/// <summary>
        /// Verifies the progress status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="progress">The progress.</param>
        /// <param name="totalFileLength">Total length of the file.</param>
        /// <param name="totalFiles">The total files.</param>
        private void VerifyFolderProgressStatus(TransferFolderProgress progress, long totalFileLength, int totalFiles)
            Assert.Equal(totalFileLength, progress.TotalFileLength);
            Assert.Equal(totalFiles, progress.TotalFileCount);
            Assert.Equal(progress.TotalFileCount, progress.TransferredFileCount);

            // there are times where the operation will complete successfully before the final bytes update call back can run.
            // We are not as concerned with the progress state being exactly correct, since validation of transferred bytes
            // should really be checked against the actual file/folder being transfered and not on the progress callback.
            // TODO: In the future, make the callback more robust and ensure that it always updates to include the final state.
            Assert.InRange(progress.TransferredByteCount, progress.TotalFileLength * .8, progress.TotalFileLength);

            for (int i = 0; i < progress.TotalFileCount; i++)
                var eachProgress = progress.GetSegmentProgress(i);
                VerifyProgressStatus(eachProgress, eachProgress.TotalFileLength);
        public void DataLakeUploader_FreshFolderUploadDownload()
            var frontEnd = new InMemoryFrontEnd();
            var up       = CreateParameters(isResume: false, isRecursive: true);

            // set the per file thread count to the default to validate computed values.
            up.PerFileThreadCount = -1;
            TransferFolderProgress progress = null;
            var syncRoot = new object();
            IProgress <TransferFolderProgress> progressTracker = new Progress <TransferFolderProgress>(
                (p) =>
                lock (syncRoot)
                    //it is possible that these come out of order because of race conditions (multiple threads reporting at the same time); only update if we are actually making progress
                    if (progress == null || progress.TransferredByteCount < p.TransferredByteCount)
                        progress = p;
            var uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, frontEnd, null, progressTracker);


            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, frontEnd);
            VerifyFolderProgressStatus(progress, _largeFileData.Length + (_smallFileData.Length * 2), 3);

            // verify that per file thread count is different but concurrent is the same.
            Assert.True(up.PerFileThreadCount > 0 && uploader.Parameters.PerFileThreadCount > 0);
            Assert.Equal(2, uploader.Parameters.ConcurrentFileCount);

            // now download
            var downloadFrontEnd = new MockableFrontEnd(frontEnd);

            // replace the isDirectory implementation to return true
            downloadFrontEnd.IsDirectoryImplementation = (streamPath) => { return(true); };
            progress = null;
            up       = CreateParameters(isRecursive: true, isResume: false, isDownload: true, targetStreamPath: Path.GetDirectoryName(_downloadFilePath), isOverwrite: true, filePath: TargetStreamPath);

            // set concurrentFileCount to default and validate that it changed.
            up.ConcurrentFileCount = -1;
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, downloadFrontEnd, null, progressTracker);

            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, downloadFrontEnd.BaseAdapter);
            VerifyFolderProgressStatus(progress, _largeFileData.Length + (_smallFileData.Length * 2), 3);

            Assert.True(up.ConcurrentFileCount > 0 && uploader.Parameters.ConcurrentFileCount > 0);
            Assert.Equal(ThreadCount, uploader.Parameters.PerFileThreadCount);

            // run it one more time with both as defaults
            up.PerFileThreadCount  = -1;
            up.ConcurrentFileCount = -1;
            uploader = new DataLakeStoreTransferClient(up, downloadFrontEnd, null, progressTracker);

            VerifyFileUploadedSuccessfully(up, downloadFrontEnd.BaseAdapter);
            VerifyFolderProgressStatus(progress, _largeFileData.Length + (_smallFileData.Length * 2), 3);
            Assert.True(up.ConcurrentFileCount > 0 && uploader.Parameters.ConcurrentFileCount > 0);
            Assert.True(up.PerFileThreadCount > 0 && uploader.Parameters.PerFileThreadCount > 0);