Esempio n. 1
        public void Demonstrate_Functionality()
            // Visit to get your application key
            ITrello trello = new Trello("[your application key]");

            // Optional: Have the user browse to this url to authenticate your application
            var urlForAuthentication = trello.GetAuthenticationUrl("[a name for your application]");

            // The user will receive a token, call Authenticate with it
            trello.Authenticate("[the token the user got]");

            // Get a member
            Member me = trello.Members.GetMe();
            Member memberTrello = trello.Members.GetById("trello");

            // Get a board
            Board theTrelloDevBoard = trello.Boards.GetById("4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c");

            // Get an organization
            Organization trelloApps = trello.Organizations.GetById("trelloapps");

            // Get all members of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> membersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all owners of a board
            IEnumerable<Member> ownersOfTrelloDevBoard = trello.Members.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard, MemberFilter.Owners);

            // Get all members of an organization
            IEnumerable<Member> membersInTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Members.GetByOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all boards of a member
            IEnumerable<Board> allMyBoards = trello.Boards.GetByMember(me);

            //Get all boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> allBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.GetByOrganization(trelloApps);

            // Get all closed boards of an organization
            IEnumerable<Board> closedBoardsOfTrelloAppsOrg = trello.Boards.GetByOrganization(trelloApps, BoardFilter.Closed);

            // Get all lists on a board
            IEnumerable<List> allListsInTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Lists.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards on a board
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsOnTheTrelloDevBoard = trello.Cards.GetByBoard(theTrelloDevBoard);

            // Get all cards assigned to a member
            IEnumerable<Card> allCardsAssignedToMe = trello.Cards.GetByMember(me);

            // Get all organizations that a member belongs to
            IEnumerable<Organization> allMyOrganizations = trello.Organizations.GetByMember(me);
Esempio n. 2
 public void InvalidToken_ShouldThrowUnauthorizedException()
     var trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);
     trello.Authenticate("invalid token");
     Assert.That(() => trello.Members.GetMe(), Throws.TypeOf<UnauthorizedException>());
Esempio n. 3
 public void Setup()
     _trello = new Trello(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationKey"]);