void Update() { #if UNITY_EDITOR || UNITY_STANDALONE || UNITY_LINUX if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Debug.Log("mouse left button down"); } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { Debug.Log("mouse right button down"); var mousePosition = Input.mousePosition; var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(mousePosition); RaycastHit Hit; Physics.Raycast(ray, out Hit); if (TouchEvent != null) { var touchResult = new TouchResult(); touchResult.firstTouchScreenPos = mousePosition; touchResult.hitInfo = Hit; TouchEvent(this, touchResult); } } #endif }
void Resolve(Vector2 touchPos, int fingerID) { TouchInfo touchInfo = touchInfos.Find(t => t.touchID == fingerID); if (touchInfo == null) { return; } Vector3 startPosition = touchInfo.touchPos; Vector3 newPosition = touchPos; float distance = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, newPosition); float deltaTime = Time.time - touchInfo.time; Vector3 direction = newPosition - startPosition; direction.Normalize(); TouchResult touchResult = new TouchResult(distance, deltaTime, direction); Swipeable swipeable = touchInfo.touchedObject.GetComponent <Swipeable>(); if (distance < clickDistanceThreshold) { swipeable.Touched(touchResult); } else { swipeable.Swipe(touchResult); } touchInfos.Remove(touchInfo); }
public void Touched(TouchResult touchResult) { if (onTouched != null) { onTouched(touchResult); } else { // Debug.LogError("Delegate for onTouched was not defined on GameObject: " + gameObject.name); } }
public void processDelegates(TouchResult touch) { foreach (TapDelegate tempDelegate in delegates) { if (tempDelegate != null) { tempDelegate(touch); } } }
public List <TouchResult> GetGesture(Touch[] touches) { RemovePreviousTapGesture(); DetectBeginTouches(touches); foreach (Touch touch in touches) { TouchResult foundGesture = touchGestureList.Find(i => i.FingerId == touch.fingerId); if (foundGesture == null || foundGesture.Type == 0) { TapCheck(touch); MovementCheck(touch); } else { if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { if (foundGesture.Type == 3 || foundGesture.Type == 4) // if foundGesture is scale or rotate, if one touch is ended, do not want second touch to be removed or continue returing gesture { foreach (var i in foundGesture.Touch) { UpdateListGesture(i, 6); // change to dead gesture for each linked touch } } if (foundGesture.Type == 2) { UpdateListGesture(touch, 6); } else // not scale or rotate { touchGestureList.Remove(foundGesture); } } else // not touch.ended. Therefore will update the locked gesture with the new touch { UpdateListTouches(touch, touch); } } } return(touchGestureList); }
void OnSwipe(TouchResult touchResult) { float dot = Vector2.Dot(new Vector2(0, 1), touchResult.direction); float angle = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(1, 0f), touchResult.direction); if (dot < 0) { angle = 360 - angle; } int trancheDangle; // Base if (angle > 260) { trancheDangle = 0; } else if (angle >= 0 && angle <= 100) { trancheDangle = 1; } else if (angle > 100 && angle <= 180) { trancheDangle = 2; } else { trancheDangle = 3; } GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent <PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdChangeMinionSide(name, unitID.GetPlayerIndex()); string nameToGo = GameSharedData.GetPlayerNumberNext(GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent <Unit_ID>(), trancheDangle).name; Debug.Log(trancheDangle + " " + nameToGo); GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent <PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdOrderMinionToMoveTo(name, nameToGo); }
void OnSwipe(TouchResult touchResult) { float dot = Vector2.Dot(new Vector2(0, 1), touchResult.direction); float angle = Vector2.Angle(new Vector2(1, 0f), touchResult.direction); if (dot < 0) { angle = 360 - angle; } int trancheDangle; // Base if (angle > 260) { trancheDangle = 0; } else if (angle >= 0 && angle <= 100) { trancheDangle = 1; } else if (angle > 100 && angle <= 180) { trancheDangle = 2; } else { trancheDangle = 3; } GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent<PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdChangeMinionSide(name, unitID.GetPlayerIndex()); string nameToGo = GameSharedData.GetPlayerNumberNext(GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent<Unit_ID>(), trancheDangle).name; Debug.Log(trancheDangle + " " + nameToGo); GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent<PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdOrderMinionToMoveTo(name, nameToGo); }
void OnSwipe(TouchResult touchResult) { Debug.Log("Swiped"); }
void OnTouched(TouchResult touchResult) { Debug.Log("Touched"); }
void OnTouched(TouchResult touchResult) { _unit_ID.GetComponent <PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdSpawnUnit(_typeToSpawn); Debug.Log("Touched"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { TouchManager.I = this; result = new TouchResult(); }
void Resolve(Vector2 touchPos, int fingerID) { TouchInfo touchInfo = touchInfos.Find(t => t.touchID == fingerID); if (touchInfo == null) { return; } Vector3 startPosition = touchInfo.touchPos; Vector3 newPosition = touchPos; float distance = Vector3.Distance(startPosition, newPosition); float deltaTime = Time.time - touchInfo.time; Vector3 direction = newPosition - startPosition; direction.Normalize(); TouchResult touchResult = new TouchResult(distance, deltaTime, direction); Swipeable swipeable = touchInfo.touchedObject.GetComponent<Swipeable>(); if (distance < clickDistanceThreshold) { swipeable.Touched(touchResult); } else { swipeable.Swipe(touchResult); } touchInfos.Remove(touchInfo); }
void OnTouched (TouchResult touchResult) { Debug.Log("Touched"); }
void OnTouched(TouchResult touchResult) { GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent<PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdOrderMinionToStop(name); }
void OnTouched(TouchResult touchResult) { _unit_ID.GetComponent<PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdSpawnUnit(_typeToSpawn); Debug.Log("Touched"); }
void OnTouched(TouchResult touchResult) { GameSharedData.GetLocalPlayer().GetComponent <PlayerAuthorityScript>().CmdOrderMinionToStop(name); }