public static GraphicsPath CreateTriangle(Rectangle bounds, TriangleOrientation orientation)
            GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();

            int halfX = bounds.Width / 2;

            //int halfY = bounds.Height / 2;

            switch (orientation)
            case TriangleOrientation.Up:

                path.AddLine(bounds.X, bounds.Y + bounds.Height, bounds.X + halfX, bounds.Y);                // bottom-left to top
                path.AddLine(bounds.X + halfX, bounds.Y, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y + bounds.Height); // top to bottom-right


            case TriangleOrientation.Down:

                path.AddLine(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.X + halfX, bounds.Y + bounds.Height);                // top-left to bottom
                path.AddLine(bounds.X + halfX, bounds.Y + bounds.Height, bounds.X + bounds.Width, bounds.Y); // bottom to top-right



Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the point location value. The assumption is that the polyline goes clockwise and is closed and convex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">Point to find.</param>
        /// <param name="witness">if the point belongs to the boundary then witness is
        ///         the first point of the boundary segment containing p </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal PointLocation GetPointLocation(Point point, out PolylinePoint witness)
            Debug.Assert(Closed && IsClockwise());
            witness = null;

            foreach (PolylinePoint polyPoint in PolylinePoints)
                PolylinePoint       secondPoint         = Next(polyPoint);
                TriangleOrientation triangleOrientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(point, polyPoint.Point,
                if (triangleOrientation == TriangleOrientation.Counterclockwise)
                if (triangleOrientation == TriangleOrientation.Collinear)
                    if ((point - polyPoint.Point) * (secondPoint.Point - point) >= 0)
                        witness = polyPoint;

Esempio n. 3
            public Triangle(TriangleOrientation orientation, SubTriangles id, int resolution)
                Resolution  = resolution;
                Orientation = orientation;
                Children    = new Dictionary <SubTriangles, Triangle>();
                Cells       = new Dictionary <TriangleCells, Cell>();
                Id          = id;

                if (resolution == 0)

                var nextResolution = resolution - 1;

                Children.Add(SubTriangles.TriTopBot, new Triangle(orientation, SubTriangles.TriTopBot, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.TriLeft, new Triangle(orientation, SubTriangles.TriLeft, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.TriRight, new Triangle(orientation, SubTriangles.TriRight, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexBot, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Up, SubTriangles.HexBot, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexBotLeft, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Down, SubTriangles.HexBotLeft, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexBotRight, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Down, SubTriangles.HexBotRight, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexTop, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Down, SubTriangles.HexTop, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexTopLeft, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Up, SubTriangles.HexTopLeft, nextResolution));
                Children.Add(SubTriangles.HexTopRight, new Triangle(TriangleOrientation.Up, SubTriangles.HexTopRight, nextResolution));
Esempio n. 4
        IEnumerable <Stem> GetInitialVisibleBoundaryStemsAndInsertActiveSides()
            foreach (var keyValuePair in visibleBoundaries)
                Polyline hole    = keyValuePair.Key;
                Stem     stem    = keyValuePair.Value;
                bool     crosses = false;

                foreach (PolylinePoint side in stem.Sides)
                    PolylinePoint source = side;
                    if (source.Point.Y < q.Y)
                        if (side.NextOnPolyline.Point.Y >= q.Y)
                            TriangleOrientation orientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(q, source.Point,
                            if (orientation == TriangleOrientation.Counterclockwise ||
                                orientation == TriangleOrientation.Collinear)
                                crosses = true;
                                //we have two stems here
                                yield return(new Stem(stem.Start, side));

                                yield return(new Stem(side.NextOnPolyline, stem.End));

                    else if (source.Point.Y > q.Y)
                    else if (side.Point.X >= q.X)
                        //we have pp.Y==q.Y
                        crosses = true;
                        //we need to add one or two stems here
                        yield return(new Stem(side, stem.End));

                        if (side != stem.Start)
                            yield return(new Stem(stem.Start, hole.Prev(source)));

                //there is no intersection with the ray
                if (!crosses)
                    yield return(stem);
 bool SomePreviousPointIsOnOtherSiteOfEdge(CdtEdge cdtEdge, TriangleOrientation segEndOrientation) {
     foreach (PolylinePoint polylinePoint in polylineHead) {
         var orientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(polylinePoint.Point, cdtEdge.upperSite.Point,
         if (orientation != TriangleOrientation.Collinear)
             return orientation != segEndOrientation;
     return false;
        // Private members

        private void PaintButton(ControlPaintArgs e, Rectangle clientRect, TriangleOrientation arrowOrientation, IRuleset ruleset)
            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBackground(e.Graphics, clientRect, ruleset);
            e.StyleRenderer.PaintBorder(e.Graphics, clientRect, ruleset);

            clientRect.Inflate(new Size(-5, -3));
            clientRect.Offset(1, 0);

            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(ruleset.Color?.Value ?? Color.Black))
                e.Graphics.FillTriangle(brush, clientRect, arrowOrientation);
Esempio n. 7
 bool SomePreviousPointIsOnOtherSiteOfEdge(CdtEdge cdtEdge, TriangleOrientation segEndOrientation)
     foreach (PolylinePoint polylinePoint in polylineHead)
         var orientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(polylinePoint.Point, cdtEdge.upperSite.Point,
         if (orientation != TriangleOrientation.Collinear)
             return(orientation != segEndOrientation);
Esempio n. 8
        static void PickNextVertex(ref PolylinePoint p0, ref PolylinePoint p1)
            Point d = p1.Point - p0.Point;
            TriangleOrientation orient = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(p1.Point, p1.Polyline.Next(p1).Point, p0.Polyline.Next(p0).Point + d);

            if (orient == TriangleOrientation.Counterclockwise)
                p0 = p0.Polyline.Next(p0);
                p1 = p1.Polyline.Next(p1);
Esempio n. 9
        bool InternalCut(ref int p1, ref int p2, ref int q1, ref int q2, int mp, int mq, double a1, double a2, double b1,
                         double b2)
            bool ret = false;

            if (a1 >= Math.PI && a2 >= Math.PI)
                //Find out who is on the same side from [mq,mp] as Q[0], the next or the prev. Remember that we found the first chunk from Q[0]

                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cutting P");
//                if(debug) LayoutAlgorithmSettings.Show(P.Polyline, Q.Polyline, Ls(p1, q1), Ls(p2, q2), Ls(mp, mq));
                Point mpp  = P[mp].Point;
                Point mqp  = Q[mq].Point;
                Point mpnp = P[P.Next(mp)].Point;
                TriangleOrientation orientation     = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(mpp, mqp, Q[0].Point);
                TriangleOrientation nextOrientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(mpp, mqp, mpnp);

                if (orientation == nextOrientation)
                    p1 = P.Next(mp);
                    p2 = P.Prev(mp);
                ret = true;
            if (b1 >= Math.PI && b2 >= Math.PI)
                //Find out who is on the same side from [mq,mp] as P[0], the next or the prev. Remember that we found the first chunk from P[0]
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("cutting Q");
//                if (debug) LayoutAlgorithmSettings.Show(P.Polyline, Q.Polyline, Ls(p1, q1), Ls(p2, q2), Ls(mp, mq));
                Point mpp  = P[mp].Point;
                Point mqp  = Q[mq].Point;
                Point mqnp = Q[Q.Next(mq)].Point;
                TriangleOrientation orientation     = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(mpp, mqp, P[0].Point);
                TriangleOrientation nextOrientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(mpp, mqp, mqnp);
                if (orientation == nextOrientation)
                    q2 = Q.Next(mq);
                    q1 = Q.Prev(mq);
                ret = true;
Esempio n. 10
        static bool CurveIsConvex(Polyline poly)
            TriangleOrientation orientation = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(poly.EndPoint.Point, poly.StartPoint.Point, poly.StartPoint.Next.Point);

            if (Point.GetTriangleOrientation(poly.EndPoint.Prev.Point, poly.EndPoint.Point, poly.StartPoint.Point) != orientation)
            PolylinePoint pp = poly.StartPoint;

            while (pp.Next.Next != null)
                if (Point.GetTriangleOrientation(pp.Point, pp.Next.Point, pp.Next.Next.Point) != orientation)
                pp = pp.Next;

Esempio n. 11
        internal static void CheckThatPolylineIsConvex(Polyline polyline)
            Debug.Assert(polyline.Closed, "Polyline is not closed");
            PolylinePoint a = polyline.StartPoint;
            PolylinePoint b = a.Next;
            PolylinePoint c = b.Next;

            TriangleOrientation orient = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(a.Point, b.Point, c.Point);

            while (c != polyline.EndPoint)
                a = a.Next;
                b = b.Next;
                c = c.Next;
                var currentOrient = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(a.Point, b.Point, c.Point);
                if (currentOrient == TriangleOrientation.Collinear)

                if (orient == TriangleOrientation.Collinear)
                    orient = currentOrient;
                else if (orient != currentOrient)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException();

            var o = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(polyline.EndPoint.Point, polyline.StartPoint.Point,

            if (o != TriangleOrientation.Collinear && o != orient)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();
Esempio n. 12
        void ShrinkBasesToMakeTwoConsecutiveNeighborsHappy(BundleBase rBase, BundleBase lBase)
            if (!rBase.Intersect(lBase))

            //segments are now [l1..r1] and [l2..r2]
            double l1 = rBase.ParRight;
            double r1 = rBase.ParLeft;
            double l2 = lBase.ParRight;
            double r2 = lBase.ParLeft;

            double span = lBase.ParameterSpan;

            //make them regular
            if (l1 > r1)
                l1 -= span;
            if (l2 > r2)
                l2 -= span;

            //make them intersecting
            if (l2 > r1)
                l2 -= span;
                r2 -= span;

            if (l1 > r2)
                l1 -= span;
                r1 -= span;

            //they do intersect!
            Debug.Assert(!(l2 >= r1) && !(l1 >= r2));

            double t = RegularCut(l1, r1, l2, r2, rBase.Span, lBase.Span);
            TriangleOrientation to = Point.GetTriangleOrientation(lBase.CurveCenter, lBase.OppositeBase.InitialMidPoint, rBase.OppositeBase.InitialMidPoint);

            if (to == TriangleOrientation.Clockwise)
                r1 = t;
                l2 = t;
            else if (to == TriangleOrientation.Counterclockwise)
                r2 = t;
                l1 = t;
                if (r2 - l1 >= r1 - l2)
                    r1 = t;
                    l2 = t;
                    r2 = t;
                    l1 = t;

            Debug.Assert(!rBase.Intersect(l1, r1, l2, r2));

            lBase.ParRight = lBase.AdjustParam(l2);
            lBase.ParLeft  = lBase.AdjustParam(r2);
            rBase.ParRight = rBase.AdjustParam(l1);
            rBase.ParLeft  = rBase.AdjustParam(r1);
        public static void FillTriangle(this Graphics graphics, Brush brush, Rectangle bounds, TriangleOrientation orientation)
            if (graphics is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphics));

            if (brush is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(brush));

            using (GraphicsPath path = CreateTriangle(bounds, orientation))
                graphics.FillPath(brush, path);
        public static void DrawTriangle(this Graphics graphics, Pen pen, Rectangle bounds, TriangleOrientation orientation)
            if (graphics is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(graphics));

            if (pen is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(pen));

            using (GraphicsPath path = CreateTriangle(bounds, orientation))
                graphics.DrawPath(pen, path);
Esempio n. 15
 internal bool InverseIsFree(TriangleOrientation orientation)
     throw new NotImplementedException();