private void LightDown() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = "照明を暗くします"; lightTimeCount = maxTime; checkCurrentPosition = player.transform.position; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.Stick, true); voices[5].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (lightTimeCount >= 0) { Vector3 aPos = checkCurrentPosition; Vector3 bPos = new Vector3(doorPositionChecker.transform.position.x, checkCurrentPosition.y, doorPositionChecker.transform.position.z); player.transform.position = bPos + (aPos - bPos) * lightTimeCount / maxTime; RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = minColor + (maxColor - minColor) * lightTimeCount / maxTime; lightTimeCount -= Time.deltaTime; } else { RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor = minColor; isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.LightOn; } }
private void MatchVoiceCheckItem(string item, string content) { if (content == item) { VoiceController.CreateVoiceStar(); LogManager.Log("讯飞获得:", content, ", 匹配单词:", item); m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; XunFeiSRManager.Instance.StopListen(); MicManager.Instance.StopRecord(); AudioObject obj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { obj = AudioController.Play("Recording_3"); } else { obj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording8"); } AnalysisManager.Instance.OnEvent("100005", null, "新手", "完成新手"); obj.completelyPlayedDelegate = Skip; return; } else { LogManager.Log("讯飞获得:", content, ", 匹配单词:", item); return; } }
private void LightOn() { instructions.text = "左人差し指を\nにぎってください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.IndexTrigger, false); Cooling(); state = TutorialStatus.LightAtTarget; }
public async Task <TutorialStatus> SaveVideoStatus(TutorialStatus tutorialStatus) { string uri = $"{AppSettings.VideoApiUrl}/videos"; var response = await _requestProvider.PostAsync <TutorialStatus>(uri, tutorialStatus); return(response); }
private void BeamOn() { input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Right, InputManager.ButtonLock.IndexTrigger, false); instructions.text = "右人差し指を\nにぎってください"; voices[8].Play(); Cooling(); state = TutorialStatus.BeamAtTarget; }
public override void GameStart() { if (input.LC.IndexTrigger.Axis > 0.5f) { GM.Parameter.StartGameFlag = true; isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.First; } }
private void ChangeStatusToStartSound(AudioObject obj) { RepetNum = 0; m_Status = TutorialStatus.StartSound; if (m_Tap != null) { m_Tap.Delete(); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // if(GameManager.DialogueBox.Variables.ContainsKey("QuestStatus_ThorinIntroQuest")) // print(GameManager.DialogueBox.Variables["QuestStatus_ThorinIntroQuest"]); // Quest q = QuestManager.GetQuestByID("ThorinIntroQuest"); // if(q.ID != null) // { // Help.print("Thorin Quest Status", q.Status); // } innterventionTimer -= Time.deltaTime; if (currentSpell != null) { ThorinSpellBook[currentSpell].CoolDownTimer(); } // print(status); switch (status) { case TutorialStatus.intialize: InitalizeSpells(); moving = false; break; case TutorialStatus.playerBeingAttacked: if (PlayerNeedsHelp) { wolf = GameObject.Find("Tutorial Wolf"); status = TutorialStatus.attackingWolf; } break; case TutorialStatus.attackingWolf: if (WolfDead) { InitateConversation(); status = TutorialStatus.teachingFirstSpell; //TODO: make sure status updates if quits during the tutorial // GameManager.player.GetComponent<PlayerStats>().FullHeal(); } else { AttackingWolf(); } break; case TutorialStatus.teachingFirstSpell: moving = false; CheckWolfRespawn(); break; default: moving = false; CheckWolfRespawn(); break; } UpdateAnimator(); }
private void UpdateStatus(MediaPlayerStatus status) { var item = new TutorialStatus() { Id = string.Empty, LastAction = Enum.GetName(typeof(MediaPlayerStatus), status), TutorialName = "big buck bunny", LastPayedTime = FixTimeSpan(CrossMediaManager.Current.VideoPlayer.Position).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss") }; var service = Locator.Instance.Resolve <ITutorialsService>(); service.SaveVideoStatus(item); }
private void LightAtTarget() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = "壁のシンボルに向かって\nライトを当ててください"; isChecked = true; } if (!voices[5].isPlaying && symbol.Parameter.IsBreaked) { isChecked = false; correctSE.Play(); state = TutorialStatus.Move2; } }
private void First() { if (!isChecked) { input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.IndexTrigger, true); instructions.text = "操作確認を始めます"; voices[0].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (!voices[0].isPlaying) { state = TutorialStatus.LeftTurnCamera; isChecked = false; } }
private void TreadTrap() { if (!isChecked) { input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.Stick, true); instructions.text = "罠を踏んだことで\nダメージを受けました"; voices[7].Play(); isChecked = true; } if (!voices[7].isPlaying) { isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.BeamOn; } }
private void BeamAtTarget() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = "罠に向かって\nビームを当ててください"; slideDoor.SlideStart(); isChecked = true; } if (!voices[8].isPlaying && breakBearTrap.IsBreaked) { correctSE.Play(); isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.TryGame; } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { status = TutorialStatus.intialize; Quest q = QuestManager.GetQuestByID("ThorinIntroQuest"); if (q.ID != null) { if (q.Completed) { status = TutorialStatus.tutorialDone; } } anime = GetComponent <Animator>(); // InitalizeSpells(); // finishedTutorial = false; }
public void PointerWrong() { if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.ClickBatchKey && m_PlayStatus == Status.Click) { if (ClickPefect == false && RepetNum < 3) { m_PlayStatus = Status.Sound; m_TutotialScaler.Restart(); m_Status = TutorialStatus.RetryPlayBatchKey; } else { m_PlayStatus = Status.Sound; EndClick(); } } }
private void Start() { Instance = this; Pause = false; BPM = 60; //m_Status = TutorialStatus.StartPlayMusic; m_Status = TutorialStatus.ErJi; m_Beat = 60000f / BPM; m_Skip.transform.GetComponent <Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => { AnalysisManager.Instance.OnEvent("100005", null, "新手", "跳过新手"); Skip(null); }); m_Zhuyi.SetActive(false); RepetNum = 0; ClickPefect = false; }
private void FlyWord(AudioObject audio = null) { m_Timer = 0; m_Status = TutorialStatus.CheckSound; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { VoiceController.instance.CreateWord("Hello", 5f); } else { VoiceController.instance.CreateWord("你好", 5f); } XunFeiSRManager.Instance.StartListen(GetSRCallback); MicManager.Instance.StartRecord(FlyStar, SoundWaveCh); VoiceController.Start_RecordingAnim(); }
private void Move2() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = ""; voices[6].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (!voices[6].isPlaying) { instructions.text = "では扉の向こう側へ\n進んでください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.Stick, false); } if (bearTrap.IsBreaked) { isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.TreadTrap; } }
void InitalizeSpells() { List <GameObject> friends = new List <GameObject>(); friends.Add(GameManager.player); JsonData thorinsSpells = JsonMapper.ToObject(File.ReadAllText(Application.dataPath + "/StreamingAssets/bin/ThorinsSpells.json")); for (int i = 0; i < thorinsSpells.Count; i++) { Spell temp = SpellManager.FindSpell(thorinsSpells[i]["Name"].ToString()); temp.GetScript(gameObject.transform.Find("Root/Hips/Spine_01/Spine_02/Spine_03/Clavicle_R/Shoulder_R/Elbow_R/Hand_R/ThorinsMagicStaff/OtherCantisStone").gameObject); temp.SetCasterAndFriends(gameObject, friends); ThorinSpellBook.Add(temp.Name, temp); } status = TutorialStatus.playerBeingAttacked; // spell.GetScript(enemiesAttack.gameObject); // spell.SetCasterAndFriends(gameObject); }
private void Move() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = ""; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, true); input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Right, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, true); voices[4].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (!voices[4].isPlaying) { instructions.text = "左スティックを\n倒して進んでください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.Stick, false); } if (doorPositionChecker.Flag) { isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.LightDown; } }
private void IsLookedDoor() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = ""; voices[3].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (!voices[3].isPlaying) { instructions.text = "扉と向かい合ってください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, false); input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Right, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, false); } if (!voices[3].isPlaying && player.AngleVisionNumber == 4) { correctSE.Play(); isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.Move; } }
private void LeftTurnCamera() { if (!isChecked) { instructions.text = ""; voices[1].Play(); isChecked = true; } else if (!voices[1].isPlaying) { instructions.text = "左の中指を\nにぎってください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Left, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, false); } if (input.LC.HandTrigger.Axis > 0.5f) { Cooling(); correctSE.Play(); isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.RightTurnCamera; } }
private void RightTurnCamara() { if (!isChecked) { voices[2].Play(); isChecked = true; instructions.text = ""; } else if (!voices[2].isPlaying) { instructions.text = "右の中指を\nにぎってください"; input.SafetyLock(InputManager.Hands.Right, InputManager.ButtonLock.HandTrigger, false); } if (input.RC.HandTrigger.Axis > 0.5f) { Cooling(); correctSE.Play(); isChecked = false; state = TutorialStatus.IsLookedDoor; } }
private void EndErji(AudioObject obj) { m_Erji.SetActive(false); m_Status = TutorialStatus.StartPlayMusic; }
private void Update() { if (Pause == false) { if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.ErJi) { m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; m_Erji.SetActive(true); AudioObject audioObj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { audioObj = AudioController.Play("Recording_erji"); } else { audioObj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording1"); } audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = EndErji; } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.StartPlayMusic) { m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; ClickObj co = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { co = new ClickObj("Hello", new Vector2(256, 192), "Hello"); } else { co = new ClickObj("你好", new Vector2(256, 192), "你好"); } obj_hand.SetActive(false); m_Tap = CorePlayManager.Instance.m_TapCreator.CreateWord(null, co); m_Tap.IsTutorial = true; m_Tap.TutNum(1); m_TapController = m_Tap.contrller; m_Zhuyi.SetActive(true); AudioObject audioObj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { audioObj = AudioController.Play("Recording_1"); } else { audioObj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording2"); } audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = ChangeStatusToPlayBatchKey; } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.PlayBatchKey) { BPM = 60; m_Beat = 60000f / BPM; m_Status = TutorialStatus.ClickBatchKey; m_PlayStatus = Status.Sound; RhyTapHight(); } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.RetryPlayBatchKey) { BPM = 60; m_Beat = 60000f / BPM; m_Status = TutorialStatus.ClickBatchKey; m_PlayStatus = Status.Sound; m_Zhuyi.SetActive(true); AudioObject audioObj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { audioObj = AudioController.Play("Recording_6"); } else { audioObj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording2"); } audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = RepetClick; } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.StartSound) { m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; AudioObject audioObj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { audioObj = AudioController.Play("Recording_2"); } else { audioObj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording5"); } audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = StartPlaySound; } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.PlaySound) { RepetNum += 1; m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; FlyWord(); } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.RetryPlaySound) { RepetNum += 1; m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; List <string> wordList = new List <string>(); if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { wordList.Add("Recording_7"); } else { wordList.Add("en_Recording6"); } var audioObj = AudioController.PlayList(wordList); audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = FlyWord; } else if (m_Status == TutorialStatus.CheckSound) { m_Timer += Time.deltaTime * 1000f; if (m_Timer >= 5000f) { if (RepetNum < 2) { XunFeiSRManager.Instance.StopListen(); MicManager.Instance.StopRecord(); m_Status = TutorialStatus.RetryPlaySound; } else { m_Status = TutorialStatus.Nothing; XunFeiSRManager.Instance.StopListen(); MicManager.Instance.StopRecord(); AudioObject audioObj = null; if (LanguageManager.languageType == LanguageType.Chinese) { audioObj = AudioController.Play("Recording_5"); } else { audioObj = AudioController.Play("en_Recording3"); } AnalysisManager.Instance.OnEvent("100005", null, "新手", "完成新手"); audioObj.completelyPlayedDelegate = Skip; } } } } }
private void StartPlaySound(AudioObject audioObj) { VoiceController.Show(); m_Status = TutorialStatus.PlaySound; }
private void ChangeStatusToPlayBatchKey(AudioObject obj) { m_Status = TutorialStatus.PlayBatchKey; }