Esempio n. 1
            protected override DragEventArgs GetDragEventArgs(Gdk.DragContext context, PointF?location, uint time = 0, object controlObject = null)
                var h = Handler;
                var t = h?.Tree;
                TreeGridViewDragInfo dragInfo = _dragInfo;

                if (dragInfo == null && location != null)
                    if (t.GetDestRowAtPos((int)location.Value.X, (int)location.Value.Y, out var path, out var pos))
                        var    item       = h.model.GetItemAtPath(path);
                        var    indices    = path.Indices;
                        var    childIndex = indices[indices.Length - 1];
                        object parent;
                        if (pos == Gtk.TreeViewDropPosition.After && t.GetRowExpanded(path))
                            parent     = item;
                            item       = null;
                            childIndex = -1;
                            parent = path.Up() ? h.model.GetItemAtPath(path) : null;
                        dragInfo = new TreeGridViewDragInfo(h.Widget, parent, item, childIndex, pos.ToEto());

                return(base.GetDragEventArgs(context, location, time, dragInfo));
Esempio n. 2
        protected override DragEventArgs GetDragEventArgs(sw.DragEventArgs data, object controlObject)
            var location = data.GetPosition(Control).ToEto();
            var cell     = Widget.GetCellAt(location);
            var item     = cell.Item;
            var row = GetDataGridRow(cell.Item);
            GridDragPosition position;
            object           parent;

            if (row != null)
                var rowLocation = row.TransformToAncestor(Control).Transform(new sw.Point(0, 0));
                if (location.Y + 4 > rowLocation.Y + row.ActualHeight - row.BorderThickness.Vertical())
                    position = GridDragPosition.After;
                    var treeGridItem = item as ITreeGridItem;
                    if (treeGridItem?.Expanded == true)
                        // insert as a child of the parent
                        parent     = item;
                        item       = null;
                        childIndex = -1;
                        parent = treeGridItem?.Parent;
                        var node = controller.GetNodeAtRow(row.GetIndex());
                        childIndex = node.Index;
                else if (location.Y < rowLocation.Y + 4 + row.BorderThickness.Top)
                    position = GridDragPosition.Before;
                    parent   = (cell.Item as ITreeGridItem)?.Parent;
                    var node = controller.GetNodeAtRow(row.GetIndex());
                    childIndex = node.Index;
                    position = GridDragPosition.Over;
                    parent   = (cell.Item as ITreeGridItem)?.Parent;
                    var node = controller.GetNodeAtRow(row.GetIndex());
                    childIndex = node.Index;
                parent     = null;
                item       = null;
                position   = GridDragPosition.Over;
                childIndex = null;

            controlObject = new TreeGridViewDragInfo(Widget, parent, item, childIndex, position);

            return(base.GetDragEventArgs(data, controlObject));
Esempio n. 3
            public override void HandleDragDrop(object o, Gtk.DragDropArgs args)
                // use the info from last drag if it was set
                var info = Handler?.GetDragInfo(DragArgs);

                if (info?.IsChanged == true)
                    _dragInfo = info;
                base.HandleDragDrop(o, args);
                _dragInfo = null;
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void HandleDragOver(sw.DragEventArgs e, DragEventArgs args)
            var lastRow = LastDragRow;

            base.HandleDragOver(e, args);
            var info = LastDragInfo = GetDragInfo(args);

            if (args.Effects != DragEffects.None)
                // show drag indicator!
                var row = GetDataGridRow(info.Item ?? info.Parent);
                if (row != null)
                    // same position, just return
                    if (lastRow != null && lastRow.IsEqual(row, info.InsertIndex))

                    LastDragRow = new GridDragRowState(row, info.InsertIndex);

                    if (info.InsertIndex == -1)
                        row.Background = sw.SystemColors.HighlightBrush;
                        row.Foreground = sw.SystemColors.HighlightTextBrush;
                        var node = controller.GetNodeAtRow(row.GetIndex());

                        var level = node.Level + 1;                         // indicator to the right of the expanders to align with text
                        var i     = info.Parent as ITreeGridItem;
                        if (info.Position == GridDragPosition.After && ReferenceEquals(info.Item, null))

                        level *= 16;
                        var d  = new swm.GeometryDrawing();
                        var gg = new swm.GeometryGroup();
                        gg.Children.Add(new swm.EllipseGeometry(new sw.Point(0, 0), 2, 2));
                        gg.Children.Add(new swm.LineGeometry(new sw.Point(2, 0), new sw.Point(row.ActualWidth - level - 16, 0)));
                        d.Geometry = gg;
                        d.Brush    = sw.SystemColors.HighlightBrush;
                        d.Pen      = new swm.Pen(sw.SystemColors.HighlightBrush, 1);
                        var b = new swm.DrawingBrush {
                            Drawing = d, TileMode = swm.TileMode.None, Stretch = swm.Stretch.None, AlignmentX = swm.AlignmentX.Left
                        if (info.InsertIndex == node.Index)
                            b.AlignmentY        = swm.AlignmentY.Top;
                            row.BorderThickness = new sw.Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0);
                            b.AlignmentY        = swm.AlignmentY.Bottom;
                            row.BorderThickness = new sw.Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5);

                        b.Transform     = new swm.TranslateTransform(level, 0);
                        row.BorderBrush = b;
