Esempio n. 1
 private void _SetConditionCode(TwIdentity appId, TwCC cc)
     if (this._handlers.ContainsKey(appId.Id))
         this._handlers[appId.Id].ConditionCode = cc;
         this.ConditionCode = cc;
Esempio n. 2
 private static string _CodeToMessage(TwCC code) {
     switch(code) {
         case TwCC.Success:
             return "It worked!";
         case TwCC.Bummer:
             return "Failure due to unknown causes.";
         case TwCC.LowMemory:
             return "Not enough memory to perform operation.";
         case TwCC.NoDS:
             return "No Data Source.";
         case TwCC.MaxConnections:
             return "DS is connected to max possible applications.";
         case TwCC.OperationError:
             return "DS or DSM reported error, application shouldn't.";
         case TwCC.BadCap:
             return "Unknown capability.";
         case TwCC.BadProtocol:
             return "Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination.";
         case TwCC.BadValue:
             return "Data parameter out of range.";
         case TwCC.SeqError:
             return "DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence.";
         case TwCC.BadDest:
             return "Unknown destination Application/Source in DSM_Entry.";
         case TwCC.CapUnsupported:
             return "Capability not supported by source.";
         case TwCC.CapBadOperation:
             return "Operation not supported by capability.";
         case TwCC.CapSeqError:
             return "Capability has dependancy on other capability.";
         /* Added 1.8 */
         case TwCC.Denied:
             return "File System operation is denied (file is protected).";
         case TwCC.FileExists:
             return "Operation failed because file already exists.";
         case TwCC.FileNotFound:
             return "File not found.";
         case TwCC.NotEmpty:
             return "Operation failed because directory is not empty.";
         case TwCC.PaperJam:
             return "The feeder is jammed.";
         case TwCC.PaperDoubleFeed:
             return "The feeder detected multiple pages.";
         case TwCC.FileWriteError:
             return "Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions).";
         case TwCC.CheckDeviceOnline:
             return "The device went offline prior to or during this operation.";
             return "Unknown error.";
Esempio n. 3
        private static string _CodeToMessage(TwCC code)
            switch (code)
            case TwCC.Success:
                return("It worked!");

            case TwCC.Bummer:
                return("Failure due to unknown causes.");

            case TwCC.LowMemory:
                return("Not enough memory to perform operation.");

            case TwCC.NoDS:
                return("No Data Source.");

            case TwCC.MaxConnections:
                return("DS is connected to max possible applications.");

            case TwCC.OperationError:
                return("DS or DSM reported error, application shouldn't.");

            case TwCC.BadCap:
                return("Unknown capability.");

            case TwCC.BadProtocol:
                return("Unrecognized MSG DG DAT combination.");

            case TwCC.BadValue:
                return("Data parameter out of range.");

            case TwCC.SeqError:
                return("DG DAT MSG out of expected sequence.");

            case TwCC.BadDest:
                return("Unknown destination Application/Source in DSM_Entry.");

            case TwCC.CapUnsupported:
                return("Capability not supported by source.");

            case TwCC.CapBadOperation:
                return("Operation not supported by capability.");

            case TwCC.CapSeqError:
                return("Capability has dependancy on other capability.");

            /* Added 1.8 */
            case TwCC.Denied:
                return("File System operation is denied (file is protected).");

            case TwCC.FileExists:
                return("Operation failed because file already exists.");

            case TwCC.FileNotFound:
                return("File not found.");

            case TwCC.NotEmpty:
                return("Operation failed because directory is not empty.");

            case TwCC.PaperJam:
                return("The feeder is jammed.");

            case TwCC.PaperDoubleFeed:
                return("The feeder detected multiple pages.");

            case TwCC.FileWriteError:
                return("Error writing the file (meant for things like disk full conditions).");

            case TwCC.CheckDeviceOnline:
                return("The device went offline prior to or during this operation.");

                return("Unknown error.");
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TwainException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cc">The condition code.</param>
 /// <param name="rc">The return code.</param>
 internal TwainException(TwCC cc, TwRC rc) : this(TwainException._CodeToMessage(cc))
     this.ConditionCode = cc;
     this.ReturnCode    = rc;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TwainException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">The code.</param>
 internal TwainException(TwCC code) : this(TwainException._CodeToMessage(code))
Esempio n. 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataSourceException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rc">The TWRC_xxxx.</param>
 /// <param name="cc">The TWCC_xxxx.</param>
 /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
 public DataSourceException(TwRC rc, TwCC cc, string message) : base(message)
     this.ReturnCode    = rc;
     this.ConditionCode = cc;
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DataSourceException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rc">The TWRC_xxxx.</param>
 /// <param name="cc">The TWCC_xxxx.</param>
 public DataSourceException(TwRC rc, TwCC cc) : this(rc, cc, string.Empty)
Esempio n. 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TwainException"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code">The code.</param>
 internal TwainException(TwCC code):this(TwainException._CodeToMessage(code)) {