Esempio n. 1
         * \param blockInfo the blockInfo that should be translated
         * \param permutation the input permutation
         * \param outputElements will contain the orginal elements
         * \param outputConstraints will contain the orginal constraints
        public static void translateFromBlocks(TranslateInfo blockInfo, List<int> permutation, List<int> outputElements/*, List<PartialOrderedSet.NetworkAlgorithm2.Constraint> outputConstraints*/)

            foreach( int blockIndex in permutation )
Esempio n. 2
        public MacroVar GetMacro(Scope objectScope, Scope staticScope, MacroVarDeclaration macroContext)
            // Get the return type.
            CodeType returnType = CodeType.GetCodeTypeFromContext(this, macroContext.Type);

            MacroVar newMacro = new MacroVar(this, objectScope, staticScope, macroContext, returnType);

Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>Creates a macro from a Define_macroContext.</summary>
        /// <param name="objectScope">The scope of the macro if there is no static attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="staticScope">The scope of the macro if there is a static attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="macroContext">The context of the macro.</param>
        /// <returns>A DefinedMacro if the macro has parameters, a MacroVar if there are no parameters.</returns>
        public DefinedMacro GetMacro(Scope objectScope, Scope staticScope, MacroFunctionContext macroContext)
            // Get the return type.
            CodeType returnType = CodeType.GetCodeTypeFromContext(this, macroContext.Type);

            DefinedMacro newMacro = new DefinedMacro(this, objectScope, staticScope, macroContext, returnType);

    public TranslateAction(IList <EVertex> vertices, IList <Vector2> begin, IList <Vector2> end, HistorySystem s)
        : base(s)
        translates = new TranslateInfo[vertices.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
            translates[i] = new TranslateInfo(vertices[i], begin[i], end[i]);
Esempio n. 5
         * tries to group the chained elements into blocks
         * the elements must be in a valid order allready
         * this function also translates all constraints into the blocks of TranslateInfo
        public static TranslateInfo translateIntoBlocks(List<int> elements, List<CausalSets.Constraint> constraints)
            int i;
            int elementI;
            int blockIdCounter;
            bool blockIdCounterWasIncremented;
            TranslateInfo resultTranslateInfo;

            ElementInfo[] elementInfos;

            debugInput(elements, constraints);

            resultTranslateInfo = new TranslateInfo();

            elementInfos = new ElementInfo[elements.Count];

            for( i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++ )
                elementInfos[i] = new ElementInfo();

            // go througth all the constraints and search the index of the dependencies and the element then store it in the array
            storeDependenciesIntoElementInfos(elements, elementInfos, constraints);

            // search in the array for interlinked blocks, label the elements with a blockcounter
            blockIdCounter = 0;
            blockIdCounterWasIncremented = false;

            for( elementI = 1; elementI < elements.Count; elementI++ )
                if( elementInfos[elementI].dependencies.Count > 0 && elementInfos[elementI].dependencies.Contains(elementI-1) )
                    elementInfos[elementI].blockId = blockIdCounter;
                    elementInfos[elementI].blockId = blockIdCounter;

            // store the elements into the blocks
            // and transfer the orginal constraints to the blocks
            storeElementsIntoBlocks(elements, elementInfos, resultTranslateInfo);
            checkInvariantForBlocks(elements, resultTranslateInfo);
            transferConstraintsToBlocks(resultTranslateInfo, constraints);


            return resultTranslateInfo;
        /// <summary>Creates a macro from a Define_macroContext.</summary>
        /// <param name="objectScope">The scope of the macro if there is no static attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="staticScope">The scope of the macro if there is a static attribute.</param>
        /// <param name="macroContext">The context of the macro.</param>
        /// <returns>A DefinedMacro if the macro has parameters, a MacroVar if there are no parameters.</returns>
        public IScopeable GetMacro(Scope objectScope, Scope staticScope, DeltinScriptParser.Define_macroContext macroContext)
            // If the ; is missing, syntax error.
            if (macroContext.STATEMENT_END() == null)
                Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected ;", DocRange.GetRange((object)macroContext.TERNARY_ELSE() ?? (object) ?? (object)macroContext).end.ToRange());

            // If the : is missing, syntax error.
            if (macroContext.TERNARY_ELSE() == null)
                Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected :", DocRange.GetRange(macroContext).end.ToRange());
                // Get the expression that will be parsed.
                if (macroContext.expr() == null)
                    Script.Diagnostics.Error("Expected expression.", DocRange.GetRange(macroContext.TERNARY_ELSE()));

            // Get the return type.
            CodeType returnType = CodeType.GetCodeTypeFromContext(this, macroContext.code_type());

            IScopeable newMacro;

            if (macroContext.LEFT_PAREN() != null || macroContext.RIGHT_PAREN() != null)
                newMacro = new DefinedMacro(this, objectScope, staticScope, macroContext, returnType);
                newMacro = new MacroVar(this, objectScope, staticScope, macroContext, returnType);

Esempio n. 7
        protected void AddLocalizingDefStrings(string localizerType, IEnumerable <Tuple <string, string> > items)
            Dictionary <string, TranslateInfo> localizerItems;

            if (!__Translates.TryGetValue(localizerType, out localizerItems))
                localizerItems = new Dictionary <string, TranslateInfo>();
                __Translates.Add(localizerType, localizerItems);
            foreach (var item in items)
                string idCode    = item.Item1;
                string defString = item.Item2;
                if (!localizerItems.TryGetValue(idCode, out var translateInfo))
                    translateInfo = new TranslateInfo()
                        IdCode = idCode, Localized = null, DefString = defString
                    localizerItems.Add(idCode, translateInfo);
Esempio n. 8
        /** \brief checks the invariant, that the order of the elements must be preserved in the result
        private static void checkInvariantForBlocks(List<int> elements, TranslateInfo resultTranslateInfo)
                int elementI;
                int blockIndex;
                int indexOfElementInBlock;

                blockIndex = 0;
                indexOfElementInBlock = 0;

                for( elementI = 0; elementI < elements.Count; elementI++ )
                    int orginalElement;
                    int translatedElement;

                    orginalElement = elements[elementI];

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(resultTranslateInfo.blocks.Count > blockIndex, "Too few blocks!");

                    translatedElement = resultTranslateInfo.blocks[blockIndex].orginalElements[indexOfElementInBlock];

                    if( indexOfElementInBlock >= resultTranslateInfo.blocks[blockIndex].orginalElements.Count )
                        indexOfElementInBlock = 0;

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(orginalElement == translatedElement);
Esempio n. 9
         * links the blocks together after the old linkage information if the orginal elements
        private static void transferConstraintsToBlocks(TranslateInfo resultTranslateInfo, List<CausalSets.Constraint> constraints)
            foreach( CausalSets.Constraint iterationConstraint in constraints )
                int posteriorBlockIndex;
                int posteriorBlockElementIndex;

                int preteriorBlockIndex;
                int preteriorBlockElementIndex;

                // for debugging
                bool preteriorBlockFound;
                bool posteriorBlockFound;

                preteriorBlockFound = false;
                posteriorBlockFound = false;

                // search block where the posterior is contained
                for( posteriorBlockIndex = 0; posteriorBlockIndex < resultTranslateInfo.blocks.Count; posteriorBlockIndex++ )
                    bool found;

                    found = false;

                    for( posteriorBlockElementIndex = 0; posteriorBlockElementIndex < resultTranslateInfo.blocks[posteriorBlockIndex].orginalElements.Count; posteriorBlockElementIndex++ )
                        int elementInBlock;

                        elementInBlock = resultTranslateInfo.blocks[posteriorBlockIndex].orginalElements[posteriorBlockElementIndex];

                        if( elementInBlock == iterationConstraint.postierElement )
                            found = true;
                            posteriorBlockFound = true;

                    if( found )


                // the same for the preterior
                for (preteriorBlockIndex = 0; preteriorBlockIndex < resultTranslateInfo.blocks.Count; preteriorBlockIndex++)
                    bool found;

                    found = false;

                    for (preteriorBlockElementIndex = 0; preteriorBlockElementIndex < resultTranslateInfo.blocks[preteriorBlockIndex].orginalElements.Count; preteriorBlockElementIndex++)
                        int elementInBlock;

                        elementInBlock = resultTranslateInfo.blocks[preteriorBlockIndex].orginalElements[preteriorBlockElementIndex];

                        if (elementInBlock == iterationConstraint.preiorElement )
                            found = true;
                            preteriorBlockFound = true;

                    if( found )


                if( posteriorBlockIndex != preteriorBlockIndex )
Esempio n. 10
         * stores the elements into the coresponding blocks
         * a block can contain at least one element (from the orginal)
        private static void storeElementsIntoBlocks(List<int> elements, ElementInfo[] elementInfos, TranslateInfo resultTranslateInfo)
            // go element for element and handle blocks like elements
            int elementI;
            int lastBlockId;

            lastBlockId = -1;

            for( elementI = 0; elementI < elements.Count; elementI++ )
                if( elementInfos[elementI].blockId != -1 )
                    // NOTE< element can't be at the beginning, so we don't need to test for this boundary condition that this is the first element >

                    if( elementInfos[elementI].blockId != lastBlockId )
                        TranslateInfo.BlockInfo newBlockInfo;

                        lastBlockId = elementInfos[elementI].blockId;

                        // add new block

                        newBlockInfo = new TranslateInfo.BlockInfo();

                        // add to last block
                        resultTranslateInfo.blocks[resultTranslateInfo.blocks.Count - 1].orginalElements.Add(elements[elementI]);
                    TranslateInfo.BlockInfo newBlockInfo;

                    // reset because we are no more in an block
                    lastBlockId = -1;

                    newBlockInfo = new TranslateInfo.BlockInfo();

Esempio n. 11
        private static void debugResultTranslateInfo(TranslateInfo resultTranslateInfo)
                int blockCounter;

                System.Console.WriteLine("BlockResponsibility Result");

                System.Console.WriteLine("  blocks");

                blockCounter = 0;

                foreach( TranslateInfo.BlockInfo iterationBlock in resultTranslateInfo.blocks )
                    System.Console.WriteLine("      ({0})", blockCounter);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("      orginal elements");

                    foreach( int element in iterationBlock.orginalElements )
                        System.Console.Write("{0} ", element);

                    System.Console.WriteLine("      block dependencies");
                    foreach( int dependency in iterationBlock.dependencyBlockIndices )
                        System.Console.Write("{0} ", dependency);



Esempio n. 12
 /*public static bool dumpResx(TextWriter wr, List<string> keys, List<string> values)
   if (keys.Count <= 0) return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
     wr.AddResource(keys[i], values[i]);
   return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Vytvoreni ResX z LMData.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool LMData2ResX(lm_scorm root, processStringsEvent onProcessString) {
   List<string> keys = new List<string>();
   List<string> values = new List<string>();
   TranslateInfo buf = new TranslateInfo();
   foreach (TranslateInfo info in toTranslate(root, buf))
     switch (info.Typ) {
       case LocalizeType.string2string:
         string valStr = (string)info.Value;
         if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valStr) || !valStr.StartsWith(localizeStringPrefix)) continue;
         keys.Add(ResxFilesManager.resxId(info.Obj.varName, info.Field.Name.Substring(localizePrefix.Length)));
         //string.Format("Ui{0}_{1}", info.Obj.UniqueId, info.Field.Name.Substring(localizePrefix.Length)));
       case LocalizeType.items2string:
       case LocalizeType.items2items:
         object[] objs = (object[])info.Value;
         foreach (LMScormObj item in objs)
           if (item is trans) {
             string txt;
             if (!tryTransText((trans)item, out txt)) continue;
             keys.Add(ResxFilesManager.resxId(item.varName, null));
   return onProcessString(keys, values);
   //return createResx(fileName, keys, values);
Esempio n. 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Pro jeden LMData objekt (soubor) vraci seznam properties k lokalizaci
 /// </summary>
 static IEnumerable<TranslateInfo> toTranslate(lm_scorm root, TranslateInfo buf) {
   foreach (LMScormObj obj in LMScormObj.GetAll(root)) {
     foreach (FieldInfo fi in obj.GetType().GetFields()) {
       object[] attrs = fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LMScormLibDOM.LocalizedProperty), true);
       if (attrs == null || attrs.Length == 0) continue;
       LocalizedProperty attr = (LocalizedProperty)attrs[0];
       if (!fi.Name.StartsWith(localizePrefix)) throw new Exception();
       string nm = fi.Name.Substring(localizePrefix.Length);
       PropertyInfo prop = obj.GetType().GetProperty(nm);
       if (prop == null)
         if (attr.canMiss) continue; else throw new Exception();
       object val = prop.GetValue(obj, null);
       if (val == null) continue;
       buf.Fill(attr.Type, obj, fi, val);
       yield return buf;