Esempio n. 1
    public void AddToFruitDestroyedScore(int length = 0, bool correct = false)
        //if the GameControllers "gameModes" var is set to GameModes.Classic then...
        if (GameController.GameControllerInstance.gameModes == GameModes.Classic)
            //then ClassicModeScore gets incremented by 1 :-)
            if (!correct)
                GameVariables.ClassicModeScore += length;
                GameVariables.ClassicModeScore += length;
                TwoTimesScoreEffect tw = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.twoTimesScoreEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <TwoTimesScoreEffect>();
                if (tw.twoTimesScoreIsOn)
                    GameVariables.ClassicModeScore += length;

        ////if the GameControllers "gameModes" var is set to GameModes.Classic then...
        //if (GameController.GameControllerInstance.gameModes == GameModes.Classic)
        //    //then ClassicModeScore gets incremented by 1 :-)
        //    GameVariables.ClassicModeScore++;

        //if the GameControllers "gameModes" var is set to GameModes.Relax then...
        if (GameController.GameControllerInstance.gameModes == GameModes.Relax)
            //then RelaxModeScore gets incremented by 1 :-)
Esempio n. 2
    private int numOfTimesScoreTimesTwoLaunched;                                // the number of times that the Freeze Banana has been launched

    // Use this for pre-initialization
    void Awake()
        //make sure our static LaunchController Instance is set to THIS gameObject
        LaunchControllerInstance = this;

        //our timer reference by calling GetComponent on THIS gameObject
        timer = GetComponent <CountdownTimer>();

        //Use GameObjects FindObjectWithTag method to setup our references to the freeze,frenzy, and 2xScore objects/classes.  Using our Const Strings in "Tags"
        freezeEffectReference        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.freezeEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <FreezeEffect>();
        frenzyEffectReference        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.frenzyEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <FrenzyEffect>();
        twoTimesScoreEffectReference = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.twoTimesScoreEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <TwoTimesScoreEffect>();

        //Use GameObjects FindObjectWithTag method to setup our references to the bottom and side fruitLaunchers.
        bottomFruitLaunchers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Tags.bottomFruitLaunchers);
        sideFruitLaunchers   = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Tags.sideFruitLaunchers);

        //Initialize the lists  "bottomLaunchersScriptReference" && "sideLaunchersScriptReference"
        bottomLaunchersScriptReference = new List <FruitLauncher>();
        sideLaunchersScriptReference   = new List <FruitLauncher>();

        //loop through all of the bottom fruit launchers
        for (int i = 0; i < bottomFruitLaunchers.Length; i++)
            //now add each bottom fruit launcher to our List ("bottomLaunchersScriptReference")
            bottomLaunchersScriptReference.Add(bottomFruitLaunchers[i].GetComponent <FruitLauncher>());
        //loop through all of the side fruit launchers
        for (int j = 0; j < sideFruitLaunchers.Length; j++)
            //now add each side fruit launcher to our List ("sideLaunchersScriptReference")
            sideLaunchersScriptReference.Add(sideFruitLaunchers[j].GetComponent <FruitLauncher>());
Esempio n. 3
    private GameObject[] menuFruitGameObjects;            // the array of fruit in the scene (if we are not in a game scene), we GetComponent all of these fruit's CapsuleColliders for changing to inactive.
                                                          //if a menu fruit has already been sliced... that way you cannot attempt to load other levels after finishing a selection.

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // we will use resetPos as the level origin 0,0,0
        resetPos = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        //if inGameScene (checked true in the inspector)... (only uncheck if the fruit is for a Menu Scene)
        if (inGameScene)
            ///Setup Scene References with GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag...

            //setup our animator reference...
            pineappleTweenIconAnim = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.PineappleTweenIcon).GetComponent <Animator>();
            //setup our ComboCounter reference...
            comboCounter = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.comboCanvasTag).GetComponent <FruitDestroyCombo>();
            //setup our TwoTimesScoreEffectGameObject reference...   (All PowerUp Effects have a script on a GameObject in the game scenes (i.e. scenes 2.3,4);
            twoXScore = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.twoTimesScoreEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <TwoTimesScoreEffect>();
            //if not in game scene then we are in menu scene.  Lets get this fruits audio source so we can use it on slice...
            thisObjectsAudioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();

            //finish initializing our List of CapsuleColliders.
            fruitCollidersInScene = new List <CapsuleCollider>();
            //we fill the menuFruitColliders array with the menu fruit gameobjects..
            menuFruitGameObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Tags.fruitTag);
            //now we loop through all of the menu fruit...
            for (int i = 0; i < menuFruitGameObjects.Length; i++)
                //with each iteration and each "Fruit" found we do a GetCompoennt for the CapsuleCollider... and add that collider to the list.
                fruitCollidersInScene.Add(menuFruitGameObjects[i].GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>());
            //so now that, that is done later we can disable all the fruit colliders.  After someone cuts a menu fruit that level will be selected...
            //there is no need to allow them to cut another.  it will only produce a weird scene load issue, where half way through loading one level
            //another load starts... Fader would blink out a few times. etc...  Now that cannot happen :0
        //Some of these References are for Menu Scenes only.. others are just references that we need to setup...

        //this gets all of the MeshRenderers for the attached fruit.. some of the prefabs are setup minutely different.
        fruitChildMeshRenderers = GetComponentsInChildren <MeshRenderer>();
        //reference to this rigidbody
        thisRB = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        //reference to Game Music Audio Source (Child of ScreenFaderSingletons "MODFaderPrefab(DontDestroyOnLoad)"  The only prefab in the Resources folder.
        ////////gameMusicAudioSource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameMusicAudio).GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        //reference to Game Sfx Audio Source (Child of ScreenFaderSingletons "MODFaderPrefab(DontDestroyOnLoad)"  The only prefab in the Resources folder.
        gameSfxAudioSource = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.GameSfxAudio).GetComponent <AudioSource>();
        //setup the temple bell audio source for when not in a game scene.
        thisObjectsAudioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>();
    void Awake()
        //I usually use awake for setting up references, so we will do that first.
        //the next three lines will get a reference to the 3 gameObjects in the game scenes that control the powerUp
        //effects.  These gameObjects each have a spriteRenderer that is used to display the powerUp labels and some have
        //borders (like Freeze Effect).

        //all of the tags in the game are stored in [const readonly strings], in our Tags Class.  There was quite a few
        //different tags, and since I would prefer the scripts to autoComplete, I created read only strings for them.
        freezeEffectGameObject        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.freezeEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <FreezeEffect>();
        frenzyEffectGameObject        = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.frenzyEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <FrenzyEffect>();
        twoTimesScoreEffectGameObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.twoTimesScoreEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <TwoTimesScoreEffect>();

        //cache a reference to this gameObject.
        thisGameObject = this.gameObject;

        //Setup Shake and Chroma Script References... both scripts are on the main camera
        shake  = Camera.main.GetComponent <SimpleCameraShake>();
        chroma = Camera.main.GetComponent <ChromaticAberration>();
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// MonitorGameState is the main Method in the GameController Class.  The Method
    /// </summary>
    public void MonitorGameState()

        //if the current game mode is Classic...
        if (gameModes == GameModes.Classic)
            //if roundTimer.timeLeft is less than or equal to 0.01 && gameHasStarted
            //Physics.gravity = g + new Vector3(0, -0.1f * GameVariables.ClassicModeScore/3, 0);
            if (roundTimer.timeLeft <= 0.01 && gameHasStarted)
                // gameover and compute score again, update ui

                if (GameVariables.correct.Length > 0)
                    AddToFruitDestroyedScore(GameVariables.correct.Length, true);
                    TwoTimesScoreEffect tw = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Tags.twoTimesScoreEffectGameObjectTag).GetComponent <TwoTimesScoreEffect>();
                    if (tw.twoTimesScoreIsOn)
                        AddToFruitDestroyedScore(GameVariables.correct.Length, true);
                //Debug.Log("Game Over");

                //activate the gameOverPanel

                //FNCTouchSlicer gets disabled

                //invoke our settings/menu canvas to provoke a response...
                Invoke("LocalPauseAndSettingsMenuCall", waitForMenuAtEnd);

                //if GameVariables.ClassicModeHighestScore is less than GameVariables.ClassicModeScore then clearly we need to update the highest score
                if (GameVariables.ClassicModeHighestScore < GameVariables.ClassicModeScore)
                    //we update the highest score by calling UpdateHighestScore(GameVariables.ClassicModeScore(ClassicModeScore))

                //We also need to update player experience... we pass in our new score to do that.

                //and we set gameIsRunning to false
                gameIsRunning = false;
            //else... game clock is still running, and we should still be launching...
                //Access the LaunchControllers static Instance and call ReduceLaunchTimersAndLaunchObjects...


        //if the current game mode is Classic...
        if (gameModes == GameModes.Relax)
            //if roundTimer.timeLeft is less than or equal to 0.01 && gameHasStarted
            if (roundTimer.timeLeft <= 0.01 && gameHasStarted)
                //Debug.Log("Game Over");

                //activate the gameOverPanel

                //FNCTouchSlicer gets disabled

                //invoke our settings/menu canvas to provoke a response...
                Invoke("LocalPauseAndSettingsMenuCall", waitForMenuAtEnd);

                //if GameVariables.ClassicModeHighestScore is less than GameVariables.ClassicModeScore then clearly we need to update the highest score
                if (GameVariables.RelaxModeHighestScore < GameVariables.RelaxModeScore)
                    //we update the highest score by calling UpdateHighestScore(GameVariables.ClassicModeScore(ClassicModeScore))

                //We also need to update player experience... we pass in our new score to do that.

                //and we set gameIsRunning to false
                gameIsRunning = false;
            //else... game clock is still running, and we should still be launching...
                //Access the LaunchControllers static Instance and call ReduceLaunchTimersAndLaunchObjects...