Esempio n. 1
        public TransformImageTests()
            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("Sizes", "256,128,64");

            _queueRepository = new Mock <IQueueRepository>();
            _logger          = new Mock <ILogger <TransformImageTests> >();
            _function        = new TransformImage(_queueRepository.Object);
Esempio n. 2
        // The '1' indicates there should only be 1 processing thread.
        // While you *can* set this higher, Grayscaling doesn't really
        // benefit from it.  See the TypeConverter for an MFT that does.
        public GrayscaleAsync()
            : base(1)
            Trace("GrayscaleAsync Constructor");

            m_pTransformFn = null;

            m_MediaSubtypes = new Guid[] { FOURCC_NV12.ToMediaSubtype(), FOURCC_YUY2.ToMediaSubtype(), FOURCC_UYVY.ToMediaSubtype() };
        private void RecognizeImage(SKBitmap bitmap)
            float[] bmp    = TransformImage.ImageToFloat(bitmap);
            float[] output = neuralNetwork.Think(bmp);
            int     result = Training.OutputNumber(output);

            Output_label.Text = result.ToString();

            TotalOutput_label.Text = string.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
                TotalOutput_label.Text += i + ": " + output[i].ToString("0.00") + "\n";
Esempio n. 4
        public Grayscale()
            : base()
            Trace("Grayscale Constructor");

            m_pTransformFn = null;

            m_MediaSubtypes = new Guid[] { FOURCC_NV12.ToMediaSubtype(), FOURCC_YUY2.ToMediaSubtype(), FOURCC_UYVY.ToMediaSubtype() };

            m_SampleDone  = new AutoResetEvent(false);
            m_SampleReady = new AutoResetEvent(false);

            m_ProcessThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ProcessingThread));
            m_ProcessThread.IsBackground = true;
            m_ProcessThread.Name = "MFT Processing Thread for Grayscale";
        private void Canvas_Paint(object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
            surface = e.Surface;
            canvas  = surface.Canvas;

            float width  = e.Info.Width;
            float height = e.Info.Height;

            drawSize = Math.Min(width, height);
            drawPaint.StrokeWidth = drawSize / 10F;

            canvas.DrawRect(new SKRect(0, 0, drawSize, drawSize), backPaint);

            foreach (SKPath path in completedPaths)
                canvas.DrawPath(path, drawPaint);

            foreach (SKPath path in inProgressPaths.Values)
                canvas.DrawPath(path, drawPaint);

            if (saveImage && completedPaths.Count != 0)
                image  = surface.Snapshot().Subset(new SKRectI(0, 0, (int)drawSize, (int)drawSize));
                bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(image.Encode());
                bitmap = TransformImage.CenterImage(bitmap);
                saveImage = false;

                //FileStream fstream = new FileStream("/storage/sdcard/Pictures/img.png", FileMode.Create);
                saveImage = false;