protected void ImageButton2_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { try { if (TxtAmount.Text != "" && TxtAmount2.Text != "") { double t1 = double.Parse(TxtAmount.Text); double t2 = double.Parse(TxtAmount2.Text); if (t1 <= 500 && t2 <= 500) { if (t1 == t2) { if (t1 <= 0.0) { LblError.Visible = true; LblError.Text = "Please enter positive amount of money"; TxtAmount.Focus(); return; } if (t2 <= 0.0) { LblError.Visible = true; LblError.Text = "Please enter positive amount of money"; TxtAmount2.Focus(); return; } else { LblError.Visible = false; getaccountamount(); } } else { LblError.Visible = true; LblError.Text = "Please enter same amount"; } } else { LblError.Visible = true; LblError.Text = "Please enter Amount less than or equal to 500$"; } } else { LblError.Visible = true; LblError.Text = "Please enter Amount"; } } catch { } }
private void TxtAmount2_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (decimal.TryParse(TxtAmount2.Text.Replace(",", "").Replace(".", "").TrimStart('0'), out decimal result)) { result /= 100; amount2 = result; TxtAmount2.TextChanged -= TxtAmount2_TextChanged; TxtAmount2.Text = result.ToString("N2", nfi); TxtAmount2.TextChanged += TxtAmount2_TextChanged; TxtAmount2.Select(TxtAmount2.Text.Length, 0); } }