private decimal ConvertPriceToBaseCurrency(decimal price) { try { if (TransactionCurrency.Equals(BaseCurrencyCode, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(price); } var baseCurrency = BasePage.CurrencyService.GetCurrencyByCode(BaseCurrencyCode); var orderCurrency = Order.Currency; var baseRate = Convert.ToDecimal(baseCurrency.ConversionRate); var orderRate = Convert.ToDecimal(orderCurrency.ConversionRate); var convertedPrice = (baseRate * price) / orderRate; return(Math.Round(convertedPrice, 2)); } catch (Exception ex) { BasePage.Log("ConvertPriceToBaseCurrency() breaks for price: " + price); return(price); } }
public void TestPrecisionSource() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var currency = new TransactionCurrency() { ExchangeRate = 1m, CurrencyPrecision = 3 }; currency.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(currency); var bus = new dg_bus() { dg_name = "Woop", dg_Ticketprice = 10.1234m, TransactionCurrencyId = currency.ToEntityReference() }; bus.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_Ticketprice.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value) * 20, 2), retrieved.dg_Udregnet.Value); Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value) * 20, 1), retrieved.dg_EndnuUdregnet.Value); } }
public void TestUserCurrencyIsChosen() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var currentUser = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(SystemUser.EntityLogicalName, crm.AdminUser.Id, new ColumnSet(true)).ToEntity <SystemUser>(); var currency = new TransactionCurrency { ExchangeRate = 0.5m, CurrencyPrecision = 3 }; currency.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(currency); currentUser.TransactionCurrencyId = currency.ToEntityReference(); orgAdminUIService.Update(currentUser); var bus = new dg_bus { dg_Ticketprice = 10m }; bus.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(currency.ToEntityReference(), retrieved.TransactionCurrencyId); bus.dg_Ticketprice = 20m; orgAdminUIService.Update(bus); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(currency.ToEntityReference(), retrieved.TransactionCurrencyId); } }
/// <summary> /// Formats a transaction value for pretty printing (i.e. 470000 satoshis -> "0.00470000 BTC") /// </summary> /// <param name="currency">The currency in which the transaction is conducted.</param> /// <param name="value">The transaction value.</param> /// <returns>A pretty-printed string in the format of "[transaction value] [currency code]"</returns> public static string PrettyPrintedValue(this TransactionCurrency currency, long value) { long decimalPlaces = 0; switch (currency) { case TransactionCurrency.Bitcoin: decimalPlaces = 8; break; case TransactionCurrency.Monero: decimalPlaces = 12; break; default: throw new ArgumentException("No pretty printing information for unknown currency", nameof(currency)); } long divisor = 1; for (int i = 0; i < decimalPlaces; ++i) { divisor *= 10; } return($"{value / divisor}.{(value % divisor).ToString($"D{decimalPlaces}")} {currency.GetCurrencyCode()}"); }
private async Task UpdateExchangeRates(LocalPluginContext localcontext) { var currencyList = (from c in new XrmSvc(localcontext.OrganizationService) .CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() select new TransactionCurrency { CurrencySymbol = c.CurrencySymbol, TransactionCurrencyId = c.TransactionCurrencyId }).ToArray(); var baseCurrency = "EUR"; var currentISOCodes = string.Join(",", currencyList .Select(x => x.CurrencySymbol) .Where(x => x != baseCurrency) .ToArray()); using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { var webApiUrl = ""; var accessKey = "43eb1b0960d03281d3b0da30693df254&symbols="; var suffix = "&format=1"; var requestUri = new Uri(webApiUrl + accessKey + currentISOCodes + suffix); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Exchangerate service returned: " + response); } var json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var setting = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings() { UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true }; ExchangeRateResult result = new ExchangeRateResult(); using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json))) { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ExchangeRateResult), setting); result = (ExchangeRateResult)serializer.ReadObject(ms); } foreach (var currency in currencyList.Where(x => x.CurrencySymbol != baseCurrency)) { if (result.rates.Keys.Contains(currency.CurrencySymbol)) { var update = new TransactionCurrency { TransactionCurrencyId = currency.TransactionCurrencyId, ExchangeRate = (decimal?)result.rates[currency.CurrencySymbol] }; localcontext.OrganizationService.Update(update); } } } }
public void LocalCrmDatabaseOrganizationServiceExecuteTests_InitializeFromRequest() { var service = GetService(); var currency = new TransactionCurrency(); currency.Id = service.Create(currency); var lead = new LeadBuilder { Lead = new Lead { Address1_Line2 = "Test Address1_Line2", Address1_Line3 = "Test Address1_Line3", Description = "Test Description", Fax = "555-555-1234", JobTitle = "Sales Agent", LeadSourceCodeEnum = Lead_LeadSourceCode.Advertisement, PreferredContactMethodCodeEnum = Lead_PreferredContactMethodCode.Phone, WebSiteUrl = "", TransactionCurrencyId = currency.ToEntityReference() } } .WithAddress1() .WithAddress2() .WithDoNotContact(false) .WithEmail() .WithName() .WithPhone() .Build(); lead.Id = service.Create(lead); lead = service.GetEntity <Lead>(lead.Id); var contact = service.InitializeFrom <Contact>(lead.ToEntityReference(), TargetFieldType.ValidForCreate); foreach (var attribute in lead.Attributes) { var key = attribute.Key; var value = attribute.Value; switch (key) { case Lead.Fields.LeadId: key = Contact.Fields.OriginatingLeadId; value = lead.ToEntityReference(); break; case Lead.Fields.CreatedOn: case Lead.Fields.CreatedBy: case Lead.Fields.ModifiedOn: case Lead.Fields.ModifiedBy: Assert.IsFalse(contact.Contains(key)); continue; } Assert.IsTrue( contact.Contains(key) && contact[key].Equals(value), $"Field {attribute.Key} was not mapped correctly."); } service.Create(contact); }
internal static Transaction CreateFromDatabaseEntry(SQLiteDataReader reader) { TransactionCurrency currency = (TransactionCurrency)reader.GetInt32(2); Transaction t = new Transaction(currency); t.Id = (ulong)reader.GetInt64(0); t.Status = (TransactionStatus)reader.GetInt32(1); t.PaymentAmount = reader.GetInt64(3); t.MinConfirmations = reader.GetInt32(4); if (!reader.IsDBNull(5)) { t.Note = reader.GetString(5); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(6)) { t.SuccessUrl = reader.GetString(6); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(7)) { t.FailureUrl = reader.GetString(7); } return(t); }
public HttpResponseMessage UpdateTransactionCurrency(TransactionCurrency updatedRecord) { try { if (updatedRecord == null) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } // Create the entity record in the Azure SQL DB: int updateResult = _transactionCurrencyWorker.UpdateCreate(updatedRecord); if (updateResult > 0) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } // Existed already: else if (updateResult == 0) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch (Exception e) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } }
public static TransactionCurrency GetBaseCurrency(string currencyName, SqlDataAccess sda) { TransactionCurrency returnValue = new TransactionCurrency(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT o.BaseCurrencyId AS Id ,o.BaseCurrencyIdName Name FROM Organization AS o" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(query); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { #region | GET CURRENCY | returnValue.TransactionCurrencyId = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["Id"]; returnValue.Name = dt.Rows[0]["CurrencyName"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() : string.Empty; #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(returnValue); }
private EntityReference ToTransactionCurrency(string p, decimal?value) { using (var orgContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(this.service)) { if (p == "USD") { return((from i in orgContext.CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() where i.ISOCurrencyCode == p select i).FirstOrDefault().ToEntityReference()); } var TransactionCurrencyId = (from i in orgContext.CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() where i.ISOCurrencyCode == p select i.Id).FirstOrDefault(); TransactionCurrency entityForUpdate = new TransactionCurrency() { Id = TransactionCurrencyId, LogicalName = TransactionCurrency.EntityLogicalName, ExchangeRate = value }; service.Update(entityForUpdate); return(entityForUpdate.ToEntityReference()); } }
public void TestExchangeRate() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var dollar = new TransactionCurrency { ExchangeRate = 0.6m, CurrencyPrecision = 3 }; var dollarId = orgAdminUIService.Create(dollar); dollar.Id = dollarId; var bus = new dg_bus { dg_Ticketprice = 10m, TransactionCurrencyId = dollar.ToEntityReference() }; var busId = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, busId, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.IsTrue(retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base.HasValue); Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / dollar.ExchangeRate.Value, dollar.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base.Value); } }
/// <summary> /// If it is a new expense, set by default: /// 1. Today as Transaction date. /// 2. Draft as status /// 3. First available category /// 4. First available currency /// </summary> public void SetDefaultsValues() { if (Expense.Id == Guid.Empty && Expense.CanEdit()) { // Default transaction date to today Expense.msdyn_TransactionDate_utc = Expense.msdyn_TransactionDate_utc ?? DateTime.Today; // Default status to Draft Expense.msdyn_ExpenseStatus = Expense.msdyn_ExpenseStatus ?? new OptionSetValue((int)msdyn_expense_msdyn_expensestatus.Draft); // Default category to the first available one if (Expense.msdyn_ExpenseCategory == null) { msdyn_expensecategory expenseCategory = this.GetDefaultData <msdyn_expensecategory>(); if (expenseCategory != null) { EntityReference newReference = new EntityReference(expenseCategory.LogicalName, expenseCategory.Id); newReference.Name = expenseCategory.Preview; Expense.msdyn_ExpenseCategory = newReference; } } // Default transaction currency to the first available one. if (Expense.TransactionCurrency == null || Expense.TransactionCurrency.Id == Guid.Empty) { TransactionCurrency transactionCurrency = this.GetDefaultData <TransactionCurrency>(); if (transactionCurrency != null) { Expense.TransactionCurrency = transactionCurrency; } } } }
private Transaction(TransactionCurrency currency) { TransactionLock = new object(); Currency = currency; AssociatedDaemon = MainApplication.Instance.GetDaemonForCurrency(currency); if (AssociatedDaemon == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot create a transaction for a cryptocurrency which daemon is not running."); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a three- or four-letter currency code (ex. "BTC", "XMR") for a given cryptocurrency. /// </summary> public static string GetCurrencyCode(this TransactionCurrency currency) { switch (currency) { case TransactionCurrency.Bitcoin: return("BTC"); case TransactionCurrency.Monero: return("XMR"); } throw new ArgumentException("No currency code for unknown currency", nameof(currency)); }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the number of confirmations a transaction should have to be deemed confirmed. /// </summary> public static int GetDefaultConfirmationCount(this TransactionCurrency currency) { switch (currency) { case TransactionCurrency.Bitcoin: return(1); case TransactionCurrency.Monero: return(5); } throw new ArgumentException("No data for default confirmation threshold for unknown currency", nameof(currency)); }
private async Task UpdateExchangRates(LocalPluginContext localcontext) { var currencyList = (from c in new XrmSvc(localcontext.OrganizationService).CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() select new TransactionCurrency { CurrencySymbol = c.CurrencySymbol, TransactionCurrencyId = c.TransactionCurrencyId }).ToArray(); var baseCurrency = "EUR"; var currencyISOCodes = string.Join(",", currencyList.Select(c => c.CurrencySymbol).Where(c => c != baseCurrency).ToArray()); using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { //Try this API var requestUri = new Uri("" + String.Join(",", currencyISOCodes)); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Exchangerate service returned " + response); } var json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var setting = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings() { UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true }; ExchangeRateResult result = null; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json))) { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ExchangeRateResult), setting); result = (ExchangeRateResult)serializer.ReadObject(ms); } foreach (var currency in currencyList.Where(c => c.CurrencySymbol != baseCurrency)) { if (result.Rates.Keys.Contains(currency.CurrencySymbol)) { var update = new TransactionCurrency { TransactionCurrencyId = currency.TransactionCurrencyId, ExchangeRate = (decimal?)result.Rates[currency.CurrencySymbol] }; localcontext.OrganizationService.Update(update); } } } }
//private static string GetOrganizations(string DiscoverServiceURL, string UserName, string Password) //{ // ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials(); // credentials.UserName.UserName = UserName; // credentials.UserName.Password = Password; // using (var discoveryProxy = new DiscoveryServiceProxy(new Uri(DiscoverServiceURL), null, credentials, null)) // { // discoveryProxy.Authenticate(); // // Get all Organizations using Discovery Service // RetrieveOrganizationsRequest retrieveOrganizationsRequest = new RetrieveOrganizationsRequest() // { // AccessType = EndpointAccessType.Default, // Release = OrganizationRelease.Current // }; // RetrieveOrganizationsResponse retrieveOrganizationsResponse = // (RetrieveOrganizationsResponse)discoveryProxy.Execute(retrieveOrganizationsRequest); // if (retrieveOrganizationsResponse.Details.Count > 0) // { // //var orgs = new List<String>(); // foreach (OrganizationDetail orgInfo in retrieveOrganizationsResponse.Details) // //orgs.Add(orgInfo.FriendlyName); // return orgInfo.FriendlyName; // //return orgs; // } // else // return null; // } //} public static void CreateRequiredRecords(CrmServiceClient service) { Console.WriteLine(" Creating currency 'Canadian Dollar'"); // Create another currency _currency = new TransactionCurrency() { CurrencyName = "Canadian Dollar", CurrencyPrecision = 2, ExchangeRate = (decimal)0.9755, ISOCurrencyCode = "CAD", // Canadian Dollar currency code CurrencySymbol = "$" }; _currency.Id = service.Create(_currency); }
public async Task <bool> OnCurrencySelected(string selectedItemKey, int selectedItemIndex) { TransactionCurrency selectedCurrency = this.GetObjectByName <TransactionCurrency>(selectedItemKey); if (selectedCurrency != null) { if (Expense.TransactionCurrency == null || selectedCurrency.Id != Expense.TransactionCurrency.Id) { Expense.TransactionCurrency = selectedCurrency; } return(true); } return(false); }
public void TestRetrieveExchangeRate() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var dollar = new TransactionCurrency { ExchangeRate = 0.6m }; dollar.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(dollar); var request = new RetrieveExchangeRateRequest { TransactionCurrencyId = dollar.Id }; var response = orgAdminUIService.Execute(request) as RetrieveExchangeRateResponse; Assert.Equal(dollar.ExchangeRate, response.ExchangeRate); } }
public void TestExchangeIsSet() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var dollar = new TransactionCurrency(); dollar.ExchangeRate = 0.6m; dollar.CurrencyPrecision = 3; var dollarId = orgAdminUIService.Create(dollar); dollar.Id = dollarId; var bus = new dg_bus(); bus.dg_Ticketprice = 10m; bus.TransactionCurrencyId = dollar.ToEntityReference(); var busId = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, busId, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.IsTrue(retrieved.ExchangeRate.HasValue); Assert.AreEqual(dollar.ExchangeRate, retrieved.ExchangeRate); } }
public static Transaction CreateNewTransaction(TransactionCurrency currency, long paymentAmount, int minConfirmations = int.MaxValue, string note = null, string successUrl = null, string failureUrl = null) { DBConnection db = MainApplication.Instance.DBConnection; Transaction t = new Transaction(currency); lock (IdLock) { do { t.Id = GetNewTransactionId(); } while (t.Id == 0 || pendingIDs.Contains(t.Id) || db.IsIDUsed(t.Id)); pendingIDs.Add(t.Id); } t.PaymentAmount = paymentAmount; t.Status = TransactionStatus.Pending; if (minConfirmations == int.MaxValue) { t.MinConfirmations = currency.GetDefaultConfirmationCount(); } else { t.MinConfirmations = minConfirmations; } t.Note = note; t.SuccessUrl = successUrl; t.FailureUrl = failureUrl; db.CreateNewTransaction(t); lock (IdLock) { pendingIDs.Remove(t.Id); } Logger.Log("Transactions", $"Created a new transaction for {currency.PrettyPrintedValue(t.PaymentAmount)} with ID {t.Id}"); return(t); }
public static TransactionCurrency GetCurrencyByName(string currencyName, SqlDataAccess sda) { TransactionCurrency returnValue = new TransactionCurrency(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT TC.TransactionCurrencyId ,TC.CurrencyName FROM TransactionCurrency TC WHERE TC.CurrencyName = '{0}' ORDER BY TC.CurrencyName ASC" ; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, currencyName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { #region | GET CURRENCY | returnValue.TransactionCurrencyId = (Guid)dt.Rows[0]["TransactionCurrencyId"]; returnValue.Name = dt.Rows[0]["CurrencyName"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[0]["CurrencyName"].ToString() : string.Empty; #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(returnValue); }
private EntityReference ToTransactionCurrency(string p, decimal? value) { using (var orgContext = new OrganizationServiceContext(this.service)) { if (p == "USD") { return (from i in orgContext.CreateQuery<TransactionCurrency>() where i.ISOCurrencyCode == p select i).FirstOrDefault().ToEntityReference(); } var TransactionCurrencyId = (from i in orgContext.CreateQuery<TransactionCurrency>() where i.ISOCurrencyCode == p select i.Id).FirstOrDefault(); TransactionCurrency entityForUpdate = new TransactionCurrency() { Id = TransactionCurrencyId, LogicalName = TransactionCurrency.EntityLogicalName, ExchangeRate = value }; service.Update(entityForUpdate); return entityForUpdate.ToEntityReference(); } }
public void CreateRequiredRecords() { Console.WriteLine(" Creating currency 'Canadian Dollar'"); // Create another currency _currency = new TransactionCurrency() { CurrencyName = "Canadian Dollar", CurrencyPrecision = 2, ExchangeRate = (decimal)0.9755, ISOCurrencyCode = "CAD", // Canadian Dollar currency code CurrencySymbol = "$" }; _currency.Id = _serviceProxy.Create(_currency); }
/// <summary> /// Executes the workflow activity. /// </summary> /// <param name="executionContext">The execution context.</param> protected override void Execute(CodeActivityContext executionContext) { // Create the tracing service ITracingService tracingService = executionContext.GetExtension <ITracingService>(); if (tracingService == null) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Failed to retrieve tracing service."); } tracingService.Trace("Entered UpdateFXs.Execute(), Activity Instance Id: {0}, Workflow Instance Id: {1}", executionContext.ActivityInstanceId, executionContext.WorkflowInstanceId); // Create the context IWorkflowContext context = executionContext.GetExtension <IWorkflowContext>(); if (context == null) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Failed to retrieve workflow context."); } tracingService.Trace("UpdateFXs.Execute(), Correlation Id: {0}, Initiating User: {1}", context.CorrelationId, context.InitiatingUserId); IOrganizationServiceFactory serviceFactory = executionContext.GetExtension <IOrganizationServiceFactory>(); IOrganizationService service = serviceFactory.CreateOrganizationService(context.UserId); string serviceBaseCurrency = "RUB"; using (var ctx = new OrganizationServiceContext(service)) { try { // Get exchange rates DailyInfo client = new DailyInfo(); tracingService.Trace("Getting Most recent date available"); DateTime lastestDate = client.GetLatestDateTime(); tracingService.Trace("Getting FX Rates"); var exchangeRates = client.GetCursOnDateXML(lastestDate); string baseCurrencyISO = string.Empty; Guid empty = Guid.Empty; var baseCurrency = (from c in ctx.CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() join o in ctx.CreateQuery <Organization>() on c.TransactionCurrencyId equals o.BaseCurrencyId.Id select new TransactionCurrency { TransactionCurrencyId = c.TransactionCurrencyId, ISOCurrencyCode = c.ISOCurrencyCode, }).FirstOrDefault(); if (baseCurrency != null) { baseCurrencyISO = baseCurrency.ISOCurrencyCode.ToUpper(); // Get the rate from service base rate to crm base currency var serviceRateToCrmBase = GetExchangeRate(baseCurrencyISO, exchangeRates); if (serviceRateToCrmBase == null) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Cannot find rate for base rate '{0}'", baseCurrencyISO)); } // Get the currencies that are not the base currency // Only update active currencies var currencies = (from c in ctx.CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() where c.TransactionCurrencyId != baseCurrency.TransactionCurrencyId && c.StateCode == TransactionCurrencyState.Active select new TransactionCurrency { TransactionCurrencyId = c.TransactionCurrencyId, ISOCurrencyCode = c.ISOCurrencyCode, }); foreach (TransactionCurrency currency in currencies) { string isoCode = currency.ISOCurrencyCode.ToUpper(); decimal?latestRate = null; // Get rate from service base currency to this currency decimal?serviceRate = 1; if (isoCode != serviceBaseCurrency) { serviceRate = GetExchangeRate(isoCode, exchangeRates); } if (serviceRate != null) { // Get the rate from crm base rate latestRate = serviceRateToCrmBase / serviceRate; } else { // The webserviceX currency service is no longer working - investigating alternatives // latestRate = GetStandardRate(baseCurrencyISO, isoCode); } if (latestRate != null) { // We have a new rate so update it (even if it is the same!) TransactionCurrency update = new TransactionCurrency(); update.TransactionCurrencyId = currency.TransactionCurrencyId; update.ExchangeRate = latestRate; service.Update(update); } } } } catch (FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault> e) { tracingService.Trace("Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); // Handle the exception. throw; } catch (Exception ex) { tracingService.Trace("Exception (will retry): {0}", ex.ToString()); // All exceptions must be retried since this workflow must call it's self to run on a daily basis OrganizationServiceFault fault = new OrganizationServiceFault(); fault.ErrorCode = -2147204346; // This will cause the Async Server to retry up to 10 times before failing fault.Message = ex.ToString(); var networkException = new FaultException <OrganizationServiceFault>(fault); throw networkException; } } tracingService.Trace("Exiting UpdateFXs.Execute(), Correlation Id: {0}", context.CorrelationId); }
public static MsCrmResult Process() { MsCrmResult returnValue = new MsCrmResult(); try { service = MSCRM.GetOrgService(true); sda = new SqlDataAccess(); sda.openConnection(Globals.ConnectionString); XElement CurrencyRate = XElement.Load(""); string currentDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); XAttribute dateRate = (from p in CurrencyRate.Attributes() where p.Name.LocalName == "Tarih" select p).Single(); if (string.Format("dd/MM/yyyy", dateRate.Value) == string.Format("dd/MM/yyyy", currentDate)) { #region | USD | XElement dollar = (from p in CurrencyRate.Elements() where p.Attribute("CurrencyCode").Value == "USD" select p).Single(); ExchangeRate erDollar = new ExchangeRate(); erDollar.BuyRate = Convert.ToDecimal(dollar.Element("BanknoteBuying").Value.Replace('.', ',')); erDollar.SaleRate = Convert.ToDecimal(dollar.Element("BanknoteSelling").Value.Replace('.', ',')); erDollar.RateDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TransactionCurrency currUsd = CurrencyHelper.GetCurrencyByName("USD", sda); erDollar.Currency = new EntityReference() { Id = currUsd.TransactionCurrencyId, Name = "US Dollar", LogicalName = "transactioncurrency" }; MsCrmResultObject resultDollar = CurrencyHelper.GetExchangeRateByCurrency(DateTime.Now, erDollar.Currency.Id, sda); if (resultDollar.Success) { #region | TOMORROW | erDollar.RateDate = erDollar.RateDate.AddDays(1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erDollar, service); #endregion #region | UPDATE TODAY | ExchangeRate eRateDollar = (ExchangeRate)resultDollar.ReturnObject; erDollar.Id = eRateDollar.Id; erDollar.RateDate = erDollar.RateDate.AddDays(-1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erDollar, service); #endregion } else { #region | CREATE TODAY | CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erDollar, service); #endregion #region | TOMORROW | erDollar.RateDate = erDollar.RateDate.AddDays(1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erDollar, service); #endregion } #endregion #region | EUR | XElement euro = (from p in CurrencyRate.Elements() where p.Attribute("CurrencyCode").Value == "EUR" select p).Single(); ExchangeRate erEuro = new ExchangeRate(); erEuro.BuyRate = Convert.ToDecimal(euro.Element("BanknoteBuying").Value.Replace('.', ',')); erEuro.SaleRate = Convert.ToDecimal(euro.Element("BanknoteSelling").Value.Replace('.', ',')); erEuro.RateDate = DateTime.Now.Date; TransactionCurrency currEur = CurrencyHelper.GetCurrencyByName("Euro", sda); erEuro.Currency = new EntityReference() { Id = currEur.TransactionCurrencyId, Name = "Euro", LogicalName = "transactioncurrency" }; MsCrmResultObject resultEuro = CurrencyHelper.GetExchangeRateByCurrency(DateTime.Now, erEuro.Currency.Id, sda); if (resultEuro.Success) { #region | TOMORROW | erEuro.RateDate = erEuro.RateDate.AddDays(1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erEuro, service); #endregion #region | UPDATE TODAY | ExchangeRate eRateEuro = (ExchangeRate)resultEuro.ReturnObject; erEuro.Id = eRateEuro.Id; erEuro.RateDate = erEuro.RateDate.AddDays(-1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erEuro, service); #endregion } else { #region | CREATE TODAY | CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erEuro, service); #endregion #region | TOMORROW | erEuro.RateDate = erEuro.RateDate.AddDays(1); CurrencyHelper.CreateOrUpdateExchangeRate(erEuro, service); #endregion } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } finally { if (sda != null) { sda.closeConnection(); } } return(returnValue); }
public void TestRollUp() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var childlessBus = new dg_bus() { dg_name = "Buu" }; childlessBus.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(childlessBus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, childlessBus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); childlessBus.dg_name = "Woop"; orgAdminUIService.Update(childlessBus); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, childlessBus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); var bus = new dg_bus { dg_name = "Woop" }; bus.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); orgAdminUIService.Create( new dg_child() { dg_name = "Hans Jørgen", dg_Allowance = 20, dg_Skolebus = new EntityReference { Id = bus.Id, LogicalName = dg_bus.EntityLogicalName } }); orgAdminUIService.Create( new dg_child() { dg_name = "Hans Gert", dg_Allowance = 50, dg_Skolebus = new EntityReference { Id = bus.Id, LogicalName = dg_bus.EntityLogicalName } }); var anotherCurrency = new TransactionCurrency() { ExchangeRate = 0.5m, CurrencyPrecision = 2 }; anotherCurrency.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(anotherCurrency); orgAdminUIService.Create( new dg_child() { dg_name = "Børge Hansen", dg_Allowance = 30, dg_Skolebus = new EntityReference { Id = bus.Id, LogicalName = dg_bus.EntityLogicalName }, TransactionCurrencyId = anotherCurrency.ToEntityReference() }); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_MaxAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_MinAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_AvgAllowance); var req = new CalculateRollupFieldRequest() { FieldName = "dg_totalallowance", Target = bus.ToEntityReference() }; orgAdminUIService.Execute(req); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.AreEqual(130, retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_MaxAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_MinAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_AvgAllowance); req.FieldName = "dg_maxallowance"; orgAdminUIService.Execute(req); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.AreEqual(130, retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); Assert.AreEqual(60, retrieved.dg_MaxAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_MinAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_AvgAllowance); req.FieldName = "dg_minallowance"; orgAdminUIService.Execute(req); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.AreEqual(130, retrieved.dg_Totalallowance); Assert.AreEqual(60, retrieved.dg_MaxAllowance); Assert.AreEqual(20, retrieved.dg_MinAllowance); Assert.IsNull(retrieved.dg_AvgAllowance); req.FieldName = "dg_avgallowance"; orgAdminUIService.Execute(req); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.AreEqual(130, retrieved.dg_Totalallowance.Value); Assert.AreEqual(60, retrieved.dg_MaxAllowance.Value); Assert.AreEqual(20, retrieved.dg_MinAllowance.Value); Assert.AreEqual(43.33m, retrieved.dg_AvgAllowance.Value); } }
public ICryptoDaemon GetDaemonForCurrency(TransactionCurrency currency) { return(CryptoDaemons.GetValueOrDefault(currency)); }
public void TestBasesGetUpdated() { using (var context = new Xrm(orgAdminUIService)) { var currency = new TransactionCurrency() { ExchangeRate = 0.5m, CurrencyPrecision = 2 }; currency.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(currency); // test currency gets set var bus = new dg_bus { TransactionCurrencyId = currency.ToEntityReference() }; bus.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(bus); var retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(bus.TransactionCurrencyId, retrieved.TransactionCurrencyId); // test base value gets updated bus.dg_Ticketprice = 100m; orgAdminUIService.Update(bus); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / currency.ExchangeRate.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); // test currency doesn't update before record gets updated var oldExchangeRate = currency.ExchangeRate; currency.ExchangeRate = 0.7m; orgAdminUIService.Update(currency); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / oldExchangeRate.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); // test base value gets updated when record field value changes bus.dg_Ticketprice = 120m; orgAdminUIService.Update(bus); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / currency.ExchangeRate.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); // test base value gets updated when transactioncurrencyid changes var newCurrency = new TransactionCurrency { ExchangeRate = 1m, CurrencyPrecision = 3 }; newCurrency.Id = orgAdminUIService.Create(newCurrency); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / currency.ExchangeRate.Value, currency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); bus.TransactionCurrencyId = newCurrency.ToEntityReference(); orgAdminUIService.Update(bus); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / newCurrency.ExchangeRate.Value, newCurrency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); // test base value gets updated when state of record changes oldExchangeRate = newCurrency.ExchangeRate; newCurrency.ExchangeRate = 0.3m; orgAdminUIService.Update(newCurrency); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / oldExchangeRate.Value, newCurrency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); bus.SetState(orgAdminUIService, dg_busState.Inactive); retrieved = orgAdminUIService.Retrieve(dg_bus.EntityLogicalName, bus.Id, new ColumnSet(true)) as dg_bus; Assert.Equal(Math.Round(bus.dg_Ticketprice.Value / newCurrency.ExchangeRate.Value, newCurrency.CurrencyPrecision.Value), retrieved.dg_ticketprice_Base); } }
private static void SetPayment(DataRow dr, Guid quoteId, int customerIdType, Guid customerId, Guid financialAccount, IOrganizationService service) { string paymentType = Convert.ToString(dr["Ödeme Tipi"]); string currencyType = Convert.ToString(dr["ParaBirimi"]); SqlDataAccess sda = new SqlDataAccess(); sda.openConnection(Globals.ConnectionString); Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.PaymentAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Tutar"]); switch (paymentType) { case "Banka Kredisi": //Banka Ödemesi payment.PaymentType = PaymentTypes.BankaOdemesi; payment.PaymentAccountingTypes = PaymentAccountingTypes.MusteriPesinat_BankaKredisi; break; case "Peşinat": //Pesin Odeme payment.PaymentType = PaymentTypes.PesinOdeme; payment.PaymentAccountingTypes = PaymentAccountingTypes.MusteriPesinat_Nakit; break; case "Taksit": //Düzenli taksit payment.PaymentType = PaymentTypes.DuzenliTaksit; payment.PaymentAccountingTypes = PaymentAccountingTypes.MusteriTaksit; break; case "Ara Ödeme": payment.PaymentType = PaymentTypes.AraOdeme; payment.PaymentAccountingTypes = PaymentAccountingTypes.MusteriTaksit; break; default: break; } if (customerIdType == 1)// account { payment.Account = new EntityReference("account", customerId); } else if (customerIdType == 2)//contact { payment.Contact = new EntityReference("contact", customerId); } payment.PaymentDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dr["Vade Gün"]); payment.FinancialAccount = new EntityReference("new_financialaccount", financialAccount); TransactionCurrency tcurrency = CurrencyHelper.GetCurrencyByName(currencyType, sda); payment.Currency = new EntityReference("transactioncurrency", tcurrency.TransactionCurrencyId); payment.Quote = new EntityReference("quote", quoteId); switch (payment.PaymentType) { case PaymentTypes.BankaOdemesi: payment.Name = "Banka Ödemesi - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); break; case PaymentTypes.DuzenliTaksit: payment.Name = "Düzenli Taksit - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); break; case PaymentTypes.PesinOdeme: payment.Name = "Pesin Ödeme - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); break; case PaymentTypes.AraOdeme: payment.Name = "Ara Ödeme - " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); break; default: break; } PaymentHelper.CreateOrUpdatePayment(payment, service); sda.closeConnection(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { CustomService = new CrmService(); Console.WriteLine("Connection esteblished..."); List <TransactionCurrency> currencies = CustomService .XrmContext .TransactionCurrencySet .ToList(); List <ExchangeRateDTO> eRateDtos = DownloadRatesFile(); DateTime relevanceDate = GetRelevanceDate(eRateDtos.First()); DeactivateAllExchangeRates(CustomService, relevanceDate); decimal usdRate = findUsdToAznRate(eRateDtos); foreach (var rate in eRateDtos) { if (rate.IsoCode.ToUpper() == "USD") { rate.IsoCode = "AZN"; } TransactionCurrency currentCurrency = currencies .SingleOrDefault(x => x.ISOCurrencyCode.ToUpper() == rate.IsoCode.ToUpper()); if (currentCurrency == null) { continue; } sl_ExchangeRate newRate = new sl_ExchangeRate(); if (rate.IsoCode != "AZN") { newRate = new sl_ExchangeRate() { sl_RelevanceDate = relevanceDate, sl_TransactionCurrencyId = currentCurrency.ToEntityReference(), sl_ExchangeRate1 = 1 / decimal.Parse(rate.ExchangeValue.Replace('.', ',')) * usdRate, // eur/azn / usd/azn }; } else { newRate = new sl_ExchangeRate() { sl_RelevanceDate = relevanceDate, sl_TransactionCurrencyId = new EntityReference(TransactionCurrency.EntityLogicalName, currentCurrency.TransactionCurrencyId.Value), sl_ExchangeRate1 = decimal.Parse(rate.ExchangeValue.Replace('.', ',')) }; } CustomService.Create(newRate); Console.WriteLine("Created exchange rate of {0} = {1}", currentCurrency.ISOCurrencyCode, newRate.sl_ExchangeRate1); } Console.WriteLine("Update complete!"); }
private async Task UpdateExchangRates(LocalPluginContext localcontext) { ITracingService tracer = localcontext.TracingService; var currencyList = (from c in new XrmSvc(localcontext.OrganizationService).CreateQuery <TransactionCurrency>() select new TransactionCurrency { ISOCurrencyCode = c.ISOCurrencyCode, TransactionCurrencyId = c.TransactionCurrencyId }).ToArray(); var baseCurrency = "CAD"; var currencyISOCodes = string.Join(",", currencyList.Select(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode).Where(c => c != baseCurrency).ToArray()); tracer.Trace(currencyISOCodes.ToString()); //WebProxy oWebProxy = new System.Net.WebProxy("net-inspect-1.dhltd.corp:8080",true); //oWebProxy.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; //var httpClientHandler = new HttpClientHandler() //{ // Proxy = oWebProxy, //}; //if (true) //{ // httpClientHandler.PreAuthenticate = true; // httpClientHandler.UseDefaultCredentials = false; // // *** These creds are given to the web server, not the proxy server *** // //httpClientHandler.Credentials = new NetworkCredential( // // userName: serverUserName, // // password: serverPassword); //} using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient(/*handler:httpClientHandler, disposeHandler: true*/)) { //var requestUri = new Uri("" + String.Join(",", currencyISOCodes)); var requestUri = new Uri("" + String.Join(",", currencyISOCodes)); //var requestUri = new Uri("" + String.Join("_", currencyISOCodes)+ "&compact=y"); tracer.Trace(requestUri.ToString()); var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, requestUri); var response = await client.SendAsync(request); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Exchangerate service returned " + response); } var json = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result; var setting = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings() { UseSimpleDictionaryFormat = true }; ExchangeRateResult result = null; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(json))) { var serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ExchangeRateResult), setting); result = (ExchangeRateResult)serializer.ReadObject(ms); } foreach (var currency in currencyList.Where(c => c.ISOCurrencyCode != baseCurrency)) { if (result.rates.Keys.Contains(currency.ISOCurrencyCode)) { var update = new TransactionCurrency { TransactionCurrencyId = currency.TransactionCurrencyId, ExchangeRate = (decimal?)result.rates[currency.ISOCurrencyCode] }; localcontext.OrganizationService.Update(update); } } } }