Esempio n. 1
        protected string GetText(Tree tree)
            string s = TreeTextProvider.Text(tree);

            s = Utils.EscapeWhitespace(s, true);
Esempio n. 2
        protected void GenerateBox(TextWriter writer, Tree parent)
            // draw the box in the background
            var box = BoundsOfNode(parent);

            writer.Write(Rect("" + box.X, "" + box.Y, "" + box.Width, "" + box.Height,
                              "fill:orange; stroke:rgb(0,0,0);", "rx=\"1\""));

            // draw the text on top of the box (possibly multiple lines)
            string line        = TreeTextProvider.Text(parent).Replace("<", "&lt;").Replace(">", "&gt;");
            int    fontBoxSize = 10;
            int    x           = (int)box.X + 2;
            int    y           = (int)box.Y + fontBoxSize - 1;
            string style       = string.Format("font-family:sans-serif;font-size:{0}px;",

            writer.Write(Text("" + x, "" + y, style, line));
Esempio n. 3
        protected void PaintBox(Graphics g, Tree tree)
            var box = BoundsOfNode(tree);
            // draw the box in the background
            bool ruleFailedAndMatchedNothing = false;

            if (tree is ParserRuleContext ctx)
                ruleFailedAndMatchedNothing = ctx.exception != null && ctx.Stop != null && ctx.Stop.TokenIndex < ctx.Start.TokenIndex;
            if (IsHighlighted(tree) || tree is IErrorNode || ruleFailedAndMatchedNothing)
                var color = boxColor;
                if (IsHighlighted(tree))
                    color = highlightedBoxColor;
                if (tree is IErrorNode || ruleFailedAndMatchedNothing)
                    color = LIGHT_RED;
                g.FillRectangle(color, box.Center.X, box.BottomLeft.Y, box.Width - 1, box.Height - 1);
            //g.DrawRectangle(borderColor, box.X, box.Y, box.Width - 1, box.Height - 1);

            // draw the text on top of the box (possibly multiple lines)
            string s = TreeTextProvider.Text(tree);

            string[] lines = s.Split('\n');
            float    x     = box.X + arcSize / 2 + nodeWidthPadding;
            float    y     = box.BottomLeft.Y + font.Ascent + font.Leading + 1 + nodeHeightPadding;

            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                Text(g, lines[i], new PointF(x, y));
                y += font.LineHeight;