public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_get_tutorialIds_ordered_by_orderBy_then_tutorialId() { using (new TransactionScope()) { // Given const int candidateId = 1; const int customisationId = 8194; const int sectionId = 216; tutorialContentTestHelper.UpdateDiagAssessOutOf(928, 1); // ... // Tutorial: 927 OrderByNumber 34 // Tutorial: 928 OrderByNumber 35 // Tutorial: 929 OrderByNumber 35 // ... // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should() .Equal(923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 940); } }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_can_have_tutorials_with_false_status() { // Given const int customisationId = 5694; const int candidateId = 1; const int sectionId = 103; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should().Equal(319, 320, 322, 323, 321, 324); // All have CustomisationTutorials.Status = 0 }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_use_nonzero_originalTutorialIds() { // Given const int customisationId = 26178; const int candidateId = 285914; const int sectionId = 2479; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); // Tutorial ID 11376 was not replaced, but the other four have been tutorialIds.Should().Equal(11376, 1576, 1577, 1578, 1579); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_not_have_tutorials_with_diagAssessOutOf_less_than_1() { // Given const int customisationId = 21058; const int candidateId = 172968; const int sectionId = 189; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should().NotContain(806); // Tutorial with DiagAssessOutOf = 0 tutorialIds.Should().Equal(804, 805, 807); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_not_have_archived_tutorials() { // Given const int customisationId = 22416; const int candidateId = 118178; const int sectionId = 1955; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should().NotContain(9366); // Archived tutorial tutorialIds.Should().Equal(9332, 9333); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_not_have_tutorials_with_false_diagStatus() { // Given const int customisationId = 14579; const int candidateId = 102375; const int sectionId = 135; // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should().NotContain(541); // Tutorial with DiagStatus 0 tutorialIds.Should().Equal(535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 542); }
public void Get_diagnostic_assessment_should_get_tutorialIds_ordered_by_orderBy() { // Given const int candidateId = 210934; const int customisationId = 17731; const int sectionId = 801; // Tutorial: 3330 OrderByNumber 1 // Tutorial: 3331 OrderByNumber 2 // Tutorial: 3332 OrderByNumber 3 // Tutorial: 3333 OrderByNumber 5 // Tutorial: 3334 OrderByNumber 4 // When var result = diagnosticAssessmentDataService.GetDiagnosticAssessment(customisationId, candidateId, sectionId); // Then result.Should().NotBeNull(); var tutorialIds = result !.Tutorials.Select(tutorial => tutorial.Id).ToList(); tutorialIds.Should().Equal(3330, 3331, 3332, 3334, 3333); }