Esempio n. 1

        private void IndentButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            TraceNode node = TTrace.Debug.Send("Tree indentation using Indent and UnIndent methods");

            node.Indent("Indent", "level 1");
            node.Indent("Indent level 2");

            // UnIndent with no title
            node.Indent("Indent level 3");
            node.UnIndent(); // UnIndent without title


            node.UnIndent("UnIndent level 2");
            node.UnIndent("UnIndent level 1");

            // node indentation using traceNodeEx
            TTrace.Debug.Send("root 1", TTrace.Debug.IndentLevel.ToString());
            TTrace.Debug.Indent("start indentation");
            TTrace.Debug.Send("under indent 1", TTrace.Debug.IndentLevel.ToString());
            TraceNodeEx nodeEx = new TraceNodeEx(TTrace.Debug); // Parent depends of the indentation

            nodeEx.LeftMsg = "under indent 2";
            TTrace.Debug.Send("root 2", TTrace.Debug.IndentLevel.ToString());
Esempio n. 2

        private void butNodeIndent_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (start1 == null)

            start1.Send("before indent");    // send text under the start1 node
            start1.Indent("ident 1");        // send text under the start1 node and keep it this trace as the new target for further sub traces
            start1.Send("Level2");           // send text under the "indent 1" node
            start1.UnIndent("done");         // unindent and send text under the start1 node. Text is optional
Esempio n. 3

    protected void butNodeIndent_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        start1 = (TraceNode)Session.Contents["start1"];
        if (start1 == null)

        start1.Send("before indent");    // send text under the start1 node
        start1.Indent("ident 1");        // send text under the start1 node and keep it this trace as the new target for further sub traces
        start1.Send("Level2");           // send text under the "indent 1" node
        start1.UnIndent("done");         // unindent and send text under the start1 node. Text is optional
Esempio n. 4

        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user click on a button, label or menu on a WinTrace.
        /// The plugin must call WinTrace.LinkToPlugin in order to receive this event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="WinId">Wintrace Id</param>
        /// <param name="ResourceId">Resource Id</param>
        /// <param name="NodeId">Node id of the current selected trace (can be empty)</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///  when true  : tracetool perform the default action
        ///  when false : tracetool don't perform any action
        /// </returns>
        public bool OnAction(string WinId, int ResourceId, string NodeId)
            ActionNodes.Send("OnAction. WinId : " + WinId + ", ResourceId : " + ResourceId + ", current NodeId : " + NodeId);
            // demo : disable close button
            if (ResourceId == TraceConst.CST_ACTION_CLOSE_WIN)
Esempio n. 5
        private void butTrace_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // specify what to send (modifiers, fields, ...). Can be slow on complexe objects
            TraceDisplayFlags flags = TraceDisplayFlags.ShowModifiers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowInheritedMembers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowNonPublic |

            if (ChkSendFunctions.IsChecked != null && (bool)ChkSendFunctions.IsChecked)
                flags |= TraceDisplayFlags.ShowMethods;

            //TTrace.Debug.SendObject("button1", button1);
            //button1.Width = button1.Width + 10;
            //button1.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (double)button1.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty) + 1);
            if (ChkSendProcessName.IsChecked != null)
                TTrace.Options.SendProcessName = (bool)ChkSendProcessName.IsChecked;
            string str = '\u2250' + "qwerty & @ € é ù è azerty" + '\u9999';

            // simple traces
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Hello").Send("World"); // "World" is a sub trace of "Hello"

            // single separator

            // send traces with special font style (bold and Italic), color font size and font name
            // use System.Drawing.Color.ToArgb() (not supported in Silverlight) or (int)Helper.ToArgb(System.Windows.Media.Color) to specify Argb color
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Special font", "Symbol 12")
            .SetFontDetail(-1, false, true)                                                         // set whole line to italic
            .SetFontDetail(3, true, false, System.Drawing.Color.Red.ToArgb())                       // set col 3 (Left Msg)  to bold and Red
            .SetFontDetail(4, false, false, System.Drawing.Color.Green.ToArgb(), 12, "Symbol");     // set col 4 (Right Msg) to Green , font size 12 , Symbol
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Impact Italic")
            .SetFontDetail(3, false, true, System.Drawing.Color.BlueViolet.ToArgb(), 12, "Impact"); // Col3 (left msg), non bold, Italic , Blue-Violet , font 12 , Impact

            TTrace.Debug.Send("Special chars", "€ é ù è $ ");

            // The characters to encode:
            //    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
            //    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
            //    Combining Breve (U+0306)
            //    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
            //    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
            //    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
            //    a low-surrogate value (U+DCFF)
            //char[] myChars = new char[] { 'z', 'a', '\u0306', '\u01FD', '\u03B2', '\uD8FF', '\uDCFF' };
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("Other Special chars", new StringBuilder().Append(myChars).ToString());  // note that myChars.ToString() return  "char[]"

            // double separator

            //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = false ;
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace without thread id");
            //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = true;

            //TTrace.Options.SendDate = true;
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace with date");
            //TTrace.Options.SendDate = false;

            // traces using Sendxxx method
            // Use default display filter. (see TTrace.Options)

            TTrace.Debug.SendType("Object base type", typeof(Object));
            TTrace.Debug.SendType("My interface", typeof(IMyinterface));
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My const", TraceConst.CST_CREATE_MEMBER);
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My enum", _testClass.FieldDay);
            TTrace.Debug.SendCaller("SendCaller test", 0);
            TTrace.Debug.SendStack("Stack test", 0);
            TTrace.Debug.SendDump("SendDump test", "Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50);

            TTrace.Warning.SendType("SendType 'testClass'", _testClass.GetType());

            TTrace.Error.SendObject("SendObject 'testClass'", _testClass, flags);

            // traces using TraceNodeEx
            TraceNodeEx node = new TraceNodeEx(null); //  TTrace.Debug

            node.LeftMsg  = "TraceNodeEx";
            node.RightMsg = str;
            node.AddFontDetail(3, false, false, System.Drawing.Color.Green.ToArgb());
            node.IconIndex = 8;
            node.Members.Add("My Members", "col2", "col3")
            .SetFontDetail(0, true)                                              // set first column to bold
            .SetFontDetail(1, false, false, System.Drawing.Color.Green.ToArgb()) // set second column to green
            .Add("Sub members")                                                  // add sub member node
            .SetFontDetail(0, false, true);                                      // set first column to Italic
            node.AddDump("ASCII", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str), 50);             // 3F 61 7A          ..... 3F
            node.AddDump("UTF8", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str), 50);
            node.AddDump("Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50);         // 50 22 61 00 7A 00 ..... 99 99
            TraceNode sendNode = node.Send();

            sendNode.ResendIconIndex(5); // change icon index after the node is send

            // XML sample using Send
            TTrace.Debug.SendXml("xml", "<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Hello XML </Data>");

            // Image sample using Send

            //TTrace.Debug.SendBitmap("Bitmap", Image1);

            // Text, image and XML together
            node         = new TraceNodeEx(TTrace.Debug);
            node.LeftMsg = "Text, image and XML together";
            node.Members.Add("Text displayed in detail");
            node.AddXML("<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Xml in traceNodeEx </Data>");

            // group of traces enabled / disabled
            TraceNode groupTrace = new TraceNode(null, false); // dummy node not send to viewer

            groupTrace.IconIndex = 5;
            groupTrace.Enabled   = true;
            groupTrace.Send("GroupTrace traces 1"); // send to viewer
            groupTrace.Enabled = false;
            groupTrace.Send("GroupTrace traces 2"); // not send : group not enabled

            // generics
            TTrace.Debug.SendType("typeof(Dictionary<,>)", typeof(Dictionary <,>), flags);                                  // open generic
            TTrace.Debug.SendType("typeof(Dictionary<Window, structTest>", typeof(Dictionary <Window, StructTest>), flags); // closed generic
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("new Dictionary<Window, structTest>()", new Dictionary <Window, StructTest>(), flags);

            TTrace.Debug.SendType("typeof(templateTest<,>)", typeof(TemplateTest <,>), flags);
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("new templateTest<Window, structTest>()", new TemplateTest <Window, StructTest>(), flags);

            // Display tables : use an object that implement : Array or IEnumerable or IDictionary or create a special table

            // 1) array of int
            int[] numbersA = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 };
            int[] numbersB = { 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 };
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("numbersA", numbersA);
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("numbersB", numbersB);

            // Linq on array
            var pairs =
                from a in numbersA
                from b in numbersB
                where a < b
                select new { a, b };

            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Linq query on series", pairs);

            // 2) array of FileInfo[]
            string        strTempPath = Path.GetTempPath();
            DirectoryInfo tempPath    = new DirectoryInfo(strTempPath);

            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Files in temp path", tempPath.GetFiles());

            // Linq to array of FileInfo[]
            var linqToObjectQuery = from file in tempPath.GetFiles()
                                    where file.Length > 100
                                    orderby file.Length descending
                                    select new

            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Files having length>100 in temp path (Linq)", linqToObjectQuery);

            // 3) IDictionary : Hashtable
            Hashtable openWith = new Hashtable();

            openWith.Add("txt", "notepad.exe");
            openWith.Add("bmp", "paint.exe");
            openWith.Add("dib", "paint.exe");
            openWith.Add("rtf", "wordpad.exe");
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Hashtable", openWith);

            // 4) UnTyped collection : Stack
            Stack windowStack = new Stack(5);

            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Stack ", windowStack);

            // 5) Typed collection (implement ICollection)
            Collection <Window> windowsCollection = new Collection <Window>();

            for (int c = 0; c < 500; c++)
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("window Collection", windowsCollection);

            Collection <int> intCollection = new Collection <int>();

            for (int c = 0; c < 500; c++)
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("int Collection", intCollection);

            // 6) create manually a table
            TraceTable table = new TraceTable();

            // add titles. Individual columns titles can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
            table.AddColumnTitle("colA");                 // first column title
            table.AddColumnTitle("colB");                 // second column title
            table.AddColumnTitle("title column C\tcolD"); // other columns title (tab separated)

            // add first line. Individual columns data can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
            table.AddRowData("a");                                        // add first col
            table.AddRowData("b" + "\t" + "c" + "\t" + "d" + "\t" + "e"); // then add other columns (tab separated)

            // add second line
            table.AddRowData("aa" + "\t" + "data second column" + "\t" + "cc" + "\t" + "dd" + "\t" + "ee"); // add all columns data in a single step (tab separated)

            // finally send the table
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Mytable", table);

            // ensure all traces are send to the viewer
Esempio n. 6
        private void butTrace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TTrace.Options.SendProcessName = chkSendProcessName.Checked;
            string str = '\u2250' + "qwerty & @ € é ù è azerty" + '\u9999';

            // simple traces
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Hello").Send("World"); // "World" is a sub trace of "Hello"

            // single separator

            // send traces with special font style (bold and Italic), color font size and font name
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Special font", "Symbol 12")
            .SetFontDetail(-1, false, true)                                           // set whole line to italic
            .SetFontDetail(3, true, false, Color.Red.ToArgb())                        // set col 3 (Left Msg)  to bold and Red
            .SetFontDetail(4, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb(), 12, "Symbol");      // set col 4 (Right Msg) to Green , font size 12 , Symbol
            TTrace.Debug.Send("Impact Italic")
            .SetFontDetail(3, false, true, Color.BlueViolet.ToArgb(), 12, "Impact");  // Col3 (left msg), non bold, Italic , Blue-Violet , font 12 , Impact

            TTrace.Debug.Send("Special chars", "€ é ù è $ ");

            // The characters to encode:
            //    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
            //    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
            //    Combining Breve (U+0306)
            //    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
            //    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
            //    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
            //    a low-surrogate value (U+DCFF)
            //char[] myChars = new char[] { 'z', 'a', '\u0306', '\u01FD', '\u03B2', '\uD8FF', '\uDCFF' };
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("Other Special chars", new StringBuilder().Append(myChars).ToString());  // myChars.ToString() return  "char[]"

            // double separator

            //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = false ;
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace without thread id");
            //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = true;

            //TTrace.Options.SendDate = true;
            //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace with date");
            //TTrace.Options.SendDate = false;

            // traces using Sendxxx method
            // Use default display filter. (see TTrace.Options)

            TTrace.Debug.SendType("Object base type", typeof(Object));
            TTrace.Debug.SendType("My interface", typeof(Myinterface));
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My const", TraceConst.CST_CREATE_MEMBER);
            TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My enum", testClass.fieldDay);
            TTrace.Debug.SendCaller("SendCaller test", 0);
            TTrace.Debug.SendStack("Stack test", 0);
            TTrace.Debug.SendDump("SendDump test", "Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50);

            TTrace.Warning.SendType("SendType 'testClass'", testClass.GetType());

            // specify what to send (modifiers, fields, ...). Can be slow on complexe objects
            TraceDisplayFlags flags = TraceDisplayFlags.ShowModifiers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowInheritedMembers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowNonPublic |

            if (chkSendFunctions.Checked)
                flags |= TraceDisplayFlags.ShowMethods;
            TTrace.Error.SendObject("SendObject 'testClass'", testClass, flags);

            // traces using TraceNodeEx
            TraceNodeEx node = new TraceNodeEx(null); //  TTrace.Debug

            node.LeftMsg  = "TraceNodeEx";
            node.RightMsg = str;
            node.AddFontDetail(3, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb());
            node.IconIndex = 8;
            node.Members.Add("My Members", "col2", "col3")
            .SetFontDetail(0, true)                                      // set first column to bold
            .SetFontDetail(1, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb())        // set second column to green
            .Add("Sub members")                                          // add sub member node
            .SetFontDetail(0, false, true);                              // set first column to Italic
            node.AddDump("ASCII", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str), 50);     // 3F 61 7A          ..... 3F
            node.AddDump("UTF8", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str), 50);
            node.AddDump("Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50); // 50 22 61 00 7A 00 ..... 99 99
            TraceNode sendNode = node.Send();

            sendNode.ResendIconIndex(5); // change icon index after the node is send

            // XML sample using Send
            TTrace.Debug.SendXml("xml", "<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Hello XML </Data>");

            // Image sample using Send
            TTrace.Debug.SendBitmap("Bitmap", pictureBox1.Image);

            // Text, image and XML together
            node         = new TraceNodeEx(TTrace.Debug);
            node.LeftMsg = "Text, image and XML together";
            node.Members.Add("Text displayed in detail");
            node.AddXML("<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Xml in traceNodeEx </Data>");

            // send table detail

            // create the table
            TraceTable table = new TraceTable();

            // add titles. Individual columns titles can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
            table.AddColumnTitle("colA");                 // first column title
            table.AddColumnTitle("colB");                 // second column title
            table.AddColumnTitle("title column C\tcolD"); // other columns title (tab separated)

            // add first line. Individual columns data can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
            table.AddRowData("a");                                        // add first col
            table.AddRowData("b" + "\t" + "c" + "\t" + "d" + "\t" + "e"); // then add other columns (tab separated)

            // add second line
            table.AddRowData("aa" + "\t" + "data second column" + "\t" + "cc" + "\t" + "dd" + "\t" + "ee"); // add all columns data in a single step (tab separated)

            // finally send the table
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Mytable", table);

            ParsedObjectList objList = new ParsedObjectList();

            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Generic table", objList);

            List <int> intCollection = new List <int>();

            for (int c = 0; c < 500; c++)
            TTrace.Debug.SendTable("int Collection", intCollection);

            // group of traces enabled / disabled
            TraceNode databinding = new TraceNode(null, false);

            databinding.IconIndex = 5;

            databinding.Enabled = true;
            databinding.Send("databing traces 1");
            databinding.Enabled = false;
            databinding.Send("databing traces 2");

            // ensure all traces are send to the viewer
Esempio n. 7
        private void butTrace_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TTrace.Options.SendProcessName = chkSendProcessName.Checked;
               string str = '\u2250' + "qwerty & @ € é ù è azerty" + '\u9999';

               // simple traces
               TTrace.Debug.Send("Hello").Send("World");  // "World" is a sub trace of "Hello"

               // single separator

               // send traces with special font style (bold and Italic), color font size and font name
               TTrace.Debug.Send("Special font", "Symbol 12")
               .SetFontDetail(-1, false, true)                                        // set whole line to italic
               .SetFontDetail(3, true, false, Color.Red.ToArgb())                     // set col 3 (Left Msg)  to bold and Red
               .SetFontDetail(4, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb(), 12, "Symbol");   // set col 4 (Right Msg) to Green , font size 12 , Symbol
               TTrace.Debug.Send("Impact Italic")
               .SetFontDetail(3, false, true, Color.BlueViolet.ToArgb(), 12, "Impact");     // Col3 (left msg), non bold, Italic , Blue-Violet , font 12 , Impact

               TTrace.Debug.Send("Special chars", "€ é ù è $ ");

               // The characters to encode:
               //    Latin Small Letter Z (U+007A)
               //    Latin Small Letter A (U+0061)
               //    Combining Breve (U+0306)
               //    Latin Small Letter AE With Acute (U+01FD)
               //    Greek Small Letter Beta (U+03B2)
               //    a high-surrogate value (U+D8FF)
               //    a low-surrogate value (U+DCFF)
               //char[] myChars = new char[] { 'z', 'a', '\u0306', '\u01FD', '\u03B2', '\uD8FF', '\uDCFF' };
               //TTrace.Debug.Send("Other Special chars", new StringBuilder().Append(myChars).ToString());  // myChars.ToString() return  "char[]"

               // double separator

               //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = false ;
               //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace without thread id");
               //TTrace.Options.SendThreadId = true;

               //TTrace.Options.SendDate = true;
               //TTrace.Debug.Send("trace with date");
               //TTrace.Options.SendDate = false;

               // traces using Sendxxx method
               // Use default display filter. (see TTrace.Options)

               TTrace.Debug.SendType("Object base type", typeof(Object));
               TTrace.Debug.SendType("My interface", typeof(Myinterface));
               TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My const", TraceConst.CST_CREATE_MEMBER);
               TTrace.Debug.SendObject("My enum", testClass.fieldDay);
               TTrace.Debug.SendCaller("SendCaller test", 0);
               TTrace.Debug.SendStack("Stack test", 0);
               TTrace.Debug.SendDump("SendDump test", "Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50);

               TTrace.Warning.SendType("SendType 'testClass'", testClass.GetType());

            // specify what to send (modifiers, fields, ...). Can be slow on complexe objects
               TraceDisplayFlags flags = TraceDisplayFlags.ShowModifiers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowInheritedMembers |
                                      TraceDisplayFlags.ShowNonPublic |

               if (chkSendFunctions.Checked)
              flags |= TraceDisplayFlags.ShowMethods;
               TTrace.Error.SendObject("SendObject 'testClass'", testClass, flags);

               // traces using TraceNodeEx
               TraceNodeEx node = new TraceNodeEx(null);  //  TTrace.Debug
               node.LeftMsg = "TraceNodeEx";
               node.RightMsg = str;
               node.AddFontDetail(3, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb());
               node.IconIndex = 8;
               node.Members.Add("My Members", "col2", "col3")
              .SetFontDetail(0, true)                                 // set first column to bold
              .SetFontDetail(1, false, false, Color.Green.ToArgb())   // set second column to green
              .Add("Sub members")                                     // add sub member node
                 .SetFontDetail(0, false, true);                      // set first column to Italic
               node.AddDump("ASCII", Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str), 50);   // 3F 61 7A          ..... 3F
               node.AddDump("UTF8", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str), 50);
               node.AddDump("Unicode", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(str), 50); // 50 22 61 00 7A 00 ..... 99 99
               TraceNode sendNode = node.Send();
               sendNode.ResendIconIndex(5);  // change icon index after the node is send

               // XML sample using Send
               TTrace.Debug.SendXml("xml", "<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Hello XML </Data>");

               // Image sample using Send
               TTrace.Debug.SendBitmap("Bitmap", pictureBox1.Image);

               // Text, image and XML together
               node = new TraceNodeEx(TTrace.Debug);
               node.LeftMsg = "Text, image and XML together";
               node.Members.Add("Text displayed in detail");
               node.AddXML("<?xml version='1.0' ?><Data> Xml in traceNodeEx </Data>");

               // send table detail

               // create the table
               TraceTable table = new TraceTable();

               // add titles. Individual columns titles can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
               table.AddColumnTitle("colA");          // first column title
               table.AddColumnTitle("colB");          // second column title
               table.AddColumnTitle("title column C\tcolD");  // other columns title (tab separated)

               // add first line. Individual columns data can be added or multiple columns , separated by tabs
               table.AddRowData("a");                           // add first col
               table.AddRowData("b" + "\t" + "c" + "\t" + "d" + "\t" + "e");            // then add other columns (tab separated)

               // add second line
               table.AddRowData("aa" + "\t" + "data second column" + "\t" + "cc" + "\t" + "dd" + "\t" + "ee");  // add all columns data in a single step (tab separated)

               // finally send the table
               TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Mytable", table);

               ParsedObjectList objList = new ParsedObjectList() ;
               objList.Add (testClass) ;
               objList.Add (test2) ;
               TTrace.Debug.SendTable("Generic table",objList );

               List<int> intCollection = new List<int>();
               for (int c = 0; c < 500; c++)
               TTrace.Debug.SendTable("int Collection", intCollection);

               // group of traces enabled / disabled
               TraceNode databinding = new TraceNode(null, false);
               databinding.IconIndex = 5;

               databinding.Enabled = true;
               databinding.Send("databing traces 1");
               databinding.Enabled = false;
               databinding.Send("databing traces 2");

               // ensure all traces are send to the viewer