public static void AnalyzeSamples(TrackGain trackGain, AudioBuffer buffer) { int[] leftSamples = new int[buffer.Length]; int[] rightSamples = new int[buffer.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < buffer.Length; ++j) { leftSamples[j] = buffer.Samples[j, 0]; rightSamples[j] = buffer.Samples[j, 1]; } trackGain.AnalyzeSamples(leftSamples, rightSamples); }
public override async Task <(bool Changed, SongData song)> Execute(SongData song) { int stream = Bass.BASS_StreamCreateFile(song.FullFileName, 0, 0, BASSFlag.BASS_STREAM_DECODE); if (stream == 0) { log.Error("ReplayGain: Could not create stream for {0}. {1}", song.FullFileName, Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode().ToString()); return(false, song); } BASS_CHANNELINFO chInfo = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetInfo(stream); if (chInfo == null) { log.Error("ReplayGain: Could not get channel info for {0}. {1}", song.FullFileName, Bass.BASS_ErrorGetCode().ToString()); return(false, song); } var trackGain = new TrackGain(chInfo.freq, 16); var leftSamples = new List <int>(); var rightSamples = new List <int>(); var bufLen = 1024; var buf = new short[bufLen]; while (true) { int length = Bass.BASS_ChannelGetData(stream, buf, bufLen * sizeof(short)); if (length == -1) { break; } for (int i = 0; i < length / sizeof(short); i += 2) { leftSamples.Add(Convert.ToInt32(buf[i])); rightSamples.Add(Convert.ToInt32(buf[i + 1])); } } Bass.BASS_StreamFree(stream); trackGain.AnalyzeSamples(leftSamples.ToArray(), rightSamples.ToArray()); _albumGain?.AppendTrackData(trackGain); double gain = Math.Round(trackGain.GetGain(), 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven); double peak = Math.Round(trackGain.GetPeak(), 2, MidpointRounding.ToEven); song.ReplayGainTrack = gain.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); song.ReplayGainTrackPeak = peak.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return(true, song); }
public void MixToFile(string filename, bool applyReplayGain) { Console.WriteLine("Mixing per-channel data..."); Console.WriteLine("Computing ReplayGain..."); // Mix the audio. We should probably not be re-reading it here... we could do this in the same pass as loading. foreach (var reader in _data.Select(channel => channel.WavReader)) { reader.Position = 0; } if (applyReplayGain) { // We read it in a second at a time, to calculate Replay Gains var mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(_data.Select(channel => channel.WavReader.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); var buffer = new float[mixer.WaveFormat.SampleRate * 2]; var replayGain = new TrackGain(SampleRate); for (;;) { int numRead = mixer.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (numRead == 0) { break; } // And analyze replayGain.AnalyzeSamples(buffer, numRead); } // The +3 is to make it at "YouTube loudness", which is a lot louder than ReplayGain defaults to. var gain = replayGain.GetGain() + 3; Console.WriteLine($"Applying ReplayGain ({gain:N} dB) and saving to {filename}"); // Reset the readers again foreach (var reader in _data.Select(channel => channel.WavReader)) { reader.Position = 0; } mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(_data.Select(channel => channel.WavReader.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); var amplifier = new VolumeSampleProvider(mixer) { Volume = (float)Math.Pow(10, gain / 20) }; WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(filename, amplifier.ToWaveProvider()); } else { var mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(_data.Select(channel => channel.WavReader.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(filename, mixer.ToWaveProvider()); } }
private static void Go(string filename, ICollection <string> filenames, int width, int height, int fps, string background, string logo, string vgmFile, int previewFrameskip, float highPassFrequency, float scale, Type triggerAlgorithm, int viewSamples, int numColumns, string ffMpegPath, string ffMpegExtraArgs, string masterAudioFilename, float autoScale, Color gridColor, float gridWidth, bool gridOuter, Color zeroLineColor, float zeroLineWidth, float lineWidth) { filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename); var waitForm = new WaitForm(); waitForm.Show(); int sampleRate; using (var reader = new WaveFileReader(filenames.First())) { sampleRate = reader.WaveFormat.SampleRate; } // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator int stepsPerFile = 1 + (highPassFrequency > 0 ? 1 : 0) + 2; int totalProgress = filenames.Count * stepsPerFile; int progress = 0; var loadTask = Task.Run(() => { // Do a parallel read of all files var channels = filenames.AsParallel().Select((wavFilename, channelIndex) => { var reader = new WaveFileReader(wavFilename); var buffer = new float[reader.SampleCount]; // We read the file and convert to mono reader.ToSampleProvider().ToMono().Read(buffer, 0, (int)reader.SampleCount); Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); // We don't care about ones where the samples are all equal // ReSharper disable once CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator if (buffer.Length == 0 || buffer.All(s => s == buffer[0])) { // So we skip steps here reader.Dispose(); Interlocked.Add(ref progress, stepsPerFile - 1); return(null); } if (highPassFrequency > 0) { // Apply the high pass filter var filter = BiQuadFilter.HighPassFilter(reader.WaveFormat.SampleRate, highPassFrequency, 1); for (int i = 0; i < buffer.Length; ++i) { buffer[i] = filter.Transform(buffer[i]); } Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); } float max = float.MinValue; foreach (var sample in buffer) { max = Math.Max(max, Math.Abs(sample)); } return(new { Data = buffer, WavReader = reader, Max = max }); }).Where(ch => ch != null).ToList(); if (autoScale > 0 || scale > 1) { // Calculate the multiplier float multiplier = 1.0f; if (autoScale > 0) { multiplier = autoScale / channels.Max(channel => channel.Max); } if (scale > 1) { multiplier *= scale; } // ...and we apply it channels.AsParallel().Select(channel => channel.Data).ForAll(samples => { for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; ++i) { samples[i] *= multiplier; } Interlocked.Increment(ref progress); }); } return(channels.ToList()); }); while (!loadTask.IsCompleted) { Application.DoEvents(); Thread.Sleep(1); waitForm.Progress("Reading data...", (double)progress / totalProgress); } var voiceData = loadTask.Result.Select(channel => channel.Data).ToList(); waitForm.Close(); // Emit normalised data to a WAV file for later mixing if (masterAudioFilename == null) { // Generate a temp filename masterAudioFilename = filename + ".wav"; // Mix the audio. We should probably not be re-reading it here... should do this in one pass. foreach (var reader in loadTask.Result.Select(channel => channel.WavReader)) { reader.Position = 0; } var mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(loadTask.Result.Select(channel => channel.WavReader.ToSampleProvider())); var length = (int)loadTask.Result.Max(channel => channel.WavReader.SampleCount); var mixedData = new float[length * mixer.WaveFormat.Channels]; mixer.Read(mixedData, 0, mixedData.Length); // Then we want to deinterleave it var leftChannel = new float[length]; var rightChannel = new float[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { leftChannel[i] = mixedData[i * 2]; rightChannel[i] = mixedData[i * 2 + 1]; } // Then Replay Gain it // The +3 is to make it at "YouTube loudness", which is a lot louder than ReplayGain defaults to. var replayGain = new TrackGain(sampleRate); replayGain.AnalyzeSamples(leftChannel, rightChannel); float multiplier = (float)Math.Pow(10, (replayGain.GetGain() + 3) / 20); Debug.WriteLine($"ReplayGain multiplier is {multiplier}"); // And apply it for (int i = 0; i < mixedData.Length; ++i) { mixedData[i] *= multiplier; } WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile( masterAudioFilename, new FloatArraySampleProvider(mixedData, sampleRate).ToWaveProvider()); } var backgroundImage = new BackgroundRenderer(width, height, Color.Black); if (background != null) { using (var bm = Image.FromFile(background)) { backgroundImage.Add(new ImageInfo(bm, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter, true, DockStyle.None, 0.5f)); } } if (logo != null) { using (var bm = Image.FromFile(logo)) { backgroundImage.Add(new ImageInfo(bm, ContentAlignment.BottomRight, false, DockStyle.None, 1)); } } if (vgmFile != null) { var gd3 = Gd3Tag.LoadFromVgm(vgmFile); var gd3Text = gd3.ToString(); if (gd3Text.Length > 0) { backgroundImage.Add(new TextInfo(gd3Text, "Tahoma", 16, ContentAlignment.BottomLeft, FontStyle.Regular, DockStyle.Bottom, Color.White)); } } var renderer = new WaveformRenderer { BackgroundImage = backgroundImage.Image, Columns = numColumns, FramesPerSecond = fps, Width = width, Height = height, SamplingRate = sampleRate, RenderedLineWidthInSamples = viewSamples, RenderingBounds = backgroundImage.WaveArea }; if (gridColor != Color.Empty && gridWidth > 0) { renderer.Grid = new WaveformRenderer.GridConfig { Color = gridColor, Width = gridWidth, DrawBorder = gridOuter }; } if (zeroLineColor != Color.Empty && zeroLineWidth > 0) { renderer.ZeroLine = new WaveformRenderer.ZeroLineConfig { Color = zeroLineColor, Width = zeroLineWidth }; } foreach (var channel in voiceData) { renderer.AddChannel(new Channel(channel, Color.White, lineWidth, "Hello world", Activator.CreateInstance(triggerAlgorithm) as ITriggerAlgorithm, 0)); } var outputs = new List <IGraphicsOutput>(); if (ffMpegPath != null) { outputs.Add(new FfmpegOutput(ffMpegPath, filename, width, height, fps, ffMpegExtraArgs, masterAudioFilename)); } if (previewFrameskip > 0) { outputs.Add(new PreviewOutput(previewFrameskip)); } try { renderer.Render(outputs); } catch (Exception) { // Should mean it was cancelled } finally { foreach (var graphicsOutput in outputs) { graphicsOutput.Dispose(); } } }
public static void MixToFile(IList <Channel> channels, string filename, bool applyReplayGain) { Console.WriteLine("Mixing per-channel data..."); // We make new readers... var readers = new List <WaveFileReader>(); try { readers.AddRange(channels.Select(c => new WaveFileReader(c.Filename))); if (applyReplayGain) { Console.WriteLine("Computing ReplayGain..."); // We read it in a second at a time, to calculate Replay Gains var mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(readers.Select(x => x.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); const int sampleRate = 44100; var resampler = new WdlResamplingSampleProvider(mixer, sampleRate); // We use a 1s buffer... var buffer = new float[sampleRate * 2]; // *2 for stereo var replayGain = new TrackGain(sampleRate); for (;;) { int numRead = resampler.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (numRead == 0) { break; } // And analyze replayGain.AnalyzeSamples(buffer, numRead); } // The +3 is to make it at "YouTube loudness", which is a lot louder than ReplayGain defaults to. // TODO make this configurable? var gain = replayGain.GetGain() + 3; Console.WriteLine($"Applying ReplayGain ({gain:N} dB) and saving to {filename}"); // Reset the readers foreach (var reader in readers) { reader.Position = 0; } // We make a new mixer just in case resetting the previous one is problematic... mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(readers.Select(x => x.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); var amplifier = new VolumeSampleProvider(mixer) { Volume = (float)Math.Pow(10, gain / 20) }; WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(filename, amplifier.ToWaveProvider()); } else { var mixer = new MixingSampleProvider(readers.Select(x => x.ToSampleProvider().ToStereo())); WaveFileWriter.CreateWaveFile(filename, mixer.ToWaveProvider()); } } finally { foreach (var reader in readers) { reader.Dispose(); } } }