Esempio n. 1
            public bool Filter(Tracklet Input)
                double EqVelR = MinEqVel * Math.PI / 38880000;

                if (Input.Velocity.SphericalVelocity < EqVelR)

                double SqS = 0;

                foreach (ImageDetection imd1 in Input.Detections)
                    foreach (ImageDetection imd2 in Input.Detections)
                        if (imd1 != imd2)
                            double dX = imd1.Barycenter.PP.X - imd2.Barycenter.PP.X;
                            double dY = imd1.Barycenter.PP.Y - imd2.Barycenter.PP.Y;
                            SqS += dX * dX + dY * dY;

                if (SqS < MinPixDistance * MinPixDistance * Input.Detections.Length * (Input.Detections.Length - 1))

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries pairing a tracklet (if it contains a detection in the time range of the image).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="t">Tracklet.</param>
        /// <param name="Separation">Maximum distance to consider, in arcseconds.</param>
        public void TryPair(Tracklet t, double Separation)
            Separation *= Math.PI / 180 / 3600;
            if (!t.TryFetchProperty(out ObjectIdentity obid))
                obid = new ObjectIdentity();

            bool NamesPresent = false;

            foreach (ImageDetection imd in t.Detections)
                if (Math.Abs((imd.Time.Time - ShotTime).TotalSeconds) < Exposure.TotalSeconds)
                    List <SkybotObject> Objects = ObjTree.Query(imd.Barycenter.EP.RA, imd.Barycenter.EP.Dec, Separation);
                    foreach (SkybotObject so in Objects)
                        obid.AddName(so.Name, so.PermanentDesignation, so.Position ^ imd.Barycenter.EP); Unpaired.Remove(so); NamesPresent = true;
            if (NamesPresent)
Esempio n. 3
    void addToTracklets(ref sl.Objects objects)
        ulong current_timestamp = objects.timestamp;

        for (int i = 0; i < objects.numObject; i++)
            sl.ObjectData obj = objects.objectData[i];
            int           id  =;

            if ((obj.objectTrackingState != sl.OBJECT_TRACKING_STATE.OK) || float.IsInfinity(obj.position.X))

            bool new_object = true;
            foreach (Tracklet track in tracklets)
                if ( == id && track.is_alive)
                    new_object = false;
                    track.addDetectedPoint(obj, current_timestamp, smoothing_window_size);

            // In case this object does not belong to existing tracks
            if (new_object)
                Tracklet new_track = new Tracklet(obj, obj.label, current_timestamp);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Function for looking up the names of objects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ArcLengthSec">Lookup radius.</param>
        private void SkyBotLookupNames(double ArcLengthSec)
            lock (m_tracklets)
                foreach (IO.Image img in OriginalImageCube)
                    SkyBotImageData skid = img.GetProperty <SkyBotImageData>();

                    foreach (Tracklet tk in CurrentTracklets)
                        skid.TryPair(tk, ArcLengthSec);

                for (int i = 0; i < m_tracklets.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < m_tracklets[i].Count; j++)
                        Tracklet       tk = m_tracklets[i][j];
                        ObjectIdentity objid;
                        if (!tk.TryFetchProperty(out objid))
                            objid = new ObjectIdentity();
                        objid.ComputeNamescoreWithDefault(tk, null, ReportFieldName, CCDNumbers[i], j);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes <see cref="NameScore"/> and attempts to set <see cref="Name"/>.
        /// Uses the provided <paramref name="Default"/> name as the lowest priority option.
        /// Can compute <paramref name="Default"/> from <paramref name="FieldName"/>, <paramref name="ObjNum"/> and optionally <paramref name="CCD"/>.
        /// If no <paramref name="Default"/> is given and it cannot be computed, skips using a default name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If no <paramref name="CCD"/> value is given, generates object names as FieldName + ObjectNumber base 10 (3 digits).
        /// If <paramref name="CCD"/> is non-null, then generates name as FieldName + CCD base-62 (1 digit) + ObjectNumber (packed).
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="t">Tracklet to be named.</param>
        /// <param name="Default">Default name. If null, it is generated from the next parameters. Otherwise, the other parameters can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="FieldName">Field name. Must be 4 characters long.</param>
        /// <param name="CCD">CCD Number. If present, uses the MPC 0-9, A-Z, a-z packing for both the CCD and the object number.</param>
        /// <param name="ObjNum">Object number.</param>
        public void ComputeNamescoreWithDefault(Tracklet t, string Default = null, string FieldName = null, int?CCD = null, int?ObjNum = null)
            if (Default == null & FieldName != null & ObjNum.HasValue && FieldName.Length == 4)
                if (CCD.HasValue)
                    try { Default = FieldName + GetB62Char(CCD.Value) + GetObjNumber(ObjNum.Value); }
                    catch { Default = null; }
                    Default = FieldName + ObjNum.Value.ToString("000");
            if (Default != null)
                NameScore.Add(Default, NScore + 1); ObjIDs[Default] = null;


            if (Name == Default)
                PackedPD = Default;
Esempio n. 6
        double ComputePearsonR(Tracklet Input)
            if (Input.VelReg.R_TR * Input.VelReg.R_TR < TimeRsquared)
            if (Input.VelReg.R_TD * Input.VelReg.R_TD < TimeRsquared)

            List <EquatorialPoint> Points = new List <EquatorialPoint>();
            double MeanR = 0;
            int    count = 0;
            bool   IsDot = false;

            /* Computes the PearsonR for each source and takes the mean */
            foreach (ImageDetection md in Input.Detections)
                if (md != null)
                    if (md.TryFetchProperty(out ObjectPoints op))
                        var EqP = op.EquatorialPoints;
                        var mlinr = Misc.LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(EqP.Select((x) => x.RA).ToArray(), EqP.Select((x) => x.Dec).ToArray());

                        MeanR += Math.Abs(mlinr.PearsonR);
                        if (md.TryFetchProperty(out PairingProperties PairProp))
                            if (PairProp.IsDotDetection)
                                IsDot = true;
                        IsDot = true; count++; Points.Add(md.Barycenter.EP);
            MeanR /= count;
            /* If not line-like but not a dot detection, drop */
            if (!IsDot && MeanR < IndividualRsquared)
            var    LRP = Misc.LinearRegression.ComputeLinearRegression(Points.Select((x) => x.RA).ToArray(), Points.Select((x) => x.Dec).ToArray());
            double RR  = Math.Abs(LRP.PearsonR);

            if (IsDot)
                RR += (1 - Math.Abs(MeanR)) / Input.Velocity.ArcSecMin;
Esempio n. 7
            public bool Filter(Tracklet Input)
                double MxER = MaxError * Math.PI / 180 / 3600;

                double SS = Input.VelReg.S_TD + Input.VelReg.S_TR;

                if (SS > MxER * MxER)
Esempio n. 8
        void ViewObjectProperties()
            Tracklet       tk = CurrentTracklets[SelectedTracklet];
            PropertyViewer pw = new PropertyViewer("Tracklet", tk);

            pw.AddProperties("Tracklet", tk.VelReg, tk.Velocity);
            foreach (var det in tk.Detections)
                pw.AddObject("Detection at " + det.Time.Time, det);
Esempio n. 9
        private void PairSkyBot(List <Tracklet> Tracklets, double ArcLengthSec, string ReportFieldName, int CCDNumber, FitsImage[] ImageSet, Step.StepPipeline Pipeline)
            foreach (Image img in ImageSet)
                SkyBotImageData skid = img.GetProperty <SkyBotImageData>();

                foreach (Tracklet tk in Tracklets)
                    skid.TryPair(tk, ArcLengthSec);

                var unp = skid.GetUnpaired();
                if (unp.Count != 0)
                    Logger("SkyBoT: Unpaired objects left: ");
                    foreach (var o in unp)
                        string     SkData = "SkyBoT: " + ExtraIO.EquatorialPointStringFormatter.FormatToString(o, ExtraIO.EquatorialPointStringFormatter.Format.MPC);
                        PixelPoint pp     = img.Transform.GetPixelPoint(o);
                        SkData += ";" + pp.ToString();
                        var    Reasons = Pipeline.QueryWhyNot(o, 5);
                        string LRs     = "Reasons: ";
                        foreach (string x in Reasons)
                            LRs += x + ";";
                        if (Reasons.Count == 0)
                            Logger("Not found in removal log, so not detected.");

            for (int i = 0; i < Tracklets.Count; i++)
                Tracklet tk = Tracklets[i];
                if (!tk.TryFetchProperty(out ObjectIdentity objid))
                    objid = new ObjectIdentity();
                objid.ComputeNamescoreWithDefault(tk, null, ReportFieldName, CCDNumber, i);
Esempio n. 10
 void detectUnchangedTrack(ulong current_timestamp)
     for (int track_index = 0; track_index < tracklets.Count; ++track_index)
         Tracklet track = tracklets[track_index];
         if (track.last_detected_timestamp < current_timestamp && track.last_detected_timestamp > 0)
             // If track missed more than N frames, delete it
             if (current_timestamp - track.last_detected_timestamp >= history_duration)
                 track.is_alive = false;
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Finds the (if there is any) name of the object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="t">Tracklet to process.</param>
 /// <param name="NamesTree">QuadTree of SkyBoT objects.</param>
 /// <param name="Separation">Maximum distance between SkyBoT object and detection at which they are considered the same object. Value in radians.</param>
 static void PairTracklet(Tracklet t, QuadTree <SkybotObject> NamesTree, double Separation)
     foreach (ImageDetection m in t.Detections)
         if (m != null)
             List <SkybotObject> Objects  = NamesTree.Query(m.Barycenter.EP.RA, m.Barycenter.EP.Dec, Separation);
             List <SkybotObject> Selected = Objects.Where((x) => x.TimeCoordinate == m.Time.Time && (x.Position ^ m.Barycenter.EP) < Separation).ToList();
             if (Selected.Count == 1)
                 m.SetResetProperty(new ObjectIdentity()
                     Name = Objects[0].Name
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>Computes <see cref="NameScore"/> and attempts to set <see cref="Name"/>.</summary>
        public void ComputeNamescore(Tracklet t)
            string XName  = null;
            double CScore = -1;

            foreach (var kvp in Distances)
                double Mean     = kvp.Value / Counts[kvp.Key];
                double XScore   = Math.Pow(2, Counts[kvp.Key] * 0.5) / (Arc1Sec + Mean);
                double MaxScore = Math.Pow(2, 0.5 * t.Detections.Count((x) => x != null)) / Arc1Sec;
                double Score    = 100 * XScore / MaxScore;
                if (Score > 1)
                    NameScore.Add(kvp.Key, (int)Score);
            foreach (var kvp in NameScore)
                if (kvp.Value > CScore)
                    CScore = kvp.Value; XName = kvp.Key;
            if (CScore > NScore)
                Name = XName;
                MPN  = ObjIDs[Name];
                if (MPN.HasValue)
                if (ProvisionalDesignationMatcher.IsMatch(Name))
                    PackedPD = PackPD(Name);
Esempio n. 13
 public bool Filter(Tracklet Input)
     double R = ComputePearsonR(Input); return(R * R > LineRsquared);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Recovers the tracklet on a given set of images (typically pipeline input ones).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c>, if tracklet was recovered, <c>false</c> otherwise.</returns>
        /// <param name="tvr"><see cref="TrackletVelocityRegression"/> from which the positions are computed.</param>
        /// <param name="InputImages">Images on which to perform the recovery.</param>
        /// <param name="Recovered">Recovered tracklet.</param>
        public bool RecoverTracklet(TrackletVelocityRegression tvr, IEnumerable <Image> InputImages, out Tracklet Recovered)
            List <ImageDetection> Detections = new List <ImageDetection>();

            foreach (Image img in InputImages)
                /* Compute location */
                ObservationTime obTime = img.GetProperty <ObservationTime>();
                double          Secs   = (obTime.Time - tvr.ZeroTime).TotalSeconds;
                EquatorialPoint eqp    = new EquatorialPoint()
                    RA = tvr.P_TR.Slope * Secs + tvr.P_TR.Intercept, Dec = tvr.P_TD.Slope * Secs + tvr.P_TD.Intercept
                Position p = new Position(eqp, img.Transform.GetPixelPoint(eqp));
                /* Perform recovery */
                if (RecoverDetection(p, img, RecoverRadius, InputImages, out ImageDetection RecD))
            if (Detections.Count >= MinDetections)
                Recovered = StandardTrackletFactory.CreateTracklet(Detections.ToArray());
                Recovered = null;  return(false);