public static void PostPublishDown(IHttpContext context) { string payload = context.Request.Payload; // payload: source, publish string source = ""; // string publish = ""; try { TransmitFrame tf = new TransmitFrame(); tf = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmitFrame>(context.Request.Payload); source = tf.source; Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " PostPublishDown " + source + " -> " + sourceName); if (source != "" && != 0 && childs.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] == null) { publishResponse[i] =; if (childs.Count != 0) { publishResponseChilds[i] = new List <string> { }; foreach (string value in childs) { publishResponseChilds[i].Add(value); } } break; } } } } catch { } string responseJson = ""; if (publishRequest.Count != 0) { TransmitFrame response = new TransmitFrame(); response.source = sourceName; = publishRequest; responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented); publishRequest.Clear(); } context.Response.ContentType = ContentType.JSON; context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; context.Response.ContentLength64 = responseJson.Length; context.Response.SendResponse(responseJson); }
public static async void ThreadLoop() { while (true) { // Test data to publish string testPublish = ""; if (testRequest == "") { testPublish = "{ \"source\" : \"" + sourceName + "\" , \"count\" : \"" + count + "\" }"; count++; } else { testPublish = await getTestData(testRequest); } TransmitData td = new TransmitData(); td.source = sourceName; // must be a unique name in the overall node network td.type = "test"; // AASX Server publishes type "submodel" td.publish.Add(testPublish); TransmitFrame tf = new TransmitFrame(); tf.source = sourceName;; string publish = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tf, Formatting.Indented); Console.WriteLine("Publish data:\n" + publish + "\n"); var handler = new HttpClientHandler(); handler.DefaultProxyCredentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; var client = new HttpClient(handler); string content = ""; try { var contentJson = new StringContent(publish, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var result = client.PostAsync(connectDomain + "/publish", contentJson).Result; content = ContentToString(result.Content); } catch { Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Publish Timeout!\n"); } if (content != "") { // Received JSON content as TransmitFrame Console.WriteLine("Received Subscribe Data:\n" + content + "\n"); } Thread.Sleep(3000); } }
// Just publish, no /connect before needed public static void PostPublish(IHttpContext context) { string source = ""; string responseJson = ""; try { TransmitFrame tf = new TransmitFrame(); tf = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmitFrame>(context.Request.Payload); source = tf.source; if (!childs.Contains(source)) { childs.Add(source); } responseJson = executeTransmitFrames(tf); DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; lock (timeStampLock) { if (!childsTimeStamps.ContainsKey(source)) { childsTimeStamps.Add(source, now); } else { childsTimeStamps[source] = now; } } // Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " PostPublish " + source + " " + now); } catch { } context.Response.ContentType = ContentType.JSON; context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; context.Response.ContentLength64 = responseJson.Length; context.Response.SendResponse(responseJson); }
public static void PostPublishUp(IHttpContext context) { string source = ""; string responseJson = ""; try { TransmitFrame tf = new TransmitFrame(); tf = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmitFrame>(context.Request.Payload); source = tf.source; Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " PostPublishUp " + source); responseJson = executeTransmitFrames(tf); } catch { } context.Response.ContentType = ContentType.JSON; context.Response.ContentEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; context.Response.ContentLength64 = responseJson.Length; context.Response.SendResponse(responseJson); }
public static TransmitFrame TransmitFrameBuild(Station stl, Station.CommandResponse cmdResp, Int32 pfBit, FrameTypes frameType, Byte[] buf) { // // Build AX25 frames // Int32 doBufLen = 0; if (buf != null) { doBufLen = buf.Length; } TransmitFrame transmitFrame = new TransmitFrame(); Byte[] stlB = stl.GetStationAddresBuffer(cmdResp); transmitFrame.ibuf = new Byte[stlB.Length + 1 + doBufLen]; transmitFrame.frameType = frameType; transmitFrame.pfBit = pfBit; transmitFrame.seqNumMode = SequenceNumberMode.Mod8; transmitFrame.cmdOctetPtr = stlB.Length; if (cmdResp.Equals(Station.CommandResponse.DoCommand) && pfBit == 1) // (JNW Jan15) { transmitFrame.AckModeID = 0xff; // Use ackmode if enabled (JNW Jan15) } stlB.CopyTo(transmitFrame.ibuf, 0); // Load station address fields transmitFrame.ibuf[stlB.Length] = (Byte)(((Int32)frameType) | (pfBit << 4)); if (doBufLen > 0) { buf.CopyTo(transmitFrame.ibuf, stlB.Length + 1); } return(transmitFrame); }
public static void ThreadLoop() { while (loop) { // testing if (test) { string testPublish = "{ \"source\" : \"" + sourceName + "\" , \"count\" : \"" + count + "\" }"; TransmitData td = new TransmitData(); td.source = sourceName; td.publish.Add(testPublish); if (childs.Count == 0) { if (++newData == 4) { newData = 0; if (sourceName == "TEST1" || sourceName == "TEST2" || sourceName == "TEST3") { publishRequest.Add(td); } } } count += 5; } if (parentDomain != "GLOBALROOT" && parentDomain != "LOCALROOT") { TransmitFrame tf = new TransmitFrame(); tf.source = sourceName; string publish = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tf, Formatting.Indented); if (publishRequest.Count != 0) { = publishRequest; publish = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(tf, Formatting.Indented); publishRequest.Clear(); } HttpClient httpClient2; if (clientHandler != null) { httpClient2 = new HttpClient(clientHandler); } else { httpClient2 = new HttpClient(); } var contentJson = new StringContent(publish, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");; string content = ""; try { var result = httpClient2.PostAsync(parentDomain + "/publishUp", contentJson).Result; content = ContentToString(result.Content); } catch { } if (content != "") { string source = ""; // string response = ""; try { TransmitFrame tf2 = new TransmitFrame(); tf2 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmitFrame>(content); source = tf2.source; // if (source == sourceName) { Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " RECEIVE PostPublishUp " + source + " : " + content); if (childs.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] == null) { publishResponse[i] =; if (childs.Count != 0) { publishResponseChilds[i] = new List <string> { }; foreach (string value in childs) { publishResponseChilds[i].Add(value); } } break; } } } } } catch { } } } // pass data down to/from local root childs if (childDomainsCount != 0) { TransmitFrame response = new TransmitFrame(); response.source = sourceName; for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] != null) { = publishResponse[i]; for (int j = 0; j < childDomainsCount; j++) { if (publishResponseChilds[i] != null) { if (publishResponseChilds[i].Contains(childDomainsNames[j])) { publishResponseChilds[i].Remove(childDomainsNames[j]); if (publishResponseChilds[i].Count == 0) { publishResponse[i] = null; } } } } } } string responseJson = ""; responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented); HttpClient httpClient; httpClient = new HttpClient(); /* * if (clientHandler != null) * { * httpClient = new HttpClient(clientHandler); * } * else * { * httpClient = new HttpClient(); * } */ for (int i = 0; i < childDomainsCount; i++) { var contentJson = new StringContent(responseJson, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");; string content = ""; try { var result = httpClient.PostAsync(childDomains[i] + "/publishDown", contentJson).Result; content = ContentToString(result.Content); } catch { } if (content != "") { try { TransmitFrame tf1 = new TransmitFrame(); tf1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TransmitFrame>(content); string source = tf1.source; // Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " RECEIVE PostPublishDown " + source + " : " + content); Console.WriteLine(countWriteLine++ + " RECEIVE PostPublishDown " + source); if ( != 0) { foreach (TransmitData td in { publishRequest.Add(td); } if (parentDomain == "GLOBALROOT") { // copy publish request into response for (int j = 0; j < publishResponse.Length; j++) { if (publishResponse[j] == null) { publishResponse[j] =; if (childs.Count != 0) { publishResponseChilds[j] = new List <string> { }; foreach (string value in childs) { publishResponseChilds[j].Add(value); } } break; } } } } } catch { } } } } Thread.Sleep(500); } }
public static string executeTransmitFrames(TransmitFrame tf) { string source = tf.source; Console.WriteLine("source: " + source); if (source != "" && != 0) { Console.WriteLine(" " +; countWriteLine++; foreach (TransmitData tdr in { Console.WriteLine("*** RECEIVE " + countWriteLine + " " + source + ": " + tdr.type + " " + tdr.source + " " + tdr.destination); } TransmitData fileReceived = null; foreach (TransmitData td in { if (td.type == "getaasxFile" && td.destination == sourceName) { Console.WriteLine("Received AASX from " + td.source + " for " + td.destination); var parsed3 = JObject.Parse(td.publish[0]); string fileName = parsed3.SelectToken("fileName").Value <string>(); string fileData = parsed3.SelectToken("fileData").Value <string>(); var enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); var fileString4 = Jose.JWT.Decode(fileData, enc.GetBytes(secretString), JwsAlgorithm.HS256); var parsed4 = JObject.Parse(fileString4); string binaryBase64_4 = parsed4.SelectToken("file").Value <string>(); Byte[] fileBytes4 = Convert.FromBase64String(binaryBase64_4); string downloadDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\" + "Downloads"; Console.WriteLine("Writing file: " + downloadDir + "/" + fileName); File.WriteAllBytes(downloadDir + "/" + fileName, fileBytes4); fileReceived = td; break; } } if (fileReceived != null) {; } Console.WriteLine(" " +; if (parentDomain != "GLOBALROOT") { foreach (TransmitData td in { publishRequest.Add(td); } } if (parentDomain == "GLOBALROOT") { // copy publish request into response for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] == null) { publishResponse[i] =; if (childs.Count != 0) { publishResponseChilds[i] = new List <string> { }; foreach (string value in childs) { foreach (TransmitData td in { if (td.destination == "" || td.destination == value) { if (!publishResponseChilds[i].Contains(value)) { publishResponseChilds[i].Add(value); } } } } } break; } } } } // Dump publishResponseChilds for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] != null) { Console.Write("i " + i + " childs: "); foreach (string c in publishResponseChilds[i]) { Console.Write(c + " "); } Console.WriteLine(); foreach (TransmitData tdr in publishResponse[i]) { Console.WriteLine("*** DUMP " + i + " " + source + ": " + tdr.type + " " + tdr.source + " " + tdr.destination); } } } TransmitFrame response = new TransmitFrame(); response.source = sourceName; for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] != null) { if (publishResponseChilds[i] != null) { if (publishResponseChilds[i].Contains(source)) { foreach (TransmitData td in publishResponse[i]) {; } publishResponseChilds[i].Remove(source); if (publishResponseChilds[i].Count == 0) { publishResponse[i] = null; } } } } } string responseJson = ""; if ( != 0) { countWriteLine++; foreach (TransmitData tdr in { Console.WriteLine("*** SEND " + + " " + countWriteLine + " " + source + ": " + tdr.type + " " + tdr.source + " " + tdr.destination); } responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented); } return(responseJson); }
public static string executeTransmitFrames(TransmitFrame tf) { string source = tf.source; if (source != "" && != 0) { foreach (TransmitData td in { if (td.type == "getaasxFile" && td.destination == sourceName) { var parsed3 = JObject.Parse(td.publish[0]); string fileName = parsed3.SelectToken("fileName").Value <string>(); string fileData = parsed3.SelectToken("fileData").Value <string>(); var enc = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding(); var fileString4 = Jose.JWT.Decode(fileData, enc.GetBytes(secretString), JwsAlgorithm.HS256); var parsed4 = JObject.Parse(fileString4); string binaryBase64_4 = parsed4.SelectToken("file").Value <string>(); Byte[] fileBytes4 = Convert.FromBase64String(binaryBase64_4); string downloadDir = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("USERPROFILE") + @"\" + "Downloads"; Console.WriteLine("Writing file: " + downloadDir + "/" + fileName); File.WriteAllBytes(downloadDir + "/" + fileName, fileBytes4);; } else { if (parentDomain != "GLOBALROOT") { publishRequest.Add(td); } if (parentDomain == "GLOBALROOT") { if (td.type == "directory") { aasDirectoryParameters adp = new aasDirectoryParameters(); try { adp = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <aasDirectoryParameters>(td.publish[0]); } catch { } aasDirectory.Add(adp);; } // copy publish request into response for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] == null) { publishResponse[i] =; if (childs.Count != 0) { publishResponseChilds[i] = new List <string> { }; foreach (string value in childs) { publishResponseChilds[i].Add(value); } } break; } } } } } } TransmitFrame response = new TransmitFrame(); response.source = sourceName; for (int i = 0; i < publishResponse.Length; i++) { if (publishResponse[i] != null) { if (publishResponseChilds[i] != null) { if (publishResponseChilds[i].Contains(source)) { foreach (TransmitData td in publishResponse[i]) {; } publishResponseChilds[i].Remove(source); if (publishResponseChilds[i].Count == 0) { publishResponse[i] = null; } } } } } string responseJson = ""; if ( != 0) { responseJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response, Formatting.Indented); } return(responseJson); }
public static TransmitFrame Encode(Station stl, Connection.ConnectionParameterBuf cBuf, Station.CommandResponse cmdResp, Int32 pfBit) { // // Build the XID frame to send // TransmitFrame commandFrame = new TransmitFrame(); Byte[] stlB = stl.GetStationAddresBuffer(cmdResp); Int32 ptr = stlB.Length; Int32 t; Int32 c; Int32 paramPtr = 0; Byte[] tmpP = new Byte[30]; commandFrame.ibuf = new Byte[tmpP.Length + stlB.Length]; // overallocate buffer space to handle worst case. We'll trim later commandFrame.frameType = FrameTypes.XIDType; commandFrame.seqNumMode = SequenceNumberMode.Mod8; commandFrame.cmdOctetPtr = stlB.Length; stlB.CopyTo(commandFrame.ibuf, 0); // Load station address fields commandFrame.ibuf[ptr++] = (Byte)(((Int32)FrameTypes.XIDType) | (pfBit << 4)); commandFrame.ibuf[ptr++] = (Byte)(FormatIdentifier.GeneralPurposeXIDInfo); commandFrame.ibuf[ptr++] = (Byte)(GroupIdentifier.ParameterNegotiation); // // Load parameters to negotiate // t = (Int32)ClassOfProcedures.BalancedABMHalfDup; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.ClassOfProcedures); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)2; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((t >> 8) & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(t & 0x7f); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.HDLCOptionalParams); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)3; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.optionalFuncByte0); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.optionalFuncByte1); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.optionalFuncByte2); // // The IFrame size specified here is in bits. Check to see how many bytes we'll need to specify // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.RXIFieldLen); c = cBuf.maxIFrame * 8; if (c >= 65536) { // // Need 4 bytes to specify the window size // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)4; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((c >> 24) & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((c >> 16) & 0xff); } else { // // Need only 2 bytes // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)2; } tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((c >> 8) & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(c & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.RXWindowSize); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)1; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.maxWindowSize & 0xff); // // The Ack timer is specified in mSec. Check to see how many bytes we'll need // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.AckTimer); if (cBuf.ackTimer >= 65536) { // // Need 4 bytes to specify ack timer // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)4; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((cBuf.ackTimer >> 24) & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((cBuf.ackTimer >> 16) & 0xff); } else { // // Need only 2 bytes // tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)2; } tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)((cBuf.ackTimer >> 8) & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.ackTimer & 0xff); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(ParameterIndicator.NumRetries); tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)1; tmpP[paramPtr++] = (Byte)(cBuf.maxRetry & 0xff); tmpP = Support.PackByte(tmpP, 0, paramPtr); // Pack it down // // Add parameter length field to buffer // commandFrame.ibuf[ptr++] = (Byte)((tmpP.Length >> 8) & 0xff); commandFrame.ibuf[ptr++] = (Byte)(tmpP.Length & 0xff); // // Add the parameters to the buffer // tmpP.CopyTo(commandFrame.ibuf, ptr); ptr += tmpP.Length; commandFrame.ibuf = Support.PackByte(commandFrame.ibuf, 0, ptr); //Pack it down return(commandFrame); }
public static void ClearPBit(ref TransmitFrame transmitFrame) { transmitFrame.ibuf[transmitFrame.cmdOctetPtr] &= 0xff - PF; }
// Routines to set and clear P bit in frame (JNW Jan15 updated Jan17) public static void AddPBit(ref TransmitFrame transmitFrame) { transmitFrame.ibuf[transmitFrame.cmdOctetPtr] |= PF; }
public static void AddSequence(ref TransmitFrame transmitFrame, Int32 nr) { Int32 tmpI = transmitFrame.ibuf[transmitFrame.cmdOctetPtr] & 0x1f; transmitFrame.ibuf[transmitFrame.cmdOctetPtr] = (Byte)((nr << 5) | tmpI); }