public void AddTypeBL(TypeBO objTypeBO) { objTypeBO.TypeCount = 0; TypeDA objTypeDA = new TypeDA(); objTypeDA.AddTypeDA(objTypeBO); }
/// <summary> /// To Get Land Type /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public TypeList GetLandType() { OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(AppConfiguration.ConnectionString); OracleCommand cmd; string proc = "USP_MST_LND_GET_TYPE"; cmd = new OracleCommand(proc, con); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add("Sp_recordset", OracleDbType.RefCursor).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Connection.Open(); OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); TypeBO objtypeBO = null; TypeList objtypelist = new TypeList(); while (dr.Read()) { objtypeBO = new TypeBO(); objtypeBO.LND_TYPEID = (Convert.ToInt32(dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("LND_TYPEID")))); objtypeBO.LandType = dr.GetValue(dr.GetOrdinal("LANDTYPE")).ToString(); objtypelist.Add(objtypeBO); } dr.Close(); return(objtypelist); }
public static void LoadData() { TypeBO type = new TypeBO(); type.Id = 1; type.Name = "Kindergardens"; TypeDAL.types.Add(type); TypeBO type2 = new TypeBO(); type2.Id = 2; type2.Name = "Elementary Schools"; TypeDAL.types.Add(type2); TypeBO type3 = new TypeBO(); type3.Id = 3; type3.Name = "High Schools"; TypeDAL.types.Add(type3); TypeBO type4 = new TypeBO(); type4.Id = 4; type4.Name = "University"; TypeDAL.types.Add(type4); }
public static bool Create(int typeId, string name, char gender) { bool result = false; try { TypeBO type = TypeDAL.findById(typeId); StudentBO student_new = new StudentBO(); student_new.Type = type; student_new.Id = StudentDAL.getList().OrderByDescending(o => o.Id).First().Id + 1; student_new.Name = name; student_new.Gender = gender; student_new.SetTime(); StudentDAL.students.Add(student_new); result = true; } catch (Exception) { result = false; throw; } return(result); }
public static void LoadData() { if (TypeDAL.getList().Count == 0) { TypeDAL.LoadData(); } //string fileName = @"input.csv"; string fileName = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"..\DAL\source\input.csv"; //string fileName = "c:/Users/brayan-pc/documents/visual studio 2017/Projects/Students/DAL/source/input.csv"; try { int contador = 0; foreach (var line in File.ReadLines(fileName).Skip(1)) { contador++; var data = line.Split(';'); TypeBO type = TypeDAL.findByName(data[0]); StudentBO student_new = new StudentBO(); student_new.Type = type; student_new.Id = contador; student_new.Name = data[1]; student_new.Gender = char.Parse(data[2]); student_new.SetTime(data[3]); StudentDAL.students.Add(student_new); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } //return myList; }
public static bool Edit(int id, int typeId, string name, char gender) { bool result = false; try { foreach (var item in StudentDAL.students) { if (item.Id == id) { TypeBO type = TypeDAL.findById(typeId); item.Type = type; item.Name = name; item.Gender = gender; item.SetTime(); } } result = true; } catch (Exception) { result = false; } return(result); }
private void ButtonTypeAddProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (TextBoxTypeNameAddProduct.Text != "" && TextBoxTypePriceAddProduct.Text != "") { TypeBO objTypeBO = new TypeBO(); objTypeBO.ProductID = (Int32)ComboBoxProductNameAddProduct.SelectedValue; objTypeBO.TypeName = TextBoxTypeNameAddProduct.Text; objTypeBO.TypePrice = Convert.ToDecimal(TextBoxTypePriceAddProduct.Text); TypeBL objTypeBL = new TypeBL(); objTypeBL.AddTypeBL(objTypeBO); MessageBox.Show("Ürün türü başarıyla eklenmiştir"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Lütfen tür adı ve fiyatını giriniz"); } TextBoxTypeNameAddProduct.Clear(); TextBoxTypePriceAddProduct.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
private void ButtonAddProduct_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (TextBoxProductCount.Text != "") { TypeBO objTypeBO = new TypeBO(); objTypeBO.ProductID = (Int32)ComboBoxProductName.SelectedValue; objTypeBO.TypeName = ComboBoxProductType.Text; objTypeBO.TypeCount = Convert.ToInt32(TextBoxProductCount.Text); TypeBL objTypeBL = new TypeBL(); objTypeBL.AddProductToStockBL(objTypeBO); MessageBox.Show("Ürün başarı ile eklenmiştir"); TextBoxProductCount.Clear(); ComboBoxProductName.SelectedIndex = 0; PopulateGridViewStockHistory(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Lütfen ürün adedini giriniz"); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void UpdateProduct(TypeBO objTypeBO) { DbConnection objDbConnection = DbConnection.GetInstance(); SqlConnection con = objDbConnection.GetConnection(); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update dbo.Type Set TypeName=@TypeName,TypePrice=@TypePrice Where TypeID=@TypeID", con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeID", objTypeBO.TypeID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeName", objTypeBO.TypeName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypePrice", objTypeBO.TypePrice)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public void AddProductToStockDA(TypeBO objTypeBO) { DbConnection objDbConnection = DbConnection.GetInstance(); SqlConnection con = objDbConnection.GetConnection(); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Update dbo.Type Set TypeCount=@TypeCount Where TypeName=@TypeName And ProductID=@ProductID", con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeName", objTypeBO.TypeName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductID", objTypeBO.ProductID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeCount", objTypeBO.TypeCount)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public void AddTypeDA(TypeBO objTypeBO) { DbConnection objDbConnection = DbConnection.GetInstance(); SqlConnection con = objDbConnection.GetConnection(); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Insert Into dbo.Type (TypeName,TypeCount,TypePrice,ProductID) Values (@TypeName,@TypeCount,@TypePrice,@ProductID)", con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeName", objTypeBO.TypeName)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeCount", objTypeBO.TypeCount)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypePrice", objTypeBO.TypePrice)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductID", objTypeBO.ProductID)); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
public static bool Delete(TypeBO type) { bool result = false; try { result = true; } catch (Exception) { result = false; } return(result); }
public static bool Insert(TypeBO type) { bool result = false; try { TypeDAL.types.Add(type); result = true; } catch (Exception) { result = false; } return(result); }
public static List <TypeBO> getListSearch() { List <TypeBO> list = new List <TypeBO>(); TypeBO new_type = new TypeBO(); new_type.Id = 0; new_type.Name = "Select an Item (Type)"; list.Add(new_type); foreach (var item in TypeDAL.types) { list.Add(item); } return(list); }
public void AddProductToStockBL(TypeBO objTypeBO) { StockBO objStockBO = new StockBO(); StockDA objStockDA = new StockDA(); TypeDA objTypeDA = new TypeDA(); ProductDA objProductDA = new ProductDA(); objStockBO.StockName = objProductDA.GetProductName(objTypeBO.ProductID); objStockBO.StockType = objTypeBO.TypeName; objStockBO.StockCount = objTypeBO.TypeCount; objStockBO.StockDate = DateTime.Today; int oldCount = objTypeDA.GetOldTypeCount(objTypeBO.TypeName, objTypeBO.ProductID); objTypeBO.TypeCount = objTypeBO.TypeCount + oldCount; objTypeDA.AddProductToStockDA(objTypeBO); objStockDA.AddStockRecord(objStockBO); }
public int GetTypeID(TypeBO objTypeBO) { DbConnection objDbConnection = DbConnection.GetInstance(); SqlConnection con = objDbConnection.GetConnection(); con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("Select TypeID From dbo.Type Where ProductID=@ProductID And TypeName=@TypeName", con); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ProductID", objTypeBO.ProductID)); cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@TypeName", objTypeBO.TypeName)); SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); int TypeID = 0; if (dr.Read()) { TypeID = dr.GetInt32(0); } return(TypeID); }
public static void LoadData2() { TypeBO type = new TypeBO(); if (TypeDAL.getList().Count == 0) { TypeDAL.LoadData(); } type = TypeDAL.findById(2); StudentBO student = new StudentBO(); student.Id = 1; student.Name = "Jose"; student.Gender = 'M'; student.Type = type; student.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); StudentDAL.students.Add(student); StudentBO student_2 = new StudentBO(); student_2.Id = 2; student_2.Name = "Maria"; student_2.Gender = 'F'; student_2.Type = type; student_2.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); StudentDAL.students.Add(student_2); StudentBO student_3 = new StudentBO(); student_3.Id = 3; student_3.Name = "Jorge"; student_3.Gender = 'M'; student_3.Type = type; student_3.Time = DateTime.Now.ToString(); StudentDAL.students.Add(student_3); //return myList; }
//Create a method to calculate the best and worst type for a team to face against public TypeDAO CalculateTypes(List <int> TypesToCalculate) { //Instantiate a new instance of the TypeCalculator object TypeCalculator Calculator = new TypeCalculator(); //Get all types in the types table and assign them to a TypeDAO List List <TypeDAO> AllDAOTypes = typeData.GetAllTypes(); //Create a new Instance of the TypeBO List List <TypeBO> AllBOTypes = new List <TypeBO>(); //Loop thorugh TypeDAO List and map each type and values into a TypeBO Value and send it to the TypeBO List foreach (TypeDAO Types in AllDAOTypes) { //Create a new instance of the TypeBO Object TypeBO BOTypes = new TypeBO(); BOTypes.TypeID = Types.TypeID; BOTypes.TypeName = Types.TypeName; BOTypes.xNormal = Types.xNormal; BOTypes.xFire = Types.xFire; BOTypes.xWater = Types.xWater; BOTypes.xGrass = Types.xGrass; BOTypes.xElectric = Types.xElectric; BOTypes.xIce = Types.xIce; BOTypes.xFighting = Types.xFighting; BOTypes.xPoision = Types.xPoision; BOTypes.xGround = Types.xGround; BOTypes.xFlying = Types.xFlying; BOTypes.xPsychic = Types.xPsychic; BOTypes.xBug = Types.xBug; BOTypes.xRock = Types.xRock; BOTypes.xGhost = Types.xGhost; BOTypes.xDragon = Types.xDragon; BOTypes.xDark = Types.xDark; BOTypes.xSteel = Types.xSteel; BOTypes.xFairy = Types.xFairy; AllBOTypes.Add(BOTypes); } //Create a new TypeBO Object List <TypeBO> TypesToEvaluate = new List <TypeBO>(); //Loop through the list of interagers passed as a parameter foreach (int chosenType in TypesToCalculate) { //Check to make sure the type is not null if (chosenType != 19) { //Loop thorugh all types in the TypeBO List foreach (TypeBO BOType in AllBOTypes) { //Search through the typeBO List until the typeID matches the given interager and add the values of that type to the TypesToEvaluate List //Repeat this until all types have been sifted through if (chosenType == BOType.TypeID) { TypeBO Types = new TypeBO(); Types.TypeID = BOType.TypeID; Types.TypeName = BOType.TypeName; Types.xNormal = BOType.xNormal; Types.xFire = BOType.xFire; Types.xWater = BOType.xWater; Types.xGrass = BOType.xGrass; Types.xElectric = BOType.xElectric; Types.xIce = BOType.xIce; Types.xFighting = BOType.xFighting; Types.xPoision = BOType.xPoision; Types.xGround = BOType.xGround; Types.xFlying = BOType.xFlying; Types.xPsychic = BOType.xPsychic; Types.xBug = BOType.xBug; Types.xRock = BOType.xRock; Types.xGhost = BOType.xGhost; Types.xDragon = BOType.xDragon; Types.xDark = BOType.xDark; Types.xSteel = BOType.xSteel; Types.xFairy = BOType.xFairy; TypesToEvaluate.Add(Types); } } } } //Send the final list of Types to the Buissness logic layer to be evaluated TypeBO FinalTypeValues = Calculator.Calculate(TypesToEvaluate); //Create a new instance of the TypeDAO Object TypeDAO FinalValues = new TypeDAO(); //Map the new calculated values from TypeBO To TypeDAO FinalValues.xNormal = FinalTypeValues.xNormal; FinalValues.xFire = FinalTypeValues.xFire; FinalValues.xWater = FinalTypeValues.xWater; FinalValues.xGrass = FinalTypeValues.xGrass; FinalValues.xElectric = FinalTypeValues.xElectric; FinalValues.xIce = FinalTypeValues.xIce; FinalValues.xFighting = FinalTypeValues.xFighting; FinalValues.xPoision = FinalTypeValues.xPoision; FinalValues.xGround = FinalTypeValues.xGround; FinalValues.xFlying = FinalTypeValues.xFlying; FinalValues.xPsychic = FinalTypeValues.xPsychic; FinalValues.xBug = FinalTypeValues.xBug; FinalValues.xRock = FinalTypeValues.xRock; FinalValues.xGhost = FinalTypeValues.xGhost; FinalValues.xDragon = FinalTypeValues.xDragon; FinalValues.xDark = FinalTypeValues.xDark; FinalValues.xSteel = FinalTypeValues.xSteel; FinalValues.xFairy = FinalTypeValues.xFairy; FinalValues.Max = FinalTypeValues.Max; FinalValues.Max2 = FinalTypeValues.Max2; FinalValues.MaxName = FinalTypeValues.MaxName; FinalValues.Max2Name = FinalTypeValues.Max2Name; FinalValues.Min = FinalTypeValues.Min; FinalValues.Min2 = FinalTypeValues.Min2; FinalValues.MinName = FinalTypeValues.MinName; FinalValues.Min2Name = FinalTypeValues.Min2Name; //Return the final values to the Presentation Layer return(FinalValues); }
public static TypeBO findById(int id) { TypeBO type = TypeDAL.types.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Id == id); return(type); }
public static TypeBO findByName(string name) { TypeBO type = TypeDAL.types.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == name); return(type); }
public TypesController(Context context) { _context = context; typeBO = new TypeBO(context); }
public int GetTypeID(TypeBO objTypeBO) { TypeDA objTypeDA = new TypeDA(); return(objTypeDA.GetTypeID(objTypeBO)); }
public void UpdateProduct(TypeBO objTypeBO) { TypeDA objTypeDA = new TypeDA(); objTypeDA.UpdateProduct(objTypeBO); }