Esempio n. 1
        private static (ValueSource <TextAndVersion>, TreeAndVersion) CreateRecoverableTextAndTree(
            SyntaxNode newRoot,
            string filePath,
            VersionStamp textVersion,
            VersionStamp treeVersion,
            DocumentInfo.DocumentAttributes attributes,
            ParseOptions options,
            ImmutableDictionary <string, ReportDiagnostic>?treeDiagnosticReportingOptions,
            ISyntaxTreeFactoryService factory,
            PreservationMode mode)
            SyntaxTree tree;
            ValueSource <TextAndVersion> lazyTextAndVersion;

            if (mode == PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity || !factory.CanCreateRecoverableTree(newRoot))
                tree = factory.CreateSyntaxTree(filePath, options, encoding, newRoot, treeDiagnosticReportingOptions);

                // its okay to use a strong cached AsyncLazy here because the compiler layer SyntaxTree will also keep the text alive once its built.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new AsyncLazy <SourceText>(
                        c => tree.GetTextAsync(c),
                        c => tree.GetText(c),
                        cacheResult: true),
                // There is a strange circularity here: the creation of lazyTextAndVersion reads this local, but will see it as non-null since it
                // only uses it through a lambda that won't have ran. The assignment exists to placate the definite-assignment analysis (which is
                // right to be suspicious of this).
                tree = null !;

                // Uses CachedWeakValueSource so the document and tree will return the same SourceText instance across multiple accesses as long
                // as the text is referenced elsewhere.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new CachedWeakValueSource <SourceText>(
                        new AsyncLazy <SourceText>(
                            // Build text from root, so recoverable tree won't cycle.
                            async cancellationToken => (await tree.GetRootAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).GetText(encoding),
                            cancellationToken => tree.GetRoot(cancellationToken).GetText(encoding),
                            cacheResult: false)),

                tree = factory.CreateRecoverableTree(attributes.Id.ProjectId, filePath, options, lazyTextAndVersion, encoding, newRoot, treeDiagnosticReportingOptions);

            return(lazyTextAndVersion, TreeAndVersion.Create(tree, treeVersion));
Esempio n. 2
        // use static method so we don't capture references to this
        private static Tuple <ValueSource <TextAndVersion>, TreeAndVersion> CreateRecoverableTextAndTree(
            SyntaxNode newRoot,
            string filePath,
            VersionStamp textVersion,
            VersionStamp treeVersion,
            Encoding encoding,
            DocumentInfo.DocumentAttributes attributes,
            ParseOptions options,
            ImmutableDictionary <string, ReportDiagnostic> treeDiagnosticReportingOptionsOpt,
            ISyntaxTreeFactoryService factory,
            PreservationMode mode)
            SyntaxTree tree = null;
            ValueSource <TextAndVersion> lazyTextAndVersion = null;

            if ((mode == PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity) || !factory.CanCreateRecoverableTree(newRoot))
                // its okay to use a strong cached AsyncLazy here because the compiler layer SyntaxTree will also keep the text alive once its built.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new AsyncLazy <SourceText>(
                        c => tree.GetTextAsync(c),
                        c => tree.GetText(c),
                        cacheResult: true),

                tree = factory.CreateSyntaxTree(filePath, options, encoding, newRoot, treeDiagnosticReportingOptionsOpt);
                // uses CachedWeakValueSource so the document and tree will return the same SourceText instance across multiple accesses as long
                // as the text is referenced elsewhere.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new CachedWeakValueSource <SourceText>(
                        new AsyncLazy <SourceText>(
                            c => BuildRecoverableTreeTextAsync(tree, encoding, c),
                            c => BuildRecoverableTreeText(tree, encoding, c),
                            cacheResult: false)),

                tree = factory.CreateRecoverableTree(attributes.Id.ProjectId, filePath, options, lazyTextAndVersion, encoding, newRoot, treeDiagnosticReportingOptionsOpt);

            return(Tuple.Create(lazyTextAndVersion, TreeAndVersion.Create(tree, treeVersion)));
        // use static method so we don't capture references to this
        private static Tuple<ValueSource<TextAndVersion>, TreeAndVersion> CreateRecoverableTextAndTree(
            SyntaxNode newRoot, VersionStamp textVersion, VersionStamp treeVersion, Encoding encoding,
            DocumentInfo info, ParseOptions options, ISyntaxTreeFactoryService factory, PreservationMode mode, SolutionServices solutionServices)
            string filePath = info.FilePath;
            SyntaxTree tree = null;
            ValueSource<TextAndVersion> lazyTextAndVersion = null;

            if ((mode == PreservationMode.PreserveIdentity) || !factory.CanCreateRecoverableTree(newRoot))
                // its okay to use a strong cached AsyncLazy here because the compiler layer SyntaxTree will also keep the text alive once its built.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new AsyncLazy<SourceText>(
                        c => tree.GetTextAsync(c),
                        c => tree.GetText(c),
                        cacheResult: true),

                tree = factory.CreateSyntaxTree(GetSyntaxTreeFilePath(info), options, encoding, newRoot);
                // uses CachedWeakValueSource so the document and tree will return the same SourceText instance across multiple accesses as long 
                // as the text is referenced elsewhere.
                lazyTextAndVersion = new TreeTextSource(
                    new CachedWeakValueSource<SourceText>(
                        new AsyncLazy<SourceText>(
                            c => BuildRecoverableTreeTextAsync(tree, encoding, c),
                            c => BuildRecoverableTreeText(tree, encoding, c),
                            cacheResult: false)),

                tree = factory.CreateRecoverableTree(info.Id.ProjectId, GetSyntaxTreeFilePath(info), options, lazyTextAndVersion, encoding, newRoot);

            return Tuple.Create(lazyTextAndVersion, TreeAndVersion.Create(tree, treeVersion));