Esempio n. 1
        public TrailerDto Get(int id)
            //Repo dependencies
            IRepo <Trailer>  trailerRepo  = this.unitOfWork.TrailerRepo;
            IRepo <Location> locationRepo = this.unitOfWork.LocationRepo;

            //Get trailer from repo
            Trailer trailer = trailerRepo.Get(id);

            //Ensure trailer exists
            if (trailer == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException();

            //Get location from repo
            Location location = locationRepo.Get(trailer.LocationId);

            //Create dto
            TrailerDto dto = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(trailer);

            if (location != null)
                dto.Location = Mapper.Map <LocationDto>(location);

            //Return dto
Esempio n. 2
 public static void Compare(
     TrailerDto expected,
     TrailerDto actual,
     bool idEqual              = true,
     bool deletedEqual         = true,
     bool locationIdEqual      = true,
     bool locationDeletedEqual = true
         idEqual: locationIdEqual,
         deletedEqual: locationDeletedEqual
     if (idEqual)
         Assert.AreEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
         Assert.AreNotEqual(expected.Id, actual.Id);
     if (deletedEqual)
         Assert.AreEqual(expected.Deleted, actual.Deleted);
         Assert.AreNotEqual(expected.Deleted, actual.Deleted);
Esempio n. 3
        public HttpResponseMessage Update([FromBody] TrailerDto dto)
            TrailerDto resDtos = this.trailerService.Update(dto);

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, resDtos));
Esempio n. 4
        public void GetNonexistentTrailer()
            //Mock context
            Mock <FortuneDbContext> mockContext = new Mock <FortuneDbContext>();

            //Mock repos
            Mock <IRepo <Location> > mockLocationRepo = new Mock <IRepo <Location> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >  mockTrailerRepo  = new Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Load> >     mockLoadRepo     = new Mock <IRepo <Load> >();

            //Test id
            int testId = 111111;

            //Mock call
            mockTrailerRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(testId)).Returns <Trailer>(null);

            //Unit of work
            Mock <IUnitOfWork> mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.LocationRepo).Returns(mockLocationRepo.Object);
            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.TrailerRepo).Returns(mockTrailerRepo.Object);

            //Trailer service
            ITrailerService trailerService = new TrailerService(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            TrailerDto dto = trailerService.Get(testId);
Esempio n. 5
        public void UpdateTrailer()

            //Mock context
            Mock <FortuneDbContext> mockContext = new Mock <FortuneDbContext>();

            //Mock repos
            Mock <IRepo <Location> > mockLocationRepo = new Mock <IRepo <Location> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >  mockTrailerRepo  = new Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Load> >     mockLoadRepo     = new Mock <IRepo <Load> >();

            //Test location
            Location testLocation = new Location
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Deleted = false,
                Name    = "TEST"

            //Test trailer
            Trailer testTrailer = new Trailer
                Id         = 111111,
                Deleted    = false,
                LocationId = testLocation.Id
            TrailerDto testDto = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(testTrailer);

            testDto.Location = Mapper.Map <LocationDto>(testLocation);

            //Mock calls
            mockLocationRepo.Setup(x => x.Exists(It.Is <Guid>(y => y == testLocation.Id))).Returns(true);
            mockLocationRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(It.Is <Guid>(y => y == testLocation.Id))).Returns(testLocation);
            mockTrailerRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(testTrailer.Id)).Returns(testTrailer);

            //Unit of work
            Mock <IUnitOfWork> mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.LocationRepo).Returns(mockLocationRepo.Object);
            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.TrailerRepo).Returns(mockTrailerRepo.Object);

            //Trailer service
            ITrailerService trailerService = new TrailerService(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            TrailerDto dto = trailerService.Update(testDto);

            TestUtil.Compare(testDto, dto);
Esempio n. 6
        public TrailerDto Add(TrailerDto dto)
            //Repo dependencies
            IRepo <Location> locationRepo = this.unitOfWork.LocationRepo;
            IRepo <Trailer>  trailerRepo  = this.unitOfWork.TrailerRepo;

            //Get location
            Location location = locationRepo.Get(dto.Location.Id);

            //Ensure location exists
            if (location == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException();

            //Check if trailer trailer exists
            //  If it does, check if it has been soft-deleted
            //      If so, restore it
            //      Else throw exception
            //  Else add new trailer
            Trailer trailer = trailerRepo.Get(dto.Id);

            if (trailer == null)
                trailer = Mapper.Map <Trailer>(dto);
            else if (trailer.Deleted)
                trailer.Deleted    = false;
                trailer.LocationId = dto.Location.Id;
                throw new AlreadyExistsException();

            //Create dto
            dto          = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(trailer);
            dto.Location = Mapper.Map <LocationDto>(location);

            //Return dto
Esempio n. 7
        public void DeleteNonexistentTrailer()

            //Mock context
            Mock <FortuneDbContext> mockContext = new Mock <FortuneDbContext>();

            //Mock repos
            Mock <IRepo <Location> > mockLocationRepo = new Mock <IRepo <Location> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >  mockTrailerRepo  = new Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Load> >     mockLoadRepo     = new Mock <IRepo <Load> >();

            //Test location
            Location testLocation = new Location
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Deleted = false,
                Name    = "TEST"

            //Test trailer
            Trailer testTrailer = new Trailer
                Id         = 111111,
                Deleted    = false,
                LocationId = testLocation.Id
            TrailerDto testDto = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(testTrailer);

            //Mock call
            mockTrailerRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(testTrailer.Id)).Returns <Trailer>(null);

            //Unit of work
            Mock <IUnitOfWork> mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.LocationRepo).Returns(mockLocationRepo.Object);
            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.TrailerRepo).Returns(mockTrailerRepo.Object);

            //Trailer service
            ITrailerService trailerService = new TrailerService(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

Esempio n. 8
        public TrailerDto Update(TrailerDto dto)
            //Repo dependencies
            IRepo <Location> locationRepo = this.unitOfWork.LocationRepo;
            IRepo <Trailer>  trailerRepo  = this.unitOfWork.TrailerRepo;

            //Get location
            Location location = locationRepo.Get(dto.Location.Id);

            //Ensure location exists
            if (location == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException();

            //Get trailer from repo
            Trailer trailer = trailerRepo.Get(dto.Id);

            //Ensure trailer exists
            if (trailer == null)
                throw new DoesNotExistException();

            //Update trailer
            trailer.LocationId = dto.Location.Id;
            trailer.Deleted    = dto.Deleted;
            trailer.RowVersion = dto.RowVersion;

            //Create dto
            dto          = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(trailer);
            dto.Location = Mapper.Map <LocationDto>(location);

            //Return dto
Esempio n. 9
        public HttpResponseMessage Get(int id)
            TrailerDto resDto = this.trailerService.Get(id);

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, resDto));
Esempio n. 10
        public void UpdateNonexistantLoad()

            //Mock context
            Mock <FortuneDbContext> mockContext = new Mock <FortuneDbContext>();

            //Mock repos
            Mock <IRepo <Location> > mockLocationRepo = new Mock <IRepo <Location> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >  mockTrailerRepo  = new Mock <IRepo <Trailer> >();
            Mock <IRepo <Load> >     mockLoadRepo     = new Mock <IRepo <Load> >();

            //Test location
            Location testLocation = new Location
                Deleted = false,
                Id      = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Name    = "TEST LOCATION"
            LocationDto testLocationDto = Mapper.Map <LocationDto>(testLocation);

            //Test Trailer
            Trailer testTrailer = new Trailer
                Deleted    = false,
                Id         = 1,
                LocationId = testLocation.Id
            TrailerDto testTrailerDto = Mapper.Map <TrailerDto>(testTrailer);

            testTrailerDto.Location = testLocationDto;

            //Test Load
            Load testLoad = new Load
                Appointment   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ArrivalTime   = DateTime.UtcNow,
                CfNum         = 1,
                Deleted       = false,
                DepartureTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                DestinationId = testLocation.Id,
                Id            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                OriginId      = testLocation.Id,
                PuNum         = 1,
                Status        = LoadStatus.InTransit,
                TrailerId     = testTrailer.Id,
                Type          = LoadType.Inbound
            LoadDto testLoadDto = Mapper.Map <LoadDto>(testLoad);

            testLoadDto.Trailer     = testTrailerDto;
            testLoadDto.Origin      = testLocationDto;
            testLoadDto.Destination = testLocationDto;

            //Mock Calls
            mockLoadRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(It.Is <Guid>(y => y == testLoad.Id))).Returns <Load>(null);
            mockTrailerRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(testTrailer.Id)).Returns(testTrailer);
            mockLocationRepo.Setup(x => x.Get(It.Is <Guid>(y => y == testLocation.Id))).Returns(testLocation);

            //Mock unit of work
            Mock <IUnitOfWork> mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>();

            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.LocationRepo).Returns(mockLocationRepo.Object);
            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.TrailerRepo).Returns(mockTrailerRepo.Object);
            mockUnitOfWork.SetupGet(x => x.LoadRepo).Returns(mockLoadRepo.Object);

            //Load service
            LoadService loadService = new LoadService(mockUnitOfWork.Object);

            LoadDto dto = loadService.Update(testLoadDto);