Esempio n. 1
        public GFXPath GetTextPath(string txt, Transform2d transform)
            GFNGlyph glyph;

            if (txt == null)

            GFXPath res = new GFXPath();

            foreach (char ch in txt)
                if (CharLUT.TryGetValue(ch, out glyph))
                    GFXPath glyphpath = glyph.Path.TransformCopy(transform);
                    transform = Transform2d.Translate(glyph.DX, 0.0) * transform;    //move to next character

Esempio n. 2
        private Transform2d GetTextPositionTransform(GFNFont fnt, string txt, double x, double y, double size, double angle, TextAlign align, Transform2d t)
            //computes the transformation needed to transform text drawn at origo to get to the wanted position
            Transform2d res = Transform2d.Translate(x, y);

            if (angle != 0.0)
                res = Transform2d.Rotate(angle) * res;

            if (align != TextAlign.BaseLeft)
                double dx, dy;
                GetTextAlignDXDY(fnt, txt, size, align, out dx, out dy);
                res = Transform2d.Translate(dx, dy) * res;

            res = Transform2d.Scale(size / fnt.CapHeight) * res;

            if (t != null)
                return(res * t);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the extents of the path, if the path had been transformed with
        /// the given transform.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Box2d GetTransformedExtents(Transform2d t)
            Box2d res = new Box2d();

            double penx = 0.0, peny = 0.0;
            double x, y;

            foreach (GFXPathMoveTo node in PathPoints)
                if (node is GFXPathLineTo)
                    t.Apply(node.X, node.Y, out x, out y, true);
                    res.Append(x, y);
                    t.Apply(penx, peny, out x, out y, true);
                    res.Append(x, y);
                else if (node is GFXPathArcTo)
                    res.Append(GeomUtil.GetTransformedArcExtents(penx, peny, node.X, node.Y, ((GFXPathArcTo)node).Bulge, t));
                else if (node is GFXPathBezierTo)
                    GFXPathBezierTo bn = (GFXPathBezierTo)node;
                    res.Append(GeomUtil.GetTransformedBezierExtents(penx, peny, bn.XC1, bn.YC1, bn.XC2, bn.YC2, bn.X, bn.Y, t));

                penx = node.X;
                peny = node.Y;

Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool ApproxEquals(ref Transform2d other, double tolerance = SlurMath.ZeroTolerance)
         (Translation.ApproxEquals(other.Translation, tolerance) &&
          Rotation.ApproxEquals(other.Rotation, tolerance) &&
          Scale.ApproxEquals(other.Scale, tolerance));
Esempio n. 5
        public static EvalAtNormTime <Transform2d> Transform2(Transform2d startValue, Transform2d endValue, TwoValueEasing mode)
            var translateEval = Vector2_2(startValue.translation, endValue.translation, mode);
            var scaleEval     = Vector2_2(startValue.scale, endValue.scale, mode);
            var rotateEval    = Float2(startValue.rotation, endValue.rotation, mode);

            return(time => new Transform2d(translateEval(time), scaleEval(time), rotateEval(time)));
Esempio n. 6
        public void TransformFlatten(double tol, Transform2d t, FlattenCallback lcb)
            double penx = 0.0, peny = 0.0;

            foreach (GFXPathMoveTo node in PathPoints)
                node.TransformFlatten(ref penx, ref peny, tol, t, lcb);
Esempio n. 7
        public static void FlattenEllipse(double centerx, double centery, double aradius, double bradius, double tilt, double flattentol, bool firstpoint, FlattenCallback lcb)
            //draw it as a transformed unit size arcs
            double      cst = Math.Cos(tilt);
            double      sit = Math.Sin(tilt);
            Transform2d tr  = new Transform2d(Math.Cos(tilt) * aradius, Math.Sin(tilt) * aradius, Math.Cos(tilt + MathUtil.Deg90) * bradius, Math.Sin(tilt + MathUtil.Deg90) * bradius, centerx, centery);

            TransformFlattenArc(1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1.0, firstpoint, flattentol, tr, lcb);
            TransformFlattenArc(-1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, false, flattentol, tr, lcb);
Esempio n. 8
        public virtual void DrawTextT(string txt, double x, double y, double size, double angle, TextAlign align)
            //TODO: make work with multiline text

            GFNFont fnt = FindFont(Font);

            Transform2d tr   = GetTextPositionTransform(fnt, txt, x, y, size, angle, align, null);
            var         oldt = Transform;

            Transform = tr * oldt;
            fnt.DrawString(this, txt, tr);
            Transform = oldt;
Esempio n. 9
        public virtual GFXPath GetTextPath(string txt, double x, double y, double size, double angle, TextAlign align, Transform2d t)
            GFNFont fnt = FindFont(Font);

            if (fnt == null)

            Transform2d tr = GetTextPositionTransform(fnt, txt, x, y, size, angle, align, t);

            return(fnt.GetTextPath(txt, tr));
Esempio n. 10
        public void DrawString(Painter painter, string txt, Transform2d xform)
            /*double scale = txtsize / capheight;
             * Transform2 tr = Transform2.Scale(scale)*Transform2.Translate(align_dx,align_dy)*Transform2.Rotate(angle)*Transform2.Translate(x, y);
             * var oldt = painter.Transform;
             * painter.Transform = tr * painter.Transform;*/

            foreach (char ch in txt)
                double dx = DrawGlyphT(ch, painter);
                painter.Transform = Transform2d.Translate(dx, 0.0) * painter.Transform;

            //painter.Transform = oldt;
Esempio n. 11
        public static void EllipticArcToBeziers(double cx, double cy, double aradius, double bradius, double tilt, double startangle, double sweepangle, List <double> xy)
            int cnt = xy.Count;

            double startpar = EllipseAngleToParam(startangle, aradius, bradius);
            double endpar   = EllipseAngleToParam(startangle + sweepangle, aradius, bradius);

            if (sweepangle >= MathUtil.Deg360)
            { //full ellipse
                endpar = startpar + MathUtil.Deg360;
            else if (sweepangle <= -MathUtil.Deg360)
                endpar = startpar - MathUtil.Deg360;
            else if (sweepangle > 0.0) //ccw
                if (endpar <= startpar)
                    endpar += MathUtil.Deg360;
            else //cw
                if (endpar >= startpar)
                    endpar -= MathUtil.Deg360;
            double sweepparam = endpar - startpar;
            double bulge      = GetArcBulgeFromSweepAngle(sweepparam);

            ArcToBeziers(Math.Cos(startpar), Math.Sin(startpar), Math.Cos(endpar), Math.Sin(endpar), bulge, xy);

            //transform bezier circular arc to elliptical arc
            Transform2d tr = Transform2d.Stretch(aradius, bradius) * Transform2d.Rotate(tilt) * Transform2d.Translate(cx, cy);

            for (int l = cnt; l < xy.Count; l += 2)
                double tx, ty;
                tr.Apply(xy[l], xy[l + 1], out tx, out ty, true);
                xy[l]     = tx;
                xy[l + 1] = ty;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Strokes a path using GDI
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trans"></param>
        public void InternalStrokePath(GFXPath path, Transform2d trans, bool forceclosed, bool allowmodifypath)
            int cx = 0, cy = 0, nx, ny;

            if (trans == null || trans.IsIdentity)
                path.Flatten(flattentol, (x, y, moveto) =>
                    if (moveto)
                        cx = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(x);
                        cy = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(y);
                        nx = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(x);
                        ny = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(y);
                        DrawLine(nx, ny, cx, cy);
                        //target.Add(nx, ny, cx, cy, currentobject);
                        cx = nx;
                        cy = ny;
                path.TransformFlatten(flattentol, trans, (x, y, moveto) =>
                    if (moveto)
                        cx = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(x);
                        cy = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(y);
                        nx = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(x);
                        ny = GFXUtil.FloatToInt(y);
                        //target.Add(nx, ny, cx, cy, currentobject);
                        DrawLine(nx, ny, cx, cy);
                        cx = nx;
                        cy = ny;
Esempio n. 13
        public GFXPath TransformCopy(Transform2d tr)
            GFXPath res = new GFXPath();
            double  x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, b;
            bool    mirror = tr.Determinant < 0.0;

            foreach (GFXPathMoveTo mt in PathPoints)
                if (mt is GFXPathBezierTo)
                    var bez = mt as GFXPathBezierTo;
                    tr.Apply(bez.XC1, bez.YC1, out x1, out y1, true);
                    tr.Apply(bez.XC2, bez.YC2, out x2, out y2, true);
                    tr.Apply(bez.X, bez.Y, out x3, out y3, true);
                    res.PathPoints.Add(new GFXPathBezierTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3));
                else if (mt is GFXPathArcTo)
                    var arc = mt as GFXPathArcTo;
                    tr.Apply(arc.X, arc.Y, out x1, out y1, true);
                    b = mirror ? -arc.Bulge : arc.Bulge;
                    res.PathPoints.Add(new GFXPathArcTo(x1, y1, b));
                else if (mt is GFXPathLineTo)
                    var lin = mt as GFXPathLineTo;
                    tr.Apply(lin.X, lin.Y, out x1, out y1, true);
                    res.PathPoints.Add(new GFXPathLineTo(x1, y1));
                else if (mt is GFXPathCloseSubPath)
                    var clp = mt as GFXPathCloseSubPath;
                    tr.Apply(clp.X, clp.Y, out x1, out y1, true);
                    res.PathPoints.Add(new GFXPathCloseSubPath(x1, y1));
                else   //move to
                    tr.Apply(mt.X, mt.Y, out x1, out y1, true);
                    res.PathPoints.Add(new GFXPathMoveTo(x1, y1));

Esempio n. 14
 public GraphicAttributes(Painter p)
     Color            = p.Color;
     Opacity          = p.Opacity;
     AntiGrain        = p.AntiGrain;
     Hatch            = p.Hatch;
     FillStyle        = p.FillStyle;
     LineWidth        = p.LineWidth;
     LineStyle        = p.LineStyle;
     LineStyleDashes  = p.LineStyleDashes;
     EndCaps          = p.EndCaps;
     LineJoin         = p.LineJoin;
     Pattern          = p.Pattern;
     Transform        = p.Transform;
     Clip             = p.Clip;
     PatternTransform = p.PatternTransform;
     FillMode         = p.FillMode;
     Font             = p.Font;
Esempio n. 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Default constructor sets all attributes to their default value.
 /// Use DefaultAttributes to access an instance of this.
 /// </summary>
 private GraphicAttributes()
     Color            = RGB.Black;
     Opacity          = 1.0;
     AntiGrain        = false;
     Hatch            = Hatch.Cross;
     FillStyle        = FillStyle.Solid;
     LineWidth        = 0.0;
     LineStyle        = LineStyle.Continuous;
     LineStyleDashes  = Painter.DefaultLineStyleDashes;
     EndCaps          = EndCap.Flat;
     LineJoin         = LineJoin.Bevel;
     Pattern          = null;
     Transform        = Transform2d.Identity;
     Clip             = null;
     PatternTransform = Transform2d.Identity;
     FillMode         = FillMode.EvenOdd;
     Font             = null;
Esempio n. 16
        public static void FlattenEllipticArc(double centerx, double centery, double aradius, double bradius, double tilt, double startangle, double sweepangle, double flattentol, bool firstpoint, FlattenCallback lcb)
            //check if full ellipse
            if (Math.Abs(sweepangle) >= MathUtil.Deg360 - MathUtil.Epsilon)
                FlattenEllipse(centerx, centery, aradius, bradius, tilt, flattentol, firstpoint, lcb);

            double startparam = EllipseAngleToParam(startangle, aradius, bradius);
            double endparam   = EllipseAngleToParam(startangle + sweepangle, aradius, bradius);
            double sweepparam;

            if (sweepangle > 0.0) //ccw
                while (endparam < startparam)
                    endparam += MathUtil.Deg360;
                sweepparam = endparam - startparam;
            { //cw
                while (endparam > startparam)
                    endparam -= MathUtil.Deg360;
                sweepparam = endparam - startparam;

            //draw it as a transformed unit size arc
            double      cst   = Math.Cos(tilt);
            double      sit   = Math.Sin(tilt);
            Transform2d tr    = new Transform2d(Math.Cos(tilt) * aradius, Math.Sin(tilt) * aradius, Math.Cos(tilt + MathUtil.Deg90) * bradius, Math.Sin(tilt + MathUtil.Deg90) * bradius, centerx, centery);
            double      x1    = Math.Cos(startparam);
            double      y1    = Math.Sin(startparam);
            double      x2    = Math.Cos(endparam);
            double      y2    = Math.Sin(endparam);
            double      bulge = GetArcBulgeFromSweepAngle(sweepparam); //should work with negative sweeps as well

            TransformFlattenArc(x1, y1, x2, y2, bulge, firstpoint, flattentol, tr, lcb);
Esempio n. 17
        void OnDrawAreaWheel(object sender, WheelEventArgs e)
            Drawing drw = CurrentDrawing;

            if (drw != null)
                double scale;
                if (e.Delta < 0)
                    scale = 0.8;
                    scale = 1.0 / 0.8;

                drw.ViewTransform = drw.ViewTransform * Transform2d.Translate(-cursorpixel.X, -cursorpixel.Y) * Transform2d.Scale(scale) * Transform2d.Translate(cursorpixel.X, cursorpixel.Y);

Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if this path, after a given transformation will have a bounding box smaller than a given size. THis can be done quickly since the
        /// check can be terminated as soon as it finds a segment large enough.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsTransformedSmallerThan(Transform2d tr, double maxwidth, double maxheight)
            double penx = 0.0, peny = 0.0;
            Box2d  ext = new Box2d();

            foreach (GFXPathMoveTo mt in PathPoints)
                if (mt is GFXPathBezierTo)
                    var   bez  = mt as GFXPathBezierTo;
                    Box2d bext = GeomUtil.GetTransformedBezierExtents(penx, peny, bez.XC1, bez.YC1, bez.XC2, bez.YC2, bez.X, bez.Y, tr);
                else if (mt is GFXPathArcTo)
                    var   arc  = mt as GFXPathArcTo;
                    Box2d aext = GeomUtil.GetTransformedArcExtents(penx, peny, arc.X, arc.Y, arc.Bulge, tr);
                else if (mt is GFXPathLineTo)
                    double x1, y1, x2, y2;
                    tr.Apply(penx, peny, out x1, out y1, true);
                    tr.Apply(mt.X, mt.Y, out x2, out y2, true);
                    ext.Append(x1, y1, x2, y2);

                // closepath and moveto needs no special handling...
                if (!ext.Empty && (ext.Width > maxwidth || ext.Height > maxheight))

                penx = mt.X;
                peny = mt.Y;

Esempio n. 19
        void OnDrawAreaMotion(object sender, MotionEventArgs e)
            Drawing drw = CurrentDrawing;

            if (drw != null)
                var size = drawarea.PhysicalSize;
                drawarea.Focused = true; //need focus for accepting wheel events

                var    newcursorpixel = new Point2i(e.X, size.Height - e.Y - 1);
                double dx             = newcursorpixel.X - cursorpixel.X;
                double dy             = newcursorpixel.Y - cursorpixel.Y;
                cursorpixel = newcursorpixel;

                if (e.Status.HasFlag(KeyStatus.MiddleButton))
                    drw.ViewTransform = drw.ViewTransform * Transform2d.Translate(dx, dy);

                trackingpos = null;

            // w.Caption = viewtransform.ToString(); // pt.ToString() + "    " + e.Status.ToString();

            //Caption = e.X.ToString();
Esempio n. 20
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="transform"></param>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IField2d <T> CreateTransformed <T>(IField2d <T> other, Transform2d transform)
     return(Create(p => other.ValueAt(transform.Apply(p))));
Esempio n. 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a relative transformation from t0 to t1.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="from"></param>
 /// <param name="to"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Transform2d CreateFromTo(Transform2d from, Transform2d to)
Esempio n. 22
 public PortalableMovement(IPortalCommon instance, Line startEnd, Transform2d previous)
     Instance = instance;
     StartEnd = startEnd;
     Previous = previous;
Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the inverse of this transformation to the given transformation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public void ApplyInverse(ref Transform2d other, ref Transform2d result)
     result.Rotation    = Rotation.ApplyInverse(other.Rotation);
     result.Translation = ApplyInverse(other.Translation);
     result.Scale       = other.Scale / Scale;
Esempio n. 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the inverse of this transformation to the given transformation in place.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public void ApplyInverse(ref Transform2d other)
     ApplyInverse(ref other, ref other);
Esempio n. 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies the inverse of this transformation to the given transformation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public Transform2d ApplyInverse(Transform2d other)
     ApplyInverse(ref other, ref other);
Esempio n. 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies this transformation to the given transformation in place.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public void Apply(ref Transform2d other)
     Apply(ref other, ref other);
Esempio n. 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Applies this transformation to the given transformation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other"></param>
 public Transform2d Apply(Transform2d other)
     Apply(ref other, ref other);
Esempio n. 28
 public override GFXPath GetTextPath(string txt, double x, double y, double size, double angle, TextAlign align, Transform2d t)
     return(null);    //not in this painter
Esempio n. 29
 public override GFXPath GetTextPath(string txt, double x, double y, double size, double angle, TextAlign align, Transform2d t)
     return(MainPainter.GetTextPath(txt, x, y, size, angle, align, t));
Esempio n. 30
        internal override void TransformFlatten(ref double penx, ref double peny, double tol, Transform2d t, FlattenCallback lcb)
            penx = X;
            peny = Y;
            double tx, ty;

            t.Apply(penx, peny, out tx, out ty, true);
            lcb(tx, ty, false);
Esempio n. 31
 internal override void TransformFlatten(ref double penx, ref double peny, double tol, Transform2d t, FlattenCallback lcb)
     GeomUtil.TransformFlattenArc(penx, peny, X, Y, Bulge, false, tol, t, lcb);
     penx = X;
     peny = Y;