private static void CreateSpinner(Snapshot snapshot, Coordinates coords)
            const string entityType = "Spinner";

            var transform = new TransformInternal.Snapshot
                Location       = new Location((float)coords.X, (float)coords.Y, (float)coords.Z),
                Rotation       = new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0),
                TicksPerSecond = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime

            var template = new EntityTemplate();

            template.AddComponent(new Position.Snapshot {
                Coords = coords
            }, WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(new Metadata.Snapshot {
                EntityType = entityType
            }, WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(transform, WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(new Persistence.Snapshot(), WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(new Collisions.Snapshot(), WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(new SpinnerColor.Snapshot {
                Color = Color.BLUE
            }, WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);
            template.AddComponent(new SpinnerRotation.Snapshot(), WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);

            template.SetReadAccess(WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic, WorkerUtils.UnityClient, WorkerUtils.MobileClient);
            template.SetComponentWriteAccess(EntityAcl.ComponentId, WorkerUtils.UnityGameLogic);

Esempio n. 2
        public static void AddTransformSynchronizationComponents(EntityTemplate template,
                                                                 string writeAccess,
                                                                 Quaternion rotation,
                                                                 Vector3 location = default(Vector3),
                                                                 Vector3 velocity = default(Vector3))
            var transform = new TransformInternal.Snapshot
                Location       = location.ToImprobableLocation(),
                Rotation       = rotation.ToImprobableQuaternion(),
                Velocity       = velocity.ToImprobableVelocity(),
                TicksPerSecond = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime

            template.AddComponent(transform, writeAccess);
        private static void AddCubeGrid(Snapshot snapshot, int cubeCount)
            var cubeTemplate = CubeTemplate.CreateCubeEntityTemplate();

            // Calculate grid size
            var gridLength = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(cubeCount));

            if (gridLength % 2 == 1) // To make sure nothing is in (0, 0)
                gridLength += 1;

            var cubesToSpawn = cubeCount;

            for (var x = -gridLength + 1; x <= gridLength - 1; x += 2)
                for (var z = -gridLength + 1; z <= gridLength - 1; z += 2)
                    // Leave the centre empty
                    if (x == 0 && z == 0)

                    // Exit when we've hit our cube limit
                    if (cubesToSpawn-- <= 0)

                    var positionSnapshot = new Position.Snapshot
                        Coords = new Coordinates(x, 1, z)
                    var transformSnapshot = new TransformInternal.Snapshot
                        Location       = new Location(x, 1, z),
                        Rotation       = new Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0),
                        TicksPerSecond = 1f / Time.fixedDeltaTime
