public ActionResult CreateExcelFile(string fileName, string ExcelGridName) { Search searchcriteria = Session["searchcriteria"] as Search; Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); //get dataset as required using Session["searchcriteria"] as parameter DataTable dt = new DataTable(); byte[] file = null; if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPDIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPQIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCSTDIE8") { var teService = new TracerByEP(); file = teService.TracerByEPDataIE(searchcriteria); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCQUESIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCRESPIE8") { var tcService = new TracerComprehensive(); file = tcService.TracerComprehensiveDataIE(searchcriteria); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridDCADATAIE8") { var teService = new DepartmentComparativeAnalysis(); file = teService.DepartmentComparativeAnalysisDataExcelIE8(searchcriteria); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridDCAOPPIE8") { var teService = new DepartmentComparativeAnalysis(); file = teService.DepartmentComparativeAnalysisOppExcelIE8(searchcriteria); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCCMSIE8") { var cmsService = new TracerByCMS(); file = cmsService.TracerByCMSIE(searchcriteria, 2); // 2 = Request By Data Detail version (1 = Graph version) } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridMQB") { var qmbService = new MonthlyBreakdownService(); file = qmbService.QuestionMonthlyBreakdownDataIE(searchcriteria); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridMTB") { var tmbService = new MonthlyBreakdownService(); file = tmbService.TracerMonthlyBreakdownDataIE(searchcriteria); } //// Get the spreadsheet from seession. //replace file with the actual content // byte[] file = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dt.CreateCSVFile()); string filename = string.Format("{0}.xlsx", fileName); return(File(file, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", filename)); }
public ActionResult CMSPDF_Export(string SortBy, string SortOrder) { Search searchcriteria = Session["searchcriteria"] as Search; Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); var cmsService = new TracerByCMS(); string filtereddataTag = Session["filtereddataCMS"].ToString(); Session.Remove("filtereddataCMS"); byte[] fileContents = cmsService.TracerByCMSIE(searchcriteria, 1, filtereddataTag, SortBy, SortOrder); string dtNow = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_hhmmssfff_tt"); string filename = string.Format("{0}_{1}.pdf", "Tracer by CMS", dtNow.ToString()); return(File(fileContents, "application/pdf", filename)); }
public ActionResult _TracerByCMSExcel([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, Search search) { var tcService = new TracerByCMS(); DataSourceResult result = tcService.TracerByCMSExcel(request, search); if (result.Errors != null && result.Errors.ToString() != "") { ModelState.AddModelError("Error", result.Errors.ToString()); } var val = Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); val.MaxJsonLength = int.MaxValue; return(val); }
public ActionResult SendExcelEmailIE8(string ExcelGridName, Email email) { var emailService = new CommonService(); bool emailSuccess = true; var emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); byte[] file = null; if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPDIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCEPQIE8" || ExcelGridName == "gridTCSTDIE8") { var teService = new TracerByEP(); file = teService.TracerByEPDataIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCQUESIE8") { var tcService = new TracerComprehensive(); file = tcService.TracerComprehensiveDataIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCRESPIE8") { var tcService = new TracerComprehensive(); file = tcService.TracerComprehensiveDataIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridDCADATAIE8") { var teService = new DepartmentComparativeAnalysis(); file = teService.DepartmentComparativeAnalysisDataExcelIE8(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridCompQuesDetIE8") { var teService = new TracerComplianceQuestion(); file = teService.ReportComplianceQuestionDetailExcelIE8(Session["searchcriteria"] as TracerComplianceQuestionInput); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridTCCMSIE8") { var cmsService = new TracerByCMS(); file = cmsService.TracerByCMSIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search, 2); // Request detail version } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridMQB") { var qmbService = new MonthlyBreakdownService(); file = qmbService.QuestionMonthlyBreakdownDataIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } else if (ExcelGridName == "gridMTB") { var tmbService = new MonthlyBreakdownService(); file = tmbService.TracerMonthlyBreakdownDataIE(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); } if (email.MultipleAttachment) { email.AttachmentLocation[0] = emailService.SaveExcel(email.Title.ToString(), file); var teService = new DepartmentComparativeAnalysis(); file = teService.DepartmentComparativeAnalysisOppExcelIE8(Session["searchcriteria"] as Search); email.AttachmentLocation[1] = emailService.SaveExcel(email.Title.ToString() + " Details", file); email.FileContents = file; emailSuccess = emailService.SendExcelEmailAttachemnt(email); if (emailSuccess) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; } else { emailMessage = WebConstants.Email_Failed; } } else { email.AttachmentLocation[0] = emailService.SaveExcel(email.Title.ToString(), file); email.FileContents = file; emailSuccess = emailService.SendExcelEmailAttachemnt(email); if (emailSuccess) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; } else { emailMessage = WebConstants.Email_Failed; } } } catch (Exception) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Failed; } finally { Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); } return(Json(emailMessage)); }
public ActionResult SendPDFEmail(string ExcelGridName, Email email, string SortBy, string SortOrder) { var emailService = new CommonService(); bool emailSuccess = true; var emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; try { byte[] fileContents = null; if (email.MultipleAttachment) { if (Session["Attachment1Location"] == null) { Session["Attachment1Location"] = GetPDFFilePath(ExcelGridName, email.Title.ToString()); emailMessage = "Preping Second Attachment"; } else { email.AttachmentLocation[0] = Session["Attachment1Location"].ToString(); email.AttachmentLocation[1] = GetPDFFilePath(ExcelGridName, email.Title.ToString()); email.FileContents = fileContents; emailSuccess = emailService.SendExcelEmailAttachemnt(email); if (emailSuccess) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; } else { emailMessage = WebConstants.Email_Failed; } Session["Attachment1Location"] = null; } } else { if (ExcelGridName == "Tracer by CMS") { var cmsService = new TracerByCMS(); Search searchcriteria = Session["searchcriteria"] as Search; Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); string filtereddataTag = Session["filtereddataCMS"].ToString(); Session.Remove("filtereddataCMS"); fileContents = cmsService.TracerByCMSIE(searchcriteria, 1, filtereddataTag, SortBy, SortOrder); } else { TracerComplianceQuestionInput searchcriteria = Session["searchcriteria"] as TracerComplianceQuestionInput; Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); var dcaService = new TracerComplianceQuestion(); //if (Convert.ToInt32(searchcriteria.TopLeastCompliantQuestions) > 0) //{ // searchcriteria.TopLeastCompliantQuestions = (Convert.ToInt32(searchcriteria.TopLeastCompliantQuestions) - 1).ToString(); //} string filtereddataQID = Session["filtereddataQID"].ToString(); Session.Remove("filtereddataQID"); fileContents = dcaService._complianceQuestionChartRDLC(searchcriteria, filtereddataQID, SortBy, SortOrder); } email.AttachmentLocation[0] = emailService.SavePDF(ExcelGridName, fileContents); email.FileContents = fileContents; emailSuccess = emailService.SendExcelEmailAttachemnt(email); if (emailSuccess) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Success; } else { emailMessage = WebConstants.Email_Failed; } } } catch (Exception) { emailMessage = WebConstants.Excel_Email_Failed; } finally { Session.Remove("searchcriteria"); } return(Json(emailMessage)); }