Esempio n. 1
        public void SetBigrams(Tuple<string, string>[] bigrams)
            this.Bigrams =
                    new List<BigramItem>(),
                    (list, tup) =>
                        list.Add(new BigramItem(tup));

                        return list;
        protected RouteSet ParallelMultiStartPenalization <TProcedure, TParameters>(Exploration expCondition, Random rdObj, double overloadFactor, List <Func <RouteSet, Exploration, Random, RouteSet> > neighborhoods, TProcedure procedure, TParameters parameters, List <RouteSet> initialPool) where TProcedure : LocalSearchProcedure <RouteSet, TParameters>
            OverloadFactor = overloadFactor;
            Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

            Tuple <RouteSet, double>[] solutions = new Tuple <RouteSet, double> [initialPool.Count];

            Parallel.For(0, initialPool.Count, i => {
                Random pRdObj    = new Random((i + 1) * (i + 2) * Environment.TickCount);
                RouteSet current = procedure.Solve(parameters, initialPool[i], neighborhoods, expCondition, GetCost, pRdObj);
                double cost      = GetCost(current);
                solutions[i]     = new Tuple <RouteSet, double>(current, cost);

            return(solutions.Aggregate((min, x) => min.Item2 < x.Item2 ? min : x).Item1);
Esempio n. 3
        public IndexMode GetIndexMode()
            var lists = new Tuple <IReadOnlyList <PointRecord>, string>[] {
                CreateTuple(binaries, "binary"),
                CreateTuple(doubleBinaries, "analog"),
                CreateTuple(counters, "counter"),
                CreateTuple(frozenCounters, "frozen counter"),
                CreateTuple(analogs, "analog"),
                CreateTuple(binaryOutputStatii, "binary output status"),
                CreateTuple(analogOutputStatii, "analog output status"),
                CreateTuple(timeAndIntervals, "time and interval")

            // this can throw an exception if any of the sub lists have bad discontiguous indices
            var allContiguous = lists.Aggregate(true, (sum, pair) => sum && IsContiguous(pair.Item1, pair.Item2));

            return(allContiguous ? IndexMode.Contiguous : IndexMode.Discontiguous);
        public static MvcHtmlString SvgPolyLine(
            this HtmlHelper htmlHelper,
            Tuple<float, float>[] points,
            string id = null,
            string cssClass = null,
            string stroke = null,
            double strokeWidth = DefaultStrokeWidth,
            string fill = null,
            string styles = null)
            var tagBuilder = new TagBuilder("polyline");

            string pointValues = points.Aggregate(string.Empty,
                                                  (x, p) =>
                                                  x + string.Format("{0}, {1} ", p.Item1.ToString(), p.Item2.ToString()));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pointValues))
                tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("points", pointValues);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id))
                tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("id", htmlHelper.Encode(id));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cssClass))
                tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("class", htmlHelper.Encode(cssClass));

            string style = string.Empty;
            style += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stroke) ? string.Format("stroke: {0};", stroke) : string.Empty;
            style += string.Format("stroke-width: {0};", strokeWidth);
            style += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fill) ? string.Format("fill: {0};", fill) : string.Empty;
            style += !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(styles) ? styles : string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(style))
                tagBuilder.Attributes.Add("style", htmlHelper.Encode(style));

            return MvcHtmlString.Create(tagBuilder.ToString(TagRenderMode.Normal));
Esempio n. 5
        public void Run(bool log = true)
            Console.WriteLine($"Running Sorting test with {Generations} data sets.");
            const int offset  = 2;
            int       length  = _runners.Count + offset;
            var       headers = new string[length];

            headers[0] = "No.";
            headers[1] = "Count";
            for (int i = 0; i < _runners.Count; i++)
                headers[i + offset] = _runners[i].Id;

            _logger = new ConsoleLogger(headers);
            if (log)

            string path = string.Format(CsvFilePattern, DateTime.Now.ToString().Replace('/', '-')).Replace(':', '.');

            using var csvWriter = new StreamWriter(path);
            for (int i = 1; i <= Generations; i++)
                if (!log)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Running Generation {i}...");

                int pos     = offset;
                var entries = new Tuple <string, bool> [length];
                entries[0] = new Tuple <string, bool>(i.ToString(), true);
                entries[1] = new Tuple <string, bool>(CalculateEntries(i).ToString(), true);

                foreach (var runner in _runners)


                    var sw = new Stopwatch();
                    entries[pos++] = new Tuple <string, bool>(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString(), true);

                if (log)

                csvWriter.WriteLine(entries.Aggregate(string.Empty, (current, entry) => current + $"{entry.Item1};"));

            if (!log)
                Console.WriteLine("Test complete!");