private void SendScooterLocation(int scooterId) { var trackingMessage = new TrackingMessage( scooterId, new Random().Next(1, 200)); Task.Run(() => queue.SendMessageAsync(trackingMessage)); }
private byte[] GetBytes(TrackingMessage m) { int length = Marshal.SizeOf(m); IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(length); byte[] myBuffer = new byte[length]; Marshal.StructureToPtr(m, ptr, true); Marshal.Copy(ptr, myBuffer, 0, length); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); return(myBuffer); }
// When receives a new tracking message void OnTracking(NetworkMessage netMsg) { TrackingMessage trackMsg = netMsg.ReadMessage <TrackingMessage>(); collectControllerData(trackMsg); if (currState == Initializing) { Debug.Log("Initializing..."); // the first grip message seen is the right controller. if (trackMsg.grip) { // right controller hasn't been seen yet, so this id represents the right controller. if (controllerIDs[0] < 0) { controllerIDs[0] =; } else if (controllerIDs[1] < 0) // right controller was already captured, but left wasn't. { controllerIDs[1] =; // both controller IDs have now been captured. Debug.Log("Right controller ID: " + controllerIDs[0] + ", left controller ID: " + controllerIDs[1]); Debug.Log("Continuing to calibration mode..."); currState = Calibrating; return; } } } if (currState == Calibrating) { //Debug.Log("Calibrating..."); _controllerTrackerRight.transform.position = _currPositionRight; _controllerTrackerLeft.transform.position = _currPositionLeft; handleCalibration(); _currGripRight = false; return; } if (currState == Tracking) { Debug.Log("Tracking"); // show current controller location. _controllerTrackerRight.transform.position = calibratedPos(_currPositionRight); _controllerTrackerLeft.transform.position = calibratedPos(_currPositionLeft); return; } }
public void Insert(int scooterId, int locationId) { try { var trackingMessage = new TrackingMessage( scooterId, locationId); Task.Run(() => queue.SendMessageAsync(trackingMessage)); //this.trackingRepository.Insert(new Tracking(scooterId, locationId)); } catch (ApplicationException appEx) { throw appEx; } }
void Update() { if (_updateCount % 5 == 0) { _position = transform.position; //Debug.Log("_updateCount: " + _updateCount + ", _position: " + _position + ", id: " + (int)trackedObject.index); TrackingMessage msg = new TrackingMessage { id = _id, trigger = _trigger, position = _position, touchPad = _touchPad = device.GetAxis(), grip = _grip, padClicked = _padClicked, padTouched = _padTouched }; _networkManager.sendMessage(MyNetworkManager.Tracking, msg); resetAll(); _updateCount = 0; } _updateCount++; }
void collectControllerData(TrackingMessage trackMsg) { if ( == controllerIDs[0]) { _currTriggerRight = trackMsg.trigger; _currPositionRight = trackMsg.position; _currGripRight = trackMsg.grip; _currTouchpadRight = trackMsg.touchPad; _currPadClickedRight = trackMsg.padClicked; _currPadTouchedRight = trackMsg.padTouched; //Debug.Log("Right, pos: " + _currPositionRight + ", trig: " + _currTriggerRight + ", pad: " + _currPadTouchedRight); } if ( == controllerIDs[1]) { _currTriggerLeft = trackMsg.trigger; _currPositionLeft = trackMsg.position; _currGripLeft = trackMsg.grip; _currTouchpadLeft = trackMsg.touchPad; _currPadClickedLeft = trackMsg.padClicked; _currPadTouchedLeft = trackMsg.padTouched; //Debug.Log("Left, pos: " + _currPositionLeft + ", trig: " + _currTriggerLeft + ", pad: " + _currPadTouchedLeft); } }