void OnGUI() { DemoGUIHelpers.setupGUIButtons(); _duration = DemoGUIHelpers.durationSlider(_duration); if (_springTween == null) { if (GUILayout.Button("Custom Property Tween (wackyDoodleWidth)")) { PropertyTweens.floatPropertyTo(this, "wackyDoodleWidth", 1f, 6f, _duration) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Position via Property Tween")) { PropertyTweens.vector3PropertyTo(cube, "position", cube.position, new Vector3(5f, 5f, 5f), _duration) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Party (color, position, scale and rotation)")) { var party = new TweenParty(_duration); party.addTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black)) .addTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one))) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Chain (same props as the party)")) { var chain = new TweenChain(); chain.appendTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Chaining Tweens Directly (same props as the party)")) { cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .setNextTween ( cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f)).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f)).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one)).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) ) ) ) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Position")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.Position, cube.position); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Scale")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.LocalScale, cube.localScale); } } else { GUILayout.Label("While the spring tween is active the cube will spring to\n" + "whichever location you click or scale x/y to that location\n" + "if you chose a scale spring. The sliders below let you tweak\n" + "the spring contants.\n\n" + "For the scale tween, try clicking places on a horizontal or vertical\n" + "axis to get a feel for how it works."); springSliders(); if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Spring")) { _springTween.stop(); _springTween = null; cube.position = new Vector3(-1f, -2f); cube.localScale = Vector3.one; } } DemoGUIHelpers.easeTypesGUI(); }
void OnGUI() { DemoGUIHelpers.setupGUIButtons(); if (_springTween == null) { _duration = DemoGUIHelpers.durationSlider(_duration); if (GUILayout.Button("Custom Property Tween (wackyDoodleWidth)")) { PropertyTweens.floatPropertyTo(this, "wackyDoodleWidth", 6f, _duration) .setFrom(1f) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Position via Property Tween")) { PropertyTweens.vector3PropertyTo(cube, "position", new Vector3(5f, 5f, 5f), _duration) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Party (color, position, scale and rotation)")) { var party = new TweenParty(_duration); party.addTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black)) .addTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f))) .addTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one))) .setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Tween Chain (same props as the party)")) { var chain = new TweenChain(); chain.appendTween(cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .appendTween(cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong)) .start(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Chaining Tweens Directly (same props as the party)")) { cube.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.ZKcolorTo(Color.black, _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) .setNextTween ( cube.ZKpositionTo(new Vector3(7f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKlocalScaleTo(new Vector3(1f, 4f), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong).setNextTween ( cube.ZKrotationTo(Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f, Vector3.one), _duration).setLoops(LoopType.PingPong) ) ) ) .start(); } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Position")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.Position, cube.position); } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Position (overdamped)")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.Position, cube.position); _springTween.dampingRatio = 1.5f; _springTween.angularFrequency = 20f; } if (GUILayout.Button("Start Spring Scale")) { _springTween = new TransformSpringTween(cube, TransformTargetType.LocalScale, cube.localScale); } GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button("Run Action Every 1s After 2s Delay")) { ActionTask.every(2f, 1f, this, task => { // by using the context we get away with not allocating when passing this Action around! (task.context as ZestKitOtherGoodies).methodCalledForDemonstrationPurposes(); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("ActionTask Interoperability")) { Debug.Log("The Story: An ActionTask with a 2s delay will be created with a continueWith ActionTask appended to it that will tick every 0.3s for 2s. The original ActionTask will have a waitFor called that is an ActionTask with a 1s delay. Follow?"); Debug.Log("--- current time: " + Time.time); ActionTask.afterDelay(2f, this, task => { Debug.Log("--- root task ticked: " + Time.time); }).continueWith ( ActionTask.create(this, task => { Debug.Log("+++ continueWith task elapsed time: " + task.elapsedTime); if (task.elapsedTime > 2f) { task.stop(); } }) .setDelay(1f) .setRepeats(0.3f) ).waitFor ( ActionTask.afterDelay(1f, this, task => { Debug.Log("--- waitFor ticked: " + Time.time); }) ); } DemoGUIHelpers.easeTypesGUI(); } else { GUILayout.Label("While the spring tween is active the cube will spring to\n" + "whichever location you click or scale x/y to that location\n" + "if you chose a scale spring. The sliders below let you tweak\n" + "the spring contants.\n\n" + "For the scale tween, try clicking places on a horizontal or vertical\n" + "axis to get a feel for how it works."); springSliders(); var prefix = _springTween.targetType == TransformTargetType.Position ? "Spring position to:" : "Spring scale to:"; var mousePosWorld = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); var labelText = string.Format("{0}\nx: {1:F1}\ny: {2:F1}", prefix, mousePosWorld.x, mousePosWorld.y); GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x, Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 50f, 130f, 50f), labelText); if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Spring")) { _springTween.stop(); _springTween = null; cube.position = new Vector3(-1f, -2f); cube.localScale = Vector3.one; } } }