Esempio n. 1
        public Money GetP2PKHDustThreadhold()
            var output        = new TxOut(Money.Parse("0"), BitcoinAddress.Create("mjparMCvVPaUYmQWuWtCdygRKN3vaSRvjP", Network.TestNet));
            var minRelayTxFee = this.GetMinRelayTxFee();

Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Submit(string cryptoCode,
                                                 decimal minfeerate             = -1.0m,
                                                 bool disableoutputsubstitution = false,
                                                 int v = 1)
            var network = _btcPayNetworkProvider.GetNetwork <BTCPayNetwork>(cryptoCode);

            if (network == null)

            if (v != 1)
                return(BadRequest(new JObject
                    new JProperty("errorCode", "version-unsupported"),
                    new JProperty("supported", new JArray(1)),
                    new JProperty("message", "This version of payjoin is not supported.")

            await using var ctx = new PayjoinReceiverContext(_invoiceRepository, _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network), _payJoinRepository);
            ObjectResult CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(int httpCode, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors err, string debug)
                ctx.Logs.Write($"Payjoin error: {debug}");
                return(StatusCode(httpCode, CreatePayjoinError(err, debug)));

            var explorer = _explorerClientProvider.GetExplorerClient(network);

            if (Request.ContentLength is long length)
                if (length > 1_000_000)
                                           CreatePayjoinError("payload-too-large", "The transaction is too big to be processed")));
                                                     "The http header Content-Length should be filled")));

            string rawBody;

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
                rawBody = (await reader.ReadToEndAsync()) ?? string.Empty;

            FeeRate originalFeeRate = null;
            bool    psbtFormat      = true;

            if (PSBT.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var psbt))
                if (!psbt.IsAllFinalized())
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "The PSBT should be finalized")));
                ctx.OriginalTransaction = psbt.ExtractTransaction();
            // BTCPay Server implementation support a transaction instead of PSBT
                psbtFormat = false;
                if (!Transaction.TryParse(rawBody, network.NBitcoinNetwork, out var tx))
                    return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "invalid transaction or psbt")));
                ctx.OriginalTransaction = tx;
                psbt = PSBT.FromTransaction(tx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
                psbt = (await explorer.UpdatePSBTAsync(new UpdatePSBTRequest()
                    PSBT = psbt
                for (int i = 0; i < tx.Inputs.Count; i++)
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptSig     = tx.Inputs[i].ScriptSig;
                    psbt.Inputs[i].FinalScriptWitness = tx.Inputs[i].WitScript;

            FeeRate senderMinFeeRate             = minfeerate >= 0.0m ? new FeeRate(minfeerate) : null;
            Money   allowedSenderFeeContribution = Money.Satoshis(maxadditionalfeecontribution is long t && t >= 0 ? t : 0);

            var sendersInputType = psbt.GetInputsScriptPubKeyType();

            if (psbt.CheckSanity() is var errors && errors.Count != 0)
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", $"This PSBT is insane ({errors[0]})")));
            if (!psbt.TryGetEstimatedFeeRate(out originalFeeRate))
                                                     "You need to provide Witness UTXO information to the PSBT.")));

            // This is actually not a mandatory check, but we don't want implementers
            // to leak global xpubs
            if (psbt.GlobalXPubs.Any())
                                                     "GlobalXPubs should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Outputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0) || psbt.Inputs.Any(o => o.HDKeyPaths.Count != 0))
                                                     "Keypath information should not be included in the PSBT")));

            if (psbt.Inputs.Any(o => !o.IsFinalized()))
                return(BadRequest(CreatePayjoinError("original-psbt-rejected", "The PSBT Should be finalized")));

            var mempool = await explorer.BroadcastAsync(ctx.OriginalTransaction, true);

            if (!mempool.Success)
                                                     $"Provided transaction isn't mempool eligible {mempool.RPCCodeMessage}")));
            var   enforcedLowR    = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.All(IsLowR);
            var   paymentMethodId = new PaymentMethodId(network.CryptoCode, PaymentTypes.BTCLike);
            bool  paidSomething   = false;
            Money due             = null;
            Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO> selectedUTXOs      = new Dictionary <OutPoint, UTXO>();
            PSBTOutput               originalPaymentOutput = null;
            BitcoinAddress           paymentAddress        = null;
            InvoiceEntity            invoice = null;
            DerivationSchemeSettings derivationSchemeSettings = null;

            foreach (var output in psbt.Outputs)
                var key = output.ScriptPubKey.Hash + "#" + network.CryptoCode.ToUpperInvariant();
                invoice = (await _invoiceRepository.GetInvoicesFromAddresses(new[] { key })).FirstOrDefault();
                if (invoice is null)
                derivationSchemeSettings = invoice.GetSupportedPaymentMethod <DerivationSchemeSettings>(paymentMethodId)
                if (derivationSchemeSettings is null)

                var receiverInputsType = derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation.ScriptPubKeyType();
                if (!PayjoinClient.SupportedFormats.Contains(receiverInputsType))
                    //this should never happen, unless the store owner changed the wallet mid way through an invoice
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "Our wallet does not support payjoin"));
                if (sendersInputType is ScriptPubKeyType t1 && t1 != receiverInputsType)
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "We do not have any UTXO available for making a payjoin with the sender's inputs type"));
                var paymentMethod  = invoice.GetPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId);
                var paymentDetails =
                    paymentMethod.GetPaymentMethodDetails() as Payments.Bitcoin.BitcoinLikeOnChainPaymentMethod;
                if (paymentDetails is null || !paymentDetails.PayjoinEnabled)
                if (invoice.GetAllBitcoinPaymentData().Any())
                                                                  $"The invoice this PSBT is paying has already been partially or completely paid")));

                paidSomething = true;
                due           = paymentMethod.Calculate().TotalDue - output.Value;
                if (due > Money.Zero)

                if (!await _payJoinRepository.TryLockInputs(ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.Select(i => i.PrevOut).ToArray()))
                    return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "Some of those inputs have already been used to make another payjoin transaction"));

                var utxos = (await explorer.GetUTXOsAsync(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation))
                // In case we are paying ourselves, be need to make sure
                // we can't take spent outpoints.
                var prevOuts = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Inputs.Select(o => o.PrevOut).ToHashSet();
                utxos = utxos.Where(u => !prevOuts.Contains(u.Outpoint)).ToArray();
                Array.Sort(utxos, UTXODeterministicComparer.Instance);
                foreach (var utxo in (await SelectUTXO(network, utxos, psbt.Inputs.Select(input => input.WitnessUtxo.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC)), output.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC),
                                                       psbt.Outputs.Where(psbtOutput => psbtOutput.Index != output.Index).Select(psbtOutput => psbtOutput.Value.ToDecimal(MoneyUnit.BTC)))).selectedUTXO)
                    selectedUTXOs.Add(utxo.Outpoint, utxo);
                ctx.LockedUTXOs       = selectedUTXOs.Select(u => u.Key).ToArray();
                originalPaymentOutput = output;
                paymentAddress        = paymentDetails.GetDepositAddress(network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            if (!paidSomething)
                                                     "This transaction does not pay any invoice with payjoin")));

            if (due is null || due > Money.Zero)
                                                     "The transaction must pay the whole invoice")));

            if (selectedUTXOs.Count == 0)
                return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "We do not have any UTXO available for contributing to a payjoin"));

            var originalPaymentValue = originalPaymentOutput.Value;
            await _broadcaster.Schedule(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2.0), ctx.OriginalTransaction, network);

            //check if wallet of store is configured to be hot wallet
            var extKeyStr = await explorer.GetMetadataAsync <string>(

            if (extKeyStr == null)
                // This should not happen, as we check the existance of private key before creating invoice with payjoin
                return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(503, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.Unavailable, "The HD Key of the store changed"));

            Money           contributedAmount = Money.Zero;
            var             newTx             = ctx.OriginalTransaction.Clone();
            var             ourNewOutput      = newTx.Outputs[originalPaymentOutput.Index];
            HashSet <TxOut> isOurOutput       = new HashSet <TxOut>();

            TxOut feeOutput =
                additionalfeeoutputindex is int feeOutputIndex &&
                maxadditionalfeecontribution is long v3 &&
                v3 >= 0 &&
                feeOutputIndex >= 0 &&
                feeOutputIndex < newTx.Outputs.Count &&
                ? newTx.Outputs[feeOutputIndex] : null;
            var rand             = new Random();
            int senderInputCount = newTx.Inputs.Count;

            foreach (var selectedUTXO in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                contributedAmount += (Money)selectedUTXO.Value;
                var newInput = newTx.Inputs.Add(selectedUTXO.Outpoint);
                newInput.Sequence = newTx.Inputs[rand.Next(0, senderInputCount)].Sequence;
            ourNewOutput.Value += contributedAmount;
            var minRelayTxFee = this._dashboard.Get(network.CryptoCode).Status.BitcoinStatus?.MinRelayTxFee ??
                                new FeeRate(1.0m);

            // Remove old signatures as they are not valid anymore
            foreach (var input in newTx.Inputs)
                input.WitScript = WitScript.Empty;

            Money ourFeeContribution = Money.Zero;
            // We need to adjust the fee to keep a constant fee rate
            var txBuilder = network.NBitcoinNetwork.CreateTransactionBuilder();
            var coins     = psbt.Inputs.Select(i => i.GetSignableCoin())
                            .Concat(selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation))).ToArray();

            Money expectedFee   = txBuilder.EstimateFees(newTx, originalFeeRate);
            Money actualFee     = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
            Money additionalFee = expectedFee - actualFee;

            if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                // If the user overpaid, taking fee on our output (useful if sender dump a full UTXO for privacy)
                for (int i = 0; i < newTx.Outputs.Count && additionalFee > Money.Zero && due < Money.Zero; i++)
                    if (disableoutputsubstitution)
                    if (isOurOutput.Contains(newTx.Outputs[i]))
                        var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, -due);
                        outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                       newTx.Outputs[i].Value - newTx.Outputs[i].GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                        newTx.Outputs[i].Value -= outputContribution;
                        additionalFee          -= outputContribution;
                        due += outputContribution;
                        ourFeeContribution += outputContribution;

                // The rest, we take from user's change
                if (feeOutput != null)
                    var outputContribution = Money.Min(additionalFee, feeOutput.Value);
                    outputContribution = Money.Min(outputContribution,
                                                   feeOutput.Value - feeOutput.GetDustThreshold(minRelayTxFee));
                    outputContribution            = Money.Min(outputContribution, allowedSenderFeeContribution);
                    feeOutput.Value              -= outputContribution;
                    additionalFee                -= outputContribution;
                    allowedSenderFeeContribution -= outputContribution;

                if (additionalFee > Money.Zero)
                    // We could not pay fully the additional fee, however, as long as
                    // we are not under the relay fee, it should be OK.
                    var newVSize   = txBuilder.EstimateSize(newTx, true);
                    var newFeePaid = newTx.GetFee(txBuilder.FindSpentCoins(newTx));
                    if (new FeeRate(newFeePaid, newVSize) < (senderMinFeeRate ?? minRelayTxFee))
                        return(CreatePayjoinErrorAndLog(422, PayjoinReceiverWellknownErrors.NotEnoughMoney, "Not enough money is sent to pay for the additional payjoin inputs"));

            var accountKey = ExtKey.Parse(extKeyStr, network.NBitcoinNetwork);
            var newPsbt    = PSBT.FromTransaction(newTx, network.NBitcoinNetwork);

            foreach (var selectedUtxo in selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Value))
                var signedInput = newPsbt.Inputs.FindIndexedInput(selectedUtxo.Outpoint);
                var coin        = selectedUtxo.AsCoin(derivationSchemeSettings.AccountDerivation);
                var privateKey = accountKey.Derive(selectedUtxo.KeyPath).PrivateKey;
                signedInput.Sign(privateKey, new SigningOptions()
                    EnforceLowR = enforcedLowR
                newTx.Inputs[signedInput.Index].WitScript = newPsbt.Inputs[(int)signedInput.Index].FinalScriptWitness;

            // Add the transaction to the payments with a confirmation of -1.
            // This will make the invoice paid even if the user do not
            // broadcast the payjoin.
            var originalPaymentData = new BitcoinLikePaymentData(paymentAddress,
                                                                 new OutPoint(ctx.OriginalTransaction.GetHash(), originalPaymentOutput.Index),

            originalPaymentData.ConfirmationCount  = -1;
            originalPaymentData.PayjoinInformation = new PayjoinInformation()
                CoinjoinTransactionHash = GetExpectedHash(newPsbt, coins),
                CoinjoinValue           = originalPaymentValue - ourFeeContribution,
                ContributedOutPoints    = selectedUTXOs.Select(o => o.Key).ToArray()
            var payment = await _invoiceRepository.AddPayment(invoice.Id, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, originalPaymentData, network, true);

            if (payment is null)
                                                              $"The original transaction has already been accounted")));
            await _btcPayWalletProvider.GetWallet(network).SaveOffchainTransactionAsync(ctx.OriginalTransaction);

            _eventAggregator.Publish(new InvoiceEvent(invoice, 1002, InvoiceEvent.ReceivedPayment)
                Payment = payment
            _eventAggregator.Publish(new UpdateTransactionLabel()
                WalletId          = new WalletId(invoice.StoreId, network.CryptoCode),
                TransactionLabels = selectedUTXOs.GroupBy(pair => pair.Key.Hash).Select(utxo =>
                                                                                        new KeyValuePair <uint256, List <(string color, string label)> >(utxo.Key,
                                                                                                                                                         new List <(string color, string label)>()
                                    .ToDictionary(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value)