBottomCorner(2);
                Vector2 cornerScreenSpace = view3DWidget.Object3DControlLayer.World.GetScreenPosition(renderPosition) - new Vector2(20, 10) * GuiWidget.DeviceScale;

                Affine currentGraphics2DTransform = e.Graphics2D.GetTransform();
                Affine accumulatedTransform       = currentGraphics2DTransform * Affine.NewTranslation(cornerScreenSpace.X, cornerScreenSpace.Y);


                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.State))
                    var stringPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(this.State, 9, new Vector2(0, -20));
                    var textBounds    = stringPrinter.LocalBounds;
                    textBounds.Inflate(textBounds.Height / 4);
                    e.Graphics2D.Render(new RoundedRect(textBounds, textBounds.Height / 4), theme.BackgroundColor);
                    stringPrinter.Render(e.Graphics2D, theme.TextColor);

Esempio n. 3
    void Update()
        // update animation counter
        x += Time.deltaTime;
        while (x > 1.0f)
            x -= 1.0f;

        // clear background with white
        Graphics2D g = buffer.NewGraphics2D();


        // draw some lines
        float w = buffer.Width * x;

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            g.Line(x1: 0, y1: buffer.Height * i / 10,
                   x2: w - w * i / 10, y2: 0,
                   color: RGBA_Bytes.Black, strokeWidth: 3);

        // draw some text
        TypeFacePrinter textPrinter    = new TypeFacePrinter("Hello World!", 30, justification: Justification.Center);
        IVertexSource   translatedText = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(textPrinter, Affine.NewTranslation(buffer.Width / 2, 5));

        g.Render(translatedText, RGBA_Bytes.Blue);

        // update texture data
        byte[] pixels = buffer.GetBuffer();
Esempio n. 4
        public void DrawString(string text,
                               double x,
                               double y,
                               double pointSize            = 12,
                               Justification justification = Justification.Left,
                               Baseline baseline           = Baseline.Text,
                               Color color             = default(Color),
                               bool drawFromHintedCach = false,
                               Color backgroundColor   = default(Color),
                               bool bold = false)
            TypeFacePrinter stringPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(text, pointSize, new Vector2(x, y), justification, baseline, bold);

            if (color.Alpha0To255 == 0)
                color = Color.Black;

            if (backgroundColor.Alpha0To255 != 0)
                FillRectangle(stringPrinter.LocalBounds, backgroundColor);

            stringPrinter.DrawFromHintedCache = drawFromHintedCach;
            stringPrinter.Render(this, color);
Esempio n. 5
        public void CorectLineCounts()
            var lines7   = @"; activate T0
; move up a bit
G1 Z1 F1500
; do the switch to T0
G1 X-29.5 F6000 ; NO_PROCESSING";
            var printer7 = new TypeFacePrinter(lines7);

            Assert.AreEqual(7, printer7.NumLines());

            var lines8   = @"; activate T0
; move up a bit
G1 Z1 F1500
; do the switch to T0
G1 X-29.5 F6000 ; NO_PROCESSING
            var printer8 = new TypeFacePrinter(lines8);

            Assert.AreEqual(8, printer8.NumLines());
Esempio n. 6
        public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
            TypeFacePrinter printer = new TypeFacePrinter();

            printer.DrawFromHintedCache = true;

            RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;

            double y = LocalBounds.Bottom + printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels * (TOTOL_POW2 - 1) + 5;

            for (int index = lineCount; index < lineCount + TOTOL_POW2; index++)
                if (y > LocalBounds.Top)
                    y -= printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels;
                int arrayIndex = (index % TOTOL_POW2);
                if (lines[arrayIndex] != null)
                    printer.Text   = lines[arrayIndex];
                    printer.Origin = new Vector2(Bounds.Left + 2, y);
                    printer.Render(graphics2D, TextColor);
                y -= printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels;
                if (y < -printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels)

        private void AddCharacterMeshes(string currentText, TypeFacePrinter printer)
            int            newIndex = asynchMeshGroups.Count;
            StyledTypeFace typeFace = printer.TypeFaceStyle;

            for (int i = 0; i < currentText.Length; i++)
                string          letter        = currentText[i].ToString();
                TypeFacePrinter letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter, typeFace);

                if (CharacterHasMesh(letterPrinter, letter))
                    Mesh textMesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(letterPrinter, unscaledLetterHeight / 2);

                    asynchMeshGroups.Add(new MeshGroup(textMesh));

                    PlatingMeshGroupData newMeshInfo = new PlatingMeshGroupData();

                    newMeshInfo.spacing = printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(i);

                    PlatingHelper.CreateITraceableForMeshGroup(asynchPlatingDatas, asynchMeshGroups, newIndex, null);
                    ScaleRotateTranslate moved = asynchMeshGroupTransforms[newIndex];
                    moved.translation *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, unscaledLetterHeight / 2));
                    asynchMeshGroupTransforms[newIndex] = moved;


                processingProgressControl.PercentComplete = ((i + 1) * 95 / currentText.Length);
Esempio n. 8
        public TextWidget(string text, double x = 0, double y = 0, double pointSize = 12, Justification justification = Justification.Left, RGBA_Bytes textColor = new RGBA_Bytes(), bool ellipsisIfClipped = true, bool underline = false, RGBA_Bytes backgroundColor = new RGBA_Bytes())
            pointSize             *= GlobalPointSizeScaleRatio;
            Selectable             = false;
            DoubleBuffer           = DoubleBufferDefault;
            AutoExpandBoundsToText = false;
            EllipsisIfClipped      = ellipsisIfClipped;
            OriginRelativeParent   = new Vector2(x, y);
            this.textColor         = textColor;
            if (this.textColor.Alpha0To255 == 0)
                // we assume it is the default if alpha 0.  Also there is no reason to make a text color of this as it will draw nothing.
                this.textColor = RGBA_Bytes.Black;
            if (backgroundColor.Alpha0To255 != 0)
                BackgroundColor = backgroundColor;

            base.Text = text;
            StyledTypeFace typeFaceStyle = new StyledTypeFace(LiberationSansFont.Instance, pointSize, underline);

            printer = new TypeFacePrinter(text, typeFaceStyle, justification: justification);

            LocalBounds = printer.LocalBounds;

            MinimumSize = new Vector2(LocalBounds.Width, LocalBounds.Height);
Esempio n. 9
        public static SizeF MeasureStringStatic(string text, Font font, PointF origin, StringFormat format)
            var tfp    = new TypeFacePrinter(text, font.SizeInPoints);
            var bounds = tfp.LocalBounds;

            return(new SizeF((float)bounds.Width, (float)bounds.Height));
Esempio n. 10
            public DockingTabButton(string tabTitle, ThemeConfig theme)
                this.grayBorder       = theme.GetBorderColor(theme.IsDarkTheme ? 45 : 55);
                this.theme            = theme;
                this.HAnchor          = HAnchor.Fit;
                this.VAnchor          = VAnchor.Fit | VAnchor.Center;
                this.AlignToRightEdge = true;
                this.MakeScrollable   = false;
                this.Border           = new BorderDouble(right: 6);
                this.BorderColor      = grayBorder;
                this.Margin           = new BorderDouble(2, 8, 0, 0);
                this.HoverColor       = Color.Transparent;

                var printer      = new TypeFacePrinter(tabTitle, theme.DefaultFontSize * GuiWidget.DeviceScale);
                var rotatedLabel = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(

                var textBounds = rotatedLabel.GetBounds();
                var bounds     = new RectangleDouble(printer.TypeFaceStyle.DescentInPixels, textBounds.Bottom, printer.TypeFaceStyle.AscentInPixels, textBounds.Top);

                rotatedLabel.Transform = ((Affine)rotatedLabel.Transform)
                                         * Affine.NewTranslation(new Vector2(-printer.TypeFaceStyle.DescentInPixels, -bounds.Bottom));

                this.AddChild(buttonView = new GuiWidget(bounds.Width, bounds.Height)
                    DoubleBuffer = true,
                    Margin       = new BorderDouble(3, 1),
                    Selectable   = false
                buttonView.AfterDraw += (s, e) =>
                    e.Graphics2D.Render(rotatedLabel, theme.TextColor);
Esempio n. 11
        private void insertTextBackgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            BackgroundWorker backgroundWorker = (BackgroundWorker)sender;


            string          currentText  = (string)e.Argument;
            TypeFacePrinter printer      = new TypeFacePrinter(currentText, new StyledTypeFace(boldTypeFace, 12));
            Vector2         size         = printer.GetSize(currentText);
            double          centerOffset = -size.x / 2;

            double ratioPerMeshGroup = 1.0 / currentText.Length;
            double currentRatioDone  = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < currentText.Length; i++)
                int newIndex = asynchMeshGroups.Count;

                TypeFacePrinter letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(currentText[i].ToString(), new StyledTypeFace(boldTypeFace, 12));
                Mesh            textMesh      = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(letterPrinter, 10 + (i % 2));

                if (textMesh.Faces.Count > 0)
                    asynchMeshGroups.Add(new MeshGroup(textMesh));

                    PlatingMeshGroupData newMeshInfo = new PlatingMeshGroupData();

                    newMeshInfo.xSpacing = printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(i).x + centerOffset;

                    PlatingHelper.CreateITraceableForMeshGroup(asynchPlatingDatas, asynchMeshGroups, newIndex, (double progress0To1, string processingState, out bool continueProcessing) =>
                        continueProcessing = true;
                        int nextPercent    = (int)((currentRatioDone + ratioPerMeshGroup * progress0To1) * 100);

                    currentRatioDone += ratioPerMeshGroup;

                    PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshGroupOnBed(asynchMeshGroups, asynchMeshGroupTransforms, newIndex);

                backgroundWorker.ReportProgress((i + 1) * 95 / currentText.Length);

            SetWordSpacing(asynchMeshGroups, asynchMeshGroupTransforms, asynchPlatingDatas);
            SetWordSize(asynchMeshGroups, asynchMeshGroupTransforms);
            SetWordHeight(asynchMeshGroups, asynchMeshGroupTransforms);

            if (createUnderline.Checked)
                CreateUnderline(asynchMeshGroups, asynchMeshGroupTransforms, asynchPlatingDatas);

Esempio n. 12
        public void TextWidgetVisibleTest()
            GuiWidget      rectangleWidget = new GuiWidget(100, 50);
            TextEditWidget itemToAdd       = new TextEditWidget("test Item", 10, 10);

            rectangleWidget.DoubleBuffer = true;

            ImageBuffer textOnly = new ImageBuffer(75, 20, 32, new BlenderBGRA());


#if true
            TypeFacePrinter stringPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter("test Item", 12);
            IVertexSource   offsetText    = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(stringPrinter, Affine.NewTranslation(1, -stringPrinter.LocalBounds.Bottom));
            textOnly.NewGraphics2D().Render(offsetText, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
            textOnly.NewGraphics2D().DrawString("test Item", 1, 1);

            if (saveImagesForDebug)
                ImageTgaIO.Save(rectangleWidget.BackBuffer, "-rectangleWidget.tga");
                //ImageTgaIO.Save(itemToAdd.Children[0].BackBuffer, "-internalTextWidget.tga");
                ImageTgaIO.Save(textOnly, "-textOnly.tga");

            Assert.IsTrue(rectangleWidget.BackBuffer.FindLeastSquaresMatch(textOnly, 1), "TextWidgets need to be drawing.");
Esempio n. 13
        // TODO: These are not GDI+ compatible.. decide where to put them.
        // TODO: adjust measure string to handle "StringFormat.GenericTypographic" differently than normal padding
        public static SizeF MeasureStringStatic(string text, Font font)
            // TODO: teach agg-sharp to render windows fonts
            var tfp    = new TypeFacePrinter(text, font.SizeInPoints);
            var bounds = tfp.LocalBounds;

            return(new SizeF((float)bounds.Width, (float)bounds.Height));
 public TextScrollWidget(List <string> sourceLines)
     printer = new TypeFacePrinter("", new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.MonoSpacedTypeFace, 12));
     printer.DrawFromHintedCache = true;
     this.allSourceLines         = sourceLines;
     this.visibleLines           = sourceLines;
     PrinterOutputCache.Instance.HasChanged.RegisterEvent(RecievedNewLine, ref unregisterEvents);
Esempio n. 15
 public TextScrollWidget(PrinterConfig printer, List <string> sourceLines)
     this.printer = new TypeFacePrinter("", new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono), 12));
     this.printer.DrawFromHintedCache = true;
     this.allSourceLines = sourceLines;
     this.visibleLines   = sourceLines;
     printer.Connection.TerminalLog.HasChanged.RegisterEvent(RecievedNewLine, ref unregisterEvents);
Esempio n. 16
        public override Task Rebuild()

            var rebuildLock = RebuildLock();

            return(Task.Run(() =>
                using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this))
                    bool valuesChanged = false;
                    var height = Height.ClampIfNotCalculated(this, .01, 1000000, ref valuesChanged);
                    var nameToWrite = NameToWrite.Value(this);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(nameToWrite))
                        Mesh = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 10, height);
                        Mesh = null;
                        this.Children.Modify(list =>

                            var offest = 0.0;
                            double pointsToMm = 0.352778;

                            foreach (var letter in nameToWrite.ToCharArray())
                                var style = new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(this.Font), PointSize.Value(this));
                                var letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter.ToString(), style)
                                    ResolutionScale = 10
                                var scaledLetterPrinter = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(letterPrinter, Affine.NewScaling(pointsToMm));

                                list.Add(new Object3D()
                                    Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(scaledLetterPrinter, this.Height.Value(this)),
                                    Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(offest, 0, 0),
                                    Name = letter.ToString()

                                offest += letterPrinter.GetSize(letter.ToString()).X *pointsToMm;

                UiThread.RunOnIdle(() =>
                    Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Children));
        public static bool ShowMessageBox(String message, string caption, MessageType messageType = MessageType.OK)
            string           wrappedMessage = TypeFacePrinter.InsertCRs(message, 350, 12);
            StyledMessageBox messageBox     = new StyledMessageBox(wrappedMessage, caption, messageType, null, 400, 300);
            bool             okClicked      = false;

            messageBox.ClickedOk += (sender, e) => { okClicked = true; };
Esempio n. 18
        public TextScrollWidget(List <string> sourceLines)
            string pathToFont = StaticData.Instance.ReadAllText(Path.Combine("Fonts", "LiberationMono.svg"));

            printer = new TypeFacePrinter("", new StyledTypeFace(TypeFace.LoadFrom(pathToFont), 12));
            printer.DrawFromHintedCache = true;
            this.allSourceLines         = sourceLines;
            this.visibleLines           = sourceLines;
            PrinterOutputCache.Instance.HasChanged.RegisterEvent(RecievedNewLine, ref unregisterEvents);
        public static bool ShowMessageBox(string message, string caption, GuiWidget[] extraWidgetsToAdd, MessageType messageType)
            string           wrappedMessage = TypeFacePrinter.InsertCRs(message, 300, 12);
            StyledMessageBox messageBox     = new StyledMessageBox(wrappedMessage, caption, messageType, extraWidgetsToAdd, 400, 300);
            bool             okClicked      = false;

            messageBox.ClickedOk += (sender, e) => { okClicked = true; };
Esempio n. 20
        public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)

            int numLines = Text.Split('\n').Length - 1;

            if (Text.Contains("\r"))
                throw new Exception("These should have be converted to \n.");

            double yOffsetForText = Printer.TypeFaceStyle.EmSizeInPixels * numLines;
            double xOffsetForText = 0;

            switch (printer.Justification)
            case Justification.Left:

            case Justification.Center:
                xOffsetForText = (Width - Printer.LocalBounds.Width) / 2;

            case Justification.Right:
                xOffsetForText = Width - Printer.LocalBounds.Width;

                throw new NotImplementedException();
            graphics2D.SetTransform(graphics2D.GetTransform() * Affine.NewTranslation(xOffsetForText, yOffsetForText));

            RGBA_Bytes currentColor = this.textColor;

            if (EllipsisIfClipped && Printer.LocalBounds.Width > LocalBounds.Width)             // only do this if it's static text
                TypeFacePrinter shortTextPrinter = Printer;
                shortTextPrinter.DrawFromHintedCache = Printer.DrawFromHintedCache;
                while (shortTextPrinter.LocalBounds.Width > LocalBounds.Width && shortTextPrinter.Text.Length > 4)
                    shortTextPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(shortTextPrinter.Text.Substring(0, shortTextPrinter.Text.Length - 4).TrimEnd(spaceTrim) + "...", Printer);
                shortTextPrinter.Render(graphics2D, currentColor);
                // it all fits or it's editable (if editable it will need to be offset/scrolled sometimes).
                Printer.Render(graphics2D, currentColor);


        public TextScrollWidget(PrinterConfig printer, List <TerminalLine> sourceLines)
            this.printer         = printer;
            this.typeFacePrinter = new TypeFacePrinter("", new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono), 12));
            this.typeFacePrinter.DrawFromHintedCache = true;
            this.allSourceLines = sourceLines;
            this.visibleLines   = sourceLines.Select(ld => ld.Line).ToList();

            // Register listeners
            printer.TerminalLog.LineAdded  += this.TerminalLog_LineAdded;
            printer.TerminalLog.LogCleared += this.TerminalLog_LogCleared;
Esempio n. 22
        public TextScrollWidget(PrinterConfig printer, TerminalLog terminalLog)
            this.printer         = printer;
            this.typeFacePrinter = new TypeFacePrinter("", new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(NamedTypeFace.Liberation_Mono), 12));
            this.typeFacePrinter.DrawFromHintedCache = true;
            this.terminalLog  = terminalLog;
            this.visibleLines = terminalLog.AllLines().ToList();

            // Register listeners
            printer.Connection.TerminalLog.LineAdded  += this.TerminalLog_LineAdded;
            printer.Connection.TerminalLog.LogCleared += this.TerminalLog_LogCleared;
Esempio n. 23
        private void AddCharacterMeshes(string currentText, TypeFacePrinter printer)
            int            newIndex = asyncMeshGroups.Count;
            StyledTypeFace typeFace = printer.TypeFaceStyle;

            for (int i = 0; i < currentText.Length; i++)
                string          letter        = currentText[i].ToString();
                TypeFacePrinter letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter, typeFace);

                if (CharacterHasMesh(letterPrinter, letter))
#if true
                    Mesh textMesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(letterPrinter, unscaledLetterHeight / 2);
                    Mesh textMesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(letterPrinter, unscaledLetterHeight / 2);
                    // this is the code to make rounded tops
                    // convert the letterPrinter to clipper polygons
                    List <List <IntPoint> > insetPoly = VertexSourceToPolygon.CreatePolygons(letterPrinter);
                    // inset them
                    ClipperOffset clipper = new ClipperOffset();
                    clipper.AddPaths(insetPoly, JoinType.jtMiter, EndType.etClosedPolygon);
                    List <List <IntPoint> > solution = new List <List <IntPoint> >();
                    clipper.Execute(solution, 5.0);
                    // convert them back into a vertex source
                    // merge both the inset and original vertex sources together
                    // convert the new vertex source into a mesh (trianglulate them)
                    // offset the inner loop in z
                    // create the polygons from the inner loop to a center point so that there is the rest of an approximation of the bubble
                    // make the mesh for the bottom
                    // add the top and bottom together
                    // done

                    asyncMeshGroups.Add(new MeshGroup(textMesh));

                    PlatingMeshGroupData newMeshInfo = new PlatingMeshGroupData();

                    newMeshInfo.spacing = printer.GetOffsetLeftOfCharacterIndex(i);

                    PlatingHelper.CreateITraceableForMeshGroup(asyncPlatingDatas, asyncMeshGroups, newIndex, null);
                    ScaleRotateTranslate moved = asyncMeshGroupTransforms[newIndex];
                    moved.translation *= Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(0, 0, unscaledLetterHeight / 2));
                    asyncMeshGroupTransforms[newIndex] = moved;


                processingProgressControl.PercentComplete = ((i + 1) * 95 / currentText.Length);
Esempio n. 24
        public override Task Rebuild()

            var rebuildLock = RebuildLock();

                       "Generating Text Meshes".Localize(),
                       (reporter, cancellationToken) =>
                using (new CenterAndHeightMaintainer(this))
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(NameToWrite))
                        Mesh = PlatonicSolids.CreateCube(20, 10, Height);
                        Mesh = null;
                        this.Children.Modify(list =>

                            var offest = 0.0;
                            double pointsToMm = 0.352778;

                            foreach (var letter in this.NameToWrite.ToCharArray())
                                var letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter.ToString(), new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(this.Font), this.PointSize))
                                    ResolutionScale = 10
                                var scaledLetterPrinter = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(letterPrinter, Affine.NewScaling(pointsToMm));

                                list.Add(new Object3D()
                                    Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(scaledLetterPrinter, this.Height),
                                    Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(offest, 0, 0),
                                    Name = letter.ToString()

                                offest += letterPrinter.GetSize(letter.ToString()).X *pointsToMm;

                Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Children));
                return Task.CompletedTask;
Esempio n. 25
        public void AddTextField(string instructionsText, int pixelsFromLast)
            GuiWidget spacer = new GuiWidget(10, pixelsFromLast);


            string     wrappedInstructions             = TypeFacePrinter.InsertCRs(instructionsText, 400, 12);
            string     wrappedInstructionsTabsToSpaces = wrappedInstructions.Replace("\t", "    ");
            TextWidget instructionsWidget = new TextWidget(wrappedInstructionsTabsToSpaces, textColor: RGBA_Bytes.White);

            instructionsWidget.HAnchor = Agg.UI.HAnchor.ParentCenter;
Esempio n. 26
        public void DrawString(string text, Font font, Brush brush, float x, float y)
            // TODO: handle different brushes
            // TODO: emulate GDI "bordering" of text?
            SolidBrush colorBrush = brush as SolidBrush;
            var        s1         = new TypeFacePrinter(text, font.SizeInPoints, new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2(0, 0), Justification.Left, Baseline.BoundsTop);
            var        s2         = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(s1, Affine.NewScaling(1, -1));

            if (x != 0.0f || y != 0.0f)
                s2 = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(s2, Affine.NewTranslation(x, y));

            _InternalRender(s2, new RGBA_Bytes((uint)colorBrush.Color.ToArgb()));
Esempio n. 27
        public void DrawString(string text, Font font, TypeFace typeFace, Brush brush, float x, float y,
                               Justification justification = Justification.Left, Baseline baseline = Baseline.BoundsTop)
            SolidBrush colorBrush = brush as SolidBrush;
            //var s1 = new TypeFacePrinter (text, font.SizeInPoints, new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2 (0, 0), Justification.Left, Baseline.BoundsTop);
            var s1 = new TypeFacePrinter(text,
                                         new StyledTypeFace(typeFace, font.SizeInPoints, font.Underline),
                                         new MatterHackers.VectorMath.Vector2(0, 0), justification, baseline);
            var s2 = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(s1, Affine.NewScaling(1, -1));

            if (x != 0.0f || y != 0.0f)
                s2 = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(s2, Affine.NewTranslation(x, y));

            _InternalRender(s2, new RGBA_Bytes((uint)colorBrush.Color.ToArgb()));
Esempio n. 28
        public override Task Rebuild()

            var rebuildLock = RebuildLock();

                       (reporter, cancellationToken) =>
                using (new CenterAndHeightMantainer(this))
                    this.Children.Modify((List <IObject3D> list) =>

                        var offest = 0.0;
                        double pointsToMm = 0.352778;
                        foreach (var letter in NameToWrite.ToCharArray())
                            var letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter.ToString(), new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(Font), PointSize))
                                ResolutionScale = 10
                            var scalledLetterPrinter = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(letterPrinter, Affine.NewScaling(pointsToMm));
                            IObject3D letterObject = new Object3D()
                                Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(scalledLetterPrinter, Height)

                            letterObject.Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(offest, 0, 0);

                            offest += letterPrinter.GetSize(letter.ToString()).X *pointsToMm;

                Parent?.Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Children));
                return Task.CompletedTask;
Esempio n. 29
        public void DrawString(string Text, double x, double y, double pointSize = 12,
                               Justification justification = Justification.Left, Baseline baseline     = Baseline.Text,
                               RGBA_Bytes color            = new RGBA_Bytes(), bool drawFromHintedCach = false, RGBA_Bytes backgroundColor = new RGBA_Bytes())
            TypeFacePrinter stringPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(Text, pointSize, new Vector2(x, y), justification, baseline);

            if (color.Alpha0To255 == 0)
                color = RGBA_Bytes.Black;

            if (backgroundColor.Alpha0To255 != 0)
                FillRectangle(stringPrinter.LocalBounds, backgroundColor);

            stringPrinter.DrawFromHintedCache = drawFromHintedCach;
            stringPrinter.Render(this, color);
Esempio n. 30
        private void Rebuild(UndoBuffer undoBuffer)
            using (RebuildLock())
                var aabb = this.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();

                this.Children.Modify((list) =>

                    var offest        = 0.0;
                    double pointsToMm = 0.352778;
                    foreach (var letter in NameToWrite.ToCharArray())
                        var letterPrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(letter.ToString(), new StyledTypeFace(ApplicationController.GetTypeFace(Font), PointSize))
                            ResolutionScale = 10
                        var scalledLetterPrinter = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(letterPrinter, Affine.NewScaling(pointsToMm));
                        IObject3D letterObject   = new Object3D()
                            Mesh = VertexSourceToMesh.Extrude(scalledLetterPrinter, Height)

                        letterObject.Matrix = Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(offest, 0, 0);

                        offest += letterPrinter.GetSize(letter.ToString()).X *pointsToMm;

                if (aabb.ZSize > 0)
                    // If the part was already created and at a height, maintain the height.
                    PlatingHelper.PlaceMeshAtHeight(this, aabb.minXYZ.Z);

            Invalidate(new InvalidateArgs(this, InvalidateType.Content));