Esempio n. 1
        static private void EulerStep(
            double dt,
            Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, // in world space but relative to body.position
            Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
            Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t,
            BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
            out Vector3d steer,
            out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle,
            out Vector3d out_r, out Vector3d out_v)
            double y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            // Get steer and throttle
            bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;

            if (controller != null)
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, true, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                // Stop throttle so we don't take off again in timestep, dt
                // TODO - Fix HACK!!
                if (y < controller.TgtAlt + 50)
                    throttle = 0;

            Vector3d Ft =;

            if (throttle > 0)
                Ft = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));

            // TODO: Do repeated calls to GetForces() mess up PID controllers which updates their internal estimates?
            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);
            if (aeroModel == null)
                Debug.Log("EulerStep() - No aeroModel");
            Vector3d F = aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor + Ft;
            Vector3d a = F / totalMass + g;

            out_r = r + v * dt + 0.5 * a * dt * dt;
            out_v = v + a * dt;
Esempio n. 2
        static private Vector3d GetForces(Vessel vessel, Vector3d r, Vector3d v, Vector3d att, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust,
                                          Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, double t, double dt,
                                          BLController controller, Vector3d tgt_r, double aeroFudgeFactor,
                                          out Vector3d steer, out Vector3d vel_air, out double throttle)
            Vector3d F =;
            double   y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

            steer    = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);
            throttle = 0;

            // gravity
            double   R = r.magnitude;
            Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

            float      lastAng     = (float)((-1) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
            Quaternion lastBodyRot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lastAng, body.angularVelocity.normalized);

            vel_air = v - body.getRFrmVel(r + body.position);

            if (controller != null)
                bool bailOutLandingBurn = true;
                bool simulate           = true;
                bool landingGear;
                controller.GetControlOutputs(vessel, totalMass, r, v, att, minThrust, maxThrust, t, body, simulate, out throttle, out steer, out landingGear, bailOutLandingBurn);
                if (throttle > 0)
                    F = steer * (minThrust + throttle * (maxThrust - minThrust));
                att = steer;                                                          // assume attitude is always correct
            F = F + aeroModel.GetForces(body, r, vel_air, Math.PI) * aeroFudgeFactor; // retrograde

            F = F + g * totalMass;

 public BLController(BLController v) : base()
     phase                  = v.phase;
     vessel                 = v.vessel;
     tgtLatitude            = v.tgtLatitude;
     tgtLongitude           = v.tgtLongitude;
     tgtAlt                 = v.tgtAlt;
     lowestY                = v.lowestY;
     reentryBurnAlt         = v.reentryBurnAlt;
     reentryBurnMaxAoA      = v.reentryBurnMaxAoA;
     reentryBurnSteerKp     = v.reentryBurnSteerKp;
     reentryBurnTargetSpeed = v.reentryBurnTargetSpeed;
     aeroModel              = v.aeroModel;
     aeroDescentSteerKp     = v.aeroDescentSteerKp;
     landingBurnHeight      = v.landingBurnHeight;
     landingBurnAMax        = v.landingBurnAMax;
     landingBurnSteerKp     = v.landingBurnSteerKp;
     landingBurnEngines     = v.landingBurnEngines;
     suicideFactor          = v.suicideFactor;
     targetError            = v.targetError;
     igniteDelay            = v.igniteDelay;
     noSteerHeight          = v.noSteerHeight;
     setLandingEnginesDone  = false;
Esempio n. 4
        // Simulate trajectory to ground and work out point to fire landing burn assuming air resistance will help slow the vessel down
        // This point will be MUCH later than thrust would be applied minus air resistance
        // Height is used to mean the height above the target altitude
        static public double CalculateLandingBurnHeight(double tgtAlt, Vector3d r, Vector3d v, Vessel vessel, double totalMass, double minThrust, double maxThrust, Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body,
                                                        BLController controller = null, double maxT = 600, string filename = "", double suicideFactor = 0.8f)
            double   T    = 0;
            double   y    = r.magnitude - body.Radius;
            double   amin = minThrust / totalMass;
            double   amax = maxThrust / totalMass;
            double   LandingBurnHeight = -1;
            Vector3d att = -Vector3d.Normalize(v);

            double touchdownSpeed = 2;

            System.IO.StreamWriter f = null;
            if (filename != "")
                f = new System.IO.StreamWriter(filename);
                f.WriteLine("time y vy dvy");

            double dt = dt_aero; // was 0.5

            while ((y > tgtAlt) && (T < maxT))
                y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

                // Get all forces, i.e. aero-dynamic and thrust
                Vector3d steer, vel_air;
                double   throttle;
                double   aeroFudgeFactor = 1;
                // Need to simulate reentry burn to get reduced mass and less velocity
                // could probably approximation this well without much effort though
                Vector3d F = GetForces(vessel, r, v, -Vector3d.Normalize(v), totalMass, minThrust, maxThrust, aeroModel, body, T, dt, null,, aeroFudgeFactor, out steer, out vel_air, out throttle);

                double   R = r.magnitude;
                Vector3d g = r * (-body.gravParameter / (R * R * R));

                // Calculate suicide burn velocity
                //Debug.Log("[BoosterGuidance g=" + g);
                double av = amax - g.magnitude;
                if (av < 0)
                    av = 0.1; // pretend we have more thrust to look like we are doing something rather than giving up!!
                // dvy in 2 seconds time (allowing time for engine start up)
                double dvy = Math.Sqrt((1 + suicideFactor) * av * (y - tgtAlt)) + touchdownSpeed;

                // Find latest point when velocity is less than desired velocity
                // as it means it is too high in the next time step meaning this is the time to
                // apply landing burn thrust
                if (dvy > vel_air.magnitude)
                    LandingBurnHeight = y - tgtAlt;
                if (f != null)
                    f.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1:F1} {2:F1} {3:F1}", T, y, vel_air.magnitude, dvy));

                // Equations of motion
                Vector3d a = (F / totalMass);
                r = r + v * dt + 0.5 * a * dt * dt;
                v = v + a * dt;

                T = T + dt;
            if (T > maxT)
                Debug.Log("[BoosterGuidance] Simulation time exceeds maxT=" + maxT);
            if (f != null)
                f.WriteLine("# LandingBurnHeight=" + LandingBurnHeight + " amax=" + amax);
Esempio n. 5
        static public Vector3d ToGround(double tgtAlt, Vessel vessel, Trajectories.VesselAerodynamicModel aeroModel, CelestialBody body, BLController controller,
                                        Vector3d tgt_r, out double T, string logFilename = "", Transform logTransform = null, double timeOffset = 0, double maxT = 600)
        // Changes step size, dt, based on the amount of deacceleration forces, aero or thrust and winds back to choose smaller timesteps
            float      ang;
            Quaternion bodyRotation;

            System.IO.StreamWriter f = null;
            if (logFilename != "")
                f = new System.IO.StreamWriter(logFilename);
                f.WriteLine("time x y z vx vy vz ax ay az att_err target_error total_mass");
                f.WriteLine("# tgtAlt=" + tgtAlt);

            T = 0;
            Vector3d          r = vessel.GetWorldPos3D() - body.position;
            Vector3d          v = vessel.GetObtVelocity();
            Vector3d          a =;
            Vector3d          last_r = r;
            Vector3d          last_v = v;
            BLControllerPhase last_phase = controller.phase;
            double            minThrust, maxThrust;
            double            totalMass = vessel.totalMass;

            // Initially thrust is for all operational engines
            KSPUtils.ComputeMinMaxThrust(vessel, out minThrust, out maxThrust);
            double y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;
            // TODO: att should be supplied as vessel transform will be wrong in simulation
            Vector3d att         = new Vector3d(vessel.transform.up.x, vessel.transform.up.y, vessel.transform.up.z);
            double   targetError = 0;

            if (controller != null)
                // Take target error from previously calculated trajectory
                // We would know this at the end but can't wait until then
                targetError = controller.targetError;

            // Use small dt all the way when below 5000m
            double dt_max = (y > 5000) ? dt_space : 1;
            double dt     = dt_max;
            double last_T = T;

            while ((y > tgtAlt) && (T < maxT))
                y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;
                double dy = (r + v * dt).magnitude - body.Radius - y;

                if (y + dy < controller.reentryBurnAlt)
                    dt = dt_reentry;

                if ((controller.phase == BLControllerPhase.AeroDescent) || (controller.phase == BLControllerPhase.LandingBurn))
                    dt = Math.Min(dt_aero, dt_max);

                if (f != null)
                    // NOTE: Cancel out rotation of planet
                    ang = (float)((-T) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
                    // Rotation 1 second earlier
                    float prevang = (float)((-(T - 1)) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
                    // Consider body rotation at this time
                    bodyRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(ang, body.angularVelocity.normalized);
                    Quaternion prevbodyRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(prevang, body.angularVelocity.normalized);
                    Vector3d   tr  = bodyRotation * r;
                    Vector3d   tr1 = prevbodyRotation * r;
                    Vector3d   tr2 = bodyRotation * (r + v);
                    Vector3d   ta  = bodyRotation * a;
                    tr = logTransform.InverseTransformPoint(tr + body.position);
                    Vector3d tv = logTransform.InverseTransformVector(tr2 - tr1);
                    ta = logTransform.InverseTransformVector(ta);
                    f.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1:F5} {2:F5} {3:F5} {4:F5} {5:F5} {6:F5} {7:F1} {8:F1} {9:F1} 0 {10:F2} {11:F2}", T + timeOffset, tr.x, tr.y, tr.z, tv.x, tv.y, tv.z, ta.x, ta.y, ta.z, targetError, totalMass));

                if ((y < body.atmosphereDepth) || (y < controller.reentryBurnAlt + 1500 * dt))
                    dt = Math.Min(dt, 2);

                Vector3d vel_air;
                Vector3d steer;
                double   throttle;
                double   aeroFudgeFactor = 1.05; // Assume aero forces 5% higher which causes overshoot of target and more vertical final descent
                Vector3d out_r;
                Vector3d out_v;
                // Compute time step change in r and v
                EulerStep(dt, vessel, r, v, att, totalMass, minThrust, maxThrust, aeroModel, body, T, controller, tgt_r, aeroFudgeFactor, out steer, out vel_air, out throttle, out out_r, out out_v);

                y = r.magnitude - body.Radius;

                att = steer; // assume can turn immediately

                last_phase = controller.phase;
                last_r     = r;
                last_v     = v;
                last_T     = T;
                r          = out_r;
                v          = out_v;

                T = T + dt;
            if (T > maxT)
                Debug.Log("[BoosterGuidance] Simulation time exceeds maxT=" + maxT);

            // Correct to point of intersect on surface
            double vy = Vector3d.Dot(last_v, Vector3d.Normalize(r));
            double p  = 0;

            if (vy < -0.1)
                p = (tgtAlt - y) / -vy; // Backup proportion
                r = r - last_v * p;
                T = T - p;
            if (f != null)

            // Compensate for body rotation giving world position in the surface point now
            // that would be hit in the future
            ang          = (float)((-T) * body.angularVelocity.magnitude / Math.PI * 180.0);
            bodyRotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(ang, body.angularVelocity.normalized);
            r            = bodyRotation * r;
 public void AttachVessel(Vessel a_vessel, bool useFAR = false)
     vessel    = a_vessel;
     aeroModel = Trajectories.AerodynamicModelFactory.GetModel(vessel, vessel.mainBody, useFAR);
     lowestY   = KSPUtils.FindLowestPointOnVessel(vessel);