Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取大交通
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="StartCityName">出发城市</param>
        /// <param name="trafficType">交通</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected string GetBigTraffic(string StartCityName, TrafficType trafficType, string EndCityName, TrafficType endTraffic)
            string traffic = string.Empty;

            traffic = StartCityName + trafficType.ToString() + "出发 " + endTraffic.ToString() + EndCityName + " 回";
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //Find all possible routes from current spawn location
        List <RoutesList> possibleRoutes = null;

        switch (VehicleType)
        case TrafficType.Car:
            possibleRoutes = FindObjectOfType <TrafficSpawner>().CarRoutes.Where(r => r.From == spawnLocation).ToList();

        case TrafficType.Train:
            possibleRoutes = FindObjectOfType <TrafficSpawner>().TrainRoutes.Where(r => r.From == spawnLocation).ToList();

        case TrafficType.Boat:
            possibleRoutes = FindObjectOfType <TrafficSpawner>().BoatRoutes.Where(r => r.From == spawnLocation).ToList();

        case TrafficType.Bicycle:
            possibleRoutes = FindObjectOfType <TrafficSpawner>().CyclistRoutes.Where(r => r.From == spawnLocation).ToList();
            hasAnimations  = true;
            animator       = GetComponent <Animator>();

        case TrafficType.Pedestrian:
            possibleRoutes = FindObjectOfType <TrafficSpawner>().PedestrianRoutes.Where(r => r.From == spawnLocation).ToList();
            hasAnimations  = true;
            animator       = GetComponent <Animator>();

        //Select random route if there are valid routes
        if (possibleRoutes != null)
            var index = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, possibleRoutes.Count - 1);
            route = possibleRoutes[index];
        else //No valid routes found
            Debug.LogError($"ERROR: Failed to create route for vehicle type: {VehicleType.ToString()}");

        //Set first waypoint
        nextWaypoint = route.Route[waypointIndex];

        //Set correct rotation facing the target location
        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(nextWaypoint.transform.position - transform.position, Vector3.up);

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 1000);
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts listening in an infinite loop for incomming connections from RegistrarClient. Here are the
        /// scenarios:
        ///   Client Request                    Client Status in Table        Table Action     Server Response to Client
        ///   -------------------               ----------------------        ------------     -------------------------
        /// 1 Msg(Join,GIP,GP,N)              (CIP, GIP, GP) entry NOT FOUND     Insert     Msg(Confirm,GIP,GP,RndConfirmNum)
        /// 2 Msg(Join,GIP,GP,N)               (CIP, GIP, GP) entry FOUND         None      Msg(ReConfirm,GIP,GP,FoundConfirmNum)
        /// 3 Msg(Leave,GIP,GP,ConfirmNum)      Entry Found ConirmNum match      Delete     Msg(Confirm,GIP,GP,FoundConfirmNum)
        /// 4 Msg(Leave,GIP,GP,ConfirmNum)     Entry Found ConirmNum mismatch     None      Msg(ConfirmNumMismatchError,0,0,0)
        /// 5 Msg(Leave,GIP,GP,ConfirmNum)          Entry Not Found               None      Msg(LeaveWithoutJoinError,0,0,0)
        /// 6 Msg(Leave,GIP,GP,ConfirmNum)          Lookup Error                  None      Msg(UnknownError,0,0,0)
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            TrafficType traffTypes = TrafficType.None;

            if (idxRSThreadTypeData < ThreadTypeData.Length)
                lock (ThreadTypeData)
                    traffTypes = ThreadTypeData[idxRSThreadTypeData];
                    System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "Reflector_RegistrarServer_" + traffTypes.ToString();
                throw new Exception("Number of created threads exceed the number of thread types defined.");

            IPEndPoint localEP;

            if ((traffTypes & TrafficType.IPv6) == TrafficType.IPv6)
                localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.IPv6Any, ReflectorMgr.RegistrarServerPort);
                localEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, ReflectorMgr.RegistrarServerPort);

            // Initializing the TCP server
            NetworkStream netStream;

            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
            Object          obj;

            RegisterMessage regMsg, regMsgResponse;

            // Initializing the TcpListener

            TcpListener tcpL = new TcpListener(localEP);

            if ((traffTypes & TrafficType.IPv6) == TrafficType.IPv6)
                tcpLv6 = tcpL;
                tcpLv4 = tcpL;

            Socket srvS = null;

            // An inifinite loop which works as follows:
            //  1. Block until a connection arrives.
            //   2. If it is a join request
            //       Lookup (ClientIP,GroupIP,GroupPort) and send back Confirm or ReConfirm
            //   2. If it is a leave request
            //       Lookup (ClientIP,GroupIP,GroupPort) and if exist send back Confirm or ConfirmNumMismatch
            //                                               if not exist send back LeaveWithoutJoinError
            //                                               if unknown error send back UnknownError
            //   2. If neither join nor leave
            //       send back InvalidRequest
            //  3. Close the connection.
            while (true)
                    srvS = tcpL.AcceptSocket();                                                // Can't use AcceptTcpClient since the client information is protected

                    netStream = new NetworkStream(srvS, System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite, true); //Getting a network stream so I can serialize the class into it.

                    // Getting the request Object from stream
                    obj    = bf.Deserialize(netStream);
                    regMsg = (RegisterMessage)obj;

                    eventLog.WriteEntry("RegistrarServer: Received Request:" + regMsg.ToString(),
                                        EventLogEntryType.Information, (int)ReflectorEventLog.ID.JoinLeave);

                    switch (regMsg.msgType)
                    case MessageType.Join:
                        // Processing Join Request
                        regMsgResponse = ProcessJoinRequest(regMsg, ((IPEndPoint)srvS.RemoteEndPoint).Address);

                    case MessageType.Leave:
                        // Processing Leave Request
                        regMsgResponse = ProcessLeaveRequest(regMsg, ((IPEndPoint)srvS.RemoteEndPoint).Address);

                    default:     // Invalid Message Type
                        regMsgResponse = new RegisterMessage(MessageType.InvalidRequest, IPAddress.Any);

                    bf.Serialize(netStream, regMsgResponse);

                // On stopping the service, avoid the AbortException written in the event viewer
                catch (ThreadAbortException) {}
                catch (Exception e)
                    eventLog.WriteEntry("RegistrarServer: Network Error while receiving/sending request message. Client: "
                                        + ((srvS != null)?((IPEndPoint)srvS.RemoteEndPoint).ToString():"") + " " + e.ToString(),
                                        EventLogEntryType.Error, (int)ReflectorEventLog.ID.Error);
            } // end while
        }     // end Start method