Esempio n. 1
        public IDisposable Initialize(DatabaseSmugglerOptions options, SmugglerResult result, out long buildVersion)
            _currentTypeIndex = 0;

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Documents) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.RevisionDocuments) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Tombstones) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Conflicts) ||
                _returnContext      = _database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _context);
                _disposeTransaction = _context.OpenReadTransaction();
                LastEtag            = DocumentsStorage.ReadLastEtag(_disposeTransaction.InnerTransaction);

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.CompareExchange) ||
                _returnServerContext      = _database.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _serverContext);
                _disposeServerTransaction = _serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

            buildVersion = ServerVersion.Build;
            return(new DisposableAction(() =>

        internal void Materialize()
            if (_includedKeys == null || _includedKeys.Count == 0)

            if (_serverContext == null)
                if (_throwWhenServerContextIsAllocated)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot allocate new server context during materialization of compare exchange includes.");

                _releaseContext = _database.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _serverContext);

            foreach (var includedKey in _includedKeys)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(includedKey))

                var value = _database.ServerStore.Cluster.GetCompareExchangeValue(_serverContext, CompareExchangeKey.GetStorageKey(_database.Name, includedKey));

                if (Results == null)
                    Results = new Dictionary <string, CompareExchangeValue <BlittableJsonReaderObject> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                Results.Add(includedKey, new CompareExchangeValue <BlittableJsonReaderObject>(includedKey, value.Index, value.Value));
Esempio n. 3
        public IDisposable OpenReadTransaction()
            var documentsTx           = Documents.OpenReadTransaction();
            RavenTransaction serverTx = null;

            if (Server != null)
                serverTx = Server.OpenReadTransaction();

            return(new DisposeTransactions(documentsTx, serverTx));
        private CertificateDefinition ReadCertificateFromCluster(TransactionOperationContext ctx, string key)
            using (ctx.OpenReadTransaction())
                var certificate = ServerStore.Cluster.Read(ctx, key);
                if (certificate == null)

Esempio n. 5
        private bool CanHandleLogDivergence(TransactionOperationContext context, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation, ref long midpointIndex, ref long midpointTerm,
                                            ref long minIndex, ref long maxIndex)
            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    $"{ToString()}: Our appended entries has been diverged, same index with different terms. " +
                    $"My index/term {midpointIndex}/{midpointTerm}, while yours is {negotiation.PrevLogIndex}/{negotiation.PrevLogTerm}.");

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                while (midpointTerm > negotiation.PrevLogTerm && midpointIndex > 0)
                    // try to find any log in the previous term
                    midpointTerm = _engine.GetTermFor(context, midpointIndex) ?? 0;

                if (midpointTerm == 0 || midpointIndex == 0)

                // start the binary search again with those boundaries
                minIndex      = Math.Min(midpointIndex, _engine.GetFirstEntryIndex(context));
                maxIndex      = midpointIndex;
                midpointIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2;
                midpointTerm  = _engine.GetTermForKnownExisting(context, midpointIndex);

                if (maxIndex < minIndex)
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got minIndex: {minIndex} bigger than maxIndex: {maxIndex} will request the entire snapshot. " +
                                         $"midpointIndex: {midpointIndex}, midpointTerm: {midpointTerm}.");

                    Debug.Assert(false, "This is a safeguard against any potential bug here, so in worst case we request the entire snapshot");

                if (minIndex == maxIndex && midpointTerm != negotiation.PrevLogTerm)

Esempio n. 6
        public override void VerifyCanExecuteCommand(ServerStore store, TransactionOperationContext context, bool isClusterAdmin)
            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                var read = store.Cluster.Read(context, Name);
                if (read == null)
                var definition = JsonDeserializationServer.CertificateDefinition(read);
                if (definition.SecurityClearance != SecurityClearance.ClusterAdmin)

Esempio n. 7
        public Task <SmugglerInitializeResult> InitializeAsync(DatabaseSmugglerOptionsServerSide options, SmugglerResult result)
            _currentTypeIndex = 0;

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Documents) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.RevisionDocuments) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Tombstones) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Conflicts) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.CounterGroups) ||
                _returnContext           = _database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _context);
                _disposeTransaction      = _context.OpenReadTransaction();
                LastEtag                 = DocumentsStorage.ReadLastEtag(_disposeTransaction.InnerTransaction);
                LastDatabaseChangeVector = DocumentsStorage.GetDatabaseChangeVector(_disposeTransaction.InnerTransaction);

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.CompareExchange) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Identities) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.CompareExchangeTombstones) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Subscriptions) ||
                _returnServerContext      = _database.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _serverContext);
                _disposeServerTransaction = _serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

                using (var rawRecord = _database.ServerStore.Cluster.ReadRawDatabaseRecord(_serverContext, _database.Name))
                    LastRaftIndex = rawRecord.EtagForBackup;

            var disposable = new DisposableAction(() =>


            return(Task.FromResult(new SmugglerInitializeResult(disposable, ServerVersion.Build)));
Esempio n. 8
            private (List <Slice>, string) ExtractIdsFromQuery(IndexQueryServerSide query, DocumentsOperationContext context)
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Query))
                    return(null, null);

                if (query.Metadata.Query.Where == null)
                    return(null, null);

                if (query.Metadata.IndexFieldNames.Contains(QueryFieldName.DocumentId) == false)
                    return(null, null);

                IDisposable releaseServerContext          = null;
                IDisposable closeServerTransaction        = null;
                TransactionOperationContext serverContext = null;

                    if (query.Metadata.HasCmpXchg)
                        releaseServerContext   = context.DocumentDatabase.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out serverContext);
                        closeServerTransaction = serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

                    using (closeServerTransaction)
                        var idsRetriever = new RetrieveDocumentIdsVisitor(serverContext, context, query.Metadata, _context.Allocator);

                        idsRetriever.Visit(query.Metadata.Query.Where, query.QueryParameters);

                        return(idsRetriever.Ids?.OrderBy(x => x, SliceComparer.Instance).ToList(), idsRetriever.StartsWith);
Esempio n. 9
        public IDisposable Initialize(DatabaseSmugglerOptions options, SmugglerResult result, out long buildVersion)
            _currentTypeIndex   = 0;
            _returnContext      = _database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _context);
            _disposeTransaction = _context.OpenReadTransaction();

            _returnServerContext      = _database.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _serverContext);
            _disposeServerTransaction = _serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

            buildVersion = ServerVersion.Build;
            return(new DisposableAction(() =>

Esempio n. 10
        protected async Task WaitForIndexToBeApplied(TransactionOperationContext context, long index)
            DatabaseTopology dbTopology;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                dbTopology = ServerStore.Cluster.ReadDatabaseTopology(context, Database.Name);

            if (dbTopology.RelevantFor(ServerStore.NodeTag))
                var db = await ServerStore.DatabasesLandlord.TryGetOrCreateResourceStore(Database.Name);

                await db.RachisLogIndexNotifications.WaitForIndexNotification(index, ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout);
                await ServerStore.Cluster.WaitForIndexNotification(index);
Esempio n. 11
        public IDisposable Initialize(DatabaseSmugglerOptions options, SmugglerResult result, out long buildVersion)
            _currentTypeIndex = 0;

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Documents) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.RevisionDocuments) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Tombstones) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Conflicts) ||
                _returnContext           = _database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _context);
                _disposeTransaction      = _context.OpenReadTransaction();
                LastEtag                 = DocumentsStorage.ReadLastEtag(_disposeTransaction.InnerTransaction);
                LastDatabaseChangeVector = DocumentsStorage.GetDatabaseChangeVector(_disposeTransaction.InnerTransaction);

            if (options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.CompareExchange) ||
                options.OperateOnTypes.HasFlag(DatabaseItemType.Identities) ||
                _returnServerContext      = _database.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _serverContext);
                _disposeServerTransaction = _serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

                using (var rawRecord = _database.ServerStore.Cluster.ReadRawDatabaseRecord(_serverContext, _database.Name))
                    LastRaftIndex = rawRecord.GetEtagForBackup();

            buildVersion = ServerVersion.Build;
            return(new DisposableAction(() =>

Esempio n. 12
        private async Task UpdateDatabaseRecord(TransactionOperationContext context, Action <DatabaseRecord> action, string raftRequestId)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
            if (action == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(action));

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                var record = ServerStore.Cluster.ReadDatabase(context, Database.Name, out long index);


                var result = await ServerStore.WriteDatabaseRecordAsync(Database.Name, record, index, raftRequestId);

                await Database.RachisLogIndexNotifications.WaitForIndexNotification(result.Index, ServerStore.Engine.OperationTimeout);
Esempio n. 13
        public IEnumerable <Document> MoreLikeThis(
            IndexQueryServerSide query,
            IQueryResultRetriever retriever,
            DocumentsOperationContext context,
            CancellationToken token)
            IDisposable releaseServerContext          = null;
            IDisposable closeServerTransaction        = null;
            TransactionOperationContext serverContext = null;
            MoreLikeThisQuery           moreLikeThisQuery;

                if (query.Metadata.HasCmpXchg)
                    releaseServerContext   = context.DocumentDatabase.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out serverContext);
                    closeServerTransaction = serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

                using (closeServerTransaction)
                    moreLikeThisQuery = QueryBuilder.BuildMoreLikeThisQuery(serverContext, context, query.Metadata, query.Metadata.Query.Where, query.QueryParameters, _analyzer, _queryBuilderFactories);

            var options = moreLikeThisQuery.Options != null?JsonDeserializationServer.MoreLikeThisOptions(moreLikeThisQuery.Options) : MoreLikeThisOptions.Default;

            HashSet <string> stopWords = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(options.StopWordsDocumentId) == false)
                var stopWordsDoc = context.DocumentDatabase.DocumentsStorage.Get(context, options.StopWordsDocumentId);
                if (stopWordsDoc == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Stop words document {options.StopWordsDocumentId} could not be found");

                if (stopWordsDoc.Data.TryGet(nameof(MoreLikeThisStopWords.StopWords), out BlittableJsonReaderArray value) && value != null)
                    stopWords = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    for (var i = 0; i < value.Length; i++)

            var ir  = _searcher.IndexReader;
            var mlt = new RavenMoreLikeThis(ir, options, _state);

            int?baseDocId = null;

            if (moreLikeThisQuery.BaseDocument == null)
                var td = _searcher.Search(moreLikeThisQuery.BaseDocumentQuery, 1, _state);

                // get the current Lucene docid for the given RavenDB doc ID
                if (td.ScoreDocs.Length == 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Given filtering expression did not yield any documents that could be used as a base of comparison");

                baseDocId = td.ScoreDocs[0].Doc;

            if (stopWords != null)

            string[] fieldNames;
            if (options.Fields != null && options.Fields.Length > 0)
                fieldNames = options.Fields;
                fieldNames = ir.GetFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption.INDEXED)
                             .Where(x => x != Constants.Documents.Indexing.Fields.DocumentIdFieldName && x != Constants.Documents.Indexing.Fields.ReduceKeyHashFieldName)

            mlt.Analyzer = _analyzer;

            var pageSize = GetPageSize(_searcher, query.PageSize);

            Query mltQuery;

            if (baseDocId.HasValue)
                mltQuery = mlt.Like(baseDocId.Value);
                using (var blittableJson = ParseJsonStringIntoBlittable(moreLikeThisQuery.BaseDocument, context))
                    mltQuery = mlt.Like(blittableJson);

            var tsdc = TopScoreDocCollector.Create(pageSize, true);

            if (moreLikeThisQuery.FilterQuery != null && moreLikeThisQuery.FilterQuery is MatchAllDocsQuery == false)
                mltQuery = new BooleanQuery
                    { mltQuery, Occur.MUST },
                    { moreLikeThisQuery.FilterQuery, Occur.MUST }

            _searcher.Search(mltQuery, tsdc, _state);
            var hits = tsdc.TopDocs().ScoreDocs;

            var ids = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            foreach (var hit in hits)
                if (hit.Doc == baseDocId)

                var doc = _searcher.Doc(hit.Doc, _state);
                var id  = doc.Get(Constants.Documents.Indexing.Fields.DocumentIdFieldName, _state) ?? doc.Get(Constants.Documents.Indexing.Fields.ReduceKeyHashFieldName, _state);
                if (id == null)

                if (ids.Add(id) == false)

                yield return(retriever.Get(doc, hit.Score, _state));
Esempio n. 14
        private void ReplicateToDestination()
                var connectionInfo = GetTcpInfo();

                using (_tcpClient = new TcpClient())
                    ConnectSocket(connectionInfo, _tcpClient);

                    using (_database.DocumentsStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _documentsContext))
                        using (_database.ConfigurationStorage.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out _configurationContext))
                            using (var stream = _tcpClient.GetStream())
                                var documentSender            = new ReplicationDocumentSender(stream, this, _log);
                                var indexAndTransformerSender = new ReplicationIndexTransformerSender(stream, this, _log);

                                using (_writer = new BlittableJsonTextWriter(_documentsContext, stream))
                                    using (_parser = _documentsContext.ParseMultiFrom(stream))
                                        //send initial connection information
                                        _documentsContext.Write(_writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                                            [nameof(TcpConnectionHeaderMessage.DatabaseName)] = _destination.Database,
                                            [nameof(TcpConnectionHeaderMessage.Operation)]    = TcpConnectionHeaderMessage.OperationTypes.Replication.ToString(),

                                        //start request/response for fetching last etag
                                        _documentsContext.Write(_writer, new DynamicJsonValue
                                            ["Type"]               = "GetLastEtag",
                                            ["SourceDatabaseId"]   = _database.DbId.ToString(),
                                            ["SourceDatabaseName"] = _database.Name,
                                            ["SourceUrl"]          = _database.Configuration.Core.ServerUrl,
                                            ["MachineName"]        = Environment.MachineName,

                                        //handle initial response to last etag and staff
                                            using (_configurationContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                                                using (_documentsContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                                                    var response = HandleServerResponse();
                                                    if (response.Item1 == ReplicationMessageReply.ReplyType.Error)
                                                        if (response.Item2.Contains("DatabaseDoesNotExistsException"))
                                                            throw new DatabaseDoesNotExistsException();

                                                        throw new InvalidOperationException(response.Item2);
                                        catch (DatabaseDoesNotExistsException e)
                                            var msg = $"Failed to parse initial server replication response, because there is no database named {_database.Name} on the other end. " +
                                                      "In order for the replication to work, a database with the same name needs to be created at the destination";
                                            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                                                _log.Info(msg, e);

                                            using (var txw = _configurationContext.OpenWriteTransaction())
                                                _database.Alerts.AddAlert(new Alert
                                                    Key       = FromToString,
                                                    Type      = AlertType.Replication,
                                                    Message   = msg,
                                                    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                                    Severity  = AlertSeverity.Warning
                                                }, _configurationContext, txw);

                                        catch (Exception e)
                                            var msg =
                                                $"Failed to parse initial server response. This is definitely not supposed to happen. Exception thrown: {e}";
                                            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                                                _log.Info(msg, e);

                                            using (var txw = _configurationContext.OpenWriteTransaction())
                                                _database.Alerts.AddAlert(new Alert
                                                    Key       = FromToString,
                                                    Type      = AlertType.Replication,
                                                    Message   = msg,
                                                    CreatedAt = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                                    Severity  = AlertSeverity.Error
                                                }, _configurationContext, txw);


                                        while (_cts.IsCancellationRequested == false)
                                            long currentEtag;


                                            using (_configurationContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                                                currentEtag = _database.IndexMetadataPersistence.ReadLastEtag(_configurationContext.Transaction.InnerTransaction);

                                            if (_destination.SkipIndexReplication == false &&
                                                currentEtag != indexAndTransformerSender.LastEtag)

                                            var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                                            while (documentSender.ExecuteReplicationOnce())
                                                if (sp.ElapsedMilliseconds > 60 * 1000)

                                            //if this returns false, this means either timeout or canceled token is activated
                                            while (WaitForChanges(_minimalHeartbeatInterval, _cts.Token) == false)
                                                using (_documentsContext.OpenReadTransaction())
                                                    using (_configurationContext.OpenReadTransaction())
            catch (OperationCanceledException)
                if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _log.Info($"Operation canceled on replication thread ({FromToString}). Stopped the thread.");
            catch (IOException e)
                if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    if (e.InnerException is SocketException)
                            $"SocketException was thrown from the connection to remote node ({FromToString}). This might mean that the remote node is done or there is a network issue.",
                        _log.Info($"IOException was thrown from the connection to remote node ({FromToString}).", e);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _log.Info($"Unexpected exception occured on replication thread ({FromToString}). Replication stopped (will be retried later).", e);
                Failed?.Invoke(this, e);
Esempio n. 15
        private void NegotiateMatchEntryWithLeaderAndApplyEntries(TransactionOperationContext context,
                                                                  RemoteConnection connection, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation)
            long minIndex;
            long maxIndex;
            long midpointTerm;
            long midpointIndex;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                minIndex = _engine.GetFirstEntryIndex(context);

                if (minIndex == 0) // no entries at all
                    connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                        Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                        Message      = "No entries at all here, give me everything from the start",
                        CurrentTerm  = _term,
                        LastLogIndex = 0,

                    return; // leader will know where to start from here

                maxIndex = Math.Min(
                    _engine.GetLastEntryIndex(context), // max

                midpointIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) / 2;

                midpointTerm = _engine.GetTermForKnownExisting(context, midpointIndex);

            while ((midpointTerm == negotiation.PrevLogTerm && midpointIndex == negotiation.PrevLogIndex) == false)


                if (midpointIndex == negotiation.PrevLogIndex && midpointTerm != negotiation.PrevLogTerm)
                    // our appended entries has been diverged, same index with different terms.
                    var msg = $"Our appended entries has been diverged, same index with different terms. " +
                              $"My index/term {midpointIndex}/{midpointTerm}, while yours is {negotiation.PrevLogIndex}/{negotiation.PrevLogTerm}.";
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: {msg}");
                    connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                        Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                        Message      = msg,
                        CurrentTerm  = _term,
                        LastLogIndex = 0

                connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status  = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Negotiation,
                    Message =
                        $"Term/Index mismatch from leader, need to figure out at what point the logs match, range: {maxIndex} - {minIndex} | {midpointIndex} in term {midpointTerm}",
                    CurrentTerm   = _term,
                    MaxIndex      = maxIndex,
                    MinIndex      = minIndex,
                    MidpointIndex = midpointIndex,
                    MidpointTerm  = midpointTerm

                negotiation = connection.Read <LogLengthNegotiation>(context);

                if (negotiation.Truncated)
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a truncated response from the leader will request all entries");
                    connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                        Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                        Message      = "We have entries that are already truncated at the leader, will ask for full snapshot",
                        CurrentTerm  = _term,
                        LastLogIndex = 0
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    if (_engine.GetTermFor(context, negotiation.PrevLogIndex) == negotiation.PrevLogTerm)
                        minIndex = Math.Min(midpointIndex + 1, maxIndex);
                        maxIndex = Math.Max(midpointIndex - 1, minIndex);
                midpointIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) / 2;
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    midpointTerm = _engine.GetTermForKnownExisting(context, midpointIndex);

            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: agreed upon last matched index = {midpointIndex} on term = {midpointTerm}");

            connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                Message      = $"Found a log index / term match at {midpointIndex} with term {midpointTerm}",
                CurrentTerm  = _term,
                LastLogIndex = midpointIndex,
Esempio n. 16
        private void NegotiateWithLeader(TransactionOperationContext context, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation)
            // only the leader can send append entries, so if we accepted it, it's the leader
            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request for term {negotiation.Term} where our term is {_term}");
            if (negotiation.Term != _term)
                //  Our leader is no longer a valid one
                var msg = $"The term was changed after leader validation from {_term} to {negotiation.Term}, so you are no longer a valid leader";
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Rejected,
                    Message      = msg,
                    CurrentTerm  = _term,
                    LastLogIndex = negotiation.PrevLogIndex
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"We close this follower because: {msg}");
            long prevTerm;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                prevTerm = _engine.GetTermFor(context, negotiation.PrevLogIndex) ?? 0;
            if (prevTerm != negotiation.PrevLogTerm)
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request with PrevLogTerm={negotiation.PrevLogTerm} while our PrevLogTerm={prevTerm}" +
                                     " will negotiate to find next matched index");
                // we now have a mismatch with the log position, and need to negotiate it with
                // the leader
                NegotiateMatchEntryWithLeaderAndApplyEntries(context, _connection, negotiation);
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request with identical PrevLogTerm will continue to steady state");
                // this (or the negotiation above) completes the negotiation process
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                    Message      = $"Found a log index / term match at {negotiation.PrevLogIndex} with term {prevTerm}",
                    CurrentTerm  = _term,
                    LastLogIndex = negotiation.PrevLogIndex
            _debugRecorder.Record("Matching Negotiation is over, waiting for snapshot");

            // at this point, the leader will send us a snapshot message
            // in most cases, it is an empty snapshot, then start regular append entries
            // the reason we send this is to simplify the # of states in the protocol

            var snapshot = _connection.ReadInstallSnapshot(context);

            _debugRecorder.Record("Snapshot received");
            using (context.OpenWriteTransaction())
                var lastTerm        = _engine.GetTermFor(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex);
                var lastCommitIndex = _engine.GetLastEntryIndex(context);
                if (snapshot.LastIncludedTerm == lastTerm && snapshot.LastIncludedIndex < lastCommitIndex)
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            $"{ToString()}: Got installed snapshot with last index={snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} while our lastCommitIndex={lastCommitIndex}, will just ignore it");

                    //This is okay to ignore because we will just get the committed entries again and skip them
                else if (InstallSnapshot(context))
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            $"{ToString()}: Installed snapshot with last index={snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} with LastIncludedTerm={snapshot.LastIncludedTerm} ");

                    _engine.SetLastCommitIndex(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex, snapshot.LastIncludedTerm);
                    _engine.ClearLogEntriesAndSetLastTruncate(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex, snapshot.LastIncludedTerm);
                    var lastEntryIndex = _engine.GetLastEntryIndex(context);
                    if (lastEntryIndex < snapshot.LastIncludedIndex)
                        var message =
                            $"The snapshot installation had failed because the last included index {snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} in term {snapshot.LastIncludedTerm} doesn't match the last entry {lastEntryIndex}";
                        if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: {message}");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

                // snapshot always has the latest topology
                if (snapshot.Topology == null)
                    const string message = "Expected to get topology on snapshot";
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: {message}");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
                using (var topologyJson = context.ReadObject(snapshot.Topology, "topology"))
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: topology on install snapshot: {topologyJson}");

                    var topology = JsonDeserializationRachis <ClusterTopology> .Deserialize(topologyJson);

                    RachisConsensus.SetTopology(_engine, context, topology);


            _debugRecorder.Record("Invoking StateMachine.SnapshotInstalled");

            // notify the state machine, we do this in an async manner, and start
            // the operator in a separate thread to avoid timeouts while this is
            // going on

            var task = Task.Run(() => _engine.SnapshotInstalledAsync(snapshot.LastIncludedIndex));

            var sp = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var timeToWait = (int)(_engine.ElectionTimeout.TotalMilliseconds / 4);

            while (task.Wait(timeToWait) == false)
                // this may take a while, so we let the other side know that
                // we are still processing, and we reset our own timer while
                // this is happening
                MaybeNotifyLeaderThatWeAreStillAlive(context, sp);

            _debugRecorder.Record("Done with StateMachine.SnapshotInstalled");

            // we might have moved from passive node, so we need to start the timeout clock

            _debugRecorder.Record("Snapshot installed");
            //Here we send the LastIncludedIndex as our matched index even for the case where our lastCommitIndex is greater
            //So we could validate that the entries sent by the leader are indeed the same as the ones we have.
            _connection.Send(context, new InstallSnapshotResponse
                Done         = true,
                CurrentTerm  = _term,
                LastLogIndex = snapshot.LastIncludedIndex

        protected Query GetLuceneQuery(DocumentsOperationContext context, QueryMetadata metadata, QueryExpression whereExpression, BlittableJsonReaderObject parameters, Analyzer analyzer, QueryBuilderFactories factories)
            Query documentQuery;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(metadata.QueryText))
                if (_logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _logger.Info($"Issuing query on index {_indexName} for all documents");

                documentQuery = new MatchAllDocsQuery();
                if (_logger.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _logger.Info($"Issuing query on index {_indexName} for: {metadata.Query}");

                // RavenPerFieldAnalyzerWrapper searchAnalyzer = null;
                    //searchAnalyzer = parent.CreateAnalyzer(new LowerCaseKeywordAnalyzer(), toDispose, true);
                    //searchAnalyzer = parent.AnalyzerGenerators.Aggregate(searchAnalyzer, (currentAnalyzer, generator) =>
                    //    Analyzer newAnalyzer = generator.GenerateAnalyzerForQuerying(parent.PublicName, query.Query, currentAnalyzer);
                    //    if (newAnalyzer != currentAnalyzer)
                    //    {
                    //        DisposeAnalyzerAndFriends(toDispose, currentAnalyzer);
                    //    }
                    //    return parent.CreateAnalyzer(newAnalyzer, toDispose, true);

                    IDisposable releaseServerContext          = null;
                    IDisposable closeServerTransaction        = null;
                    TransactionOperationContext serverContext = null;

                        if (metadata.HasCmpXchg)
                            releaseServerContext   = context.DocumentDatabase.ServerStore.ContextPool.AllocateOperationContext(out serverContext);
                            closeServerTransaction = serverContext.OpenReadTransaction();

                        using (closeServerTransaction)
                            documentQuery = QueryBuilder.BuildQuery(serverContext, context, metadata, whereExpression, _index.Definition, parameters, analyzer, factories);
                    //DisposeAnalyzerAndFriends(toDispose, searchAnalyzer);

            //var afterTriggers = ApplyIndexTriggers(documentQuery);

Esempio n. 18
        private void NegotiateWithLeader(TransactionOperationContext context, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation)
            // only the leader can send append entries, so if we accepted it, it's the leader
            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request for term {negotiation.Term} where our term is {_term}.");

            if (negotiation.Term != _term)
                //  Our leader is no longer a valid one
                var msg = $"The term was changed after leader validation from {_term} to {negotiation.Term}, so you are no longer a valid leader";
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Rejected,
                    Message      = msg,
                    CurrentTerm  = _term,
                    LastLogIndex = negotiation.PrevLogIndex
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"We close this follower because: {msg}");

            long prevTerm;
            bool requestSnapshot;
            bool requestFullSnapshot = false;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                prevTerm        = _engine.GetTermFor(context, negotiation.PrevLogIndex) ?? 0;
                requestSnapshot = _engine.GetSnapshotRequest(context);

            if (requestSnapshot)
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Request snapshot by the admin");
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                    Message      = "Request snapshot by the admin",
                    CurrentTerm  = _term,
                    LastLogIndex = 0
                requestFullSnapshot = true;
            else if (prevTerm != negotiation.PrevLogTerm)
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request with PrevLogTerm={negotiation.PrevLogTerm} while our PrevLogTerm={prevTerm}" +
                                     " will negotiate to find next matched index");
                // we now have a mismatch with the log position, and need to negotiate it with
                // the leader
                requestFullSnapshot = NegotiateMatchEntryWithLeaderAndApplyEntries(context, _connection, negotiation);
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"{ToString()}: Got a negotiation request with identical PrevLogTerm will continue to steady state");
                // this (or the negotiation above) completes the negotiation process
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                    Message      = $"Found a log index / term match at {negotiation.PrevLogIndex} with term {prevTerm}",
                    CurrentTerm  = _term,
                    LastLogIndex = negotiation.PrevLogIndex
            _debugRecorder.Record("Matching Negotiation is over, waiting for snapshot");

            // at this point, the leader will send us a snapshot message
            // in most cases, it is an empty snapshot, then start regular append entries
            // the reason we send this is to simplify the # of states in the protocol

            var snapshot = _connection.ReadInstallSnapshot(context);

            _debugRecorder.Record("Start receiving snapshot");

            // reading the snapshot from network and committing it to the disk might take a long time.
            using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
                KeepAliveAndExecuteAction(() => ReadAndCommitSnapshot(context, snapshot, cts.Token), cts, "ReadAndCommitSnapshot");

            _debugRecorder.Record("Snapshot was received and committed");

            // notify the state machine, we do this in an async manner, and start
            // the operator in a separate thread to avoid timeouts while this is
            // going on
            using (var cts = new CancellationTokenSource())
                KeepAliveAndExecuteAction(() =>
                    _engine.SnapshotInstalled(snapshot.LastIncludedIndex, requestFullSnapshot, cts.Token);
                }, cts, "SnapshotInstalledAsync");

            _debugRecorder.Record("Done with StateMachine.SnapshotInstalled");
            _debugRecorder.Record("Snapshot installed");

            //Here we send the LastIncludedIndex as our matched index even for the case where our lastCommitIndex is greater
            //So we could validate that the entries sent by the leader are indeed the same as the ones we have.
            _connection.Send(context, new InstallSnapshotResponse
                Done         = true,
                CurrentTerm  = _term,
                LastLogIndex = snapshot.LastIncludedIndex

Esempio n. 19
        private void NegotiateWithLeader(TransactionOperationContext context, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation)
            // only the leader can send append entries, so if we accepted it, it's the leader
            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Got a negotiation request for term {negotiation.Term} where our term is {_engine.CurrentTerm}");
            if (negotiation.Term > _engine.CurrentTerm)

            long prevTerm;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                prevTerm = _engine.GetTermFor(context, negotiation.PrevLogIndex) ?? 0;
            if (prevTerm != negotiation.PrevLogTerm)
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Got a negotiation request with PrevLogTerm={negotiation.PrevLogTerm} while our PrevLogTerm={prevTerm}" +
                                     " will negotiate to find next matched index");
                // we now have a mismatch with the log position, and need to negotiate it with
                // the leader
                NegotiateMatchEntryWithLeaderAndApplyEntries(context, _connection, negotiation);
                if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                    _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Got a negotiation request with identical PrevLogTerm will continue to steady state");
                // this (or the negotiation above) completes the negotiation process
                _connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                    Message      = $"Found a log index / term match at {negotiation.PrevLogIndex} with term {prevTerm}",
                    CurrentTerm  = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                    LastLogIndex = negotiation.PrevLogIndex


            // at this point, the leader will send us a snapshot message
            // in most cases, it is an empty snapshot, then start regular append entries
            // the reason we send this is to simplify the # of states in the protocol

            var snapshot = _connection.ReadInstallSnapshot(context);

            using (context.OpenWriteTransaction())
                var lastCommitIndex = _engine.GetLastCommitIndex(context);
                if (snapshot.LastIncludedIndex < lastCommitIndex)
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            $"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Got installed snapshot with last index={snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} while our lastCommitIndex={lastCommitIndex}, will just ignore it");
                    //This is okay to ignore because we will just get the commited entries again and skip them
                else if (InstallSnapshot(context))
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            $"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Installed snapshot with last index={snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} with LastIncludedTerm={snapshot.LastIncludedTerm} ");
                    _engine.SetLastCommitIndex(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex, snapshot.LastIncludedTerm);
                    _engine.ClearLogEntriesAndSetLastTruncate(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex, snapshot.LastIncludedTerm);
                    var lastEntryIndex = _engine.GetLastEntryIndex(context);
                    if (lastEntryIndex < snapshot.LastIncludedIndex)
                        var message =
                            $"The snapshot installation had failed because the last included index {snapshot.LastIncludedIndex} in term {snapshot.LastIncludedTerm} doesn't match the last entry {lastEntryIndex}";
                        if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                            _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: {message}");
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(message);

                // snapshot always has the latest topology
                if (snapshot.Topology == null)
                    const string message = "Expected to get topology on snapshot";
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: {message}");
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
                using (var topologyJson = context.ReadObject(snapshot.Topology, "topology"))
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: topology on install snapshot: {topologyJson}");

                    var topology = JsonDeserializationRachis <ClusterTopology> .Deserialize(topologyJson);

                    RachisConsensus.SetTopology(_engine, context, topology);

            //Here we send the LastIncludedIndex as our matched index even for the case where our lastCommitIndex is greater
            //So we could validate that the entries sent by the leader are indeed the same as the ones we have.
            _connection.Send(context, new InstallSnapshotResponse
                Done         = true,
                CurrentTerm  = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                LastLogIndex = snapshot.LastIncludedIndex


            // notify the state machine
            _engine.SnapshotInstalled(context, snapshot.LastIncludedIndex);

Esempio n. 20
        private void NegotiateMatchEntryWithLeaderAndApplyEntries(TransactionOperationContext context,
                                                                  RemoteConnection connection, LogLengthNegotiation negotiation)
            long minIndex;
            long maxIndex;
            long midpointTerm;
            long midpointIndex;

            using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                minIndex = _engine.GetFirstEntryIndex(context);

                if (minIndex == 0) // no entries at all
                    connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                        Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                        Message      = "No entries at all here, give me everything from the start",
                        CurrentTerm  = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                        LastLogIndex = 0

                    return; // leader will know where to start from here

                maxIndex = Math.Min(
                    _engine.GetLastEntryIndex(context), // max

                midpointIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) / 2;

                midpointTerm = _engine.GetTermForKnownExisting(context, midpointIndex);

            while (minIndex < maxIndex)

                // TODO: cancellation

                connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                    Status  = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Negotiation,
                    Message =
                        $"Term/Index mismatch from leader, need to figure out at what point the logs match, range: {maxIndex} - {minIndex} | {midpointIndex} in term {midpointTerm}",
                    CurrentTerm   = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                    MaxIndex      = maxIndex,
                    MinIndex      = minIndex,
                    MidpointIndex = midpointIndex,
                    MidpointTerm  = midpointTerm

                var response = connection.Read <LogLengthNegotiation>(context);

                if (response.Truncated)
                    if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                        _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: Got a truncated response from the leader will request all entries");
                    connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                        Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                        Message      = "We have entries that are already truncated at the leader, will ask for full snapshot",
                        CurrentTerm  = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                        LastLogIndex = 0
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    if (_engine.GetTermFor(context, response.PrevLogIndex) == response.PrevLogTerm)
                        minIndex = midpointIndex + 1;
                        maxIndex = midpointIndex - 1;
                midpointIndex = (maxIndex + minIndex) / 2;
                using (context.OpenReadTransaction())
                    midpointTerm = _engine.GetTermForKnownExisting(context, midpointIndex);
            if (_engine.Log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _engine.Log.Info($"Follower {_engine.Tag}: agreed upon last matched index = {midpointIndex} on term = {_engine.CurrentTerm}");
            connection.Send(context, new LogLengthNegotiationResponse
                Status       = LogLengthNegotiationResponse.ResponseStatus.Acceptable,
                Message      = $"Found a log index / term match at {midpointIndex} with term {midpointTerm}",
                CurrentTerm  = _engine.CurrentTerm,
                LastLogIndex = midpointIndex