Esempio n. 1
File: Rule.cs Progetto: sebgod/hime
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes this rule
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='head'>The rule's head</param>
 /// <param name='headAction'>Whether this rule is generated</param>
 /// <param name='body'>The rule's body</param>
 /// <param name='context'>The lexical context pushed by this rule</param>
 public Rule(Variable head, TreeAction headAction, RuleBody body, int context)
     this.head       = head;
     this.headAction = headAction;
     this.body       = body;
     this.context    = context;
Esempio n. 2
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the given action to all bodies in this set
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">The action to apply</param>
 public void ApplyAction(TreeAction action)
     foreach (RuleBody body in this)
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// During a reduction, inserts a virtual symbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">The virtual symbol's index</param>
        /// <param name="action">The tree action applied onto the symbol</param>
        public void ReductionAddVirtual(int index, TreeAction action)
            if (action == TreeAction.Drop)
                return;                 // why would you do this?
            int nodeId = sppf.NewNode(new TableElemRef(TableType.Virtual, index));

            if (cacheNext + 1 >= cacheChildren.Length)
                // the current cache is not big enough, build a bigger one
                Array.Resize(ref cacheChildren, cacheChildren.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
            // add the node in the cache
            cacheChildren[cacheNext] = new SPPFNodeRef(nodeId, 0);
            // setup the handle to point to the root
            if (handleNext == handleIndices.Length)
                Array.Resize(ref handleIndices, handleIndices.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
                Array.Resize(ref handleActions, handleActions.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
            handleIndices[handleNext] = cacheNext;
            handleActions[handleNext] = action;
            // copy the children
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the given action to all elements in this body
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">The action to apply</param>
 public void ApplyAction(TreeAction action)
     foreach (RuleBodyElement part in parts)
         part.Action = action;
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified SPPF node to the cache
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node to add to the cache</param>
        /// <param name="action">The tree action to apply onto the node</param>
        private void AddToCache(SPPFNodeNormal node, TreeAction action)
            SPPFNodeVersion version = node.DefaultVersion;

            while (cacheNext + version.ChildrenCount + 1 >= cacheChildren.Length)
                // the current cache is not big enough, build a bigger one
                Array.Resize(ref cacheChildren, cacheChildren.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
            // add the node in the cache
            cacheChildren[cacheNext] = new SPPFNodeRef(node.Identifier, 0);
            // setup the handle to point to the root
            if (handleNext == handleIndices.Length)
                Array.Resize(ref handleIndices, handleIndices.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
                Array.Resize(ref handleActions, handleActions.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
            handleIndices[handleNext] = cacheNext;
            handleActions[handleNext] = action;
            // copy the children
            if (version.ChildrenCount > 0)
                Array.Copy(version.Children, 0, cacheChildren, cacheNext + 1, version.ChildrenCount);
            cacheNext += version.ChildrenCount + 1;
Esempio n. 6
    void FreeKickInit()
        //FreeKick Player begin
        //udany begin
        TreeAction udanyCelnyGol = new TreeAction(0.7f, null, true, "Piękny gol zdobyty po strzale z rzutu wolnego!", GoalFreeKickPlayer);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDoPartnera        = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Bramkarz broni, ale jeszcze nie koniec akcji...", ComputerShoot);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDoRywala          = new TreeAction(0.25f, null, true, "Bramkarz broni! Piłka trafia do obrońców", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLiniePrawyRozny = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Dobry rzut wolny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Prawy rozny", RightCorner);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinieLewyRozny  = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Dobry rzut wolny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Lewy rozny", LeftCorner);
        TreeAction udanyDoPartnera = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Dobre podanie z rzutu wolnego, partner przy piłce!", OurBall);

        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinie = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinieLewyRozny, udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLiniePrawyRozny }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbija        = new TreeAction(0.3f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaDoPartnera, udanyCelnyOdbijaDoRywala, udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinie }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyCelny = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyGol, udanyCelnyOdbija }, false, "");
        TreeAction udany      = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelny, udanyDoPartnera }, false, "");
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudanyBramkarzLapie = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Nieudany rzut wolny, piłka w rękach bramkarza", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieudanyDoRywala      = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Nieudany rzut wolny, piłka trafia do rywali", EnemyBall);

        TreeAction nieudany = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyBramkarzLapie, nieudanyDoRywala }, false, "");

        //nieudany end
        FreeKick = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //FreeKick Player end
Esempio n. 7
 public TreeStateSuccessor(TreeState parent, TreeAction action, TreeState result, decimal valueOfResultingState)
     ParentState = parent;
     ActionTaken = action;
     ResultingState = result;
     ValueOfResultingState = valueOfResultingState;
Esempio n. 8
    void TackleInit()
        //tackle begin
        //udany begin
        TreeAction udanyRywalWybija               = new TreeAction(0.0f, null, true, "Świetny odbiór! Rywal ratuje się wybiciem na aut", Out, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.05f);
        TreeAction udanyOdbior                    = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Świetny odbiór!");
        TreeAction udanyFaulZwyklyBezKontuzji     = new TreeAction(0.95f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Nic strasznego. Wolny!", Foul);
        TreeAction udanyFaulZwyklyKontuzja        = new TreeAction(0.05f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Wygląda na kontuzję", FoulContusion);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZoltaBezKontuzji    = new TreeAction(0.85f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Będzie żółta kartka", FoulYellow);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZoltaKontuzja       = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Jest żółta kartka i kontuzja", FoulContusionYellow);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwonaBezKontuzji = new TreeAction(0.7f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Będzie czerwona kartka!", FoulRed);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwonaKontuzja    = new TreeAction(0.3f, null, true, "Rywal nas fauluje w walce. Jest czerwona kartka i kontuzja", FoulContusionRed);

        TreeAction udanyFaulZwykly     = new TreeAction(0.75f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulZwyklyBezKontuzji, udanyFaulZwyklyKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZolta    = new TreeAction(0.2f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulNaZoltaBezKontuzji, udanyFaulNaZoltaKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwona = new TreeAction(0.05f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulNaCzerwonaBezKontuzji, udanyFaulNaCzerwonaKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaul           = new TreeAction(0.2f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulZwykly, udanyFaulNaZolta, udanyFaulNaCzerwona }, false, "", null, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.15f);
        TreeAction udany = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyRywalWybija, udanyOdbior, udanyFaul }, false, "");
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudanyGraczWybija    = new TreeAction(0.0f, null, true, "Kiepski odbiór, trzeba ratować się wybiciem na aut", Out, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.05f);
        TreeAction nieudanyMija           = new TreeAction(0.75f, null, true, "Kiepski odbiór, akcja rywali trwa", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieudanyFaulZwykly     = new TreeAction(0.75f, null, true, "Kiepski odbiór, faulujemy rywala. Bez konsekwencji", PlayerFoul);
        TreeAction nieudanyFaulNaZolta    = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Kiepski odbiór, faulujemy rywala. Żółta kartka", PlayerYellow);
        TreeAction nieudanyFaulNaCzerwona = new TreeAction(0.05f, null, true, "Kiepski odbiór, faulujemy rywala. Czerwona kartka", PlayerRed);

        TreeAction nieudanyFaul = new TreeAction(0.25f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyFaulZwykly, nieudanyFaulNaZolta, nieudanyFaulNaCzerwona }, false, "", null, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.2f);
        TreeAction nieudany     = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyGraczWybija, nieudanyMija, nieudanyFaul }, false, "");

        //nieudany end
        Tackle = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //Tackle end
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs Leaf TreeNodeType behavior.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeNode">The Leaf TreeNode.</param>
        internal async Task PerformLeafTypeBehavior(TreeNode treeNode)
            // Check if Leaf node contains the LeafNodeSummaryAction and commit ActionInput as ActionResponse if it does.
            if (treeNode.Actions == null || treeNode.Actions.Count != 1)

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TreeAction> kvp in treeNode.Actions)
                string     treeActionKey = kvp.Key;
                TreeAction treeAction    = kvp.Value;

                if (treeAction.Action != LeafNodeSummaryAction)

                ActionResponse actionResponse = await this.EvaluateDynamicProperty(treeAction.Input, typeof(ActionResponse)).ConfigureAwait(false);

                await this.CommitActionResponse(treeActionKey, actionResponse).ConfigureAwait(false);

Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Finalizes the reduction operation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generation">The generation to reduce from</param>
        /// <param name="varIndex">The reduced variable index</param>
        /// <param name="headAction">The tree action applied in the rule's head</param>
        /// <returns>The identifier of the produced SPPF node</returns>
        public int Reduce(int generation, int varIndex, TreeAction headAction)
            int label = headAction == TreeAction.ReplaceByChildren ? ReduceReplaceable(varIndex) : ReduceNormal(varIndex, headAction);

            AddToHistory(generation, label);
Esempio n. 11
    void DribblingInit()
        //dribbling begin
        //udany begin
        TreeAction udanyRywalWybija               = new TreeAction(0.0f, null, true, "Świetny drybling! Rywal ratuje się wybiciem na aut", Out, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.05f);
        TreeAction udanyPrzejscie                 = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Świetny drybling! Zawodnik przesuwa się wgłąb boiska", UdanyDrybling); //0.8f
        TreeAction udanyFaulZwyklyBezKontuzji     = new TreeAction(0.95f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Nic strasznego. Wolny!", NormalnyFaul);
        TreeAction udanyFaulZwyklyKontuzja        = new TreeAction(0.05f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Wygląda na kontuzję", FoulContusion);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZoltaBezKontuzji    = new TreeAction(0.85f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Będzie żółta kartka", FoulYellow);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZoltaKontuzja       = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Jest żółta kartka i kontuzja", FoulContusionYellow);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwonaBezKontuzji = new TreeAction(0.7f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Będzie czerwona kartka!", FoulRed);
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwonaKontuzja    = new TreeAction(0.3f, null, true, "Świetny drybling przerwany faulem. Jest czerwona kartka i kontuzja", FoulContusionRed);

        TreeAction udanyFaulZwykly     = new TreeAction(0.75f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulZwyklyBezKontuzji, udanyFaulZwyklyKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaZolta    = new TreeAction(0.2f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulNaZoltaBezKontuzji, udanyFaulNaZoltaKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaulNaCzerwona = new TreeAction(0.05f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulNaCzerwonaBezKontuzji, udanyFaulNaCzerwonaKontuzja }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyFaul           = new TreeAction(0.2f, new TreeAction[] { udanyFaulZwykly, udanyFaulNaZolta, udanyFaulNaCzerwona }, false, "", null, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.15f); //0.2f
        TreeAction udany = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyRywalWybija, udanyPrzejscie, udanyFaul }, false, "");
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudanyGraczWybija     = new TreeAction(0.0f, null, true, "Kiepski drybling, trzeba ratować się wybiciem na aut", Out, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.05f);
        TreeAction nieudanyStrata          = new TreeAction(0.75f, null, true, "Kiepski drybling i strata piłki", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieudanyKopaninaRywal   = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Kiepski drybling, piłka po walce trafia do rywali", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieudanyKopaninaPartner = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Kiepski drybling, piłka szczęśliwie trafia po odbiciu do partnera", OurBall);

        TreeAction nieudanyKopanina = new TreeAction(0.25f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyKopaninaRywal, nieudanyKopaninaPartner }, false, "", null, checkTypes.BALL_ON_SIDES, 0.2f);
        TreeAction nieudany         = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyGraczWybija, nieudanyStrata, nieudanyKopanina }, false, "");

        //nieudany end
        Dribbling = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //dribbling end
Esempio n. 12
    void FreeKickCPUInit()
        //FreeKickCPU begin
        //udany begin
        TreeAction udanyCelnyGol = new TreeAction(0.7f, null, true, "Piękny gol zdobyty po strzale z rzutu wolnego!", Goal);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGraczGlowa = new TreeAction(0.35f, null, true, "Bramkarz odbija wolny, ale jest szansa na dobitkę głową...", Head);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGraczNoga  = new TreeAction(0.65f, null, true, "Bramkarz odbija wolny, ale jest szansa na dobitkę nogą...", PlayerFinishingShot);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaPartner    = new TreeAction(1f, null, true, "Bramkarz odbija wolny, ale partnerzy dobijają!", ComputerShoot, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.3f);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDoRywala          = new TreeAction(0.25f, null, true, "Bramkarz odbija wolny, piłka trafia pod nogi rywali", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLiniePrawyRozny = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Dobry rzut wolny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Prawy rozny", RightCorner);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinieLewyRozny  = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Dobry rzut wolny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Lewy rozny", LeftCorner);
        TreeAction udanyDoPartneraGraczGlowa         = new TreeAction(0.65f, null, true, "Podanie z wolnego do partnerów, ci wrzucają piłkę na główkę...");
        TreeAction udanyDoPartneraGraczNoga          = new TreeAction(0.35f, null, true, "Podanie z wolnego do partnerów, ci podają idealnie na nogę...", PlayerFinishingShot);
        TreeAction udanyDoPartneraStrzal             = new TreeAction(1f, null, true, "Podanie z wolnego do partnera, ten oddaje strzał!", ComputerShoot, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.3f);

        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGracz = new TreeAction(0.0f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGraczGlowa, udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGraczNoga }, false, "", null, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.7f);
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzyna      = new TreeAction(0.15f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaGracz, udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzynaPartner }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinie      = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinieLewyRozny, udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLiniePrawyRozny }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyCelnyOdbija             = new TreeAction(0.3f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyOdbijaDruzyna, udanyCelnyOdbijaDoRywala, udanyCelnyOdbijaZaLinie }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyCelny           = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelnyGol, udanyCelnyOdbija }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyDoPartneraGracz = new TreeAction(0.0f, new TreeAction[] { udanyDoPartneraGraczGlowa, udanyDoPartneraGraczNoga }, false, "", null, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.7f);
        TreeAction udanyDoPartnera      = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { udanyDoPartneraGracz, udanyDoPartneraStrzal }, false, "");
        TreeAction udany = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyCelny, udanyDoPartnera }, false, "");
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudanyBramkarzLapie = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Nieudany rzut wolny, piłka w rękach bramkarza", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieudanyDoRywala      = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Nieudany rzut wolny, piłka trafia do rywali", EnemyBall);

        TreeAction nieudany = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { nieudanyBramkarzLapie, nieudanyDoRywala }, false, "");

        //nieudany end
        FreeKickCPU = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //FreeKickCPU end
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// During a redution, pops the top symbol from the stack and gives it a tree action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="action">The tree action to apply to the symbol</param>
        public void ReductionPop(TreeAction action)
            SubTree sub = stack[stackNext + popCount];

            ReductionAddSub(sub, action);
Esempio n. 14
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DecisionTree"/> class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="_decisions">_decisions.</param>
    /// <param name="_actions">_actions.</param>
    /// <param name="_callback">_callback.</param>
    public DecisionTree(Decision[] _decisions, TreeAction[] _actions, Action<TreeAction> _callback)
        decisions = _decisions;
        actions = _actions;
        callback = _callback;

        doneEvent = new ManualResetEvent(true);
Esempio n. 15
    void LongShootInit()
        //shoot begin
        //celny begin
        TreeAction celnyGol                                = new TreeAction(0.55f, null, true, "Bramkarz nie wybronil, gooool!", PlayerGoal);
        TreeAction celnyBroniChwyta                        = new TreeAction(0.3f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz lapie pilke", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyBroniPiastkujeDoRywala             = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz wypiastkowal do swojego", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyBroniPiastkujeDoNas                = new TreeAction(0.85f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz wypiastkowal do nas", OurBall);
        TreeAction celnyBroniOdbijaDoRywala                = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz odbil do swojego", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyBroniOdbijaDoNas                   = new TreeAction(0.6f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz odbil do nas", OurBall);
        TreeAction celnyBroniZaLinieRoznyPrawy             = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Prawy rozny", RightCorner);
        TreeAction celnyBroniZaLinieRoznyLewy              = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale bramkarz wybil za linie. Lewy rozny", LeftCorner);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLiniePrawyRozny      = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia rywala i leci za linie. Prawy rozny", RightCorner);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLinieLewyRozny       = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia rywala i leci za linie. Lewy rozny", LeftCorner);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaOpanowuje              = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia rywala, ktory ja opanowuje", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaDoNas                  = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia rywala i leci do nas", OurBall);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaOdbicieDoSektorowObok  = new TreeAction(0.1f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia rywala i leci na jedno z otaczajacych pol", RandomAdjacementField);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaNaszegoZaLinie               = new TreeAction(0.6f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia naszego i leci za linie", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaNaszegoDoRywala              = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia naszego i leci do rywala", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaNaszegoOpanowuje             = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia naszego, ktory ja opanowuje", OurBall);
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaNaszegoOdbicieDoSektorowObok = new TreeAction(0.1f, null, true, "Strzal celny, ale pilka trafia naszego i leci na jedno z otaczajacych pol", RandomAdjacementField);

        TreeAction celnyBroniPiastkuje      = new TreeAction(0.1f, new TreeAction[] { celnyBroniPiastkujeDoNas, celnyBroniPiastkujeDoRywala }, false, "");
        TreeAction celnyBroniOdbija         = new TreeAction(0.25f, new TreeAction[] { celnyBroniOdbijaDoNas, celnyBroniOdbijaDoRywala }, false, "");
        TreeAction celnyBroniZaLinie        = new TreeAction(0.35f, new TreeAction[] { celnyBroniZaLinieRoznyLewy, celnyBroniZaLinieRoznyPrawy }, false, "");
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLinie = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLinieLewyRozny, celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLiniePrawyRozny }, false, "");

        TreeAction celnyBroni         = new TreeAction(0.25f, new TreeAction[] { celnyBroniChwyta, celnyBroniPiastkuje, celnyBroniOdbija, celnyBroniZaLinie }, false, "");
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaRywala  = new TreeAction(0.15f, new TreeAction[] { celnyTrafiaRywalaZaLinie, celnyTrafiaRywalaOpanowuje, celnyTrafiaRywalaDoNas, celnyTrafiaRywalaOdbicieDoSektorowObok }, false, "");
        TreeAction celnyTrafiaNaszego = new TreeAction(0.05f, new TreeAction[] { celnyTrafiaNaszegoZaLinie, celnyTrafiaNaszegoDoRywala, celnyTrafiaNaszegoOpanowuje, celnyTrafiaNaszegoOdbicieDoSektorowObok }, false, "");

        TreeAction celny = new TreeAction(0.5f, new TreeAction[] { celnyGol, celnyBroni, celnyTrafiaRywala, celnyTrafiaNaszego }, false, "");
        //celny end

        //niecelny begin
        TreeAction nieCelnyZaLinie                  = new TreeAction(0.85f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, pilka poleciala za linie", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnySlupekDoBramki           = new TreeAction(0.3f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od slupka do bramki", PlayerGoal);
        TreeAction nieCelnySlupekOdbijaDoNas        = new TreeAction(0.25f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od slupka do nas", OurBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnySlupekOdbijaDoRywala     = new TreeAction(0.25f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od slupka do rywali", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnySlupekOdbijaZaLinie      = new TreeAction(0.5f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, pilka odbila sie od slupka i poleciala za linie", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczkaDoBramki       = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od poprzeczki do bramki", PlayerGoal);
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaDoNas    = new TreeAction(0.1f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od poprzeczki do nas", OurBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaDoRywala = new TreeAction(0.1f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, ale pilka odbila sie od poprzeczki do rywali", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaZaLinie  = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Strzal byl niecelny, pilka odbila sie od poprzeczki i poleciala za linie", EnemyBall);

        TreeAction nieCelnySlupekOdbija     = new TreeAction(0.7f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelnySlupekOdbijaDoNas, nieCelnySlupekOdbijaDoRywala, nieCelnySlupekOdbijaZaLinie }, false, "");
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbija = new TreeAction(0.8f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaDoNas, nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaDoRywala, nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbijaZaLinie }, false, "");

        TreeAction nieCelnySlupek     = new TreeAction(0.1f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelnySlupekOdbija, nieCelnySlupekDoBramki }, false, "");
        TreeAction nieCelnyPoprzeczka = new TreeAction(0.05f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelnyPoprzeczkaOdbija, nieCelnyPoprzeczkaDoBramki }, false, "");

        TreeAction nieCelny = new TreeAction(0.5f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelnyZaLinie, nieCelnySlupek, nieCelnyPoprzeczka }, false, "");

        //niecelny end

        longShoot = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieCelny, celny }, false, "");
        //shoot end
Esempio n. 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the reduction as a normal reduction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="varIndex">The reduced variable index</param>
        /// <param name="headAction">The tree action applied in the rule's head</param>
        /// <returns>The identifier of the produced SPPF node</returns>
        private int ReduceNormal(int varIndex, TreeAction headAction)
            TableElemRef promotedSymbol    = new TableElemRef();
            SPPFNodeRef  promotedReference = new SPPFNodeRef(SPPF.EPSILON, 0);

            int insertion = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i != handleNext; i++)
                switch (handleActions[i])
                case TreeAction.Promote:
                    if (promotedReference.NodeId != SPPF.EPSILON)
                        // not the first promotion
                        // create a new version for the promoted node
                        SPPFNodeNormal oldPromotedNode = sppf.GetNode(promotedReference.NodeId) as SPPFNodeNormal;
                        SPPFNodeRef    oldPromotedRef  = oldPromotedNode.NewVersion(promotedSymbol, cacheChildren, insertion);
                        // register the previously promoted reference into the cache
                        cacheChildren[0] = oldPromotedRef;
                        insertion        = 1;
                    // save the new promoted node
                    promotedReference = cacheChildren[handleIndices[i]];
                    SPPFNodeNormal  promotedNode    = sppf.GetNode(promotedReference.NodeId) as SPPFNodeNormal;
                    SPPFNodeVersion promotedVersion = promotedNode.GetVersion(promotedReference.Version);
                    promotedSymbol = promotedVersion.Label;
                    // repack the children on the left if any
                    Array.Copy(cacheChildren, handleIndices[i] + 1, cacheChildren, insertion, promotedVersion.ChildrenCount);
                    insertion += promotedVersion.ChildrenCount;

                    // Repack the sub-root on the left
                    if (insertion != handleIndices[i])
                        cacheChildren[insertion] = cacheChildren[handleIndices[i]];

            TableElemRef originalLabel = new TableElemRef(TableType.Variable, varIndex);
            TableElemRef currentLabel  = originalLabel;

            if (promotedReference.NodeId != SPPF.EPSILON)
                // a promotion occurred
                currentLabel = promotedSymbol;
            else if (headAction == TreeAction.ReplaceByEpsilon)
                // this variable must be replaced in the final AST
                currentLabel = new TableElemRef(TableType.None, 0);
            return(sppf.NewNode(originalLabel, currentLabel, cacheChildren, insertion));
Esempio n. 17
 /// <summary>
 /// During a reduction, inserts a virtual symbol
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="index">The virtual symbol's index</param>
 /// <param name="action">The tree action applied onto the symbol</param>
 public void ReductionAddVirtual(int index, TreeAction action)
     if (action == TreeAction.Drop)
         return;                 // why would you do this?
     cache.SetAt(cacheNext, new TableElemRef(TableType.Virtual, index), action);
     handle[handleNext++] = cacheNext++;
Esempio n. 18
        protected CustomCraftTreeNode(string name, TreeAction action, TechType techType)
            Name     = name;
            Action   = action;
            TechType = techType;

            // This is the actual class used for the real CraftTree
            CraftNode = new CraftNode(Name, Action, TechType);
Esempio n. 19
  * Create a TreeFlag object with integer flag value and action to execute
  * upon match
  * @param flag
  *            int flag value
  * @param action
  *            object which : the TreeAction interface
 public TreeFlag(int flag, TreeAction action)
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Loads a new instance of the LRProduction class from a binary representation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="reader">The binary reader to read from</param>
 public LRProduction(BinaryReader reader)
     head        = reader.ReadUInt16();
     headAction  = (TreeAction)reader.ReadByte();
     reducLength = reader.ReadByte();
     bytecode    = new LROpCode[reader.ReadByte()];
     for (int i = 0; i != bytecode.Length; i++)
         bytecode[i] = new LROpCode(reader);
Esempio n. 21
    void ThrowInInit()
        //ThrowInPlayer begin
        //udany begin
        TreeAction udany = new TreeAction(0.6f, null, true, "Dobra wrzutka z autu, partnerzy przy piłce", OurBall);
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudany = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Zła wrzutka z autu, piłka trafia do rywali", EnemyBall);

        //nieudany end
        ThrowIn = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //ThrowInPlayer end
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares for the forthcoming reduction operations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="varIndex">The reduced variable index</param>
        /// <param name="length">The length of the reduction</param>
        /// <param name="action">The tree action applied onto the symbol</param>
        public void ReductionPrepare(int varIndex, int length, TreeAction action)
            stackNext -= length;
            int estimation = ESTIMATION_BIAS;

            for (int i = 0; i != length; i++)
                estimation += stack[stackNext + i].GetSize();
            cache = GetSubTree(estimation);
            cache.SetupRoot(new TableElemRef(TableType.Variable, varIndex), action);
            cacheNext  = 1;
            handleNext = 0;
            popCount   = 0;
Esempio n. 23
    void PenaltyInit()
        //penalty begin
        //celny begin
        TreeAction celnyBramkarzNieBroni = new TreeAction(0.75f, null, true, "Pewnie wykonana jedenastka!", CelnyKarny);
        TreeAction celnyBramkarzChwyta   = new TreeAction(0.1f, null, true, "Bramkarz broni! Źle wykonany karny!", EnemyBall);
        TreeAction celnyBramkarzWybija   = new TreeAction(0.15f, null, true, "Nie ma gola! Bramkarz wyczuł strzelającego! Rzut rożny.", OurBall);

        TreeAction celny = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { celnyBramkarzNieBroni, celnyBramkarzChwyta, celnyBramkarzWybija }, false, "");
        //celny end

        //niecelny begin
        TreeAction niecelny = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Pudło! Zmarnowany karny!", EnemyBall);

        //niecelny end
        Penalty = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { niecelny, celny }, false, "");
        //penalty end
Esempio n. 24
    public override TreeAction findAction()
        if (!isValid())

        TreeAction action = null;

        foreach (Transform t in transform)
            TreeNode c = t.GetComponent <TreeNode>();
            action = c.findAction();
            if (action != null)
Esempio n. 25
    void CornerCPUInit()
        //celny begin
        TreeAction udanyDoGraczaGlowa    = new TreeAction(0.6f, null, true, "Gracz glowkuje po dosrodkowaniu", Head);
        TreeAction udanyDoGraczaNoga     = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Gracz strzela noga po dosrodkowaniu", PlayerFinishingShot);
        TreeAction udanyDoPartneraStrzal = new TreeAction(1f, null, true, "Partner strzela noga po dosrodkowaniu", ComputerShoot, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.6f);

        TreeAction udanyDoGracza = new TreeAction(0.0f, new TreeAction[] { udanyDoGraczaGlowa, udanyDoGraczaNoga }, false, "", null, checkTypes.PLAYER_ON_PENALTY, 0.4f);
        TreeAction udany         = new TreeAction(0.4f, new TreeAction[] { udanyDoGracza, udanyDoPartneraStrzal }, false, "");
        //celny end

        //niecelny begin
        TreeAction nieudany = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Przeciwnik przejmuje pilke", EnemyBall);

        //niecelny end
        cornerCPU = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
        //niecelny end
Esempio n. 26
    void ThrowInCPUInit()
        //ThrowInCPU begin
        // udany begin
        TreeAction udanyPierwszySektorDoGracza   = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Gracz otrzymuje piłkę po bliskiej wrzutce z autu", OurBall);
        TreeAction udanyPierwszySektorDoPartnera = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Partnerzy otrzymują piłkę po bliskiej wrzutce z autu", OurBall);
        TreeAction udanyDrugiSektorDoGracza      = new TreeAction(0.8f, null, true, "Gracz otrzymuje piłkę po długiej wrzutce z autu", OurBall);
        TreeAction udanyDrugiSektorDoPartnera    = new TreeAction(0.2f, null, true, "Partnerzy otrzymują piłkę po długiej wrzutce z autu", OurBall);

        TreeAction udanyPierwszySektor = new TreeAction(0.8f, new TreeAction[] { udanyPierwszySektorDoGracza, udanyPierwszySektorDoPartnera }, false, "");
        TreeAction udanyDrugiSektor    = new TreeAction(0.2f, new TreeAction[] { udanyDrugiSektorDoGracza, udanyDrugiSektorDoPartnera }, false, "");
        TreeAction udany = new TreeAction(0.6f, new TreeAction[] { udanyPierwszySektor, udanyDrugiSektor }, false, "");
        //udany end

        //nieudany begin
        TreeAction nieudany = new TreeAction(0.4f, null, true, "Źle wykonany aut, rywal przy piłce", EnemyBall);

        //nieudany end
        ThrowInCPU = new TreeAction(2f, new TreeAction[] { nieudany, udany }, false, "");
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// During a reduction, insert the given sub-tree
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sub">The sub-tree</param>
 /// <param name="action">The tree action applied onto the symbol</param>
 private void ReductionAddSub(SubTree sub, TreeAction action)
     if (sub.GetActionAt(0) == TreeAction.ReplaceByChildren)
         int directChildrenCount = sub.GetChildrenCountAt(0);
         while (handleNext + directChildrenCount >= handle.Length)
             Array.Resize(ref handle, handle.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
         // copy the children to the cache
         sub.CopyChildrenTo(cache, cacheNext);
         // setup the handle
         int index = 1;
         for (int i = 0; i != directChildrenCount; i++)
             int size = sub.GetChildrenCountAt(index) + 1;
             handle[handleNext++] = cacheNext;
             cacheNext           += size;
             index += size;
     else if (action == TreeAction.Drop)
         if (action != TreeAction.None)
             sub.SetActionAt(0, action);
         // copy the complete sub-tree to the cache
         if (handleNext == handle.Length)
             Array.Resize(ref handle, handle.Length + INIT_HANDLE_SIZE);
         sub.CopyTo(cache, cacheNext);
         handle[handleNext++] = cacheNext;
         cacheNext           += sub.GetChildrenCountAt(0) + 1;
Esempio n. 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the specified GSS label to the reduction cache with the given tree action
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gssLabel">The label to add to the cache</param>
        /// <param name="action">The tree action to apply</param>
        private void AddToCache(int gssLabel, TreeAction action)
            if (action == TreeAction.Drop)
            SPPFNode node = sppf.GetNode(gssLabel);

            if (node.IsReplaceable)
                SPPFNodeReplaceable replaceable = node as SPPFNodeReplaceable;
                // this is replaceable sub-tree
                for (int i = 0; i != replaceable.ChildrenCount; i++)
                    AddToCache(sppf.GetNode(replaceable.Children[i].NodeId) as SPPFNodeNormal, replaceable.Actions[i]);
                // this is a simple reference to an existing SPPF node
                AddToCache(node as SPPFNodeNormal, action);
Esempio n. 29
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs the processed action.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="action">Action.</param>
    public void PerformAction(TreeAction action)
        if(action != null)
            //Changes pathfinding strategy if necessary
            pathfindingStrategy = action.pathFindingMethod;

            //Tests to see if current state should be changed
            if(currentState.GetString() != action.targetState)

            if(action.speed > -1.0f)
                enemy.speed = action.speed;

            //Sends animation type to animation controller

            //Dynamically Invokes the actions method to be performed if there is one
            if(action.action != null)
Esempio n. 30
    /// <summary>
    /// Makes the decision tree.
    /// </summary>
    public void MakeDecisionTree()
        //Is the search timer up
        decisions[0] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
            if(searchTimer > enemy.searchingDuration)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is Player In Collider
        decisions[1] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is player less than 10 meters away
        decisions[2] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
            if(Vector3.Distance(zombiePos, playerPos) < 10)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the Player visible?
        decisions[3] = new Decision((object[]args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the Player Audible?
        decisions[4] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        actions[0] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {enemy.patrolState.GetPatrolPoint(enemy.avgPatrolInterval);},
            targetState = "Patrol",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*",
            animation = "None"

        actions[1] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {enemy.patrolState.GetPatrolPoint(enemy.avgPatrolInterval);},
            targetState = "Patrol",
            pathFindingMethod = "IterativeDeepening",
            animation = "None"

        actions[2] = new TreeAction()
            targetState = "Chase",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*",
            animation = "None"

        actions[3] = new TreeAction()
            targetState = "Alert",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.FAST_WALK,
            action = () => {
                    zombie.CallForNewPath(enemy.enemySight.targetLocation.position, "A*", false );
Esempio n. 31
    /// <summary>
    /// Makes the decision tree.
    /// </summary>
    public void MakeDecisionTree()
        //Is enemy in sight?
        decisions[0] = new Decision((object[] args)=>{
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is search timer up?
        decisions[1] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
            if(searchTimer >= enemy.searchingDuration)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Less than 2 away from player?
        decisions[2] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
            if(Vector3.Distance(zombiePos, playerPos) < 2)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the enemy in the collider?
        decisions[3] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the enemy audible?
        decisions[4] = new Decision((object[] args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        actions[0] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "A*",
            targetState = "Alert",
            animation = "None"

        actions[1] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {searchTimer = 0f;},
            targetState = "Chase",
            animation = "None",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*"

        actions[2] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {searchTimer = 0f;},
            targetState = "Chase",
            animation = "attack01",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*"

        actions[3] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {
                    zombie.CallForNewPath(enemy.enemySight.targetLocation.position, "A*", false );
            targetState = "Chase",
            animation = "None",
            pathFindingMethod = "A*"
Esempio n. 32
 protected CustomCraftTreeLinkingNode(string name, TreeAction action, TechType techType)
     : base(name, action, techType)
Esempio n. 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds the action to queue to be performed by the AI
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">Action.</param>
 public void AddActionToQueue(TreeAction action)
Esempio n. 34
    /// <summary>
    /// Makes the decision tree.
    /// </summary>
    public void MakeDecisionTree()
        //Is there an object in front of me?
        decisions[0] = (new Decision((object[] args) => {
                return true;
                return false;
        //Is the distance from enemy to player < 50 meters?
        decisions[1] = (new Decision((object[]args) => {
             if(Vector3.Distance(zombiePos, playerPos) < 50)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Was the player last seen >  30 secs ago?
        decisions[2] = (new Decision((object[]args) => {
            if(enemy.enemySight.playerLastSeenTime > 30)
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the player in the collider?
        decisions[3] = (new Decision((object[]args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the Player visible?
        decisions[4] = (new Decision((object[]args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        //Is the player audible?
        decisions[5] = (new Decision((object[]args) => {
                return true;
                return false;

        actions[0] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Patrol",
            animation = "attack02",
            speed = enemy.STAND_STILL

        actions[1] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Patrol",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.NORMAL_WALK

        actions[2] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {GetPatrolPoint(enemy.avgPatrolInterval);},
            args = {},
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Patrol",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.FAST_WALK

        actions[3] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Patrol",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.NORMAL_WALK

        actions[4] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Chase",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.RUNNING

        actions[5] = new TreeAction()
            pathFindingMethod = "DynamicBiDirectional",
            targetState = "Patrol",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.NORMAL_WALK

        actions[6] = new TreeAction()
            action = () => {
                    zombie.CallForNewPath(enemy.enemySight.targetLocation.position, "DynamicBiDirectional", false );
            pathFindingMethod = "A*",
            targetState = "Alert",
            animation = "None",
            speed = enemy.SLOW_WALK
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the given actionTask and commits the ActionResponse to forgeState on success.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeNodeKey">The TreeNode's key where the actions are taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="treeActionKey">The TreeAction's key of the action taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="treeAction">The TreeAction object that holds properties of the action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionDefinition">The object holding definitions for the action to execute.</param>
        /// <param name="actionTimeoutTask">The delay task tied to the action timeout.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ActionTimeoutException">If the action-level timeout was hit.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">If the cancellation token was triggered.</exception>
        /// <returns>
        ///     RanToCompletion if the action was completed successfully.
        ///     Exceptions are thrown on timeout, cancellation, or retriable failures.
        /// </returns>
        internal async Task ExecuteAction(
            string treeNodeKey,
            string treeActionKey,
            TreeAction treeAction,
            ActionDefinition actionDefinition,
            Task actionTimeoutTask,
            CancellationToken token)
            // Set up a linked cancellation token to trigger on timeout if ContinuationOnTimeout is set.
            // This ensures the runActionTask gets canceled when Forge timeout is hit.
            CancellationTokenSource actionCts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);

            token = treeAction.ContinuationOnTimeout ? actionCts.Token : token;

            // Evaluate the dynamic properties that are used by the actionTask.
            ActionContext actionContext = new ActionContext(
                await this.EvaluateDynamicProperty(treeAction.Input, actionDefinition.InputType).ConfigureAwait(false),
                await this.EvaluateDynamicProperty(treeAction.Properties, null).ConfigureAwait(false),

            // Instantiate the BaseAction-derived ActionType class and invoke the RunAction method on it.
            var                   actionObject  = Activator.CreateInstance(actionDefinition.ActionType);
            MethodInfo            method        = typeof(BaseAction).GetMethod("RunAction");
            Task <ActionResponse> runActionTask = (Task <ActionResponse>)method.Invoke(actionObject, new object[] { actionContext });

            // Await for the first completed task between our runActionTask and the timeout task.
            // This allows us to continue without awaiting the runActionTask upon timeout.
            var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(runActionTask, actionTimeoutTask).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (completedTask == actionTimeoutTask)
                // Throw on cancellation requested if that's the reason the timeout task completed.

                // If the timeout is hit and the ContinuationOnTimeout flag is set, commit a new ActionResponse
                // with the status set to TimeoutOnAction and return.
                if (treeAction.ContinuationOnTimeout)
                    // Trigger linked cancellation token before continuing to ensure the runActionTask gets cancelled.

                    ActionResponse timeoutResponse = new ActionResponse
                        Status = "TimeoutOnAction"

                    await this.CommitActionResponse(treeActionKey, timeoutResponse).ConfigureAwait(false);


                // ActionTimeout has been hit. Throw special exception to indicate this.
                throw new ActionTimeoutException(string.Format(
                                                     "ActionTimeoutTask timed out before Action could complete. TreeNodeKey: {0}, TreeActionKey: {1}, ActionName: {2}.",
                // Handle the completed runActionTask.
                if (runActionTask.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
                    await this.CommitActionResponse(treeActionKey, await runActionTask).ConfigureAwait(false);

                // Await the completed task to propagate any exceptions.
                // Exceptions are thrown here if the action hit a timeout, was cancelled, or failed.
                await runActionTask;
Esempio n. 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the given action. Attempts retries according to the retry policy and timeout.
        /// Returns without throwing exception if the action was completed successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeNodeKey">The TreeNode's key where the actions are taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="treeActionKey">The TreeAction's key of the action taking place.</param>
        /// <param name="treeAction">The TreeAction object that holds properties of the action.</param>
        /// <param name="actionDefinition">The object holding definitions for the action to execute.</param>
        /// <param name="token">The cancellation token.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ActionTimeoutException">If the action-level timeout was hit.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">If the cancellation token was triggered.</exception>
        internal async Task ExecuteActionWithRetry(
            string treeNodeKey,
            string treeActionKey,
            TreeAction treeAction,
            ActionDefinition actionDefinition,
            CancellationToken token)
            // Initialize values. Default infinite timeout. Default RetryPolicyType.None.
            int       retryCount     = 0;
            Exception innerException = null;
            Stopwatch stopwatch      = new Stopwatch();

            int actionTimeout = (int)await this.EvaluateDynamicProperty(treeAction.Timeout ?? -1, typeof(int)).ConfigureAwait(false);

            RetryPolicyType retryPolicyType = treeAction.RetryPolicy != null ? treeAction.RetryPolicy.Type : RetryPolicyType.None;
            TimeSpan        waitTime        = treeAction.RetryPolicy != null?TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(treeAction.RetryPolicy.MinBackoffMs) : new TimeSpan();

            // Kick off timers.
            Task actionTimeoutTask = Task.Delay(actionTimeout, token);


            // Attmpt to ExecuteAction based on RetryPolicy and Timeout.
            // Throw on non-retriable exceptions.
            while (actionTimeout == -1 || stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < actionTimeout)

                    await this.ExecuteAction(treeNodeKey, treeActionKey, treeAction, actionDefinition, actionTimeoutTask, token).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    return; // success!
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    throw; // non-retriable exception
                catch (ActionTimeoutException)
                    throw; // non-retriable exception
                catch (EvaluateDynamicPropertyException)
                    throw; // non-retriable exception
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Cache exception as innerException in case we need to throw ActionTimeoutException.
                    innerException = e;

                    // Hit retriable exception. Retry according to RetryPolicy.
                    // When retries are exhausted, throw ActionTimeoutException with Exception e as the innerException.
                    switch (retryPolicyType)
                    case RetryPolicyType.FixedInterval:
                        // FixedInterval retries every MinBackoffMs until the timeout.
                        // Ex) 200ms, 200ms, 200ms...
                        waitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(treeAction.RetryPolicy.MinBackoffMs);

                    case RetryPolicyType.ExponentialBackoff:
                        // ExponentialBackoff retries every Math.Min(MinBackoffMs * 2^(retryCount), MaxBackoffMs) until the timeout.
                        // Ex) 100ms, 200ms, 400ms...
                        waitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Math.Min(treeAction.RetryPolicy.MaxBackoffMs, waitTime.TotalMilliseconds * 2));

                    case RetryPolicyType.None:
                        // No retries. Break out below to throw non-retriable exception.

                // Break out if no retry policy set.
                if (retryPolicyType == RetryPolicyType.None)
                    // If the retries have exhausted and the ContinuationOnRetryExhaustion flag is set, commit a new ActionResponse
                    // with the status set to RetryExhaustedOnAction and return.
                    if (treeAction.ContinuationOnRetryExhaustion)
                        ActionResponse timeoutResponse = new ActionResponse
                            Status = "RetryExhaustedOnAction"

                        await this.CommitActionResponse(treeActionKey, timeoutResponse).ConfigureAwait(false);



                // Break out early if we would hit timeout before next retry.
                if (actionTimeout != -1 && stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds + waitTime.TotalMilliseconds >= actionTimeout)
                    // If the timeout is hit and the ContinuationOnTimeout flag is set, commit a new ActionResponse
                    // with the status set to TimeoutOnAction and return.
                    if (treeAction.ContinuationOnTimeout)
                        ActionResponse timeoutResponse = new ActionResponse
                            Status = "TimeoutOnAction"

                        await this.CommitActionResponse(treeActionKey, timeoutResponse).ConfigureAwait(false);



                await Task.Delay(waitTime, token).ConfigureAwait(false);


            // Retries are exhausted. Throw ActionTimeoutException with executeAction exception as innerException.
            throw new ActionTimeoutException(
                          "Action did not complete successfully. TreeNodeKey: {0}, TreeActionKey: {1}, ActionName: {2}, RetryCount: {3}, RetryPolicy: {4}",
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the actions for the given tree node.
        /// Returns without throwing exception if all actions were completed successfully.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="treeNode">The TreeNode containing actions to execute.</param>
        /// <param name="treeNodeKey">The TreeNode's key where the actions are taking place.</param>
        /// <exception cref="TimeoutException">If the node-level timeout was hit.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ActionTimeoutException">If the action-level timeout was hit.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="OperationCanceledException">If the cancellation token was triggered.</exception>
        internal async Task PerformActionTypeBehavior(TreeNode treeNode, string treeNodeKey)
            List <Task> actionTasks = new List <Task>();

            if (treeNode.Actions == null)

            // Start new parallel tasks for each action on this node.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, TreeAction> kvp in treeNode.Actions)
                string     treeActionKey = kvp.Key;
                TreeAction treeAction    = kvp.Value;

                if (await this.GetOutputAsync(treeActionKey).ConfigureAwait(false) != null)
                    // Handle rehydration case. Commit LastTreeAction if it was not committed. Do not execute actions for which we have already received a response.
                    if (await this.GetLastTreeAction().ConfigureAwait(false) == null)
                        await this.CommitLastTreeAction(treeActionKey).ConfigureAwait(false);


                if (this.actionsMap.TryGetValue(treeAction.Action, out ActionDefinition actionDefinition))
                    actionTasks.Add(this.ExecuteActionWithRetry(treeNodeKey, treeActionKey, treeAction, actionDefinition, this.walkTreeCts.Token));

            // Wait for all parallel tasks to complete until the given timout.
            // If any task hits a timeout, gets cancelled, or fails, an exception will be thrown.
            // Note: CancelWalkTree is called at the end of every session to ensure all Actions/Tasks see the triggered cancellation token.
            Task nodeTimeoutTask = Task.Delay((int)await this.EvaluateDynamicProperty(treeNode.Timeout ?? -1, typeof(int)).ConfigureAwait(false), this.walkTreeCts.Token);


            while (actionTasks.Count > 1)
                // Throw if cancellation was requested between actions completing.

                Task completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(actionTasks).ConfigureAwait(false);


                if (completedTask == nodeTimeoutTask)
                    // Throw on cancellation requested if that's the reason the timeout task completed.

                    // NodeTimeout was hit, throw a special exception to differentiate between timeout and cancellation.
                    throw new TimeoutException("Hit node-level timeout in TreeNodeKey: " + treeNodeKey);

                // Await the completed task to propagate any exceptions.
                // Exceptions are thrown here if the action hit a timeout, was cancelled, or failed.
                await completedTask;