         * Annotated scaffolding
        public static void FromPointsToLineSegment(LineSegmentSymbol lss)
            var ls = lss.Shape as LineSegment;
            Debug.Assert(ls != null);
            var pt1Symbol = new PointSymbol(ls.Pt1);
            var pt2Symbol = new PointSymbol(ls.Pt2);

            string strategy;

            TraceStep ts00 = new TraceStep(null, pt1Symbol, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(pt1Symbol));
            TraceStep ts01 = new TraceStep(null, pt2Symbol, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(pt2Symbol));

            TraceStep ts02 = null;
            if (ls.Pt1.Concrete && ls.Pt2.Concrete)
                ts02 = new TraceStep(null, lss, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(lss));
            strategy = "Plot a Line Segment passing through two points.";
            if (ts02 != null)

/*            string stepMetaRule = "Consider draw a line segment passing through the two points.";
            string stepAppliedRule = String.Format("Draw the line segment passing through two points {0} and {1}",
                pt1Symbol, pt2Symbol);

            var traceStep = new TraceStep(null, lss, stepMetaRule, stepAppliedRule);
        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep_Author()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1, 1
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                2, 1
            var ts1     = new TraceStep(expr1, expr2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2     = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst     = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts1Expr, ts2Expr
            var tuple       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy2", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];


            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);


            // User Input, //2 steps trace
            var expr3 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 2
            var ts3     = new TraceStep(expr1, expr3, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts3Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts3);
            var ts4     = new TraceStep(expr3, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts4Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts4);
            var lst2    = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts3Expr, ts4Expr

            var tuple2       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst2);
            var lstStrategy2 = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            //Under the same strategy
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 3);
            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);
Esempio n. 3
 public TraceStepExpr(TraceStep ts)
     MetaRule = ts.Rule as string;
     AppliedRule = ts.AppliedRule as string;
     Source = ExprG.Generate(ts.Source);
     Target = ExprG.Generate(ts.Target);
     //StepExpr = ExprG.Derive(Source, Target);
     StepExpr = Target;
     TraceStep = ts;
Esempio n. 4
 public TraceStepExpr(TraceStep ts)
     MetaRule    = ts.Rule as string;
     AppliedRule = ts.AppliedRule as string;
     Source      = ExprG.Generate(ts.Source);
     Target      = ExprG.Generate(ts.Target);
     //StepExpr = ExprG.Derive(Source, Target);
     StepExpr  = Target;
     TraceStep = ts;
Esempio n. 5
        public static void FromPointPointToLine(PointSymbol ps1, PointSymbol ps2, LineSymbol ls)
            var m    = new Var("m");
            var k    = new Var("k");
            var x    = new Var("x");
            var y    = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, x
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term, k
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, ps1.SymXCoordinate
            var term22 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term2, k
            var eqPattern1 = new Equation(ps1.SymYCoordinate, term22);

            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, ps2.SymXCoordinate
            var term33 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term3, k
            var eqPattern2 = new Equation(ps2.SymYCoordinate, term33);

            string strategy = "Generate a line by substituting two given points into the line slope-intercept form y=mx+k.";

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                                    SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps1));
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern2, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                                    SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps2));

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var ts2 = new TraceStep(null, ls, kc, "calculate m and k through the above two linear equations.",
                                    "calculate m and k through linear equation and retrieve y=mx+k line form.");


Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current nondeterministic choice as a program trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uniqueId">Unique nondet id</param>
        /// <param name="choice">Choice</param>
        /// <param name="enabledMachines">Enabled machines</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        private TraceStep GetNondeterministicChoiceTraceStep(string uniqueId, bool choice,
                                                             HashSet <Machine> enabledMachines)
            var fingerprint = PSharpRuntime.CaptureProgramState();
            var traceStep   = TraceStep.CreateNondeterministicChoice(fingerprint, uniqueId,
                                                                     choice, enabledMachines, PSharpRuntime.LivenessChecker.GetMonitorStatus());

            Output.Debug(DebugType.Liveness, "<LivenessDebug> Captured program state '{0}' at " +
                         "nondeterministic choice '{1}-{2}'.", fingerprint.GetHashCode(), uniqueId, choice);

        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep_UserInput()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1, 1
            var eq1   = new Equation(expr1, 20);
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                2, 1
            var ts1     = new TraceStep(eq1, expr2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2     = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst     = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts1Expr, ts2Expr
            var tuple       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];


            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            // User Input
            var userExpr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1, 1
            var userEq1 = new Equation(userExpr1, 20);
            var node    = graph.SearchInnerLoopNode(userEq1);


            var userExpr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 3

            node = graph.SearchInnerLoopNode(userExpr2);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current scheduling choice as a program trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scheduledMachine">Scheduled machine</param>
        /// <param name="enabledMachines">Enabled machines</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        private TraceStep GetSchedulingChoiceTraceStep(Machine scheduledMachine,
                                                       HashSet <Machine> enabledMachines)
            var fingerprint = PSharpRuntime.CaptureProgramState();
            var traceStep   = TraceStep.CreateSchedulingChoice(fingerprint, scheduledMachine,
                                                               enabledMachines, PSharpRuntime.LivenessChecker.GetMonitorStatus());

            Output.Debug(DebugType.Liveness, "<LivenessDebug> Captured program state '{0}' at " +
                         "scheduling choice.", fingerprint.GetHashCode());

Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a scheduling choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="scheduledMachine">Scheduled machine</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateSchedulingChoice(int index, AbstractMachine scheduledMachine)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index = index;
            traceStep.Type = TraceStepType.SchedulingChoice;
            traceStep.ScheduledMachine = scheduledMachine;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next = null;

            return traceStep;
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a scheduling choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="scheduledMachine">Scheduled machine</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateSchedulingChoice(int index, BaseMachine scheduledMachine)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index            = index;
            traceStep.Type             = TraceStepType.SchedulingChoice;
            traceStep.ScheduledMachine = scheduledMachine;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next     = null;

Esempio n. 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a nondeterministic choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="choice">Choice</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateNondeterministicChoice(int index, bool choice)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index  = index;
            traceStep.Type   = TraceStepType.NondeterministicChoice;
            traceStep.Choice = choice;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next     = null;

        public void Test_OneStrategy_OneTraceStep()
            //strategy1 : 1+1->2
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>{1,1});
            var ts = new TraceStep(expr1, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var tsExpr = new TraceStepExpr(ts);
            var lst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { tsExpr};
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];
            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node0.OutEdges.Count == 1);
            var edgeInfo = node0.OutEdges[0].Property as OuterLoopEdgeProperty;

            Assert.True(node1.InEdges.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();
            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple2 = nextObj as Tuple<object,object>;
            var nextNode = tuple2.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);

            var prevObj = graph.SearchPrevInnerLoopNode(nextNode) as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(prevObj);
            Assert.True(count == 1);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a fair nondeterministic choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="uniqueId">Unique id</param>
        /// <param name="choice">Choice</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateFairNondeterministicChoice(int index, string uniqueId, bool choice)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index    = index;
            traceStep.Type     = TraceStepType.FairNondeterministicChoice;
            traceStep.NondetId = uniqueId;
            traceStep.Choice   = choice;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next     = null;

Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether the specified System.Object is equal
        /// to the current System.Object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean value</returns>
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj == null)

            TraceStep mid = obj as TraceStep;

            if (mid == null)

            return(this.Index == mid.Index);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void FromLineSlopeIntercetpToLineGeneralForm(LineSymbol ls)
            var line = ls.Shape as Line;

            Debug.Assert(line != null);
            Debug.Assert(ls.OutputType == LineType.GeneralForm);

            string step1metaRule    = "Given the line slope-intercept from y=mx+b, move y term to the right side of equation.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Move y to the right side of equation");

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LinePatternsTransform;

            var    ts       = new TraceStep(ls.SlopeInterceptForm, ls.GeneralForm, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);
            string strategy = strategy_si_general;

Esempio n. 16
        //forward solving
        public static void FromLineToSlope(LineSymbol ls, EqGoal goal)
            //one strategy, one step.
            var line = ls.Shape as Line;

            Debug.Assert(line != null);
            var    lst              = new List <TraceStep>();
            string step1metaRule    = "Given the line slope intercept form y=mx+b, the slope is m.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Given line slope-intercept form {0}, the slope is {1}.", ls.ToString(), ls.SymSlope);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var ts = new TraceStep(ls, goal, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            var strategy = strategy_si_slope;
            var tuple    = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, lst);

Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// if x = y, then y = x
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentEq"></param>
        /// <param name="rootEq"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Equation ApplySymmetric(this Equation currentEq, Equation rootEq)
            Equation localEq = currentEq;
            object lhs = currentEq.Lhs;
            object rhs = currentEq.Rhs;
            if (SatisfySymmetricCondition(lhs, rhs))
                var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();
                object tempObj = cloneEq.Lhs;
                cloneEq.Lhs = cloneEq.Rhs;
                cloneEq.Rhs = tempObj;

                string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Symmetric);
                string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                          localEq, null);
                string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Symmetric);

                var ts = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                localEq = cloneEq;
            return localEq;
Esempio n. 18
        public void GenerateYCacheSymbol(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            var point = Shape as Point;
            Debug.Assert(point != null);
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var gPoint = new Point(point.Label, point.XCoordinate, obj);
                var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));

                //transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                //Substitution trace
                var rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                var ts = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";

                //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var pt = ss.Shape as Point;
                    if (pt != null)
                        var yResult = LogicSharp.Reify(pt.YCoordinate, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!pt.YCoordinate.Equals(yResult))
                            var gPt = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, pt.YCoordinate);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPt);
                            pt.YCoordinate = yResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                pt.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var ts = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);
                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //pt.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gPoint = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, obj);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                            gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(PointAcronym.X))
                                    gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.X, pair.Value));
                            //Add traces from pt to gPoint
                            for (int i = pt.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, pt.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            var rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var ts = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
Esempio n. 19
        public bool Reify(EqGoal goal)
            var lhsTerm = Lhs as Term;
            var rhsTerm = Rhs as Term;
            var lhsVar = Lhs as Var;
            var rhsVar = Rhs as Var;

            string strategy = "Reify equation's internal variable by substituing a given fact.";

            if (lhsVar != null)
                var lhsNum = LogicSharp.Reify(lhsVar, goal.ToDict());
                if (lhsNum != null && !lhsNum.Equals(lhsVar))
                    var cloneEq = Clone();
                    cloneEq.Lhs = lhsNum;

                    string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                    string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, cloneEq);
                    var ts = new TraceStep(this, cloneEq, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);
                    return true;

            if (rhsVar != null)
                var rhsNum = LogicSharp.Reify(rhsVar, goal.ToDict());
                if (rhsNum != null && !rhsNum.Equals(lhsVar))
                    var cloneEq = Clone();
                    cloneEq.Rhs = rhsNum;
                    string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                    string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                    var ts = new TraceStep(this, cloneEq, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);
                    return true;

            if(lhsTerm != null)
                var term1 = lhsTerm.Reify(goal) as Term;
                if (lhsTerm.Equals(term1) || term1 == null)
                    return false;
                var obj = term1.Eval(); 

                var cloneEq = Clone();
                cloneEq.Lhs = obj;
                string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                var ts = new TraceStep(this, cloneEq, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                return true;

            if (rhsTerm != null)
                object obj = rhsTerm.Reify(goal);
                if (rhsTerm.Equals(obj))
                    return false;
                var cloneEq = Clone();
                cloneEq.Rhs = obj;
                string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                var ts = new TraceStep(this, cloneEq, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                return true;
            return false;
Esempio n. 20
         * given m=2, k=3, y=3x+2
        public static void FromSlopeInterceptToLineSlopeIntercept(EqGoal slopeGoal, EqGoal interceptGoal, LineSymbol ls)
            //1. Substitute slope and intercept properties into the line slope-intercept form y=mx+b.

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(null, slopeGoal, GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(slopeGoal));
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(null, interceptGoal, GeometryScaffold.KC_LineInterceptForm, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(interceptGoal));

            var abstractLs = new Line(ls.Shape.Label, slopeGoal.Lhs, interceptGoal.Lhs);
            var abstractLss = new LineSymbol(abstractLs);
            var internalLs = new Line(ls.Shape.Label, ls.SymSlope, interceptGoal.Lhs);
            var internalLss = new LineSymbol(internalLs);

            var traceStep1 = new TraceStep(abstractLss, internalLss, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy, SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(abstractLss, slopeGoal));

                        var rule = "Substitute given property to line slope-intercept form.";
                        var appliedRule1 = string.Format("Substitute slope={0} into y=mx+b", ls.SymSlope);
                        var appliedRule2= string.Format("Substitute intercept={0} into y=mx+b", ls.SymIntercept);*/
            var traceStep2 = new TraceStep(internalLss, ls, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy, SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(internalLss, interceptGoal));

            string strategy = "Substitute slope and intercept properties into the line slope-intercept form y = mx + b.";
Esempio n. 21
        public static void FromPointSlopeToLine(PointSymbol ps, EqGoal goal, LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = "Substitute point and slope property into line form.";

            // 1. Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.
            // 2. Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.

            string strategy1 = "Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.";

            var m = new Var("m");
            var k = new Var("k");
            var x = new Var("x");
            var y = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() {m, x});
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() {term, k});
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() {goal.Rhs,x});
            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() {term2, k});
            var eqInternal1 = new Equation(y, term3);

            var appliedRule1 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, goal);

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqInternal1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy1, appliedRule1);


            var point = ps.Shape as Point;
            Debug.Assert(point != null);

            string strategy2 = "Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.";

            var term4 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { goal.Rhs, point.XCoordinate});
            var term5 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() {term4, k});
            var eqinternal2 = new Equation(point.YCoordinate, term5);

            object obj;
            bool result = eqinternal2.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            var eqGoal = obj as EqGoal;
            Debug.Assert(eqGoal != null);

            var gTuple = eqGoal.Traces[0];
            var gLst = gTuple.Item2 as List<TraceStep>;
            Debug.Assert(gLst != null);

            var appliedRule2 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqInternal1, ps);

            var ts = new TraceStep(eqInternal1, ls, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy2, appliedRule2);
         * Automatic scaffolding
         * Distance function (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2 = d^2
         * Forward chaining to derive d.
         * Backward chaining to derive other four parameters.
        private static Tuple<object, object> DistanceSubstitution(LineSegmentSymbol lss)
            var ls = lss.Shape as LineSegment;
            var lst = new List<TraceStep>();
            string step1metaRule = "The Distance Function between two points it: d^2=(x0-x1)^2+(y0-y1)^2";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute two points into the distance function d^2=({0}-{1})^2+({2}-{3})^2",

            var pt1X = new Var("x0");
            var pt1Y = new Var("y0");
            var pt2X = new Var("x1");
            var pt2Y = new Var("y1");

            var term1_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1X, pt2X });
            var term11_1 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { term1_1, 2.0 });
            var term2_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1Y, pt2Y });
            var term22_1 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { term2_1, 2.0 });
            var rhs_1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { term11_1, term22_1 });

            var variable = new Var('d');
            var lhs = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { variable, 2.0 });

            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { ls.Pt1.XCoordinate, ls.Pt2.XCoordinate });
            var term11 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { term1, 2.0 });
            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { ls.Pt1.YCoordinate, ls.Pt2.YCoordinate });
            var term22 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { term2, 2.0 });
            var rhs = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { term11, term22 });
            var eq = new Equation(lhs, rhs);

            var old_eq = new Equation(lhs, rhs_1);
            var trace = new TraceStep(old_eq, eq, GeometryScaffold.KC_Distance, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);
            string strategy = "Substitute two points coordinates into the distance function.";
            var newTuple = new Tuple<object, object>(strategy, lst);
            return newTuple;
Esempio n. 23
        public static object ApplyTransitive2(this Equation currentEq,
            Equation rootEq, bool withEqRule, bool lineCheck = false)
            Equation localEq = currentEq;
            object lhs = currentEq.Lhs;
            object rhs = currentEq.Rhs;

            if (!withEqRule) return localEq;

            //Divide Transform
            object newLhs, newRhs;
            if (SatisfyTransitiveCondition5(lhs, rhs, out newLhs, out newRhs))
                var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();
                var newEq = new Equation(newLhs, newRhs);
                string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                              localEq, newEq);

                string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, newEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                localEq = newEq;
                return localEq;
            return localEq;
Esempio n. 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a nondeterministic choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="choice">Choice</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateNondeterministicChoice(int index, bool choice)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index = index;
            traceStep.Type = TraceStepType.NondeterministicChoice;
            traceStep.Choice = choice;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next = null;

            return traceStep;
Esempio n. 25
        public static void LineSlopeIntercepToGraph(LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = strategy_graphing;

            //Plotting shapes
            //1. plotting Y-Intercept
            //2. plotting X-Intercept
            //3. plotting the line

            // Step 1:
            var pt = new Point(0, ls.SymIntercept);
            var ptSym = new PointSymbol(pt);

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(null, ptSym, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ptSym));
            // Step 2:

            var line = ls.Shape as Line;
            Debug.Assert(line != null);

            Equation eq;
            if (line.B == null)
                var x = new Var("x");
                //step 2.1
                var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { line.Slope, x });
                var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { term, line.Intercept });
                eq = new Equation(term1, 0);
                object obj;
                EqGoal gGoal = null;
                bool result = eq.IsEqGoal(out obj);
                if (result)
                    gGoal = obj as EqGoal;
                if (gGoal != null)
                    double dX;
                    LogicSharp.IsDouble(gGoal.Rhs, out dX);
                    var pt1 = new Point(dX, 0);
                    var ptSym1 = new PointSymbol(pt1);
                    var ts1 = new TraceStep(null, ptSym1, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ptSym1));


            const string step1MetaRule = "Given the line slope-intercept form y=mx+b, plot the line by passing points (0,b) and (-b/m,0).";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Plotting the line passing through (0,{0}) and ({1},0) ", ls.SymIntercept, ls.SymC);
            //var ts = new TraceStep(null, ls.SlopeInterceptForm, step1MetaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineGraphing;

            var ts = new TraceStep(null, ls, kc, step1MetaRule, step1AppliedRule);


Esempio n. 26
        public void CacheC(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var line = Shape as Line;
                Debug.Assert(line != null);

                #region generate new object

                var gLine = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                //Transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                //Substitution trace
                string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                string kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                var ts = new TraceStep(this, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                #region Iterate existing point object

                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var line = ss.Shape as Line;
                    if (line != null)
                        var cResult = LogicSharp.Reify(line.C, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!line.C.Equals(cResult))
                            var gline = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, line.C);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gline);
                            line.C = cResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                line.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                            string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(gLineSymbol, ss, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //line.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gLine = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                            gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.A))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.A, pair.Value));
                                else if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.B))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair<object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.B, pair.Value));

                            //Add traces from line to gLine
                            for (int i = line.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, line.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(ss, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
Esempio n. 27
         * Automatic scaffolding
         * Distance function (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2 = d^2
         * Forward chaining to derive d.
         * Backward chaining to derive other four parameters.
        private static Tuple <object, object> DistanceSubstitution(LineSegmentSymbol lss)
            var    ls               = lss.Shape as LineSegment;
            var    lst              = new List <TraceStep>();
            string step1metaRule    = "The Distance Function between two points it: d^2=(x0-x1)^2+(y0-y1)^2";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute two points into the distance function d^2=({0}-{1})^2+({2}-{3})^2",

            var pt1X = new Var("x0");
            var pt1Y = new Var("y0");
            var pt2X = new Var("x1");
            var pt2Y = new Var("y1");

            var term1_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt1X, pt2X
            var term11_1 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List <object>()
                term1_1, 2.0
            var term2_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt1Y, pt2Y
            var term22_1 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List <object>()
                term2_1, 2.0
            var rhs_1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term11_1, term22_1

            var variable = new Var('d');
            var lhs      = new Term(Expression.Power, new List <object>()
                variable, 2.0

            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                ls.Pt1.XCoordinate, ls.Pt2.XCoordinate
            var term11 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List <object>()
                term1, 2.0
            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                ls.Pt1.YCoordinate, ls.Pt2.YCoordinate
            var term22 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List <object>()
                term2, 2.0
            var rhs = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term11, term22
            var eq = new Equation(lhs, rhs);

            var old_eq = new Equation(lhs, rhs_1);
            var trace  = new TraceStep(old_eq, eq, GeometryScaffold.KC_Distance, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            string strategy = "Substitute two points coordinates into the distance function.";
            var    newTuple = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, lst);

        public void GenerateYCacheSymbol(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            var point = Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(point != null);
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var gPoint       = new Point(point.Label, point.XCoordinate, obj);
                var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));

                //transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                //Substitution trace
                var rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                var ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";

                //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var pt = ss.Shape as Point;
                    if (pt != null)
                        var yResult = LogicSharp.Reify(pt.YCoordinate, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!pt.YCoordinate.Equals(yResult))
                            var gPt          = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, pt.YCoordinate);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPt);
                            pt.YCoordinate = yResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                pt.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var    ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);
                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //pt.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gPoint       = new Point(pt.Label, pt.XCoordinate, obj);
                            var gPointSymbol = new PointSymbol(gPoint);
                            gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.Y, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(PointAcronym.X))
                                    gPointSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(PointAcronym.X, pair.Value));
                            //Add traces from pt to gPoint
                            for (int i = pt.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, pt.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            var rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                            var ts          = new TraceStep(this, gPointSymbol, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), rule, appliedRule);

                            string strategy = "Reify a Point's y-coordinate by substituing a given fact.";
                            //gPoint.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
Esempio n. 29
        public void CacheC(object obj, EqGoal goal)
            CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

            if (CachedSymbols.Count == 0)
                var line = Shape as Line;
                Debug.Assert(line != null);

                #region generate new object

                var gLine       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                //Transform goal trace
                for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                //Substitution trace
                string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(this, goal);
                string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                var ts = new TraceStep(this, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                #region Iterate existing point object

                foreach (ShapeSymbol ss in CachedSymbols.ToList())
                    var line = ss.Shape as Line;
                    if (line != null)
                        var cResult = LogicSharp.Reify(line.C, goal.ToDict());
                        if (!line.C.Equals(cResult))
                            var gline       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, line.C);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gline);
                            line.C = cResult;
                            ss.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));

                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                line.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);

                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(gLineSymbol, ss, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //line.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
                            var gLine       = new Line(line.Label, line.A, line.B, obj);
                            var gLineSymbol = new LineSymbol(gLine);
                            gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.C, goal));
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal> pair in ss.CachedGoals)
                                if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.A))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.A, pair.Value));
                                else if (pair.Key.Equals(LineAcronym.B))
                                    gLineSymbol.CachedGoals.Add(new KeyValuePair <object, EqGoal>(LineAcronym.B, pair.Value));

                            //Add traces from line to gLine
                            for (int i = line.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, line.Traces[i]);
                            //transform goal trace
                            for (int i = goal.Traces.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                                gLine.Traces.Insert(0, goal.Traces[i]);
                            string rule        = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute();
                            string appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(gLineSymbol, goal);
                            string kc          = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

                            var ts = new TraceStep(ss, gLineSymbol, kc, rule, appliedRule);
                            //gLine.Traces.Insert(0, ts);
Esempio n. 30
        public static void FromLineSlopeIntercetpToLineGeneralForm(LineSymbol ls)
            var line = ls.Shape as Line;
            Debug.Assert(line != null);
            Debug.Assert(ls.OutputType == LineType.GeneralForm);

            string step1metaRule = "Given the line slope-intercept from y=mx+b, move y term to the right side of equation.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Move y to the right side of equation");

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LinePatternsTransform;

            var ts = new TraceStep(ls.SlopeInterceptForm, ls.GeneralForm, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);
            string strategy = strategy_si_general;
Esempio n. 31
        //forward solving
        public static void FromLineToIntercept(LineSymbol ls, EqGoal goal)
            var line = ls.Shape as Line;
            Debug.Assert(line != null);
            var lst = new List<TraceStep>();
            string step1metaRule = "Given the line slope intercept form y=mx+K, the y-intercept is K.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Given line slope-intercept form {0}, the slope is {1}.", ls.ToString(), ls.SymIntercept);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineInterceptForm;

            var ts = new TraceStep(ls, goal, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            var strategy = strategy_si_intercept;
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>(strategy, lst);
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Trace from Line General Form to Slope-Intercept Form
        /// ax+by+c=0 => y=mx+b
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void FromLineGeneralFormToSlopeIntercept(LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = "Given a general form line ax+by+c=0, the slope-intercept form of it is y = -(a/b)x-c/b.";

            var line = ls.Shape as Line;

            Debug.Assert(line != null);

            var newLS = new LineSymbol(line);

            newLS.OutputType = LineType.SlopeIntercept;

            var x     = new Var("x");
            var y     = new Var("y");
            var xTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                line.A, x
            var yTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                line.B, y
            var oldEqLeft = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                xTerm, yTerm, line.C
            var oldEq = new Equation(oldEqLeft, 0);

            var invertXTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                -1, xTerm
            var intertZ = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                -1, line.C

            var internalRight = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                invertXTerm, intertZ
            var internalEq = new Equation(yTerm, internalRight);

            var finalXTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                line.Slope, x
            var finalRight = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                finalXTerm, line.Intercept
            var lastEq = new Equation(yTerm, finalRight);

            string step1metaRule    = "Given the line general form ax+by+c=0, move x term and Constant term to the right side of equation.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Move {0}x and {1} to right side of equation.", ls.SymA, ls.SymC);

            string kc  = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
            var    ts0 = new TraceStep(null, internalEq, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);


            string appliedRule = string.Format("divide coefficient b in both side of equation.");

            kc = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Inverse);

            var ts1 = new TraceStep(null, lastEq, kc, AlgebraRule.AlgebraicStrategy, appliedRule);

        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 1 , 1});
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> {2, 1} );
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(expr1, expr2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts1Expr,ts2Expr};
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];
            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);
            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();
            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);
            Assert.True(count == 2);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple2 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            var nextNode = tuple2.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj2 = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            var tuple3 = nextObj2 as Tuple<object, object>;
            var nextNode2 = tuple3.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode2);
            Assert.True(count == 0);
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Trace from Line General Form to Slope-Intercept Form
        /// ax+by+c=0 => y=mx+b
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void FromLineGeneralFormToSlopeIntercept(LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = "Given a general form line ax+by+c=0, the slope-intercept form of it is y = -(a/b)x-c/b.";

            var line = ls.Shape as Line;
            Debug.Assert(line != null);

            var newLS = new LineSymbol(line);
            newLS.OutputType = LineType.SlopeIntercept;

            var x = new Var("x");
            var y = new Var("y");
            var xTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { line.A, x });
            var yTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { line.B, y });
            var oldEqLeft = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { xTerm, yTerm, line.C });
            var oldEq = new Equation(oldEqLeft, 0);

            var invertXTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, xTerm });
            var intertZ = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, line.C });

            var internalRight = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { invertXTerm, intertZ });
            var internalEq = new Equation(yTerm, internalRight);

            var finalXTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { line.Slope, x });
            var finalRight = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { finalXTerm, line.Intercept });
            var lastEq = new Equation(yTerm, finalRight);

            string step1metaRule = "Given the line general form ax+by+c=0, move x term and Constant term to the right side of equation.";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Move {0}x and {1} to right side of equation.", ls.SymA, ls.SymC);

            string kc = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
            var ts0 = new TraceStep(null, internalEq, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            string appliedRule = string.Format("divide coefficient b in both side of equation.");

            kc = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Inverse);

            var ts1 = new TraceStep(null, lastEq, kc, AlgebraRule.AlgebraicStrategy, appliedRule);
Esempio n. 35
        public static void FromPointSlopeToLine(PointSymbol ps, EqGoal goal, LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = "Substitute point and slope property into line form.";

            // 1. Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.
            // 2. Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.


            string strategy1 = "Substitute slope property into the line slope-intercept form.";

            var m    = new Var("m");
            var k    = new Var("k");
            var x    = new Var("x");
            var y    = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                m, x
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term, k
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                goal.Rhs, x
            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term2, k
            var eqInternal1 = new Equation(y, term3);

            var appliedRule1 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, goal);

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqInternal1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy1, appliedRule1);



            var point = ps.Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(point != null);

            string strategy2 = "Calculate the line intercept by substituting the point into line pattern.";

            var term4 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                goal.Rhs, point.XCoordinate
            var term5 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                term4, k
            var eqinternal2 = new Equation(point.YCoordinate, term5);

            object obj;
            bool   result = eqinternal2.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            var    eqGoal = obj as EqGoal;

            Debug.Assert(eqGoal != null);

            var gTuple = eqGoal.Traces[0];
            var gLst   = gTuple.Item2 as List <TraceStep>;

            Debug.Assert(gLst != null);

            var appliedRule2 = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqInternal1, ps);

            var ts = new TraceStep(eqInternal1, ls, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(), strategy2, appliedRule2);

        public void Test_MultiStrategy_1()
            //strategy1: 1->2, 2->3
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(1, 2, "null", "TODO1", "TODO2");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(2, 3, "null", "TODO2", "TODO3");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst1 = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts1Expr, ts2Expr };
            var tuple1 = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst1);

            //strategy2: 2->3, 3->5, 5->7
            var ts3 = new TraceStep(2, 3, null, "TODO", "TODO1");
            var ts3Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts3);
            var ts4 = new TraceStep(3, 5, null, "TODO2", "TODO5");
            var ts4Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts4);
            var ts5 = new TraceStep(5, 7, null,"Test1", "test23");
            var ts5Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts5);
            var lst2 = new List<TraceStepExpr>() {ts3Expr, ts4Expr, ts5Expr};
            var tuple2 = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy2", lst2);

            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];
            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 1);
            var node2 = graph.Nodes[2];
            Assert.True(node2.InEdges.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(node2.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            Assert.True(node2.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 4);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();
            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);
            Assert.True(count == 5);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple5 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            var nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 4);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 3);

            var index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 1);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 2);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            var prevNode = graph.SearchPrevInnerLoopNode(nextNode) as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(prevNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var strateties = graph.SearchAllOuterEdgeInfos();
            Assert.True(strateties.Count == 2);
Esempio n. 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a fair nondeterministic choice trace step.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index</param>
        /// <param name="uniqueId">Unique id</param>
        /// <param name="choice">Choice</param>
        /// <returns>TraceStep</returns>
        internal static TraceStep CreateFairNondeterministicChoice(int index, string uniqueId, bool choice)
            var traceStep = new TraceStep();

            traceStep.Index = index;
            traceStep.Type = TraceStepType.FairNondeterministicChoice;
            traceStep.NondetId = uniqueId;
            traceStep.Choice = choice;

            traceStep.Previous = null;
            traceStep.Next = null;

            return traceStep;
        public void Test_OneStrategy_OneTraceStep_Author()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1
            var ts     = new TraceStep(expr1, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var tsExpr = new TraceStepExpr(ts);
            var lst    = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
            var tuple       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];


            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 2);


            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                4, 1
            // User Input, //wrong step
            var ts1     = new TraceStep(expr2, 2);
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var tsLst   = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
            var tuple2 = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", tsLst);
            var lst44  = new List <Tuple <object, object> >()

            bool matchResult = graph.Match(lst44);


            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);
            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);


            //test search
            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();


            var innerState = initNode.State as InnerLoopBehaviorState;


            Assert.True(initNode.InEdges.Count == 0);
            Assert.True(initNode.OutEdges.Count == 1);

            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);

            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple22 = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;

            var nextNode = tuple22.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);
        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep_Author()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 1, 1 });
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 2, 1 });
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(expr1, expr2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts1Expr, ts2Expr };
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy2", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];
            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);


            // User Input, //2 steps trace 
            var expr3 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 2 });
            var ts3 = new TraceStep(expr1, expr3, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts3Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts3);
            var ts4 = new TraceStep(expr3, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts4Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts4);
            var lst2 = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts3Expr, ts4Expr };

            var tuple2 = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst2);
            var lstStrategy2 = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            //Under the same strategy
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 3);
            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);
        public void Test_OneStrategy_OneTraceStep()
            //strategy1 : 1+1->2
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1
            var ts     = new TraceStep(expr1, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var tsExpr = new TraceStepExpr(ts);
            var lst    = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
            var tuple       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node0.OutEdges.Count == 1);
            var edgeInfo = node0.OutEdges[0].Property as OuterLoopEdgeProperty;


            Assert.True(node1.InEdges.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();

            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);

            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple2  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;

            var nextNode = tuple2.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);

            var prevObj = graph.SearchPrevInnerLoopNode(nextNode) as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(prevObj);
            Assert.True(count == 1);
Esempio n. 41
        /// <summary>
        /// if x = y and y = z, then x = z
        /// if x = y, then x + a = y + a
        /// if x^2 = y^2, then x = y
        /// if x = y, then ax = ay
        /// ax = ay -> x=y 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goal"></param>
        /// <param name="gGoal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object ApplyTransitive(this Equation currentEq, Equation rootEq, bool withEqRule,
               bool lineCheck = false)
            Equation localEq = currentEq;
            object lhs = currentEq.Lhs;
            object rhs = currentEq.Rhs;

            if (!withEqRule) return localEq;

            //Power Inverse
            if (SatisfyTransitiveCondition2(lhs, rhs))
                #region Condition2

                var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();
                var cloneEq2 = currentEq.Clone();

                var lhsTerm = cloneEq.Lhs as Term;
                Debug.Assert(lhsTerm != null);
                var cloneLst = lhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                Debug.Assert(cloneLst != null);
                cloneEq.Lhs = cloneLst[0];
                cloneEq.Rhs = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { cloneEq.Rhs, 0.5 });

                var lhsTerm2 = cloneEq2.Lhs as Term;
                Debug.Assert(lhsTerm2 != null);
                var cloneLst2 = lhsTerm2.Args as List<object>;
                Debug.Assert(cloneLst2 != null);
                cloneEq2.Lhs = cloneLst2[0];
                var internal1 = new Term(Expression.Power, new List<object>() { cloneEq2.Rhs, 0.5 });
                cloneEq2.Rhs = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, internal1 });

                string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                          localEq, null);
                string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                var ts = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                //localEq = cloneEq;

                var lst = new List<Equation>();
                return lst;

            if (!lineCheck)
                //Add Inverse
                if (SatifyTransitiveCondition0(lhs, rhs))
                    #region condition0

                    var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();

                    var rhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { cloneEq.Rhs });

                    var lhsTerm = cloneEq.Lhs as Term;
                    Debug.Assert(lhsTerm != null);

                    var lst = lhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                    Debug.Assert(lst != null);

                    for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++)
                        var temp = lst[i];
                        bool isNumber = LogicSharp.IsNumeric(temp);
                        if (isNumber)
                            var inverseRhs = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, temp });
                            var rhsArgLst = rhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                            Debug.Assert(rhsArgLst != null);

                        var term = temp as Term;
                        if (term != null && !term.ContainsVar())
                            var inverseRhs = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, temp });
                            var rhsArgLst = rhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                            Debug.Assert(rhsArgLst != null);

                    cloneEq.Rhs = rhsTerm;
                    if (lst.Count == 1)
                        cloneEq.Lhs = lst[0];

                    string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                    string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                        localEq, null);

                    string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                    var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                    localEq = cloneEq;
                    return localEq;

                if (SatisfyTransitiveCondition1(lhs, rhs))
                    #region Condition1
                    var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();

                    var inverseRhs = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { -1, rhs });
                    var lhsTerm = cloneEq.Lhs as Term;
                    if (lhsTerm != null)
                        var cloneLst = lhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                        Debug.Assert(cloneLst != null);
                        if (lhsTerm.Op.Method.Name.Equals("Add"))
                            cloneEq.Lhs = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { lhs, inverseRhs });
                        cloneEq.Lhs = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { lhs, inverseRhs });
                    cloneEq.Rhs = 0;
                    string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                    string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                              localEq, null);

                    string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                    var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                    localEq = cloneEq;

            //Mutliply Inverse
            if (SatisfyTransitiveCondition3(lhs, rhs))
                #region condition3

                var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();

                var rhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { cloneEq.Rhs });

                var lhsTerm = cloneEq.Lhs as Term;
                Debug.Assert(lhsTerm != null);

                var lst = lhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                Debug.Assert(lst != null);

                for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++)
                    var temp = lst[i];
                    bool isNumber = LogicSharp.IsNumeric(temp);
                    if (isNumber)
                        var inverseRhs = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { 1, temp });
                        var rhsArgLst = rhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                        Debug.Assert(rhsArgLst != null);

                    var term = temp as Term;
                    if (term != null && !term.ContainsVar())
                        var inverseRhs = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { 1, temp });
                        var rhsArgLst = rhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                        Debug.Assert(rhsArgLst != null);

                cloneEq.Rhs = rhsTerm;
                if (lst.Count == 1)
                    cloneEq.Lhs = lst[0];

                string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                          localEq, null);

                string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                localEq = cloneEq;
                return localEq;


            //Divide Inverse
            if (SatisfyTransitiveCondition4(lhs, rhs))
                #region condition4
                var cloneEq = currentEq.Clone();

                var lhsTerm = cloneEq.Lhs as Term;
                Debug.Assert(lhsTerm != null);

                var lst = lhsTerm.Args as List<object>;
                Debug.Assert(lst != null);
                Debug.Assert(lst.Count == 2);

                bool numerator = LogicSharp.IsNumeric(lst[0]);
                bool deNumerator = LogicSharp.IsNumeric(lst[1]);

                if (deNumerator)
                    var rhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { lst[1], cloneEq.Rhs });
                    var newEq = new Equation(lst[0], rhsTerm);

                    string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                    string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                              localEq, newEq);

                    string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                    var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, newEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                    localEq = newEq;
                    return localEq;

                if (numerator)
                    var rhsTerm = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { lst[0], cloneEq.Rhs });
                    var newEq = new Equation(lst[1], rhsTerm);
                    string rule = EquationsRule.Rule(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);
                    string appliedRule = EquationsRule.Rule(
                              localEq, newEq);

                    string KC = EquationsRule.RuleConcept(EquationsRule.EquationRuleType.Transitive);

                    var traceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, newEq, KC, rule, appliedRule);
                    localEq = newEq;
                    return localEq;


            return localEq;
        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                1, 1, 1
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object> {
                2, 1
            var ts1     = new TraceStep(expr1, expr2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2     = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst     = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts1Expr, ts2Expr
            var tuple       = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];


            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);
            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();

            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);

            Assert.True(count == 2);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple2  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;

            var nextNode = tuple2.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj2 = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            var tuple3   = nextObj2 as Tuple <object, object>;

            var nextNode2 = tuple3.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode2);
            Assert.True(count == 0);
        public void Test_OneStrategy_MultiTraceStep_UserInput()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 1, 1 });
            var eq1 = new Equation(expr1, 20);
            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 2, 1 });
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(eq1, expr2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(expr2, 2, null, "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts1Expr, ts2Expr };
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];
            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            // User Input
            var userExpr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 1, 1 });
            var userEq1 = new Equation(userExpr1, 20);
            var node = graph.SearchInnerLoopNode(userEq1);

            var userExpr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 3 });
            node = graph.SearchInnerLoopNode(userExpr2);
Esempio n. 44
        public static void FromPointPointToLine(PointSymbol ps1, PointSymbol ps2, LineSymbol ls)
            var m = new Var("m");
            var k = new Var("k");
            var x = new Var("x");
            var y = new Var("y");
            var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() { m, x });
            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { term, k });
            var eqPattern = new Equation(y, term1);

            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() {m, ps1.SymXCoordinate});
            var term22 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() {term2, k});
            var eqPattern1 = new Equation(ps1.SymYCoordinate, term22);

            var term3 = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List<object>() {m, ps2.SymXCoordinate});
            var term33 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { term3, k });
            var eqPattern2 = new Equation(ps2.SymYCoordinate, term33);

            string strategy = "Generate a line by substituting two given points into the line slope-intercept form y=mx+k.";

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern1, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(),SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps1));
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(eqPattern, eqPattern2, SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC(),SubstitutionRule.SubstitutionStrategy,
                SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(eqPattern, ps2));

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var ts2 = new TraceStep(null, ls, kc, "calculate m and k through the above two linear equations.",
                "calculate m and k through linear equation and retrieve y=mx+k line form.");


        public void Test_MultiStrategy_1()
            //strategy1: 1->2, 2->3
            var ts1     = new TraceStep(1, 2, "null", "TODO1", "TODO2");
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var ts2     = new TraceStep(2, 3, "null", "TODO2", "TODO3");
            var ts2Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts2);
            var lst1    = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts1Expr, ts2Expr
            var tuple1 = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy1", lst1);

            //strategy2: 2->3, 3->5, 5->7
            var ts3     = new TraceStep(2, 3, null, "TODO", "TODO1");
            var ts3Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts3);
            var ts4     = new TraceStep(3, 5, null, "TODO2", "TODO5");
            var ts4Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts4);
            var ts5     = new TraceStep(5, 7, null, "Test1", "test23");
            var ts5Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts5);
            var lst2    = new List <TraceStepExpr>()
                ts3Expr, ts4Expr, ts5Expr
            var tuple2 = new Tuple <object, object>("strategy2", lst2);

            var lstStrategy = new List <Tuple <object, object> >();


            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node1.OutEdges.Count == 1);
            var node2 = graph.Nodes[2];

            Assert.True(node2.InEdges.Count == 1);
            Assert.True(node2.OutEdges.Count == 0);

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);

            Assert.True(node2.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 4);

            //Search Test

            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();

            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);

            Assert.True(count == 5);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple5  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;

            var nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 4);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 3);

            var index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);

            Assert.True(index == 1);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 2);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(nextNode);
            tuple5  = nextObj as Tuple <object, object>;
            nextNode = tuple5.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);

            index = graph.SearchOuterLoopNodeIndex(nextNode);
            Assert.True(index == 2);

            var prevNode = graph.SearchPrevInnerLoopNode(nextNode) as BehaviorGraphNode;

            count = graph.PathFinding(prevNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var strateties = graph.SearchAllOuterEdgeInfos();

            Assert.True(strateties.Count == 2);
        public void Test_OneStrategy_OneTraceStep_Author()
            var expr1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 1, 1 });
            var ts = new TraceStep(expr1, 2, "null", "meta-rule todo", "rule todo");
            var tsExpr = new TraceStepExpr(ts);
            var lst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { tsExpr };
            var tuple = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", lst);
            var lstStrategy = new List<Tuple<object, object>>();

            var graph = new BehaviorGraph();
            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);

            var node0 = graph.Nodes[0];
            var node1 = graph.Nodes[1];

            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 2);


            var expr2 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object> { 4, 1 });
            // User Input, //wrong step
            var ts1 = new TraceStep(expr2, 2);
            var ts1Expr = new TraceStepExpr(ts1);
            var tsLst = new List<TraceStepExpr>() { ts1Expr };
            var tuple2 = new Tuple<object, object>("strategy1", tsLst);
            var lst44 = new List<Tuple<object, object>>() { tuple2 };

            bool matchResult = graph.Match(lst44);

            Assert.True(graph.Nodes.Count == 2);
            Assert.True(node1.SubGraph.Nodes.Count == 3);


            //test search
            var initNode = graph.RetrieveInitInnerNode();

            var innerState = initNode.State as InnerLoopBehaviorState;

            Assert.True(initNode.InEdges.Count == 0);
            Assert.True(initNode.OutEdges.Count == 1);

            int count = graph.PathFinding(initNode);
            Assert.True(count == 1);

            var nextObj = graph.SearchNextInnerLoopNode(initNode);
            var tuple22 = nextObj as Tuple<object, object>;
            var nextNode = tuple22.Item2 as BehaviorGraphNode;
            count = graph.PathFinding(nextNode);
            Assert.True(count == 0);
        public static void FromPointsToMidPoint(PointSymbol ps1, PointSymbol ps2, PointSymbol midPoint)
            //1. plot the ps1, ps2 and the line
            //2. generate x coordinate
            //3. generate y coordinate
            //4. generate point (x,y)

            string strategy;

            var ts00 = new TraceStep(null, ps1, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ps1));
            var ts01 = new TraceStep(null, ps2, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ps2));
            var ls = LineBinaryRelation.Unify(ps1, ps2) as LineSymbol;
            var ts02 = new TraceStep(null, ls, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ls));

            strategy = "Plot the given two points and the connected line.";

            var xCoord = new Var("x");
            var pt1 = ps1.Shape as Point;
            Debug.Assert(pt1 != null);
            var pt2 = ps2.Shape as Point;
            Debug.Assert(pt2 != null);

            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>(){pt1.XCoordinate, pt2.XCoordinate});
            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>(){term1, 2});
            var eq = new Equation(xCoord, term2);


            object obj;
            bool result = eq.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            EqGoal goal1 = null;
            if (result)
                goal1 = obj as EqGoal;
                Debug.Assert(goal1.Traces.Count == 1);
                var currentTrace = goal1.Traces.ToList()[0];
                strategy = "Generate x coordinate of midpoint.";
                var newTrace = new Tuple<object, object>(strategy, currentTrace.Item2);


            var yCoord = new Var("y");
            term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List<object>() { pt1.YCoordinate, pt2.YCoordinate });
            term2 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { term1, 2 });
            var eq1 = new Equation(yCoord, term2);

            result = eq1.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            EqGoal goal2 = null;
            if (result)
                goal2 = obj as EqGoal;
                Debug.Assert(goal2 != null);
                Debug.Assert(goal2.Traces.Count == 1);
                var currentTrace1 = goal2.Traces.ToList()[0];
                strategy = "Generate y coordinate of midpoint.";
                var newTrace = new Tuple<object, object>(strategy, currentTrace1.Item2);


            var ps = new Point(xCoord, yCoord);
            var psym = new PointSymbol(ps);

            var mid = midPoint.Shape as Point;
            Debug.Assert(mid != null);
            var ps_inter1 = new Point(mid.XCoordinate, yCoord);
            var psym_inter1 = new PointSymbol(ps_inter1);
            var metaRule = "Consider substitute generate x coordinate into the point form.";
            var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(goal1, psym);

            var ts1 = new TraceStep(psym, psym_inter1, null, metaRule, appliedRule);
            metaRule = "Consider substitute generate y coordinate into the point form.";
            appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(goal2, psym_inter1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(psym_inter1, midPoint, null, metaRule, appliedRule);

            strategy = "Generate point (x,y) by subsitute generated x and y.";
Esempio n. 48
        public static void LineSlopeIntercepToGraph(LineSymbol ls)
            string strategy = strategy_graphing;

            //Plotting shapes
            //1. plotting Y-Intercept
            //2. plotting X-Intercept
            //3. plotting the line

            // Step 1:
            var pt    = new Point(0, ls.SymIntercept);
            var ptSym = new PointSymbol(pt);

            var ts0 = new TraceStep(null, ptSym, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ptSym));

            // Step 2:

            var line = ls.Shape as Line;

            Debug.Assert(line != null);

            Equation eq;

            if (line.B == null)
                var x = new Var("x");
                //step 2.1
                var term = new Term(Expression.Multiply, new List <object>()
                    line.Slope, x
                var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                    term, line.Intercept
                eq = new Equation(term1, 0);
                object obj;
                EqGoal gGoal  = null;
                bool   result = eq.IsEqGoal(out obj);
                if (result)
                    gGoal = obj as EqGoal;
                if (gGoal != null)
                    double dX;
                    LogicSharp.IsDouble(gGoal.Rhs, out dX);
                    var pt1    = new Point(dX, 0);
                    var ptSym1 = new PointSymbol(pt1);
                    var ts1    = new TraceStep(null, ptSym1, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ptSym1));


            const string step1MetaRule    = "Given the line slope-intercept form y=mx+b, plot the line by passing points (0,b) and (-b/m,0).";
            string       step1AppliedRule = String.Format("Plotting the line passing through (0,{0}) and ({1},0) ", ls.SymIntercept, ls.SymC);
            //var ts = new TraceStep(null, ls.SlopeInterceptForm, step1MetaRule, step1AppliedRule);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineGraphing;

            var ts = new TraceStep(null, ls, kc, step1MetaRule, step1AppliedRule);



        public static void FromPointsToMidPoint(PointSymbol ps1, PointSymbol ps2, PointSymbol midPoint)
            //1. plot the ps1, ps2 and the line
            //2. generate x coordinate
            //3. generate y coordinate
            //4. generate point (x,y)

            string strategy;

            var ts00 = new TraceStep(null, ps1, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ps1));
            var ts01 = new TraceStep(null, ps2, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ps2));
            var ls   = LineBinaryRelation.Unify(ps1, ps2) as LineSymbol;
            var ts02 = new TraceStep(null, ls, null, PlottingRule.PlottingStrategy, PlottingRule.Plot(ls));

            strategy = "Plot the given two points and the connected line.";

            var xCoord = new Var("x");
            var pt1    = ps1.Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(pt1 != null);
            var pt2 = ps2.Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(pt2 != null);

            var term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                pt1.XCoordinate, pt2.XCoordinate
            var term2 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List <object>()
                term1, 2
            var eq = new Equation(xCoord, term2);


            object obj;
            bool   result = eq.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            EqGoal goal1  = null;

            if (result)
                goal1 = obj as EqGoal;
                Debug.Assert(goal1 != null);
                Debug.Assert(goal1.Traces.Count == 1);
                var currentTrace = goal1.Traces.ToList()[0];
                strategy = "Generate x coordinate of midpoint.";
                var newTrace = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, currentTrace.Item2);


            var yCoord = new Var("y");

            term1 = new Term(Expression.Add, new List <object>()
                pt1.YCoordinate, pt2.YCoordinate
            term2 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List <object>()
                term1, 2
            var eq1 = new Equation(yCoord, term2);

            result = eq1.IsEqGoal(out obj);
            EqGoal goal2 = null;

            if (result)
                goal2 = obj as EqGoal;
                Debug.Assert(goal2 != null);
                Debug.Assert(goal2.Traces.Count == 1);
                var currentTrace1 = goal2.Traces.ToList()[0];
                strategy = "Generate y coordinate of midpoint.";
                var newTrace = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, currentTrace1.Item2);


            var ps   = new Point(xCoord, yCoord);
            var psym = new PointSymbol(ps);

            var mid = midPoint.Shape as Point;

            Debug.Assert(mid != null);
            var ps_inter1   = new Point(mid.XCoordinate, yCoord);
            var psym_inter1 = new PointSymbol(ps_inter1);
            var metaRule    = "Consider substitute generate x coordinate into the point form.";
            var appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(goal1, psym);

            var ts1 = new TraceStep(psym, psym_inter1, null, metaRule, appliedRule);

            metaRule    = "Consider substitute generate y coordinate into the point form.";
            appliedRule = SubstitutionRule.ApplySubstitute(goal2, psym_inter1);
            var ts2 = new TraceStep(psym_inter1, midPoint, null, metaRule, appliedRule);

            strategy = "Generate point (x,y) by subsitute generated x and y.";
Esempio n. 50
         * Automatic scaffolding
         * Distance function (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2 = d^2
         * Forward chaining to derive d.
         * Backward chaining to derive other four parameters.
        private static Tuple <object, object> SlopeSubstitution(Point pt1, Point pt2, double value)
            //out strategy
            string strategy = "Substitute two points and slope value into the slope function.";

            //1. Substitute two points into the line slope function.
            //2. Substitute slope property into the line slope function.
            var lst = new List <TraceStep>();

            var variable = new Var('m');

            string step1metaRule    = "Consider the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute two points value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

            /*   var pt1X = new Var("x0");
             * var pt1Y = new Var("y0");
             * var pt2X = new Var("x1");
             * var pt2Y = new Var("y1");*/

            /*   var term1_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1X, pt2X });
             * var term2_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1Y, pt2Y });
             * var rhs_1 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { term2_1, term1_1 });
             * var old_eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_1);*/

            var term1_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt2.XCoordinate, pt1.XCoordinate
            var term2_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List <object>()
                pt2.YCoordinate, pt1.YCoordinate
            var rhs_11 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List <object>()
                term1_11, term2_11
            var eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_11);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var trace1 = new TraceStep(null, eq, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);



            var newEq = new Equation(value, rhs_11);

            string step2metaRule    = "Substitute slope property into the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step2AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute slope value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

            kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

            var trace2 = new TraceStep(null, newEq, kc, step2metaRule, step2AppliedRule);



            var newTuple = new Tuple <object, object>(strategy, lst);

Esempio n. 51
        private Equation EvalTermInEquation(Equation rootEq, bool isLhs)
            Equation localEq = this;
            object obj = isLhs ? Lhs : Rhs;

            var term = obj as Term;
            if (term == null) return localEq;
            object evalResult = term.Eval();
            if (evalResult.Equals(term)) return localEq;
            var cloneEq = Clone();
            if (isLhs)
                cloneEq.Lhs = evalResult;
                cloneEq.Rhs = evalResult;

            Equation currentEq = FindCurrentEq(rootEq);

            #region Trace Transformation from term to Equation

            if (term.Traces.Count != 0)
                localEq = currentEq;
                foreach (var trace in term.Traces)
                    var strategy = trace.Item1 as string;
                    var lst = trace.Item2 as List<TraceStep>;
                    foreach (var ts in lst)
                        var cloneEq2 = Generate(currentEq, ts.Source, ts.Target, isLhs);
                        var eqTraceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq2, ts.KC, ts.Rule, ts.AppliedRule);
                        localEq = cloneEq2;

            if (term._innerLoop.Count != 0)
                foreach (var ts in term._innerLoop)
                    var cloneEq1 = Generate(currentEq, ts.Source, ts.Target, isLhs);
                    var eqTraceStep = new TraceStep(localEq, cloneEq1, ts.KC, ts.Rule, ts.AppliedRule);
                    localEq = cloneEq1;

            return cloneEq;
Esempio n. 52
         * Automatic scaffolding
         * Distance function (x-x0)^2+(y-y0)^2 = d^2
         * Forward chaining to derive d.
         * Backward chaining to derive other four parameters.
        private static Tuple<object, object> SlopeSubstitution(Point pt1, Point pt2, double value)
            //out strategy
            string strategy = "Substitute two points and slope value into the slope function.";

            //1. Substitute two points into the line slope function.
            //2. Substitute slope property into the line slope function.
            var lst = new List<TraceStep>();

            var variable = new Var('m');
            string step1metaRule = "Consider the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step1AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute two points value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

         /*   var pt1X = new Var("x0");
            var pt1Y = new Var("y0");
            var pt2X = new Var("x1");
            var pt2Y = new Var("y1");*/

         /*   var term1_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1X, pt2X });
            var term2_1 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt1Y, pt2Y });
            var rhs_1 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { term2_1, term1_1 });
            var old_eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_1);*/

            var term1_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt2.XCoordinate, pt1.XCoordinate });
            var term2_11 = new Term(Expression.Subtract, new List<object>() { pt2.YCoordinate, pt1.YCoordinate });
            var rhs_11 = new Term(Expression.Divide, new List<object>() { term1_11, term2_11 });
            var eq = new Equation(variable, rhs_11);

            string kc = GeometryScaffold.KC_LineSlopeForm;

            var trace1 = new TraceStep(null, eq, kc, step1metaRule, step1AppliedRule);


            var newEq = new Equation(value, rhs_11);

            string step2metaRule = "Substitute slope property into the Line Slope Function: m=(y1-y0)/(x1-x0)";
            string step2AppliedRule = String.Format(
                "Substitute slope value into the slope function {0}=({1}-{2})/({3}-{4})",

            kc = SubstitutionRule.SubstituteKC();

            var trace2 = new TraceStep(null, newEq, kc, step2metaRule, step2AppliedRule);


            var newTuple = new Tuple<object, object>(strategy, lst);
            return newTuple;