public void LeaveHousehold(string userId, int householdId) { UserEntity user = Store.FindByIdAsync(userId).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); var household = user.Households.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HouseholdId == householdId); if (household == null) { throw new KeyNotFoundException($"User is not in this household"); } user.Households.Remove(household); DatabaseContext.SaveChanges(); }
public ThingDto Create(ThingDto dto) { ThingEntity entity = new ThingEntity(); entity.Name = dto.Name; entity.HouseholdId = dto.HouseholdId; entity.Show = dto.Show; entity.Needed = dto.Needed; entity.DefaultPrice = dto.DefaultPrice; context.Things.Add(entity); context.SaveChanges(); return(buildDto(entity)); }
public WishEntity getTestWish() { TwnContext context = new TwnContext(); var user = context.Users.Add(new UserEntity() { Email = "[email protected]", FName = "TestNameUser", Username = "******", PhoneNumber = "0944587369", LName = "larry", PenisSize = 123123f }); double price = new Random().Next(0, 200); var wish = new WishEntity() { MaxPrice = price, ExtraPay = 7, GrantedOn = DateTime.Today, User = user, Name = "noose" }; var wishEntity = context.Wishes.Add(wish); context.Users.Add(user); using (context) { context.SaveChanges(); } return(wishEntity); }
public PurchaseDto Create(PurchaseDto dto) { var entity = new PurchaseEntity() { ThingId = dto.ThingId, MadeById = dto.MadeById, Price = dto.Price, MadeOn = dto.MadeOn, }; context.Purchases.Add(entity); context.SaveChanges(); dto.PurchaseId = entity.PurchaseId; throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void cleanup(int id) { WishEntity wish; using (TwnContext context = new TwnContext()) { wish = context.Wishes.Find(id); context.Wishes.Remove(wish); context.Users.Remove(context.Users.Find(wish.UserId)); context.SaveChanges(); } }
private void cleanup(ICollection <HouseholdEntity> householdList) { using (TwnContext context = new TwnContext()) { foreach (HouseholdEntity household in householdList.ToList()) { foreach (ThingEntity te in household.Things.ToList()) { if (context.Things != null) { try { context.Things.Remove(te); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // do nothing } } } foreach (UserEntity ue in household.Users.ToList()) { if (context.Users != null) { try { context.Users.Remove(ue); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // do nothing } } } try { context.Households.Remove(household); } catch (System.InvalidOperationException e) { // do nothing } } context.SaveChanges(); } }
public ICollection <HouseholdEntity> addTestHousehold() { TwnContext context = new TwnContext(); // add a hosuehold var household = context.Households.Add(new HouseholdEntity() { Address = new AddressDto() { Address1 = "Rostrupsvej 15", City = "Aalborg", Country = "DK", PostCode = "9000" }, Name = "ShoulderShoulderShoulderShoulder" }); var household1 = context.Households.Add(new HouseholdEntity() { Address = new AddressDto() { Address1 = "Seklagervej 8", City = "Aalborg", Country = "DK", PostCode = "9000" }, Name = "UgandanCamp" }); // add thing 1 var thing1 = context.Things.Add(new ThingEntity() { Needed = true, Name = "ToothpasteTest1", Household = household, DefaultPrice = 189 }); // add thing 2 var thing2 = context.Things.Add(new ThingEntity() { Needed = true, Name = "BreadcrumbsTest2", Household = household, DefaultPrice = 20 }); // add things to the lsit var thingList = new List <ThingEntity>(); thingList.Add(thing1); thingList.Add(thing2); // add household to the set var hashSet = new HashSet <HouseholdEntity>(); hashSet.Add(household); // add a user1 var user1 = context.Users.Add(new UserEntity() { Email = "*****@*****.**", Username = "******", PenisSize = 10.0f, FName = "Us", LName = "Er", PhoneNumber = "0987654321", Households = hashSet }); // add a user2 var user2 = context.Users.Add(new UserEntity() { Email = "*****@*****.**", Username = "******", PenisSize = 20.0f, FName = "Us", LName = "Er", PhoneNumber = "1234567890", Households = hashSet }); // add users to the list var userList = new List <UserEntity>(); userList.Add(user1); userList.Add(user2); // update user and thing in household household.Users = userList; household.Things = thingList; using (context) { context.SaveChanges(); } // list of households to return var householdList = new List <HouseholdEntity>(); householdList.Add(household); householdList.Add(household1); return(householdList); }