public List <IBeaconInfo> GetBeacons() { List <IBeaconInfo> list = new List <IBeaconInfo>(); list.AddRange(beaconInfoList); list.AddRange(boundBeaconInfoList); List <string> beaconnames = (from beacon in list select beacon.Name).ToList <string>(); string buff = "The beaconnames from layout.csv and boundarybeacons.xml is repeated, please modify"; if (false == checkRepeat(beaconnames,ref buff)) // no repeat return true else false. { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR,buff); } list = list.GroupBy(p => p.Name).Select(g => g.First()).ToList(); List <string> ids = (from beacon in list select beacon.ID.ToString()).ToList <string>(); buff = "The IDs from layout.csv and boundarybeacons.xml is repeated, please modify"; if (false == checkRepeat(ids,ref buff)) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR,buff); } return(list.GroupBy(p => p.ID).Select(g => g.First()).ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// get values from input data /// and set the values in member processData for write to excel /// </summary> /// <param name="leulist"></param> /// <param name="data">data in LEU_Result_Filtered_Values.xml</param> /// <param name="msgfiledir">path of LEUBinary which include all TGM files of all LEUs</param> /// <returns></returns> private void getdataprocess(List <LEU> leulist, List <LEU_filtered_values.leu> data, string msgfiledir) { if (null == leulist || 0 == leulist.Count) { return; } var groupedList = leulist.GroupBy(r => r.CI_Name);//1 sheet == 1 CI area foreach (var group in groupedList) { List <List <string> > pagedata = new List <List <string> >();//one page has leus in same group if (null != data) { foreach (LEU leuname in group) { if (-1 == data.FindIndex(l => l.NAME == leuname.Name)) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"can't find leu[{leuname.Name}] in file LEU_Result_Filtered_Values.xml, CI-LEU report will lack this LEU"); continue; } LEU_filtered_values.leu leu = data.Find(l => l.NAME == leuname.Name); foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON b in leu.beaconList) { pagedata.AddRange(getrecordfrombeacon(b, leu.NAME, msgfiledir, hasTGM)); } } } processData[group.Key] = pagedata; } }
//BMGR-0066 private string GetSwitchPos() { string sp = ""; if (null == m_Ol) { return(sp); } switch ((string)m_Ol.Overlap_Type) { case "Not Interlocked": case "Reduce": case "": break; case "CBI Critical Normal": sp = "Normal"; break; case "CBI Critical Reverse": sp = "Reverse"; break; case "CBI Preferred Normal": case "CBI Preferred Reverse": sp = "Either"; break; default: TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING,$"Invalid OverlapType in sydb [{m_Ol.Overlap_Type}]"); break; } return(sp); }
private bool AddNewRoute(bool isSplitRoute, RouteSegment rs) { if (isSplitRoute == true) { if (rs.m_PtLst.Count > 0) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"sydb split route[{rs.Info}] should has no point, this route will ignore\n"); return(false); } if (null == m_Spacing_routeLst.Find(x => (x.m_OrgSig.ID == rs.m_OrgSig.ID && x.m_BlkLst.Count == rs.m_BlkLst.Count && x.m_BlkLst.All(rs.m_BlkLst.Contains)))) { m_Spacing_routeLst.Add(rs); } else { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Warning: split route[{rs.Info}] is repeated, ignore the repeat ones!\r\n"); } } else { if (null == m_RouteSpacing_routeLst.Find(x => (x.m_OrgSig.ID == rs.m_OrgSig.ID && x.m_BlkLst.Count == rs.m_BlkLst.Count && x.m_BlkLst.All(rs.m_BlkLst.Contains)))) { m_RouteSpacing_routeLst.Add(rs); } else { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Warning: route[{rs.Info}] is repeated, ignore the repeat ones!\r\n"); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// get the distance of beacon and nearest sddb in beacon direction /// unit: cm( sydb kp data is cm) /// </summary> /// <param name="beacon"></param> /// <returns></returns> private int CalBeacon2SDDB(BEACON beacon) { GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK beaconBlk = SyDB.GetLocatedBlock(, beacon.m_layoutInfo.TrackID); if (null == beaconBlk) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} find beacon located block get null, can't get BMB_SDDB_distance"); return(0); } //calculate length from beacon to beacon located Blk end string dir = beacon.m_ibbmInfo.Direction; int length = Sys.GetSDDBLenOfLocatedBlock(, beaconBlk, dir); if (Sys.GetSDDBPosInLocatedBlock(beaconBlk, dir) == Sys.SddbInBlock.end) { return(length); } //calculate length from beaconBlk end to SDDB //only sddb and beacon in different blk will do this int nextBlkID = -1; GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK curBlk = beaconBlk; while (true) { if (curBlk.Is_Direction_Opposite.Equals(true)) { dir = SyDB.GetReverseDir(dir); } nextBlkID = SyDB.GetNextBlkID(curBlk, dir); if (nextBlkID == -1) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"{curBlk.Info} search next block in {dir} occer convergent point,Error:Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} can't get BMB_SDDB_distance."); return(0); } var nextBlk = (GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK)Sys.GetNode(nextBlkID, sydb.blockInfoList.Cast <Node>().ToList()); if (null == nextBlk) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"{curBlk.Info} search next block in {dir} get null,Error:Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} can't get BMB_SDDB_distance"); return(0); } Sys.SddbInBlock sddbInWalk = Sys.SddbWalkThroughBlock(nextBlk, dir); if (Sys.SddbInBlock.none != sddbInWalk) { if (Sys.SddbInBlock.end == sddbInWalk) { length += nextBlk.GetBlockLen(); } break; } length += nextBlk.GetBlockLen(); curBlk = nextBlk; } return(length); }
public string GenerateMessage(IBeaconInfo layout, int lineID) { if (null == layout) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, "GenerateMessage Error:input null beacon");; return(""); } setValue(lineID, layout); return(GenerateMessage()); }
/// <summary> /// 通过childname的限制信息验证value。 /// 与public bool SetParentPath(string xpath)配合使用xpath到childname的父节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <param name="childname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool Validate(string value, string childname) { foreach (var n in root.Children()) { if (n.Name == childname) { return(ValidateValue(value, n.Children())); } } TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"Get no restriction info of {childname}, lack check of {value}"); return(false); }
/// <summary> /// set data in record to cols of input row /// </summary> /// <param name="row"></param> /// <param name="record"></param> /// <param name="cols"></param> private void setRow(IRow row, List <string> record, int[] cols) { int i = 0; if (record.Count != cols.Length) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"call setMsgRow error, record count {record.Count} != cols count {cols.Length}"); return; } foreach (int col in cols) { setcellvaluestyle(row, col, record[i]); ++i; } }
public int AddBeacon(int BeaconOutNum, string beaconName) { if (BeaconOutNum < 1 || BeaconOutNum > 4) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"sydb file data error: Beacon[{beaconName}] IBBM.BM_Beacon.LEU.@Beacon_Output_Nb={BeaconOutNum} not in [1,4]"); return(-1); } //check if LEU.BeaconOutNum is repeated if ("" != beaconNames[BeaconOutNum - 1]) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"sydb.IBBM data error: Beacon[{beaconNames[BeaconOutNum - 1]}] and Beacon[{beaconName}] has same LEU={Name} Beacon_Output_number={BeaconOutNum}"); return(-2); } beaconNames[BeaconOutNum - 1] = beaconName; return(0); }
public void ReadBoundaryBeacon(Line_boundary_BM_beacons bbeacons) { boundBeaconInfoList.Clear(); foreach (Line_boundary_BM_beacons.BEACON b in bbeacons.Beacon) { try { boundaryBeacon beacon = new boundaryBeacon(b); boundBeaconInfoList.Add(beacon); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Warning:load boundary beacon {b.Name} fail {ex.Message}, ignore this beacon."); continue; } } }
//BMGR-0027 private bool GenerateVariantList(BEACON beacon) { beacon.m_variantLst = new List <Variant>(); foreach (OriginSignal sig in beacon.GetOrgSignalList()) { sig.CalVariants(beacon.m_variantLst); } foreach (Variant var in beacon.m_variantLst) { if (var.GetVarSrc() == VAR_TYPE.E_POINT) { VariantPoint pvar = (VariantPoint)var; //BMGR-0031 set inputRank from IBBM var.InputRank = beacon.m_ibbmInfo.getInputRank(var.GetName(), pvar.PointVariantPos); pvar.check(beacon.Name); } } //del repeat by object_name beacon.m_variantLst = beacon.m_variantLst.Distinct().ToList(); //set idx int idx = 1; foreach (Variant var in beacon.m_variantLst) { var.SetIdx(idx); ++idx; } if (beacon.m_variantLst.Count() > BEACON.MAXVARNUM) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"{beacon.Info} has {beacon.m_variantLst.Count()} variants more than {BEACON.MAXVARNUM}!"); foreach (Variant var in beacon.m_variantLst) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"{var.Info}"); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// read compiled messages from Tgm file /// </summary> /// <param name="tgmfilefullname">fullname of the tgm file</param> /// <param name="msgnum">nums of message you want to get, [0, 127]</param> /// <returns></returns> public static List <string> readcompiledmsg(string tgmfilefullname, ushort msgnum) { List <string> msgs = new List <string>(); if (false == File.Exists(tgmfilefullname)) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"readcompiledmsg Error. input {tgmfilefullname} is not exist"); return(msgs); } if (msgnum > (ushort)127) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"readcompiledmsg Error: input msgnum={msgnum} should in [0,127]"); return(msgs); } using (StreamReader tgmfile = new StreamReader(tgmfilefullname)) { string buff = tgmfile.ReadToEnd(); string pattern = @".TGML ([0-9a-fA-F\s\r\n]*)"; int i = 0; foreach (Match match in Regex.Matches(buff, pattern)) { if (i == msgnum) {//read the first msgnum msgs is enough break; } msgs.Add(match.Groups[1].ToString().Trim().Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\r", "")); ++i; } } if (msgnum != (ushort)msgs.Count) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"readcompiledmsg {tgmfilefullname} Error. Please Check:\r\n" + $"get msg num {msgs.Count} != {msgnum}"); return(msgs); } return(msgs); }
//BMGR-0024 //the blockList is in order of direction public bool GetPointLstFromBlkLst() { m_PtLst.Clear(); if (0 == m_BlkLst.Count) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR,$"route[{Info}] include no block, original route[{RouteInfo.Info}]\n"); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < m_BlkLst.Count - 1; ++i) { GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK preBlock = m_BlkLst[i]; GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK nextBlock = m_BlkLst[i + 1]; if (preBlock.Point_ID == nextBlock.Point_ID && null != preBlock.Point_ID) {//BMGR-0025 cal point info by block link var point = (GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.POINTS.POINT)Sys.GetNode((int)preBlock.Point_ID,SyDB.GetInstance().pointInfoList.Cast <Node>().ToList()); PointInfo objpt = new PointInfo(point, SyDB.GetPosByBlocks(preBlock,nextBlock), SyDB.GetOrientByBlocks(preBlock,nextBlock), PointLocation.Route, this.RouteInfo); m_PtLst.Add(objpt); } } if (10 < m_PtLst.Count()) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR,$"points in route[{Info}] is more than 10.\n"); foreach (PointInfo pt in m_PtLst) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo(pt.Info); } return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ValidateValue(string value, IEnumerable <XmlVisitor> resnodes) { string log = ""; foreach (var res in resnodes) { if (res.Name == "INT") { IntRestriction intrange = CreatIntResriction(res); if (true == intrange.validate(value)) { return(true); } log += res.ToString(); } else { throw new Exception($"Restriction {res.ToString()} is unknown."); } } TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"{value} is invalid of restriction {log}"); return(false); }
private bool GenLEUXmlFile(LEU_filtered_values.leu leurf, GID gid, string filename) { try { XmlFileHelper xmlFile = XmlFileHelper.CreateFromString(null); AddLogHead(ref xmlFile); //根据LEU Result Filtered Values文件的内容修改可变部分的值 = leurf.NAME; //5.2.1生成Output_balise leuXmlTemplate.Output_balise.Clear();//先清掉已有数据 //calculate leugb.obList by leurf.beaconList #region [cal oblist] foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON beacon in leurf.beaconList) { LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE ob = new LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE(beacon.NAME, beacon.NUM); string[] varInputs = beacon.Variants_inputs.ToString().Split(' '); int index = 0; //BMGR-0064 foreach (string varInput in varInputs) { if (varInput != "0") { LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE.INPUT input = new LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE.INPUT(); input.Channel = new StringData("00"); input.Number = new StringData(varInput.PadLeft(2, '0')); input.index = index; ob.Input.Add(input); } ++index;//BMGR-0072 this is the pos index in variant_input and varait_state } ob.Input.Sort((x, y) => { return(x.Number.ToString().CompareTo(y.Number.ToString())); //根据intNum重新排序,这个排序影响mask的值 }); foreach (LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON.MESSAGE msg in beacon.msgList) { if (0 != msg.RANK)//BMGR-0071 { LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE.ASPECT asp = new LEUXML.LEU.OUTPUT_BALISE.ASPECT(); string mask = ""; //BMGR-0072 //根据Input的顺序确定其在MASK中的位置,根据其num找到其在Variants_inputs中的索引 //根据其在Variants_inputs中索引,确定此码位在Variant_state中的索引.[两个索引相等] //判断此索引位置的值,为0则取0,为1则取1,为P或S则取X,然后将MASK不足X至30位 foreach (var inNode in ob.Input) { string value = msg.VarState.Substring(inNode.index, 1); if (value == "0") { mask += '0'; } else if (value == "1") { mask += '1'; } else if (value == "P" || value == "S") { mask += 'X'; } } //补足30位 for (int i = mask.Length; i < 30; i++) { mask += 'X'; } asp.Mask = new StringData(mask); //BMGR-0073 if (isITC) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { asp.Telegram = msg.Interoperable; } ob.CheckAspect(asp); ob.Aspect.Add(asp); } } //BMGR-0074 LEU_filtered_values.leu.BEACON.MESSAGE dftMsg = beacon.msgList.Find(x => (int)x.RANK == 0); if (isITC) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } else { ob.Default_telegram = dftMsg.Interoperable; } leuXmlTemplate.Output_balise.Add(ob); } #endregion //GMBR-0060 leuXmlTemplate.updateGid(gid); FileSerializer.Serialize(leuXmlTemplate, filename, AddLogHead()); return(true); } catch (System.Exception ex) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, ex.Message); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// output the processData to excel /// excel is genrate accorint to input templatefile /// </summary> /// <param name="templatefile"></param> /// <param name="outputpath"></param> public void generateExcel(string templatefile, string outputpath) { const int templatepage = 3; const int formatline = 11; const int datastartline = 11; const int notestartline = 12; const int existdataline = notestartline - datastartline; string outputFullName = Path.Combine(outputpath, Path.GetFileName(templatefile)); if (false == File.Exists(templatefile)) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"CI-LEU report templelate file is missing {templatefile}, please check!"); return; } using (FileStream sw = new FileStream(templatefile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { workBook = createworkbook(sw); if (null == workBook) { return; } getstyles(workBook, templatepage, formatline); int sheetidx = 1; foreach (var page in processData) { ISheet sheet = workBook.CloneSheet(templatepage); workBook.SetSheetName(templatepage + sheetidx, $"{page.Key}联锁区"); ++sheetidx; int recordnum = processData[page.Key].Count(); sheet.ShiftRows(notestartline, sheet.LastRowNum, recordnum - existdataline, true, true); for (int wor = 0; wor < recordnum; ++wor) { IRow row = sheet.CreateRow(datastartline + wor); if (null == processData[page.Key][wor]) { //empty row need do nothing } else if (defaultmsgcols.Count() == processData[page.Key][wor].Count) { setDefaultMsgRow(row, processData[page.Key][wor]); } else if (cols.Count() == processData[page.Key][wor].Count) { setRow(row, processData[page.Key][wor], cols); } else { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"get invalid data reocrd cols count {processData[page.Key][wor].Count}\n" + $"{processData[page.Key][wor].ToString()}"); } } //set MergedRegion, but the existed line should not set again or excel will raise error while open for (int rowidx = 0; rowidx < recordnum - existdataline; rowidx++) { for (int mergedidx = 0; mergedidx < mergedcolinfo.Count() / 2; ++mergedidx) { CellRangeAddress region = new CellRangeAddress( datastartline + existdataline + rowidx, datastartline + existdataline + rowidx, mergedcolinfo[mergedidx * 2], mergedcolinfo[mergedidx * 2 + 1]); sheet.AddMergedRegion(region); } } } workBook.RemoveSheetAt(templatepage); FileStream sw1 = new FileStream(outputFullName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite); workBook.Write(sw1); sw.Close(); sw1.Close(); } }
public string GetBeaconType() { if (BeaconType.Unknown == type) { reopenSigNum = 0; appSigNum = 0; //BMGR-0082 foreach (var input in Input_Signal) { if (input.Type == Sys.Reopening) { ++reopenSigNum; linkedSigName = input.Name; } else if (input.Type == Sys.Approach) { ++appSigNum; if ("" == linkedSigName) { linkedSigName = input.Name; } } else { //error unknow input type TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"input IBBM error: beacon {Name} has unknow input signal type[{input.Type}]!"); } } //chapter 4.1 check the IBBM<input_signal> //1 approach 0 reopening: type = approach beacon //0 approach 1 reopening: type = Reopening beacon //1-3 approach 1 reopening: type = Reopening_Approach beacon //others error //BMGR-0015 get the type by ibbm input signal //type = approach beacon: //0 reopening 1 approach if ((0 == reopenSigNum && 1 == appSigNum) ) {//@Type is Approach type = BeaconType.Approach; } else if (1 == reopenSigNum) { BEACON.SignamReBeaconDic[linkedSigName] = Name; if (appSigNum > 3) {//error type = BeaconType.Invalid; TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Beacon {Name} data error, the input signal number of approach is more than 3!"); } else if (0 == appSigNum) {//0 approach 1 reopening: type = Reopening beacon type = BeaconType.Reopening; } else {//1-3 approach 1 reopening: type = Reopening_Approach beacon type = BeaconType.Reopening_Approach; } } else {//error type = BeaconType.Invalid; TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Sydb file error: Beacon {Name}, the input signal number is unknown Reopening={reopenSigNum} Approach={appSigNum}!"); } } return(type.ToString()); }
//BMGR-0021 private bool GenerateBMBSDDBDisInfoNode(BEACON beacon, ref XmlVisitor node) { if (null == beacon) { return(false); } try { //boundary beacon then get the value and return. node.AppendChild("BMB_SDDB_distance", Sys.Cm2Meter(beacon.m_layoutInfo.BMB_Distance_cm, 3).ToString("0.000")); //node.AppendChild("BMB_SDDB_distance", beacon.m_layoutInfo.BMB_Distance_cm); beacon.BMB_Distance_cm = beacon.m_layoutInfo.BMB_Distance_cm; return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { //if not boundary beacon then do next } BEACON reopeningBeacon = null; if (beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType() == BeaconType.Approach) { //find the reopen beacon string sigName = beacon.m_ibbmInfo.getLinkedSigName(); if (BEACON.SignamReBeaconDic.ContainsKey(sigName)) { string reopenBeaconName = BEACON.SignamReBeaconDic[sigName]; reopeningBeacon = beaconList.Find(x => x.Name == reopenBeaconName); } } else { reopeningBeacon = beacon; } if (null == reopeningBeacon) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} find reopen Beacon ERROR, can't get BMB_SDDB_distance"); return(false); } if (reopeningBeacon.BMB_Distance_cm <= 0) { int length = CalBeacon2SDDB(reopeningBeacon); if (length <= 0) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} can't get BMB_SDDB_distance"); return(false); } beacon.BMB_Distance_cm = length; } else { beacon.BMB_Distance_cm = reopeningBeacon.BMB_Distance_cm; } try { node.AppendChild("BMB_SDDB_distance", Sys.Cm2Meter(beacon.BMB_Distance_cm, 3).ToString("0.000")); //node.AppendChild("BMB_SDDB_distance", beacon.BMB_Distance_cm); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Beacon {beacon.Info} type={beacon.m_ibbmInfo.GetBeaconType()} calculate BMB_SDDB_distance {ex.Message}."); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// in this function will check and load beacon info from sydb.IBBM /// all LEU and Beacon from sydb.IBBM will be generate in this function /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool GenrateDeviceByIBBM() { bool rt = true; //BMGR-0016 LEUID start from 1 int LEUID = 1; //clear leu and beacon before add new data to them LEUList.Clear(); beaconList.Clear(); int IsAddBeacon; List <IBeaconInfo> list1 = sydb.GetBeacons(); // newly added to avoid outputting the same ID and name repeatedly //List<string> ibbmBeaconList = (from ibbmBeacon in sydb.ibbmInfoList select ibbmBeacon.Name); foreach (GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.IMPLEMENTATION_BEACON_BLOCK_MODE.BM_BEACON ibbm in sydb.ibbmInfoList)//search sydb.ibbm, LEUID should be same with this order { //IBeaconInfo layout = sydb.GetBeacons().Find(x => x.Name == ibbm.Name); // This line will repeat the output ID and Name IBeaconInfo layout = list1.Find(x => x.Name == ibbm.Name); //judge the beacon first, if this beacon is not exist in Beacons, then ignore this beacon and LEU if (null == layout) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"Beacon[{ibbm.Name}] exist in Implementation_Beacon_Block_Mode but not exist in Beacons."); continue; } if (false == layout.IsVariantBeacon()) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"Beacon[{ibbm.Name}] exist in Implementation_Beacon_Block_Mode but is Fixed Beacon."); continue; } BEACON newbeacon = new BEACON(layout, ibbm); beaconList.Add(newbeacon); if (newbeacon.m_Type == "Invalid") { continue; } int LEUidx = LEUList.FindIndex(x => x.Name == ibbm.LEU.LEU_Name); if (-1 == LEUidx)//if the LEU not exist, then create a new one { //BMGR-0016 set LEUID for each new LEU in IBBM order LEU newLEU = new LEU(ibbm.LEU.LEU_Name, LEUID, ibbm.CI_Name); ++LEUID;//LEU ID start from 1, add 1 for each diff one LEUList.Add(newLEU); LEUidx = LEUList.Count() - 1; } { //check LEU.BeaconOutNum IsAddBeacon = LEUList[LEUidx].AddBeacon(ibbm.LEU.Beacon_Output_number, ibbm.Name); //if (false == LEUList[LEUidx].AddBeacon(ibbm.LEU.Beacon_Output_number, ibbm.Name)) if (-1 == IsAddBeacon) { LEUList.RemoveAt(LEUidx); // new add to remove error LEU --LEUID; continue; } else if (-2 == IsAddBeacon) { //LEUList.RemoveAt(LEUidx); // new add to remove error LEU //--LEUID; TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"Beacon {ibbm.Info} will link to LEU {ibbm.LEU.Info} faild."); } } //BEACON newbeacon = new BEACON(layout, ibbm); //beaconList.Add(newbeacon); //if (newbeacon.m_Type == "Invalid") //{ // continue; //} } if (null == beaconList || beaconList.Count() <= 0) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, "GenrateDeviceByIBBM, after check IBBM and Beacons, no valid beacon can used to generate data"); return(false); } //check if exist variant beacon which in beacons but not in Implementation_Beacon_Block_Mode //foreach (IBeaconInfo beacon in sydb.GetBeacons()) foreach (IBeaconInfo beacon in list1) { if (true == beacon.IsVariantBeacon()) { int Bidx = beaconList.FindIndex(x => x.Name == beacon.Name); if (-1 == Bidx) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.WARNING, $"{beacon.Info} can't get vaild info from sydb.IBBM. BMVF file will generate no info for this beacon"); continue; } } } LEUList.ForEach(delegate(LEU name) // print LEU { Console.WriteLine(name.Name); }); return(rt); }
/// <summary> /// route_segment length, based on blk_list, check sddb /// </summary>//0035 /// <param name="blockList"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// //BMGR-0035 public int GetLength() { int len = 0; int startBIdx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_BlkLst.Count; ++i) { if (OrgSig.SDDId == m_BlkLst[i].Secondary_Detection_Device_ID && 0 != m_BlkLst[i].Secondary_Detection_Device_ID) { startBIdx = i; break; } } int endBIdx = m_BlkLst.Count - 1; if (m_BlkLst.Count() > 1) { //find signal located block GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK blk = SyDB.GetLocatedBlock(DstSig.Kp,DstSig.Track_ID); if (blk == null) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR,$"dstSignal{DstSig.Info} can't find located block"); return(-1); } if (SyDB.IsLocatedOnBlockBeginOrEnd(DstSig.Kp,DstSig.Track_ID,blk)) { if (m_BlkLst.Exists(s => s.ID == blk.ID) == false) { //the last one is the endBIdx, so donothing } else { endBIdx = m_BlkLst.FindIndex(s => s.ID == blk.ID); var preBlk = (GENERIC_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.BLOCKS.BLOCK)Sys.GetNode((int)(m_BlkLst[endBIdx - 1].ID),SyDB.GetInstance().blockInfoList.Cast <Node>().ToList()); if (SyDB.IsLocatedOnBlockBeginOrEnd(DstSig.Kp,DstSig.Track_ID,preBlk)) { endBIdx = endBIdx - 1;//route length end with preblk } else { //the located one is the endBIdx, so donothing } } } else {//the local block is the end one if (m_BlkLst.Exists(s => s.ID == blk.ID) == false) { m_BlkLst.Add(blk); ++endBIdx; } else { endBIdx = m_BlkLst.FindIndex(s => s.ID == blk.ID); } } } string log = ""; for (int i = startBIdx; i <= endBIdx; ++i) { len += m_BlkLst[i].GetBlockLen(); log += "[" + m_BlkLst[i].Info + "]"; } //TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"RouteSegment {Info} has blocks {log}"); return(len); }
public bool ReadcsvBeacon(string csvFileName) { beaconInfoList.Clear(); CsvFileReader csvFileRd = new CsvFileReader(csvFileName, Encoding.UTF8, ';'); int count = csvFileRd.RowCount; if (count <= 2) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Warning: {csvFileName} line number <=2, can't get beacon info."); return(false); } List <List <string> > data = csvFileRd.GetData(1, count); //get csv data List <string> headList = data[0]; for (int idx = 0; idx < headList.Count(); ++idx) { headList[idx] = headList[idx].ToLower(); } Func <string, int, string> readcsv = (colName, row) => { int col = headList.IndexOf(colName.ToLower()); if (1 <= col) { return(data[row][col].Trim()); } return(""); }; Func <string, int, Restriction, int> readintcsv = (colName, row, restri) => { string buff = readcsv(colName, row); int val = int.Parse(buff); if (restri.Validate(buff, colName) == false) { throw new Exception($"[{colName}] is invalid, read {buff}"); } return(val); }; //get first beacon line int start = 2; for (int i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { bool isNote = false; if (data[i][0].ToUpper() == "V") { for (int j = 0; j < csvFileRd.ColCount; ++j) { if (data[i][j].StartsWith("\"")) { isNote = true; break; } } } if (false == isNote) { start = i; break; } } //get restriction info Restriction res = new Restriction(@"./Config/Restriction.xml"); res.SetParentPath("BEACON_LAYOUT"); //for each line for (int i = start; i < count; ++i) { //check start if (data[i][0].ToUpper() == "V") { BeaconLayout beacon = new BeaconLayout(); try { beacon.Name = readcsv("Beacon_Name", i); beacon.BeaconVersion = readintcsv("Beacon_Version", i, res); beacon.ID = readintcsv("Beacon_ID", i, res); beacon.TrackID = readintcsv("Track_ID", i, res); = new KP_V(); // kp in csv file = finally kp = new StringData(DataOpr.Multi100(readcsv("Kp", i))); beacon.BeaconBM = readintcsv("Beacon_Block_Mode", i, res); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, $"Warning:load layout beacon {beacon.Name} fail {ex.Message}, ignore this beacon."); continue; } beaconInfoList.Add(beacon); } } if (0 == beaconInfoList.Count()) { return(false); } return(true); }
private bool Init() { if (isBin) { if (!File.Exists(leuComPath)) { string logMsg = string.Format("[{0}] the compile tool for bin file is not exist, please check!", leuComPath); TraceMethod.RecordInfo(logMsg); return(false); } } //read all LEU info from LEU_Result_Filtered_Values.xml try { LEU_filtered_values leurfxml = FileLoader.Load <LEU_filtered_values>(leuRF); LeuInfoList = leurfxml.LEU; } catch (System.Exception ex) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Read LEU file [{leuRF}] error {ex.Message}, please check!"); return(false); } //read LEU template info for each LEU.xml from LEUXMLTemplateExample.xml try { leuXmlTemplate = FileLoader.Load <LEUXML.LEU>(leuTF); } catch (System.Exception ex) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo("Read LEU XML Template file error {0}, please check!", ex.Message); return(false); } List <string> gidList = new List <string>(); string gidRepeatLog = ""; try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(gidTable); string line = null; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null && gidList.Count < LeuInfoList.Count * 3) { //the used GID table, should not be repeated if (gidList.Contains(line)) { gidRepeatLog += line + " "; continue; } if (line.Length == 16) { //add check of gid data } else if ("" == line) { continue; } else { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"invalid [{line}] in {gidTable}"); return(false); } gidList.Add(line); } sr.Close(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { TraceMethod.RecordInfo($"Read GID file [{gidTable}] error {ex.Message}, please check!"); return(false); } //read all the GID data from \\Config\\GID-Table.txt //BMGR-0062 //伪随机数不够,则返回false if (gidList.Count < LeuInfoList.Count * 3) { if ("" != gidRepeatLog) { gidRepeatLog = "Repeated gid: " + gidRepeatLog + " "; } gidRepeatLog += $" The data in GID-Table.txt has {gidList.Count} unique records, should be {LeuInfoList.Count * 3}!"; TraceMethod.Record(TraceMethod.TraceKind.ERROR, gidRepeatLog); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < LeuInfoList.Count; ++i) { GID gid = new GID(gidList[i * 3], gidList[(i * 3) + 1], gidList[(i * 3) + 2]); GidInfoList.Add(gid); } return(true); }