Esempio n. 1
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Anisou> anisou1, IList <Vector> C2, HPack <double> optEnergy = null)
                int size = C1.Count;

                HDebug.Assert(size == C1.Count, size == C2.Count);

                Vector[] C1s   = C1.ToArray().Clone(3);
                Vector[] C2s   = C2.ToArray().Clone(3);
                double[] W1s   = new double[size * 3];
                double[] enrgs = new double[size * 3];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[0] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 0] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[0] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[0];
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[1] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 1] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[1] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[1];
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[2] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 2] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[2] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[2];
                    enrgs[i * 3 + 0] = enrgs[i * 3 + 1] = enrgs[i * 3 + 2] = double.NaN;

                //Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);
                Trans3 trans    = new Trans3(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);// = transICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, W1s);
                int    iter     = 0;
                int    iter_max = 1000;

                //double enrg = double.NaN;
                while (iter < iter_max)
                    Vector[] C2sUpdated = trans.GetTransformed(C2s);

                    //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, size, delegate(int i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            Vector planeNormal = anisou1[i].axes[j];
                            Vector planeBase   = C1[i];
                            Vector query       = C2sUpdated[i * 3 + j];
                            Vector closest     = query - LinAlg.DotProd(planeNormal, query - planeBase) * planeNormal;
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(closest - planeBase, planeNormal));
                            C1s[i * 3 + j]   = closest;
                            enrgs[i * 3 + j] = W1s[i * 3 + j] * (query - closest).Dist2;
                    Trans3 dtrans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2sUpdated, C1s, W1s);
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, dtrans);
                    double max_dtrans_matrix = (dtrans.TransformMatrix - LinAlg.Eye(4)).ToArray().HAbs().HMax();
                    if (max_dtrans_matrix < 0.0000001)

                if (optEnergy != null)
                    optEnergy.value = enrgs.Sum() / size;

Esempio n. 2
            public static void WriteResult(string pdbid, List <Pdb.Atom>[] ensemble, List <Trans3[]> trajtrans, string pathroot)
                List <Pdb.Atom> atoms = ensemble[0];

                int    size               = ensemble[0].Count;
                double bfactor0_min       = double.PositiveInfinity;
                double bfactor0_max       = double.NegativeInfinity;
                double anisou_eigvalthres = 0.00001 * 0.00001;
                    Trans3[]        trans     = trajtrans.First();
                    List <Vector>[] lensemble = new List <Vector> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ensemble.Length; i++)
                        lensemble[i] = new List <Vector>(trans[i].GetTransformed(ensemble[i].ListCoord()));
                    Vector[] coords   = new Vector[size];
                    Anisou[] anisous  = new Anisou[size];
                    double[] bfactors = new double[size];
                    DetermineMeanConf(lensemble, coords);
                    DetermineThrmlFluc(lensemble, coords, anisous, bfactors, anisou_eigvalthres);
                    List <double>[] bfactorss = new List <double> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < bfactorss.Length; i++)
                        bfactorss[i] = new List <double>(bfactors);

                    List <int> idxCa = atoms.IndexOfAtoms(atoms.SelectByName("CA"));
                    bfactor0_min = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMinNth(idxCa.Count / 10);
                    bfactor0_max = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMaxNth(idxCa.Count / 10);

                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.pdb", atoms, lensemble, bfactorss);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.1.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.10.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.100.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(100), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.1000.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.10000.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                int    iter         = trajtrans.Count - 1;
                double bfactorn_min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                double bfactorn_max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                    Trans3[] trans = new Trans3[ensemble.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++)
                        trans[j] = Trans3.UnitTrans;
                    for (int i = 0; i < trajtrans.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++)
                            trans[j] = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans[j], trajtrans[i][j]);

                    List <Vector>[] lensemble = new List <Vector> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ensemble.Length; i++)
                        lensemble[i] = new List <Vector>(trans[i].GetTransformed(ensemble[i].ListCoord()));
                    Vector[] coords   = new Vector[size];
                    Anisou[] anisous  = new Anisou[size];
                    double[] bfactors = new double[size];
                    DetermineMeanConf(lensemble, coords);
                    DetermineThrmlFluc(lensemble, coords, anisous, bfactors, anisou_eigvalthres);
                    List <double>[] bfactorss = new List <double> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < bfactorss.Length; i++)
                        bfactorss[i] = new List <double>(bfactors);

                    List <int> idxCa = atoms.IndexOfAtoms(atoms.SelectByName("CA"));
                    bfactorn_min = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMinNth(idxCa.Count / 10);
                    bfactorn_max = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMaxNth(idxCa.Count / 10);

                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, lensemble, bfactorss);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.100.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(100), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1000.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10000.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    string[] lines = new string[] { @"load ensemble.{init}.pdb,              {init}.align"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.10.pdb,    {init}.anisou.10"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.100.pdb,   {init}.anisou.100"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.1000.pdb,  {init}.anisou.1000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.10000.pdb, {init}.anisou.10000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.pdb,              {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10.pdb,    {finl}.anisou.10"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.100.pdb,   {finl}.anisou.100"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1000.pdb,  {finl}.anisou.1000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10000.pdb, {finl}.anisou.10000"
                                                    , @"load ..\theseus\{pdbid}_theseus_sup.pdb, theseus"
                                                    , @"align theseus, {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"orient {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"zoom {finl}.align"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"select sele, name ca and ({init}.anisou.* or {finl}.anisou.*)"
                                                    , @"hide everything"
                                                    , @"show ellipsoids, sele"
                                                    , @"delete sele"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"cartoon loop"
                                                    , @"set cartoon_loop_radius, 0.1"
                                                    , @"set all_states"
                                                    , @"show cartoon, {init}.align or {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"show cartoon, theseus"
                                                    , @"disable all"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"spectrum b, rainbow, minimum={bfactor-min}, maximum={bfactor-max}"
                                                    , @"spectrum b, rainbow, minimum=0, maximum=50"
                                                    , @"show line"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{init}-line.png;  disable {init}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{finl}-line.png;  disable {finl}.align;"
                                                    , @"hide line"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{init}.png;  disable {init}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{finl}.png;  disable {finl}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable theseus;      png ..\{pdbid}-theseus.png; disable theseus;"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"enable theseus" };
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{init}", "000");
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000"));
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{pdbid}", pdbid);
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{bfactor-min}", bfactorn_min.ToString());
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{bfactor-max}", bfactorn_max.ToString());

                    string pmlpath = pathroot + "align.pml";
                    HFile.WriteAllLines(pmlpath, lines);

                        HFile.AppendAllLines(pmlpath, "quit");
                        string curdirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                        string pmldirectory = pmlpath.Substring(0, pmlpath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = pmldirectory;
                        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo pymolStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\PyMOL\PyMOL\PymolWin.exe ", "\"" + pmlpath + "\"");
                        pymolStartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
                        System.Diagnostics.Process pymol = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pymolStartInfo);
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = curdirectory;
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(pmlpath, lines);
                        List <string> lines_notheseus = new List <string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                            if (lines[i].Contains("theseus") == false)
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(pathroot + "align.notheseus.pml", lines);
Esempio n. 3
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Anisou> anisou1, IList <Vector> C2, IList <Anisou> anisou2, HPack <double> optEnergy = null)
                int size = C1.Count;

                HDebug.Assert(size == C1.Count, size == C2.Count);

                Vector[] srcs = new Vector[size * 3 * 2]; // sources
                Vector[] tars = new Vector[size * 3 * 2]; // targets
                double[] weis = new double[size * 3 * 2]; // weights
                double[] engs = new double[size * 3 * 2]; // energies

                //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[0] >= 0); W1s[i*3+0] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[0] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[0];
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[1] >= 0); W1s[i*3+1] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[1] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[1];
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[2] >= 0); W1s[i*3+2] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[2] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[2];
                //    enrgs[i*3+0] = enrgs[i*3+1] = enrgs[i*3+2] = double.NaN;

                //Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);
                Trans3 trans    = new Trans3(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);// = transICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, W1s);
                int    iter     = 0;
                int    iter_max = 1000;

                //double enrg = double.NaN;
                while (iter < iter_max)

                    //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, size, delegate(int i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            Vector p1 = C1[i];
                            Vector n1 = anisou1[i].axes[j];
                            double w1 = anisou1[i].eigvals[j]; w1 = (w1 <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / w1;

                            Vector p2 = trans.DoTransform(C2[i]);
                            Vector n2 = (trans.DoTransform(C2[i] + anisou2[i].axes[j]) - p2).UnitVector();
                            double w2 = anisou2[i].eigvals[j]; w2 = (w2 <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / w2;

                            Vector clo12 = p2 - LinAlg.DotProd(n1, p2 - p1) * n1; // closest point from p1 to plane2
                            Vector clo21 = p1 - LinAlg.DotProd(n2, p1 - p2) * n2; // closest point from p1 to plane2
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(clo12 - p1, n1));
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(clo21 - p2, n2));

                            // p2 -> (pt closest to p2 on plane1 with w1)
                            srcs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = p2;
                            tars[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = clo12;
                            weis[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = w1;
                            engs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = w1 * (p2 - clo12).Dist2;
                            // inverse of {p1 -> (pt closest to p1 on plane2 with w2)}
                            // = (pt closest to p1 on plane2 with w2) -> p1
                            srcs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = clo21;
                            tars[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = p1;
                            weis[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = w2;
                            engs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = w2 * (clo21 - p1).Dist2;
                    Trans3 dtrans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(srcs, tars, weis);
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, dtrans);
                    double max_dtrans_matrix = (dtrans.TransformMatrix - LinAlg.Eye(4)).ToArray().HAbs().HMax();
                    if (max_dtrans_matrix < 0.0000001)

                if (optEnergy != null)
                    optEnergy.value = engs.Sum() / size;

Esempio n. 4
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <double> bfactor, IList <Vector> C2)
                Trans3 trans;

                double[] weight = new double[bfactor.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < weight.Length; i++)
                        weight[i] = 1.0 / bfactor[i];
                    int size = C1.Count;

                    Vector MassCenter1 = new double[3];
                    Vector MassCenter2 = new double[3];
                        double weight_sum = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            weight_sum  += weight[i];
                            MassCenter1 += weight[i] * C1[i];
                            MassCenter2 += weight[i] * C2[i];
                        MassCenter1 = MassCenter1 / weight_sum;
                        MassCenter2 = MassCenter2 / weight_sum;
                    Vector[] nc1 = new Vector[size];
                    Vector[] nc2 = new Vector[size];
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            nc1[i] = C1[i] - MassCenter1;
                            nc2[i] = C2[i] - MassCenter2;
                    Quaternion rot  = ICP3.OptimalRotationWeighted(nc2, nc1, weight);
                    Quaternion urot = Quaternion.UnitRotation;

                    Trans3 trans1 = new Trans3(-MassCenter2, 1, urot);
                    Trans3 trans2 = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, rot);
                    Trans3 trans3 = new Trans3(MassCenter1, 1, urot);

                    trans = trans1;
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(Trans3.AppendTrans(trans1, trans2), trans3);

                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, trans.DoTransform(MassCenter2) - MassCenter1);

                //  /// original source
                //  {
                //      trans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, weight);
                //      if(HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                //      {
                //          Vector[] C2updated = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                //          double RMSD0 = 0;
                //          double RMSD1 = 0;
                //          for(int i=0; i<C1.Count; i++)
                //          {
                //              RMSD0 += (C1[i]-C2[i]).Dist2;
                //              RMSD1 += (C1[i]-C2updated[i]).Dist2;
                //          }
                //          HDebug.Assert(RMSD1 <= RMSD0);
                //      }
                //      return trans;
                //  }