public virtual /**/ double quality()

         * If X == null then the solution is written into B.  Otherwise the solution is copied
         * from B into X.
        public virtual void solve(FMatrixRBlock B, FMatrixRBlock X)
            if (B.blockLength != blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected blocklength in B.");

            FSubmatrixD1 L = new FSubmatrixD1(decomposer.getT(null));

            if (X != null)
                if (X.blockLength != blockLength)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected blocklength in X.");
                if (X.numRows != L.col1)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Not enough rows in X");

            if (B.numRows != L.col1)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not enough rows in B");

            //  L * L^T*X = B

            // Solve for Y:  L*Y = B
            TriangularSolver_FDRB.solve(blockLength, false, L, new FSubmatrixD1(B), false);

            // L^T * X = Y
            TriangularSolver_FDRB.solve(blockLength, false, L, new FSubmatrixD1(B), true);

            if (X != null)
                // copy the solution from B into X
                MatrixOps_FDRB.extractAligned(B, X);
        public virtual /**/ double quality()

        public virtual void solve(FMatrixRBlock B, FMatrixRBlock X)
            if (B.numCols != X.numCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Columns of B and X do not match");
            if (QR.numCols != X.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Rows in X do not match the columns in A");
            if (QR.numRows != B.numRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Rows in B do not match the rows in A.");
            if (B.blockLength != QR.blockLength || X.blockLength != QR.blockLength)
                throw new ArgumentException("All matrices must have the same block length.");

            // The system being solved for can be described as:
            // Q*R*X = B

            // First apply householder reflectors to B
            // Y = Q^T*B

            // Second solve for Y using the upper triangle matrix R and the just computed Y
            // X = R^-1 * Y
            MatrixOps_FDRB.extractAligned(B, X);

            // extract a block aligned matrix
            int M = Math.Min(QR.numRows, QR.numCols);

            TriangularSolver_FDRB.solve(QR.blockLength, true,
                                        new FSubmatrixD1(QR, 0, M, 0, M), new FSubmatrixD1(X), false);

         * Invert by solving for against an identity matrix.
         * @param A_inv Where the inverted matrix saved. Modified.
        public virtual void invert(FMatrixRBlock A_inv)
            int M = Math.Min(QR.numRows, QR.numCols);

            if (A_inv.numRows != M || A_inv.numCols != M)
                throw new ArgumentException("A_inv must be square an have dimension " + M);

            // Solve for A^-1
            // Q*R*A^-1 = I

            // Apply householder reflectors to the identity matrix
            // y = Q^T*I = Q^T

            // Solve using upper triangular R matrix
            // R*A^-1 = y
            // A^-1 = R^-1*y
            TriangularSolver_FDRB.solve(QR.blockLength, true,
                                        new FSubmatrixD1(QR, 0, M, 0, M), new FSubmatrixD1(A_inv), false);